Ming politicians

Chapter 1177 The price of infighting

(Thanks to Lajiu and Han Fengqing for their valuable monthly votes, thanks to "Misty" xomang for their valuable evaluation votes, and thanks to those who chose to take the middle route, thank you.)

When Cao Huachun rushed to Nanzhili to proclaim the decree, his heart was bitter. He had been in the palace for so many years, and he had been trying to compete with Wang Chengen for power, but unfortunately he always failed. Only Cao Huachun understands the meaning of a position with a limited reputation. He is far away from the emperor and the palace. Without receiving the order, he is not allowed to enter the palace easily. For eunuchs who rely on the emperor to gain power, this means being favored weakened.

When Cao Huachun finally understood that he was fighting for power with Wang Chengen, Qin Sande and other eunuchs had already taken the position, and Cao Huachun, unwilling to be left behind, began to curry favor with Wang Chengen, so he barely kept his position in the palace.

This time I accepted the imperial decree and went to Nanzhili to supervise the army. It can be described as bittersweet. Both Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande will return to the capital, and they will return to the capital as prisoners. Zhu Yousong was removed from the Ministry of War. As a post, Qian Qianyi, a cabinet scholar, concurrently served as Minister of the Ministry of War, commanding the defense and offense of Southern Zhili.With such an arrangement, Cao Huachun's burden is not so heavy, and the main responsibility is obviously on Qian Qianyi's body.

But the problem still exists. Qian Qianyi has never had a good impression of eunuchs, and has never had any public or private contact with eunuchs. He said that he was awarded an important duty this time, and he had nothing to do with him as a military supervisor. comminicate.

Besides, being sent to Nanzhili to serve as the supervisor of the army, anyone can see it.This is a matter of jumping into a fire pit, and Nanzhili has become an out-and-out front line.It was even more dangerous than Liaodong. Maybe when Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning battalion, he would take down the entire Southern Zhili. Cao Huachun, the supervising army, still had no good ending.

Because he was going to Nanzhili to declare the decree, Cao Huachun went first, and Qian Qianyi set off later.

The situation in Nanzhili is tense.Due to his duties, Cao Huachun did not dare to waste time, gritted his teeth and insisted, and rushed to Nanzhili with the fastest speed.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is an important festival, and the common people attach great importance to it. In addition, the moon cakes in Nanjing are very famous because of the coming of the festival.The officials in Nanzhili temporarily forgot about the attack, and even Zhu Yousong secretly gave gifts to the army stationed inside and outside Nanjing after such a long period of operation.The number reached 11. Relying on these troops and the tight defense of Nanjing City, they would definitely be able to resist Su Tiancheng's attack. [

The memorial has been submitted to the imperial court, and I believe that the imperial court will issue an imperial decree soon.In Zhu Yousong's view, it is inevitable that he will encounter some reprimands.As for Qin Sande, he probably has to leave Nanjing.

The connection between Zhu Yousong and Sun Tai is getting closer and closer, especially in terms of how to defend Nanjing City and how to deploy troops, they are almost all discussed by the two of them. Although Qin Sande is still in Nanjing, it seems to have disappeared. , Don't ask about anything, just stay in the room every day, don't go anywhere.

Qin Sande's goal was basically achieved, although he was not particularly satisfied. For example, Sun Tai, the Minister of War in Nanzhili, did not encounter many things, but Zhu Yousong was completely finished. The content of the imperial edict and the turmoil in the capital, He knows everything well, and Dongchang has made all the preparations. Zhu Yousong should not think about being able to return to the capital. He will lose his life halfway. Written instead.

Looking at the busy Zhu Yousong in the official post, Qin Sande is cold-hearted and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Since Zhu Yousong is so confident, let's taste the final bitter fruit for himself.

Cao Huachun did not go directly to the official post, but entered the imperial palace in Nanjing.

Zhu Yousong, Qin Sande, Sun Tai and others had already been waiting in the palace.

When Cao Huachun announced the decree, only Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande participated.

"...I am deeply disappointed, and immediately removed Zhu Yousong from the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, sent to the capital for interrogation, and removed Qin Sande from the post of supervisor of the army, and went to the capital to interrogate..."

The stunned Zhu Yousong even forgot to thank En, and was quickly prepared by Jin Yiwei and Dongchang Fanzi to remove his official hat and put on shackles. As for Qin Sande, he was going to the capital to question the crime, and he did not need to be escorted. There is no need to suffer such treatment, and Qin Sande's eunuch who holds the pen and the official of Dongchang are still in their positions, who would dare to offend.

Zhu Yousong woke up, his eyes turned red in an instant, and he turned his head to look at Qin Sande. Unfortunately, Zhu Yousong woke up too late, and the matter has come to an end. He returned to Tianli, thinking about Sun Tai's reminder at the beginning, thinking about Qin Sande's long The health of time is not good, and people are doing big things for such an imperial edict.

Zhu Yousong wanted to speak, but it was a pity that Jin Yiwei and Dongchang Fanzi, who were escorting him, had already been instructed that there would be no chance, and someone immediately stuffed a cork into Zhu Yousong's mouth, making Zhu Yousong unable to speak.

The next day was the Mid-Autumn Festival. The guilty Qin Sande was unwilling to stay in Nanjing any longer. He had long nights and many dreams. He still had things to do on the way, so he left Nanjing after a brief handover with Cao Huachun.

Everyone set off at Maoshi, and they didn't see each other all night. When they saw Zhu Yousong again, even Qin Sande was very surprised. Zhu Yousong's hair was half gray, and he couldn't speak. Jin Yiwei and Dongchang's fans had a lot of ways. If Zhu Yousong can't speak, he can't tell any grievances. As for how to meet the emperor after returning to the capital, it's even more so-called. In the eyes of everyone, Zhu Yousong is already dead.

The route Qin Sande chose was to go directly to Henan via Chuzhou and Luzhou.

Two days later, everyone left Yingtian Mansion and entered Chuzhou. The impatient Qin Sande began to implement his plan. [

The irony is that Qin Sande is still the most honorable person in the escort along the way, and there are special personnel to serve everything, but Zhu Yousong has no such luck. You must know that Jin Yiwei and Dongchang Fanzi who went to Nanjing to perform missions , were all directly approved by Wang Chengen, and it was very clear what to do. In the eyes of these people, Qin Sande was still a high-ranking eunuch holding a pen and the factory owner of Dongchang.

Qin Sande looked at Zhu Yousong with a haggard face, and spoke with an expression on his face.

"Lord Zhu, the imperial court must be held accountable for the defeat of the Southern Zhili army. The imperial decree has already come down, and Lord Zhu understands the reason. There are some things in our family that I didn't want to say at first. There is a letter here in our family. After Mr. Zhu read it, he signed it or pressed his fingerprints. All the problems were solved. Our family will definitely treat Mr. Zhu’s family well. You can rest assured that Mr. Zhu, as long as it is our family Speak up, people in the capital dare to touch your family."

Zhu Yousong's face was a little distorted. He thought of all the possibilities these days. Judging from the content of the imperial decree, he assumed all the responsibilities, but when he arrived in the capital, he could always see the emperor, and Nanzhi Sun Tai, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Ma Shiying, Governor of Fengyang, were always able to stand up and testify, but he was still negligent. Since Qin Sande had made all the preparations, how could he not have thought of this.

After being fed dumb medicine, Zhu Yousong couldn't speak, and his anger could only be shown on his face.

A fan from Dongchang held up a letter and asked Zhu Yousong to read the contents.

Looking at it, Zhu Yousong's body began to tremble violently, and his face turned red, but unfortunately he couldn't speak, otherwise he could say any vicious words.

Perhaps in order to stimulate Zhu Yousong even more, Qin Sande spoke again.

"Master Zhu definitely doesn't want to sign on it, and our family can understand it, but our family's ugly words must be said first. Even if Master Zhu doesn't sign, our family can think of a way. In short, Master Zhu will shoulder the responsibility alone. Well, the matter has come to an end, our family also advises Mr. Zhu, the so-called one who knows the current affairs is a hero, your lord has no chance, if your lord insists on not signing, our family will not dare to protect your family, your lord knows the system of the imperial court .”

These few words hit Zhu Yousong's vital point. Of course he knew the court system, and he also knew Qin Sande's power. The great eunuch who the emperor spoke of, it is impossible to see the emperor. Tonight is Zhu Yousong's last day in the world. When things have come to this point, it is better to admit defeat and take the blame, in exchange for a piece of peace for the family , as long as King Fu is not implicated.

Facts cannot always be concealed, and will eventually be exposed. I am afraid that at that time, it will be time for Zhu Yousong to avenge his injustice.

Without too much hesitation, Zhu Yousong picked up a pen and signed his name on the letter.

Qin Sande carefully put away the letter, and before leaving the house, he spoke to Dongchang fanzi.

"Master Zhu's status is unusual, so he made it neater."

Capital City, Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Looking at Qin Sande who was kneeling in front of him, looking at the letter of apology written by Zhu Yousong, and knowing that Zhu Yousong "suicide" apologized, Zhu Youjian didn't have too many thoughts. He, Wang Chengen, Zhou Yanru and others had already discussed it. After that, Zhu Yousong still has something to worry about, because of the disastrous defeat in Nanzhili, Yan faced the court, Yan faced the family, and chose to "suicide". At first, he thought about holding Zhu Yousong's family members accountable, but now it seems unnecessary. In addition, Wang Chengen and others People also persuaded.

Now that Zhu Yousong has assumed the responsibility alone, and there is a clear letter of apology, there is no need to hold Qin Sande accountable, not to mention that Zhu Youjian has to rely on Dongchang to do things.

After saying a few words of reprimand without pain, Zhu Youjian got up and left.

Qin Sande overcame the difficulty in this way.

Zhu Youjian would not have imagined that the bad influence of this matter is far from over. Although Zhu Yousong was wronged, there are still many people who know the facts, and Zhu Yousong also made some preparations when he was in Nanjing. Some of the family letters written down were all kept by Sun Tai on his behalf. These family letters became a time bomb that completely shook the foundation of the imperial court. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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