Ming politicians

Chapter 1179

Huang Tingping, Yi Ligao, and Zou Pingzhang came to Nanjing City with the intention of making a big difference. They used to be known as the fourth son of Donglin, but Liu Yunqing followed Su Tiancheng and became the third son of Donglin. For a long time, Liu Yunqing followed Su Tiancheng, promoted step by step, and became an official of the imperial court. This made Huang Tingping and others very unhappy. Unfortunately, they had no way to change this situation. They could only endure it. After Qian Qianyi entered the imperial court, they always Thinking of being able to rely on Qian Qianyi's relationship to become an official of the imperial court, he finally entered the Guozijian to study, but because of Qian Qianyi's defeat in Liaodong, he was thrown into a prison. This made the three of them even more frustrated. There is no hope.

As luck would have it, Qian Qianyi entered the cabinet and became a cabinet scholar. The three of them waited hard and finally got results. They directly entered the Metropolitan Procuratorate and became the supervisory censor.You must know that students who do not have the honor of Jinshi, even though they have studied in the Imperial College, can at most be sent to the county government to become officials such as the county magistrate Bo. It's all minuscule.

Although the rank of the supervisory censor is the same as that of the magistrate, his status is stronger than that of the magistrate, because the supervisory censor is a capital official, and after working in the Metropolitan Procuratorate for a period of time, there is a possibility of being sent or promoted It is very big, the expatriate is very likely to become Zhizhou from the fifth rank, or enter the sixth rank to become Yuanwailang from the fifth rank, even if the arrangement is not good, he can still become the head of the sixth rank. It is unattainable for the magistrate sent abroad.

After becoming the supervisory censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.The performance of the three of them was very eye-catching, especially after Su Tiancheng's rebellion.The words of the three people's memorials were fierce, and it was very difficult for them to eat Su Tiancheng raw.This also made the three of them quite eye-catching, and they were Qian Qianyi's students, so everyone wanted to support them.

This time following Qian Qianyi to Nanjing is actually an opportunity for the three of them. If they can make some achievements, they will definitely be promoted after returning to the capital.If you are lucky, you may even be promoted to prefect.

Coming to Nanjing with full of enthusiasm, the three of them were full of energy. In their view, making contributions is certain.

The biggest shortcoming of the three is that they don't know the cruelty of the battle at all, they are all scholars.They have never experienced battles, or even seen them. The idea of ​​war is completely from the perspective of scholars. They naively think that as long as they put in enough effort.Create a strong public opinion and arouse the emotions of the public, and they will surely defeat Su Tiancheng and the mighty Jiangning camp.

So after the three of them arrived in Nanjing, they immediately began to follow Qian Qianyi's arrangement.Contact many scholars, especially those from Donglin Academy.The movement against and cursing Su Tiancheng was instigated. Scholars all had blind enthusiasm. Under the instigation of the three of them, and with the affirmation of Qian Qianyi, the enthusiasm was quickly aroused. For a while, the whole In the city of Nanjing, scholars who cursed Su Tiancheng were everywhere, and these scholars were mainly Donglin students.

Huang Tingping and others are very happy to have achieved such an achievement. They heard the news that when they set off from the capital, Su Tiancheng led the army and entered Yingtian Mansion, ready to attack Nanjing, but they came to Nanjing and passed by. After so many days, Su Tiancheng still did not attack Nanjing. This must be because their advocacy had a huge effect. Su Tiancheng is also a scholar, so he must consider the impact. [

The proud three accepted the invitation from the students of Donglin Academy and even went to the Qinhuai River to eat flower wine.

After so many years, the reputation of the Qinhuai River has become even greater, especially after the imperial court has been stable for a period of time and revealed a prosperous atmosphere, the Qinhuai River has become a place for literati to show off their talents. The girls of Qinhuai River, Liu Rushi, Gu Hengbo, and Wu Sangui, have all become Su Tiancheng's women, which also raises the status of girls of Qinhuai River. Today, there are several girls of the Qinhuai River again, among them is Dong Xiaowan. , Bian Yujing, Li Xiangjun, and Kou Baimen are the most famous. Among them, Dong Xiaowan and Li Xiangjun are the most famous. The number of literati they pursue, their reputation in Qinhuai River faintly surpasses that of Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo.

Stories of heroes and beauties always attract people's attention. Huang Tingping and others know the fame of Dong Xiaowan and others. When they came to the Qinhuai River, they certainly wanted to meet Dong Xiaowan and Li Xiangjun. It is even more wonderful to do this, and it will also make them more famous and become the envy of many literati and students.

It's a pity that Huang Tingping, Yi Ligao and Zou Pingzhang didn't expect that at what time now, Nanjing City is in crisis. At some point, Su Tiancheng led the army to fight over. As the censors sent by the imperial court, they followed Qian Qian When Yi came to Nanjing, he wanted to care about the defense of Nanjing City, and he wanted to think about how to deal with Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying.

If there is no matter about Zhu Yousong and Qin Sande, there is no big problem for Huang Tingping, Yi Ligao, Zou Pingzhang and others to go to the Qinhuai River. After all, they are all literati. Unfortunately, Sun Tai, Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, doesn't think so.

Qian Qianyi's words made Sun Tai's nose twisted in anger, and he also felt the crisis. His mind had begun to change slowly, but he hadn't made up his mind. But at this time, he got a report that Qian Qianyi's favorite student , Huang Tingping, Yi Ligao and Zou Pingzhang from the Metropolitan Procuratorate went to the Qinhuai River to eat flower wine.

This news made Sun Tai furious. In order to be cautious, he sent a special person to the Qinhuai River to check. Sure enough, he saw the figure of Huang Tingping and others. The defense of Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning camp, but went to the Qinhuai River to drink flowers and wine, the imperial court sent such a person to Nanjing, what exactly did they want, did they want to give Nanjing to Su Tiancheng.

Sun Tai, who was furious, wanted to find Qian Qianyi directly, and reasoned with Qian Qianyi about what Huang Tingping and others were planning to do when they came to Nanjing, and did they go to Qinhuai River to have sex? If so However, the three of them had better go back to the capital, lest what they did would chill the hearts of the officials and soldiers in Southern Zhili.

At this time, Ma Shiying, the governor of Fengyang, came to Nanjing to report on the defense of Fengyang. After meeting Qian Qianyi, he also came to visit Sun Tai.

Sun Tai, who was so angry, couldn't help it this time. The heavy responsibility of defending Nanjing and Fengyang fell on him and Ma Shiying. Thinking about the role of Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun, see It's impossible, Qian Qianyi lives in the official post, Cao Huachun lives in the palace, it's not easy to meet each other, how can it be possible to discuss important matters of defense under such circumstances.

After some intense words, Sun Tai noticed that Ma Shiying also had a melancholy expression on his face.

"Master Sun, I think the same as you. I met Lord Qian this time, but I don't seem to care much about Fengyang's defense. I just emphasized that I want to win over scholars and students. It's hard for me to refute. It's all on fire. It's time to raise eyebrows, how useful scholars and students can be, I say this, not to despise them, Mr. Sun and I are both scholars, but this battle is coming, it is impossible for scholars and students to take up swords and fight Fighting hard, I always talk about it, will Su Tiancheng retreat and stop attacking Nanjing and Fengyang? I heard even more ridiculous sayings, saying that the adults encouraged the scholars and students in Nanjing, so that Su Tiancheng felt afraid, so he didn't dare to attack Nanjing, and I don't know how to refute such views, how could he be so naive."

Sun Tai sighed deeply.

"Master Ma probably doesn't know yet, Mr. Qian's three proud disciples, Huang Tingping, Yi Ligao and Zou Pingzhang in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, have been enjoying themselves on the Qinhuai River for the past few days."

"Master Sun was just joking. How could Master Huang, Master Yi and Master Zou do such a thing at such a critical moment?"[

"Master Ma, do you still have the time to joke around? I was just thinking of finding Mr. Qian to comment. The censor from the capital actually went to the Qinhuai River to commit suicide at a critical moment. What do many officials and soldiers think?"

Ma Shiying didn't speak immediately, but thought for a while before speaking.

"My lord Sun, if I were to do this matter, I would not go to Lord Qian to comment on it. I have just said that Lord Qian thinks that encouraging scholars and students can play a huge role. With such an understanding, Obviously, Mr. Sun and his subordinates could not accept it. Huang Tingping and others went to Qinhuai River at the invitation of many scholars. Maybe Mr. Qian knew about these things and thought that being able to win over scholars was a good achievement Now, Mr. Sun is going to find Mr. Qian to comment at this time, and what kind of ending will be obtained is not optimistic at all."

Sun Tai's heart became cold again, and it seemed that there was not much hope for him to find Qian Qianyi.

Seeing that Sun Tai was silent, Ma Shiying suddenly said a word.

"Master Sun, what happened to Master Zhu, I have always kept in mind. It seems that Master Sun and I have to guard against it. If such a situation arises, I am afraid that you and I will not be as good as Master Zhu."

Sun Tai suddenly raised his head and looked at Ma Shiying.

Ma Shiying didn't avoid Sun Tai's eyes, and acted a little calm.

Next, the voices of the two of them became quieter, and finally they went directly to the wing to talk.

The conversation between the two was very long, nearly two hours. When Ma Shiying left, Sun Tai was sent outside the gate of the mansion. The expressions of both of them were very serious, obviously they talked about many important matters. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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