Ming politicians

Chapter 1190 Proclaiming Emperor

After seeing Zhu Shenxin, passion is indispensable. Su Tiancheng after time travel, although he has a lot of passion, has six women in his own family, and all of them are beauties. Such an affair, hundreds of years later It's impossible to imagine, but it's a pity that Su Tiancheng has too many things, especially after he is about to become emperor, it is almost impossible to live a small family life in peace and stability, his few women, many Time can only be kept in the mansion honestly, especially Zhu Shenxin, who has been guarding the capital for many years, is tantamount to being a hostage.

The queen after proclaiming emperor must be Zhu Shenxin. No matter in terms of birth, or in terms of temperament and overall understanding, Zhu Shenxin must be Zhu Shenxin. As a hostage's worry, Zhu Shenxin appeared extraordinarily mature and steady.

Power is a very strange thing. Once Su Tiancheng faced the opportunity to proclaim himself emperor, his identity immediately changed drastically. Su Tiancheng's power seems to be logical, and he often fabricates some stories about natural divine power to increase his sense of mystery. In fact, Su Tiancheng has not been able to get out of this vicious circle. Although he scoffed at it, Zhu Shenxuan, Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen and others, It has been publicized outside for a long time, what Su Tiancheng in his youth organized his servants to resist the invasion of the rogues, what is the second place in the palace examination at a young age, what is the talent, leading the army to fight and win every battle, etc. What is even more amazing is , Su Tiancheng is the Ziwei star from the sky who came to save the common people from the fire and water, etc. It is impossible for Su Tiancheng to come forward to stop these words. Besides, such rumors are very important for the stability of the rule.It is indeed very necessary. The cultural quality of ordinary people and farmers in this era is very low. Most of the farmers are illiterate and do not know what power they should have, let alone human rights.

Even the attitude of Zhu Shenxin and others.There have also been subtle changes.

The so-called high places are unbearably cold, and the emperor calls himself a widow, which actually means a lonely family. Being at the highest level of power, it is impossible to think about having close friends, thinking about having grievances to confide in, and you have to always Always worry about national affairs, but also always pay attention to the civil and military ministers around you.To prevent people from messing around, and more importantly, to prevent people from arranging the throne, Su Tiancheng remembers very clearly that he once read an analysis of emperors throughout the ages. One of the important reasons why there are so many cruel and licentious emperors is that being an emperor is not As beautiful as imagined, the pressure is too great.As a result, many heirs who grew up in the deep palace were overwhelmed.Or there is no ability to control the court, so there is a situation of evasion, and in the end it is the pursuit of personal pleasure, in order to reduce or shirk responsibility.

The reason is simple to analyze, but when you are in it, you will know the difficulty and mystery.

Looking at Zhu Shenxin who was naked beside her.Seeming to be so well-behaved, Su Tiancheng felt bitterness in his heart, he was unwilling to have such a situation, even the closest people, after he became the emperor.I also became a familiar stranger, and those days were terrible.

Moreover, the emperor that Su Tiancheng wants to become has more or less modern connotations and ideas. He doesn't want to rely on natural theocracy to consolidate his rule. What he needs is to implement wise policies to make the country stronger and make life easier for the common people. , What he needs is to implement a strong system and use the system to manage people and affairs, rather than whatever the emperor says casually. Once this set of policies is determined, even the emperor needs to abide by it. It cannot be violated.

After gently hugging Zhu Shenxin, Su Tiancheng finally spoke.

"My wife, you said that after I became emperor, I should still follow the original way of handling things, isn't it okay?"

In private, it was Su Tiancheng's habit to call Zhu Shenxin his wife and the rest of his wives his wife. Zhu Shenxin and others were also used to it, and they didn't feel awkward at all.

"Husband, the imperial court has long stipulated that the harem is not allowed to interfere in political affairs. It's hard for a concubine to say these things."

Su Tiancheng nodded with a smile. In fact, he wanted to divert the topic. In this day and age, women's identities are very lowly and they are dependent on men. Su Tiancheng doesn't have the guts to change this situation and let women be independent. Holding up most of the sky, I am afraid that he will be scolded to death by all the scholars in the world before he starts to move.

"I haven't thought about the management of the harem. You will worry about it from now on, and I don't plan to think about it."

When talking about the matter in the harem, Zhu Shenxin's face turned red, and her spirit immediately returned. The meaning of Su Tiancheng's words actually clarified her identity as the empress.

"The concubine obeys her husband's arrangement in everything."

Zhu Shenxin is still a little cautious, now that her husband's status is different, Zhu Shenxuan, Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen and others are all working hard to prepare for the enthronement ceremony, supporting Su Tiancheng to become emperor, and according to what Zhu Shenxin heard It is only a matter of time before the overthrow of the imperial court is discussed, and Su Tiancheng will unify the world by then.At this time, as the queen of the world, she needs to fulfill many responsibilities, and also needs to establish many rules, but these things used to have clear rules and requirements. Now it seems that her husband wants to may be slightly different.

"Hehe, my wife, what I mean is that you are in charge of the affairs of the harem. This includes matters such as titles, including the matter of conferring a noble concubine. I will listen to your suggestions."

Zhu Shenxin stood up suddenly in shock, and stared at Su Tiancheng. She probably thought that she had heard wrongly. The appointment of empress and imperial concubine was always decided by the emperor, or that the empress dowager could proposed.

Seeing Zhu Shenxin's excitement, Su Tiancheng sighed and explained slowly.

"What I mean is that the scale of the harem should not be too large. It is best to maintain the current scale. After proclaiming the emperor, there will be many things to worry about. There must also be strict rules in the palace."

This time Zhu Shenxin understood, it turned out that what Su Tiancheng meant was to maintain the current size of the palace, Su Tiancheng would not continue to marry concubines in the future, this is a big deal, even though Zhu Shenxin is an obvious queen , Can you stop the emperor from marrying his concubine? It sounds a bit unbelievable.

Seeing Zhu Shenxin's unpredictable expression, Su Tiancheng didn't know what to say. If he brought up the truth hundreds of years later, Zhu Shenxin might be so surprised that he would not be able to sleep.

"It's not easy for a concubine to control the matter of a husband taking a concubine."

"I'm afraid you have to take care of this matter. I am satisfied with being able to marry six of your wives in this life. After proclaiming the emperor, there may be ministers of civil and military affairs who will bring up this matter. I don't want to reprimand it too much. It depends on You, sometimes, you can come forward to sound the alarm to the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, and don't bring up the matter of my taking concubines."

Seeing Su Tiancheng's serious expression, Zhu Shenxin realized that what he said was true and it was not nonsense.

In her heart, Zhu Shenxin is of course happy. The more husbands and women she has in her family, the less time she spends on her. History is full of empresses falling out of favor, not to mention that her husband started from nothing and conquered the world. All of them rely on their own wisdom and ability.

"There are rules in the imperial court regarding the husband's taking of concubines, so it's not easy for concubines to interfere."

Zhu Shenxin still wants to show off for a while, who knows what Su Tiancheng is thinking.

At this time, Su Tiancheng became serious.

"My wife, the things I discussed with you have been carefully considered. Now that I have said it, I must follow it. In fact, I still have a lot of ideas. It's just that there are some things that are not suitable for implementation at the moment. I will let it go for now, but the management of the harem is the most important thing. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Chen Fan and Xue Qin had a conversation, and Xue Qin said the words of how to sweep the world without sweeping a house. It seems a simple sentence, The meaning in it is profound, if I can't handle the family affairs well, how can I handle the affairs in the court."

"After so many years, you also know that when I am at home, I don't pay much attention to etiquette. I think that family members are equal and need to be happy. When I return home, I still feel respectful to each other. , but also fear the deterrence of power, then it doesn't make much sense, so I think of the harem, there must still be an atmosphere of equality, but this kind of equality is only limited to the scope of the family, the so-called mother's world, should be Where etiquette is important, it cannot be casual."

I've been with Su Tiancheng for so many years, although we don't spend much time together, Zhu Shenxin still knows Su Tiancheng's temper. The love and tolerance towards his family are Su Tiancheng's greatest characteristics, and Zhu Shenxin also knows that Su Tiancheng This kind of attitude is only limited among family members, so she can understand the meaning of Su Tiancheng's words.

. . . . . .

It was very late at night, and Su Tiancheng was already sound asleep, but Zhu Shenxin couldn't fall asleep. She looked at Su Tiancheng beside her, and she didn't know how she felt. A long time ago, she remembered that she and Su Tiancheng were married not long ago. Achievement mentioned the word equality, which is a very rare word in Zhu Shenxin's view, and it surprised Zhu Shenxin, and even didn't understand it. Now it seems that Su Tiancheng really thought of equality in his heart, even though After so many years, even though Su Tiancheng is about to become the emperor, his attitude towards his family has not changed, and he still thinks of equality. Being able to marry such a man in this life is probably a blessing in his previous life. (To be continued..)

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