Ming politicians

Chapter 1178 Qian Qianyi's Confusion

Qian Qianyi thinks that he can still receive a lot of support when he arrives in Nanjing. At least the headquarters of Donglin Academy is in Nanjing. It is inevitable to receive the support of Nanjing scholars, and these scholars have great influence. Scholars agitate the support of all walks of life in Nanjing, and they will be able to resist the Jiangning camp's attack very well.Back then, Yuan Chonghuan worked hard on Ningyuan City and defeated several attacks by Nurhachi and Huang Taiji. Since then, his reputation in the court has been greatly shaken. Qian Qianyi believes that he can do the same, making Nanjing City as solid as a rock, and Su Tiancheng can do nothing.

So when he came to Nanjing, Qian Qianyi was full of confidence. Unfortunately, he had too little contact with Cao Huachun, and Qian Qianyi was very dissatisfied with many things that happened in the capital. Jinyiwei and Dongchang The civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty dared not speak too much, including the cabinet, because of the influence of this situation, Qian Qianyi never thought of respecting Cao Huachun.

After Qian Qianyi came to Nanjing, there was no welcome of flowers. The first thing he encountered was that Sun Tai defended Zhu Yousong, or explained the situation. At this time, the news of Zhu Yousong's "suicide" had already spread to Nanjing. For many officials in Nanzhili, the blow was very big.

Qian Qianyi didn't pay special attention to Zhu Yousong's matter. It was a matter appointed by the emperor. He couldn't express any opinions, but he could still analyze some of the battles inside. Zhu Yousong must have been wronged. Back then, the emperor Deciding to let Zhu Yousong lead the resistance of Nanzhili as Minister of the Ministry of War. On the surface, it seems that Zhu Yousong is reused. In fact, it is suspicious of Zhu Yousong. Generally, a discerning person can be sure.Qin Sande must be directly responsible for the actual deployment of the campaign.

Zhu Yousong "committed suicide" on the way back to the capital, Qin Sande came back unscathed, and did not receive any substantive "substantial" punishment, which seemed too unfair.

After Qian Qianyi came to Nanjing, his first concern was not the deployment of the campaign.Instead, he was concerned about the situation of Donglin Academy, including the thoughts of scholars in Nanjing, etc. He did not first meet Sun Tai, Shangshu of the Nanjing Military Department, and Ma Shiying, Governor of Fengyang, but summoned many representatives of scholars, including many Donglin scholars. A student of Lin Academy.

Those who followed Qian Qianyi to Nanjing also included Huang Tingping, Yi Ligao, and Zou Pingzhang from the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Everyone knew that Huang Tingping, who was called the third son of Donglin, was Qian Qianyi. favorite student.This time Qian Qianyi came to Nanjing to supervise the battle, and he brought his favorite student with him, which shows his firm attitude.

The summoning of the scholars in Nanjing was an unprecedented event, because Huang Tingping and others were able to organize the meeting and the meeting was very successful. The scholars condemned Su Tiancheng's rebellion with one voice.There were also agitated scholars who cursed Su Tiancheng on the spot.Said that Su Tiancheng is inferior to pigs and dogs, etc. Seeing this situation, Qian Qianyi was very happy. He called himself a great Confucian, and he was a leader among literati. Of course, he paid attention to the power of literati.

But Sun Tai's initiative to visit.Qian Qianyi's confidence and joy were interrupted. [

During this period of time, Sun Tai's life was difficult. Since Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande left Nanjing, he was directly responsible for the main defense tasks, even though he had made all the preparations.But Sun Tai still had no confidence in his heart, probably because Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ning Ying were too famous, and the Ming army suffered a terrible defeat in the battles in Ningguo Mansion and Songjiang Mansion.

After learning that Zhu Yousong took all the responsibility for the defeat of the army and "suicide", Sun Tai couldn't believe it. He and Zhu Yousong discussed defense matters many times. Sometimes, Zhu Yousong also talked about his own worries, but he always believed that the court would It was dealt with impartially, who knows what the end will be like this, Sun Tai never believed that Zhu Yousong would "suicide", he thought there was a great injustice in it.

Therefore, after Qian Qianyi came to Nanjing, Sun Tai sat down and made sufficient preparations. While reporting the defense deployment of Nanjing City, he must also avenge Zhu Yousong. Whether he can achieve his goal is another matter, at least Qian Qianyi can be here. The attitude shown on the one hand is the greatest comfort to the officials and sergeants in Nanzhili.

Sun Tai carefully kept the letters left by Zhu Yousong, and he dared not let anyone know. The current situation is still unclear, and these letters must not be leaked out, otherwise Sun Tai may also face great danger up.

When Qian Qianyi came to Nanjing, he also lived in the official post.What's interesting is that Cao Huachun lived in the imperial palace, which indicates that when the commander in charge of the defense of Nanjing and the supervising army have important matters to discuss, they need the officials below to contact them to confirm the two A place to meet and discuss.

When he saw Sun Tai enter the room, Qian Qianyi had a smile on his face. In fact, when he came to Nanjing, the first thing he needed to meet was Sun Tai, to understand the situation of Nanjing's defense deployment. However, when he was in the capital, Qian Qianyi Qian Yi had faintly heard that the connection between Sun Tai and Zhu Yousong was very close, but Zhu Yousong "committed suicide", and the emperor did not express any other attitude. Ty's connection is too strong.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Sun Tai began to report on the defense deployment of Nanjing City.

During this process, Qian Qianyi was a little absent-minded.

After Sun Tai reported the defense deployment of Nanjing City, he quickly changed the topic and talked about Zhu Yousong's matter.

"...My lord, the defense deployment of Nanjing City that I just reported was all arranged and implemented by Lord Zhu. This official is only assisting. Lord Zhu has worked hard for the imperial court. This official is watching it. Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhu took the main responsibility for the defeat of Guangde Prefecture and Ningguo Mansion and other places. In fact, the reasons for this are known to the lower officials, and many officials and soldiers are also clear."

Qian Qianyi coughed and interrupted Sun Tai's words.

"Master Sun, I came to Nanjing mainly to care about Nanjing's defense deployment. As for other matters, the imperial court has its own opinion. Lord Sun has a heavy responsibility, so I should pay more attention to the affairs of Nanzhili. I have some words to say. I don’t want to say that, as Minister of the Ministry of War in Southern Zhili and the governor of Zhizhe, Mr. Sun was at fault for losing Zhejiang. The court considered that Mr. Sun had just arrived in Nanzhili, and the time was not long, and he was not familiar with many situations. , so there was no convict, under such circumstances, I suggest that Lord Sun should think about how to defeat Su Tiancheng, defeat the Jiangning camp, and let Nanzhili settle down."

Qian Qianyi's words were like a basin of cold water, which chilled Sun Tai's heart.

Sun Tai understood many things in an instant. It seems that the opinions in the imperial court have long been unified. As for what they really want, not many people will care. Qian Qianyi, as a cabinet scholar, faced such an important matter. Not wanting to pursue the true idea, but just thinking about the defense of Nanjing City is a very clear attitude.

In the imperial court, there is a powerful force protecting Qin Sande, Zhu Yousong's grievances, there is no place to appeal. [

Seeing Sun Tai in a daze, Qian Qianyi picked up the teacup, which meant seeing off the guests.

Qian Qianyi didn't pay attention to the defensive deployment of Nanjing City. He didn't care about Zhu Yousong's grievances. He didn't know what the cabinet scholar was going to do when he came to Nanjing City. Tai didn't think about visiting at all, Qin Sande left him a bad impression.

Leaving the official post, Sun Tai sighed secretly.

The blood was not getting attention, and the darkness in the court was distressing. At this time, Sun Tai had already begun to change his mind. The previous resistance was not so strong. In Qian Qianyi's words, it revealed that The clues came out, how could Sun Tai, who had been immersed in officialdom for so many years, not understand.

Zhu Yousong took full responsibility for the defeat of Guangde Prefecture and Ningguo Mansion and other places. Although Zhu Yousong was very wronged, if Nanjing City fell, who would bear this responsibility? Qian Qianyi is impossible, and Cao Huachun is even more He won't take responsibility, and he, Sun Tai, is the most suitable for counting and counting. At that time, he will lose the responsibility of Zhejiang and Nanzhili, and he will bear it alone. I am afraid that the ending will be even worse than Zhu Yousong.

It is impossible for Sun Tai to be ignorant of what Su Tiancheng did in Fujian and Zhejiang. Sun Tai is in favor of some of these policies. In fact, many officials in Nanjing are in favor of it, especially in terms of increasing the treatment of officials. Of course, there are also those who oppose it, mainly in terms of restricting the power of the wealthy gentry, especially in terms of land policies, which caused a great shock.

At this time, the disheartened Sun Tai began to think about his own way out, and how to deal with the letters left by Zhu Yousong. Thinking of Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen and others, they all followed Su Tiancheng, If he took refuge in Su Tiancheng, it wouldn't be a shameful thing.

After Sun Tai left, Qian Qianyi's expression changed quickly.

Sun Tai's meaning is clear to him, and it is also a reminder that who can guarantee the defense of Nanjing City will definitely have the responsibility to bear it when the time comes, whether it is he Qian Qianyi who will bear it, or Cao Huachun who will bear it, or It's someone else's responsibility.

In Qian Qianyi's words, the meaning is also expressed, don't look at Sun Tai not taking any responsibility this time, it is the favor of the court, as for the next time, it may not be so.

Strictly speaking, Qian Qianyi didn't have any new tricks when it came to the defensive deployment of Nanjing City, and he didn't even understand the situation as well as Zhu Yousong. It's just that he has been in Nanjing City for many years, is familiar with the situation here, and has many acquaintances. Afterwards, many literati came to visit, and some even invited him to go to the Qinhuai River, because the tasks he assumed were different, and it was impossible for Qian Qianyi to go to the Qinhuai River, as the cabinet university of the imperial court. As a scholar, Qian Qianyi thought of a clear path forward, and it was even more impossible to take responsibility. (to be continued..)

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