Ming politicians

Chapter 1174 The Stubborn Huang Degong

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Hong Chengchou is not very familiar with Huang Degong, but they have met before. He led an army of [-] to attack Suzhou and Songjiang, and it was far from smooth. It can be said that the fight between him and Huang Degong this time fully demonstrated the strength of the battle. cruel.

After Huang Degong led an army of [-] troops to Suzhou and Songjiang Mansion, he had very strict requirements on discipline, and no acts of "harassing" the people were allowed. Therefore, the army was also welcomed by the local people. One of the most affluent places, there are many merchants here, the harvest on the land is also good, and the amount of taxes paid every year is also very considerable, because Huang Degong did not harass the people, did not cause trouble to the government, Suzhou Mansion and Songjiang The magistrate of the government also gave Huang Degong a certain amount of help after asking for instructions and reporting to the higher authorities, whether it was in terms of money or food and payment.

Huang Degong himself is brave in battle, and he doesn't have so many fancy intestines in his heart. He also has strict requirements on the sergeants below. All the officers under him, who have military exploits and bravery in battle, can be promoted. Therefore, the [-] army he led was indeed capable of fighting.Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou were all prepared for this.

However, the army led by Huang Deli was flawed in terms of numbers after all. There were 3 people stationed in Suzhou and 2 in Songjiang Mansion, facing the [-] troops of Jiangning Battalion.Facing the brave and powerful Jiangning battalion soldiers, failure is inevitable.

But Huang Degong is also smart.At the beginning of the battle, that is, after a few small-scale defeats, Huang Degong saw the situation clearly. The number of [-] sergeants was not many, and it was impossible to please the troops and fight against the Jiangning battalion. In a short time, Huang Degong voluntarily gave up Suzhou.The army retreated to Songjiang Mansion, so that it could hit the power. In fact, Huang Degong also wanted to let the army concentrate in Suzhou Mansion. Unfortunately, Hong Chengchou's movements were too fast, and the artillery of Jiangning Battalion was too fierce. He wanted to continue to occupy Suzhou Mansion and Jiangning Mansion. Battalion confrontation, there is no chance.

On the one hand, Huang Degong organized sergeants to gather in Songjiang Mansion.Taking advantage of familiarity with the terrain, they fought with the Jiangning camp. On the other hand, they also wrote letters to Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande, imploring the troops stationed in Changzhou Prefecture and other places to come to support them. Can solve the current passive situation.It might even be possible to win.

The development of the situation soon exceeded Huang Degong's expectations.

The troops stationed in Guangde Prefecture and Ningguo Mansion were defeated and wiped out by the Jiangning Battalion in a short period of time, and the troops stationed in Changzhou quickly withdrew.Back in Nanjing, as for the army stationed in Huizhou Prefecture.Temporary news, it is estimated that there is no hope. [

After ten days passed, Huang Degong knew that he might have no hope of winning, and his original plan fell through completely.

Ningguo Mansion, Guangde Prefecture, and Changzhou Mansion were completely occupied by the Jiangning Camp. The situation of Huizhou Mansion is not particularly clear, but it will be lost sooner or later.

Occupying such a huge advantage, Su Tiancheng didn't even send an army to reinforce him. He was about to defeat him by relying on the army led by Hong Chengchou. This condition has already been met, and the army stationed in Songjiang Mansion has no way to retreat. , All the official roads were controlled by the Jiangning Battalion, and the army had no chance to retreat.It was also at this time that Huang Degong understood why he did not encounter a fierce attack from the Jiangning battalion when he led the army to retreat to Songjiang Mansion in the early battle. It turned out that they wanted to let the army led by him enter Songjiang Mansion Yes, this formed a siege. If the choice at that time was to abandon Suzhou and Songjiang Mansion, try to withdraw the army to Changzhou or simply go to Nanjing, and strive to completely break out of the siege and preserve strength, I am afraid that the tragic fight has already begun. .

Sticking to Songjiang Fucheng, all contact with the outside world was cut off, and he didn't know what happened outside.

The strange thing is that the army led by Hong Chengchou did not launch an attack, but surrounded it quietly.

This made Huang Degong a little confused, but he didn't care about so much anymore. The most important thing now is to stabilize the army. Without support, it is certain, and the final failure is also certain. Under such circumstances, if you want to achieve It is not that simple to be loyal to the imperial court and want to kill one's life for benevolence. He Huang Degong is willing, but the sergeants below may not be completely willing.

As for the matter of surrender, Huang Degong didn't think about it at all, despite Hong Chengchou's letter.

The reason why Hong Chengchou didn't launch an attack immediately was that he wanted to recruit Huang Degong. The sergeants led by Huang Degong really had extraordinary combat effectiveness. It was something any commander would be willing to do to recruit such sergeants into the Jiangning Camp. Of course, Hong Chengchou did not launch an attack immediately, but he also wanted to minimize casualties. Huizhou Prefecture, Ningguo Prefecture, Guangde Prefecture, Changzhou Prefecture, and Suzhou Prefecture were all occupied by the Jiangning Camp. The only thing left in the first phase of the campaign is Songjiang Mansion is now, it can be said that the victory is close at hand, there is no need to be too anxious at such a time, not to mention that Su Tiancheng has no intention of sending a large army to reinforce it.

Hong Chengchou had already sent two letters to Huang Degong, admonishing Huang Degong to give up resistance. The first time was when he was in Suzhou, Hong Chengchou clearly told Huang Degong in the letter that resistance was hopeless. Of course, that time When writing the letter, Hong Chengchou didn't have much hope, and he didn't even think of success. It was not because he had been vaccinated in advance. After all, the fight had not yet begun. After that, Huang Degong led the army to withdraw to Songjiang Mansion. After entering the city, Hong Chengchou wrote again. , this time he was determined.

He has always kept Su Tiancheng's words in mind. For generals like Huang Degong and his sergeants, he tried his best to recruit them to surrender. Huang Degong himself didn't even think about being able to survive.

Hong Chengchou has a different understanding. He thinks that a general like Huang Degong is not a single-minded person. As long as you can really defeat him and use appropriate methods to influence him, Huang Degong can still become a brave general in the Jiangning camp, at least not as good as He How much difference between people and dragons.It's a pity that Su Tiancheng's order was clear, and Hong Chengchou could only execute it.

Huang Degong received the second letter, and the army was surrounded in Songjiang Mansion.

The situation we are facing is very severe. The Songjiang Mansion at this time is not the Shanghai that will be hundreds of years later. The key is that shipping has not yet been fully developed. The imperial court's ban on seas leaves little room for Songjiang Mansion to develop. More than 4 troops entered Songjiang Mansion. The consumption of food alone was a very heavy burden. The army gathered in Songjiang Mansion was a decision made out of desperation. There was no such plan, and the food prepared was not much. Knowing that the Songjiang Mansion originally had only [-] troops stationed there, the number of troops suddenly doubled, and it must be difficult to supply them.

Another biggest problem is that Songjiang Mansion cannot get supplies at all. Suzhou Mansion and Changzhou Mansion are completely occupied by the Jiangning Camp. Even if the court wants to supply, they can’t send them in. Besides, Huang Degong is not stupid. He made it from Zhu Yousong. Judging from many arrangements, Nanjing has already abandoned Songjiang Mansion, and is preparing to defend Nanjing, Fengyang and other places.

Under such circumstances, Huang Degong still did not consider surrendering. [

This is a rare situation. In fact, in the army, there are not many people who are really willing to fight to the death. Needless to say, ordinary sergeants, the key is the officers at all levels, but these officers obey Huang Degong's command.

Huang Degong's thinking is indeed relatively simple. As a soldier, the shroud of horse leather is the greatest ideal. As for surrender, it is a disgrace to the soldier, and such a situation must never happen.

Regarding Hong Chengchou's second letter, Huang Degong still chose to ignore it, or even not reply.

This is Huang Degong's stubbornness, a very cute stubbornness, but it is a pity that it is not used in the right place.

After waiting for three days, Hong Chengchou did not receive any news. He knew very well that Huang Degong had made up his mind.

There are two ways to attack Songjiang Fucheng. The first way is to siege, let the army inside choose to break out of the siege, which can reduce their own casualties. The second way is to attack by force. First, rely on the artillery battalion to open the gap, and then the army will kill Go in, there must be more casualties in such an attack.

All the soldiers have already been prepared, especially He Renlong, who once again served as the vanguard officer, is even more impatient. This time he followed Hong Chengchou to attack Suzhou and Songjiang, but he has not won a big victory. Look at Liu Wenxiu and others occupied so many places and wiped out more than [-] Ming troops. It's uncomfortable to be compared.

Hong Chengchou finally made up his mind to take a strong attack. This was also a decision made in light of the actual situation. After all, the main purpose of the battle was to occupy Nanjing and other places. For the victory of "sex", it is impossible for the army to dawdle alone for Huang Degong. Since Huang Degong was given ample opportunities, Huang Degong gave up by himself, so he can't blame others.

On the second day of August in the 16th year of Chongzhen, the battle to attack Songjiang Fucheng began.

The rumbling artillery fire covered up everything above the city wall, and all that could be seen was the soaring dust. . .

Holding a telescope, Hong Chengchou looked at all this without much smile on his face. He felt sorry for Huang Degong. In his heart, he still admired Huang Degong and was able to resist to the death. Nowadays, there are not many civil and military ministers who can do this.

Day and night passed, and the siege battle was over.

When Huang Degong, who was covered in bruises, was escorted to Hong Chengchou, Hong Chengchou personally held a bowl of wine and saw Huang Degong off. Huang Degong was not polite, and drank the bowl of wine with a smile. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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