Ming politicians

Chapter 1188 Action

With a livid face, Qian Qianyi walked up and down the room of the official post to inform Sun Tai that the officials had returned, saying that he had not seen him. Sun Tai was not feeling well and was resting in the official residence. It is said that he was lying on the bed and could not get up. .

Qian Qianyi, who was furious, immediately prepared to call the Jin Yiwei around him to go to the mansion to capture Sun Tai, but Qian Qianyi's decision was stopped by Cao Huachun. Cao Huachun was not worried about Sun Tai's other actions. They were all arranged by him, and they were in place at Maoshi. It was impossible for Sun Tai to make any moves. The key is that if he did it at this time, it would definitely cause a sensation in Nanjing. If Ma Shiying got the news, he would not come to Nanjing. up.

Qian Qianyi was a little helpless, but at this time, all the officers above the general who were stationed in Nanjing City came to the official post, and it was also a big deal to stabilize the army, so Qian Qianyi held back his anger and joined Cao Huachun together. To stabilize these officers.

Liu Tiehan grasped a lot of the situation through many eyeliners in Nanjing, especially the officers above the generals stationed in Nanjing City, all went to the official post. Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun personally issued orders, and the army's Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun had to give orders for the mobilization, and no one else was allowed to mobilize a single soldier, and Ma Shiying was also on his way to Nanjing City. If there were no accidents, he should have entered the city when it was dark.

The previous plan arranged by Sun Tai to control the four city gates in the southeast, northwest and north is unlikely to be implemented, and the sergeants stationed outside the city have also canceled their rest. It seems that things are really troublesome.

But already in Nanjing City, Liu Tiehan kept in mind Su Tiancheng's entrustment to capture the thief and the king. The biggest advantage now is that Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun are all in the official post, as long as the official post is taken down.With Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun captured alive, everything will be easy to handle.

Inside an inconspicuous inn in Nanjing City.

The map of the official station has been placed in front of Liu Tiehan. It is not advisable to rely on 2000 people to attack forcibly. The main reason is that there is too much movement, and there are thousands of soldiers stationed not far from the official station.Although the quality of these sergeants cannot be compared with that of the scouts, they can create momentum and quickly report the news. If the tens of thousands of Ming troops in the city are all surrounded, Liu Tiehan knows that the two thousand brothers may not even think about it. Fleeing from Nanjing City.

But Liu Tiehan has a chance.

The official post in Nanjing is built in a special way. This is also because the climate in Nanjing is very special, and it is very hot in summer.It is very cold in winter and hot in summer, so you can find a way to put ice cubes to cool down, but it is really hard to think of any way to cool down in winter. Most of the people whose value can enter the official post are officials with unusual status, especially After those senior officials came to Nanjing.It is to live in the best room and enjoy the best service.Therefore, when the official post was built, the method of building a palace was adopted, and an earth dragon was built under the house.

The function of the earth dragon is to keep warm, and it is connected around the wall of each room, and each room has a seal, if there are more people living in the official post.Open these seals, put firewood in the ground dragon to burn, and the room is very warm.

The earth dragon has been connected to the back garden. Later, when some craftsmen were decorating, they came up with a whim.Connect the earth dragon to the edge of the courtyard wall from the back garden.

The design drawings of the official station are kept very closely. Very few people know this secret. Many people have forgotten it over time. Fortunately, Su Jun has developed an inside line in the official station, so that Liu Tiehan, who is a little distressed, knows the secret. Dragon Matters.

The hole of the earth dragon is close to the courtyard wall of the back garden. Generally, no one enters here. The door of the back garden is also closed for many years, and it is basically not opened. Therefore, it is the best way to find a way to directly enter the room from the earth dragon. up.

Liu Tiehan thought more. He had already planned to enter from the back garden of the official post. As for the deployment of the battle, he already had a mature plan in his heart.

Thirty of the most elite scouts stood neatly in front of Liu Tiehan.

"Brothers, you will follow me directly into the official post. The guard inside the official post is heavily guarded. We may encounter unexpected difficulties, but we cannot back down. Our goal is to capture Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun. If we act If it fails, the city of Nanjing may be bleeding like rivers, His Royal Highness De Wang has already led an army to Nanjing City, we must complete the task and let His Highness lead the army to enter Nanjing City with high heads."

The 30 people who were selected showed fortitude and pride on their faces. Of course they were happy to undertake such an important task. What they use to prove their ability and value in the military is to play a decisive role at critical moments. After so many years in Jiangning camp, they deeply understand this truth.

It just got dark, and after entering autumn, the climate is not so hot anymore, and the time of dark is earlier.

Outside the wall of the back garden of the official station, there were a few scattered people wandering around. These were Jin Yiwei arranged by Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun. Because the people behind the wall were sparsely populated, so many days passed, there was no abnormal situation at all, so The Jin Yiwei who were waiting here seemed absent-minded and relaxed their vigilance. Besides, Nanjing City is a bustling place, and the Qinhuai River is so famous that everyone wants to be chic, so everyone's hearts have long been distracted.

Soon, a drunk man not far away staggered over. He seemed to be quite drunk, and he couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north when he walked. Several Jin Yiwei looked at this drunk man and found it funny, especially this one. When the drunk man came to the locust tree near the wall, he hugged the tree and circled, muttering about how he couldn't get in when he was home.

Seeing the drunk man's action, many Jinyi guards burst out laughing, two of them stepped forward and made fun of the drunk man, the drunk man's voice was not low, saying that he was home, don't lie to him.

Jin Yiwei's attention was completely attracted by the drunk, and he didn't pay attention to the surrounding movements at all.

At this moment, dozens of black shadow men quietly surrounded.

Before Jin Yiwei could react, they fell limply to the ground.

The corpse was quickly dragged away, the clothes were stripped off, and someone put on the clothes of Jin Yiwei and continued to wander behind.

Taking advantage of the darkness, dozens of men in black went up to the wall.

There were no lights in the back garden, and it was pitch black, but many people in black knew that they must not make any noise, because there were people guarding the back garden, and if there was any disturbance, someone would rush to the back garden immediately.

Relying on the piercing eyes trained in the battle, many men in black accurately found the location of the earth dragon.

The news of the man in black is at the entrance of Dilong, and the time before and after it does not exceed 10 minutes.

In the back garden, it was still very quiet, as if nothing had happened.

The earth dragon is thirty centimeters high and fifty centimeters wide. In such a narrow earth dragon, everyone can only crawl forward, and they need to find an accurate position.And they couldn't do it too early, so as not to alarm the guards and Jin Yiwei in the official post.The division of labor is also very clear, a group of ten people, respectively enter the room of Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun, and the other ten people need to enter the room where Ma Shiying is detained.

Ma Shiying had already entered Nanjing City and was taken directly to the official station. According to the news from the inside of the official station, after Ma Shiying entered the official station, he was quickly put under custody.

Just after midnight, Liu Tiehan moved and started crawling along the ground dragon.

The inside of the earth dragon is pitch black, and you can't see your fingers. It is completely based on feeling. For ordinary people, it is unimaginable, but for scouts who have undergone countless rigorous trainings, this is not the most difficult task.

There are two iron plates at the corner of the room for the seal of the earth dragon in each room, one for sealing and the other for blocking.

After half an hour, Liu Tiehan finally came to the room where Qian Qianyi was.

There were still people discussing in the room, and the voices were not loud enough to be heard clearly. About half an hour later, the sound of the door opening and closing could be heard.

After confirming that the room was quiet, Liu Tiehan waited another quarter of an hour and began to move the iron plate carefully.

A ray of light came in from the gap in the removed iron plate.

From the gap, Liu Tiehan saw Qian Qianyi sitting at the table, and there was no one else in the room.

The room where Qian Qianyi stayed was the best room in the official station, which was divided into a reception room, a study room, and a bedroom, etc. The room that Liu Tiehan and others entered from Dilong was the reception room.

Liu Tiehan hesitated for a while. He didn't expect that Qian Qianyi hadn't rested yet. According to the original plan, after Qian Qianyi rested, everyone entered the room and controlled Qian Qianyi unconsciously. Yi took the seal and official talisman, and then someone from Dilong left the official post again, so that the order could be issued.

Time can no longer be delayed. His Royal Highness De Wang has already led the army to set off, waiting to enter Nanjing City and control Nanjing City with the fastest speed. If the time is delayed too late, the order will be sent out, and it will be easy to be garrisoned It was discovered by the Ming army in Nanjing City. At that time, fighting in Nanjing City started, and the situation was not easy to control.

Gritting his teeth, Liu Tiehan pushed away the iron plate with all his strength, jumped onto the ground, and rushed towards Qian Qianyi.

When the Gangdao family was on Qian Qianyi's neck, Qian Qianyi's face turned pale, as if in a dream. How could a man in black come in the safest official post? Could it be that Sun Tai knew that something was wrong and sent someone to come? murderous.

After seeing Liu Tiehan's appearance, Qian Qianyi's face changed again, and his body began to tremble.

Before Qian Qianyi could speak, the scouts who followed skillfully gagged Qian Qianyi's mouth and tied him up. More people began to enter the bedroom, looking for Qian Qianyi's official seal and order symbol.

When a scout brought the official seal in front of Liu Tiehan, a smile finally appeared on Liu Tiehan's tense face. . . (to be continued..)

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