Ming politicians

Chapter 1189 Proclaiming Emperor

(Thanks to Alin 2013, Game Menu 5 for voting for the precious monthly ticket, and thanks for choosing to take the middle route for neither left nor right, and the reward of the Thieves, thank you.)

When entering Nanjing City, Su Tiancheng was full of emotions. He never thought that it would be so easy to win Nanjing City. When Liu Tiehan escorted Qian Qianyi, Cao Huachun and others to the front, Su Tiancheng didn't have much expression on his face. He has never been interested in eunuchs. Even if he proclaims himself emperor, he would not ask for eunuchs in the palace. As for Qian Qianyi, even though he has the title of great Confucian, he can be regarded as a leader of scholars, but his character is average. People like this should stop messing around in the officialdom, and do their own learning.

Everyone likes to have fun, and being an emperor means responsibility, but it is even more about being able to enjoy it unscrupulously. It is a pity that Su Tiancheng is not such a task. He likes to live a peaceful life. It is only the persecution of the times that he has come to this point. Speaking of him, he did not have excessive expectations, so he, the king who is about to become emperor, is probably different from any other king.

The process of taking down Nanjing City was quite dramatic. Liu Tiehan ordered the scouts to take the order with the official seal to the south gate, and ordered the sergeants stationed at the south gate to welcome the army in the middle of the night. These troops came from Fengyang Mansion. The scouts took the order and official talisman and went to the Beijing camp where the Ming army was stationed, and told the Ming army in the Beijing camp that there would be a large army passing by and entering Nanjing at night. Need to be prepared.

With the official talismans of Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun, and the order with the official seal, many officers and sergeants would never doubt it. They had just listened to the lectures of Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun at the official post this morning, and only two of them Only the orders issued will be executed, and now there are orders with official seals.With the official charms of Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun, the matter is absolutely true.

In this way, the Jiangning battalion army easily entered Nanjing City.

There were still small-scale battles, mainly in the official posts and palaces. Although Jin Yiwei was brave, he could face the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion.It can be regarded as useless for heroes, and there is no other choice except for encountering fiasco and killing.

In this way, Nanjing City was taken down by Su Tiancheng. After dawn, everything was very peaceful. The people in Nanjing City didn't even know that earth-shattering changes had taken place in the imperial palace and official post.

Sun Tai, Zheng Keyou and others tried their best to stabilize the Beijing camp. As for the Ming army stationed in the Beijing camp.The meaning of resistance has been lost. This part of the Ming army is more aware of the bravery of the Jiangning battalion, and will never make unnecessary sacrifices. Lead Lu Xiangsheng, Liu Tiehan and others to Fengyang Fucheng.The Ming army stationed there also had to accept the reorganization of the Jiangning battalion.

The city of Nanjing is even more peaceful.There was no sign of trouble, don't look at those scholars and students, who spoke impassionedly at the beginning, and looked like they were entangled with Su Tiancheng to the end, but Su Tiancheng really entered Nanjing City, and these people immediately fell silent.Some people even prepared to stand up and sing praises for Su Tiancheng.

The city of Nanjing is no different from other places. Even Hangzhou Prefecture in Zhejiang Province and Fuzhou Prefecture in Fujian Province cannot be compared with Nanjing. Nanjing is the central area of ​​the South.The role is extraordinary, and it used to be the capital of the Ming Dynasty, not to mention the prosperity. Therefore, after the Jiangning Camp occupied Nanjing City, Zhu Shenxun, Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen and others immediately began to deploy, located in Dengzhou All important institutions in other places will be relocated to Nanjing City, even all of Su Tiancheng's family members will go to Nanjing City. As the temporary capital of the new dynasty, the guards of Nanjing City are also very important.

Su Tiancheng's original intention was to quickly attack the north from Shandong after occupying Nanjing City, and unify the Central Plains in the shortest time. Unfortunately, his idea cannot be realized for the time being, because Zhu Shenxuan and others have already proposed The matter of ascension to the throne and proclaiming the emperor is over. This is Su Tiancheng's promise at the beginning, to proclaim himself the emperor after taking down the city of Nanjing.

In just a few days, the situation in Huguang, Jiangxi, Guangxi and other places in the south also experienced major changes. Fujian, Zhejiang, Shandong and Nanzhili were all occupied by Su Tiancheng. Almost all of them were transferred, especially Zuo Liangyu stationed in Huguang and Huang Degong in Jiangxi, who were completely defeated by the Jiangning camp. This also indicates that there is no army in the south that can compete with Su Tiancheng. If these places want to resist, it is courting death Therefore, many officials wrote letters to Nanjing one after another. Most of the letters were written directly to Zhu Shenxuan, and a small part were written to Yang Sichang and Fan Jingwen. The meaning is also very clear, support and obey Su Tiancheng's leader.

On the tenth day of September, Zhu Shenxin and others came to Nanjing.

According to Zhu Shenxuan's arrangement, Zhu Shenxin and the others directly entered the palace, and the posture of welcoming them was different. When they entered the palace, Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen and others, leading many officials, all knelt outside the palace , which also indicates that Su Tiancheng will officially proclaim himself emperor in a very short time.

Zhu Shenxin couldn't restrain her excitement, she never dreamed that she could still be a queen empress, remembering the encounter with Su Tiancheng back then, as a princess, she did not hesitate to lower her status in order to be able to marry Su Tiancheng, from the looks of it now, really has foresight.

Of course, Zhu Shenxin thinks more about her son Su Mingjie. Su Mingjie is already nine years old and has begun to understand a lot of things. Su Tiancheng is very strict with Su Mingjie. At the same time, he followed his uncle Zhu Shenxuan to do things in the Governor's Mansion, and started to get in touch with government affairs. The key point is to be familiar with many government affairs. Su Tiancheng is very busy, but as long as he has time, he will educate Su Mingjie on some points of view, including how to How to treat ordinary people, how to treat officials, how to treat and deal with some principles and issues of right and wrong, etc. Now that Zhu Shenxin thinks about it, this is actually how Su Tiancheng began to train Su Mingjie, how he will manage the country in the future, how Be a good emperor.

Husband is about to become emperor, and mother is more expensive than son. Although the status of empress cannot be escaped, Zhu Shenxin, who grew up in the vassal palace, understands that mother is more valuable than son. Prince, then she, Zhu Shenxin, has really climbed to the top that women can climb.

When seeing Su Tiancheng, Zhu Shenxin brought Chunping, Wang Furong, Liu Rushi, Gu Hengbo, Chen Yuanyuan and others to salute. In the palace, as Su Tiancheng's women, they can celebrate Su Tiancheng's proclaiming emperor first.

When Su Tiancheng said that there was no need to be like this, Zhu Shenxin pushed back unceremoniously, saying that the etiquette should be like this when he was in the palace, Su Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, and he had no choice but to accept the kneeling of many of his women. Thinking about it, if he proclaimed himself emperor, Zhu Shenxin would be the empress. In this harem, when Chunping and others saw Zhu Shenxin, they would also need to kneel down to pay their respects. The rules in the palace are different.

Entering the bedroom, the atmosphere is much more relaxed.

Of course Su Tiancheng went to Zhu Shenxin's bedroom.

Zhu Shenxuan was in charge of all the layout and arrangement of the bedroom. Su Tiancheng did not consider so many things, including which bedroom the empress should be in, which bedroom the concubine should be in, etc. He had never planned to be the emperor .

The eunuchs in the palace have been cleaned up for the time being, and there will be no eunuchs until they are screened.

Su Tiancheng originally thought about abolishing the eunuch system, but after thinking about it, there are still so many eunuchs who rely on being in the palace to survive. If these eunuchs flow into the society, there will be no harm The ability to earn a living, because of physical defects, labor is also impossible. The sudden abolition of the eunuch system will definitely make tens of thousands of people unable to live, and will inevitably form new problems, so this is also a matter that cannot be rushed.

In fact, there are some examples of eunuchs being managed well in history. One period and one policy, the current eunuchs are retained, and they are not allowed to participate in political affairs. As for the future, the palace will not be allowed to recruit new eunuchs. , the private behavior of the people will naturally disappear.

Besides, the reforms in the palace must also take into account the feelings of Zhu Shenxin and others, including Zhu Shenxuan, Yang Sichang, and Fan Jingwen. Neither can understand.

To put it bluntly, the rules in the palace cannot be completely abolished, and the palace cannot be remodeled according to the understanding hundreds of years later. It will be regarded as an alternative and will not be understood by people of this era.

There is another very important thing that Su Tiancheng also needs to consider. He already has six wives. According to the point of view hundreds of years later, this is an extremely happy life. There are now a woman, the so-called 72 concubines of Sangong Sixth Court, there are nearly a hundred women.

In fact, before proclaiming himself emperor, Su Tiancheng had thought about this issue. He was basically not going to continue looking for a wife, unless it was a very special situation. The emperor had so many women. This is by no means a good thing. A man's energy is limited. Even if you are an emperor, your health is not much better. For a woman, following the emperor's side is an extraordinary glory, but she has lost a lot. There are men in name, but in fact it is almost the same as not having a man. Many concubines Concubine, even all year round, may not be able to sleep with the emperor, which is also the reason for many dirty things in the harem.

Now that you are going to be called emperor, what you should consider is how to establish a different image for a new dynasty. The harem is extremely important. If you are an emperor, if you can't even handle housework well, how can you handle it? Great national event. (To be continued..)

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