Ming politicians

Chapter 1176 The price of infighting

After receiving Zhu Yousong's memorial, Zhu Youjian was not only angry, but also frightened.He never imagined that in such a short period of time, Su Tiancheng was able to win Zhejiang and Fujian, and in the battle of attacking Nanzhili, he was so brave that nearly 20 Ming troops were wiped out. The current situation is , the number of troops stationed in Nanzhili is obviously not enough. What is even more frightening is that the troops under Zuo Liangyu and Huang Degong have been wiped out, and the defense of the south is completely empty. After Su Tiancheng takes down Nanzhili, it is equivalent to Taken the whole South.

Pursuing responsibility is one aspect. The more important thing is to defend Nanjing and control Su Tiancheng's marching pace. Losing Nanzhili means losing the south, and Su Tiancheng cannot easily lead the entire country. In the south, that would be a fatal blow to the imperial court.

After ascending to the throne, in order to be able to continue the rule of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youjian suffered a lot. This kind of suffering was mainly reflected in his heart. After finally seeing hope, it was because of Su Tiancheng's rise, because Su Tiancheng threatened him. Imperial power, which led to the current situation.

Zhu Youjian is not completely desperate. He still has enough troops to rely on, that is, the Datong Frontier Army and the Liaodong Frontier Army. After Shi Kefa and Wang Daozhi were transferred to Liaodong and Datong, they expanded the army according to his secret decree. The mutual market with Jingbian is basically directly controlled by the Governor of Datong Wang Daozhi. The purpose is to solve the issue of military pay and food. As for Liaodong, with the support of Liao pay, the situation of the court is much better.It is also possible to expand the army on a large scale.

It has been less than a year since Su Tiancheng rebelled.The Liaodong frontier army has expanded to nearly 30 people, which is about the same size as before, and the Datong frontier army has also expanded to 15 people. Zhu Youjian's strong support is for these hundreds of thousands of troops. As for the combat effectiveness of the army, Zhu Youjian Youjian couldn't think of it that far.

After receiving the report, the next step is how to deal with it.Severe punishment is inevitable, but the matter of how to divide the responsibilities makes Zhu Youjian hesitate.

Wang Chengen was the first person who could express his opinion, and he was also Zhu Youjian's most trusted eunuch.

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that the battle in Nanzhili has reached such a level. Qin Sande must bear the main responsibility. This servant once lifted Qin Sande, so this servant is also responsible..."

Wang Chengen blamed Qin Sande blindly, without any intention of protecting him, and even mentioned his own responsibility, which Zhu Youjian did not expect.After reading the memorial several times, he has always been a little "confused", why most of the responsibility falls on Qin Sande, even if there are some problems with Qin Sande's deployment.But in the early stage, Qin Sande decisively dealt with Zuo Liangyu and stabilized the 20 army.If Qin Sande hadn't made this move, there might have been internal strife in Nanzhili long ago. Once Zuo Liangyu took refuge in Su Tiancheng, Su Tiancheng might be able to occupy Nanzhili without making a move. [

"I don't want to hear these things. I've always been suspicious. Qin Sande used to be the supervisor of the Jiangning Camp. No matter what he said, he was familiar with many things on the battlefield, but Zhu Yousong was not familiar with anything. Could it be that you are unwilling to learn and ask for advice..."

Having been by Zhu Youjian's side for a long time, Wang Chengen already knew what to say. If he directly protects Qin Sande, it will definitely not work. If the emperor wants to show his own wisdom, he will naturally analyze many situations. Especially at this time, The more you put the responsibility on one person, the emperor will become suspicious. During this process, the emperor's mind gradually changed.

The key to Wang Chengen's grasp is the emperor's mind. Because of Su Tiancheng's rebellion and Zhu Shenxuan's betrayal, the emperor's mind was aroused. Everyone knows what happened to Yingzong back then, including Ming Chengzu Zhu Di. Zhu Shenxuan stood up to support Su Tiancheng, who proclaimed himself emperor, which made Su Tiancheng take the initiative in public opinion a lot, and it is very likely that this scene will happen in the future. At that time, with Zhu Shenxuan, Zhu Yousong and others, Su Tiancheng will ascend the throne Isn't it a matter of course.

In other words, it is also possible for Zhu Yousong and others to become puppet emperors.

This is what the emperor is most worried about. As for the eunuchs, the power is given by the emperor and can be taken back at any time. It is impossible to threaten the emperor's position. From this point of view, the eunuchs are absolutely loyal to the emperor. Regarding the matter of the slave, as long as Wang Chengen grasped this point, he would be able to make a comeback for Qin Sande and make Qin Sande retreat completely.

Sure enough, the subject of the emperor began to change.

"I have seen some memorials. After the defeat of the army, Qin Sande was unwell. Everything was decided by Zhu Yousong. Nanzhili is the focus of the imperial court. How can you handle things hastily at such a critical moment... "

The emperor began to target Zhu Yousong, but it was an instinctive worry, and Wang Chengen understood what it meant.At this time, he couldn't speak ill of Zhu Yousong, but had to sum up Qin Sande's faults.

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that everything is Qin Sande's fault, right? As the Emperor said, at such an important moment, it is unreasonable for Qin Sande to let Mr. Zhu bear the heavy responsibility alone..."

Zhu Youjian's face changed a little, and he spoke before Wang Chengen finished speaking.

"Qin Sande is indeed responsible, but I can't completely blame Qin Sande for this matter. Zhu Yousong is the secretary of the Ministry of War and the commander I appointed. At the critical moment, he couldn't play a role, but he was in the middle of the memorial. , put all the responsibility on Qin Sande, I don't think this matter is easy."

Speaking of what Wang Chengen said before, Zhu Youjian might suspect that there is some connection between Wang Chengen and Zhu Yousong, and always help Zhu Yousong to speak. , the relationship is even less likely to be very close, but so many years have passed, he knows Wang Chengen's loyalty, and there is no need to doubt it. From a positive emotional understanding, Wang Chengen probably considered the situation in the court. In order to proceed from the overall situation, Blame all the responsibility on Qin Sande. You must know that Qin Sande was blamed by Wang Chengen.

Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian felt more and more that Wang Chengen was loyal and able to self-criticize and not protect his weaknesses. Unknowingly, he began to shift his attention to Zhu Yousong. Zhu Yousong didn't understand the military deployment. There is no doubt that Qin Sande must be in charge of many things, but in the middle and later stages, it is basically Zhu Yousong who is in charge. What is the reason for this?

Zhu Shenxuan's betrayal dealt a great blow to Zhu Youjian. Moreover, Zhu Shenxuan was once the second assistant of the cabinet and the king of Jin in Ming Dynasty. With such an honorable status, he all relied on Su Tiancheng. Who knows what Zhu Yousong thought? You must know that the relationship between Zhu Yousong and Su Tiancheng is very good.

Zhu Youjian, who was already suspicious, thought of this, and couldn't sit still anymore. You must know that Zhu Yousong was the one who spoke about everything in Nanzhili. If Zhu Yousong's thoughts changed, he was ready to join Su Tiancheng , the consequences will be serious. [

Zhu Youjian thought of Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant of the cabinet. You can see what Zhou Yanru's opinion is on this matter. After all, the cabinet should come up with opinions on such a big matter.

The cabinet quickly deliberated.

When Zhou Yanru entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the expression on his face was anxious. The emperor asked the cabinet to discuss such a big matter. Regarding the issue of going to the Liberation Army, this is not a good job. Most people are unwilling to go, at least senior officials of the third rank or above are eligible to go to Nanzhili.In the final discussion of the cabinet, Qian Qianyi proposed on his own initiative that he was willing to go to Nanzhili.

It is of course a good thing that the Cabinet Master came forward to command.

Zhou Yanru, who has always looked down on Qian Qianyi, now has a much better impression of Qian Qianyi.

The report was very straightforward. Zhou Yanru didn't hesitate, and quickly expressed the cabinet's deliberations. Both Qin Sande and Zhu Yousong should bear the responsibility. The actual situation decides.

During the process of Zhou Yanru's report, the emperor's face was not good-looking.

Zhou Yanru quickly understood that he had actually tried his best. It is said that the memorial clearly stated that the main responsibility was Qin Sande, but Zhou Yanru still believed that the memorial was not necessarily credible and that investigation was still needed. If the size of the responsibility is clarified, then anything is possible.

But the emperor's attitude made Zhou Yanru understand that the emperor needs to make a decision, someone needs to take responsibility, and the emperor already has an opinion in his heart.

Zhou Yanru bit the bullet and spoke.

"Your Majesty, I think that Eunuch Qin and Lord Zhu are both responsible for the defeat in Nanzhili. If you want to talk about the size of the responsibility, I think that Lord Zhu is more responsible. Anyway, Lord Zhu is the coach. , Eunuch Qin is the supervisor of the army, the two discuss important matters, and the final decision needs to be made by Mr. Zhu..."

A few simple words, followed by too many twists and turns.

When he walked out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, there was no smile on Zhou Yanru's face. He knew very well that the emperor's attitude was clear. Wang Chengen must have made great contributions. The emperor trusted the eunuchs around him, including Jin Yiwei. Those people lack trust in the civil and military ministers in the court, and it is good not to doubt them.

People's fate today may be their own tomorrow. Zhou Yanru understands this simple truth. According to the current development trend, the power of eunuchs will become more and more powerful, and the conflict between court ministers and eunuchs will soon erupt. This is almost impossible to avoid, and the matter of Qin Sande and Zhu Yousong is likely to become the fuse.

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