Ming politicians

Chapter 1199

Not only Su Tiancheng would not agree to Pianan and the south, but Zhu Shenxuan and others would not let it go. The Jin Dynasty was so powerful, the Jiangning battalion was braver than the Jiangning battalion, and the soldiers were fine and well-fed. Under such a favorable situation, If you just want to lead the south, it is unreasonable.

After discussing how to carry out land reform, the next step is to think about the matter of marching troops in the north.

In this regard, there are two opinions, that is, two directions of attack.

The first opinion is that starting from Huguang and Jiangsu provinces, we will attack Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other places, and after taking down the northern provinces, we will finally attack Beizhili. A step-by-step approach, this move can stabilize the situation in Liaodong very well, so that the Ming court always has a little illusion. When the capital is finally left, the Jiangning Camp will be able to control the situation in Liaodong.

The second opinion is that, from the direction of Shandong, attacking directly towards North Zhili, the goal is the capital of the Ming Dynasty, and the capital must be taken as quickly as possible. As long as the capital can be taken, it is possible to win Nanzhi According to the situation at the time of slavery, the rest of the southern provinces could not resist at all, nor did they have the strength to resist, so they could only surrender.As for the situation in Liaodong, it is not a big problem. As long as you enter Beizhili as soon as possible, you can also control the situation in Liaodong.

At the beginning, Su Tiancheng also supported the second opinion, and made some preparations.

But the people who put forward the first opinion were actually Zhu Shenxuan, Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen and others.

This made Su Tiancheng attach great importance to it. He knew very well that many civil and military ministers in the imperial court still had a complex in their hearts, that is, guilt towards the Ming Dynasty.He wanted to make the Ming Dynasty last as long as possible. After all, these people were all civil and military ministers of the Ming Dynasty.

This belongs to the category of ideological work and cannot be ignored. At least it needs to be brought up on appropriate occasions to resolve the knots in the minds of court ministers. [

The problem of the direction of attack is easy to solve.In fact, the Korean Minister of Chinese and Military Affairs also understands that it is the best choice to directly attack Beizhili. Nights are long and dreams are many. If the situation in Liaodong and the grassland becomes uncontrollable, it will be too late to regret.Therefore, if Su Tiancheng opened his mouth to explain and appease everyone's hearts, there would be no big problem.

The key issue lies in the latest information Su Tiancheng has received.

This information came through Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant of the Ming cabinet.

Later Jin's Huang Taiji actually sent Ji Erhalang to the capital of Daming, and proposed to join forces with the Ming court to deal with the Jin Dynasty.Moreover, the two sides have started substantive contacts and negotiations, and it is estimated that an agreement will be reached soon.

This was beyond Su Tiancheng's expectations.

Such a key piece of news has also been analyzed by intelligence agencies.

Speaking of intelligence agencies, when he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, Su Tiancheng once thought of setting up a special intelligence agency under his direct leadership.But after thinking about it, it still didn't work. This is also because Daming's intelligence agencies are too notorious. Jinyiwei, Dongchang and Xichang, leaving only nightmares for the ministers of civil and military affairs. Under such circumstances, Su Tiancheng is not easy to disclose Establish an intelligence agency, as for agencies such as Jinyiwei, he will definitely abolish them.

Qu Qingze and Su Jun are still directly responsible for the information matters.Qu Qingze became a cabinet scholar, ranking high in the position of prime minister. He is not qualified for the position of secretary of the Ministry of punishment. In fact, he has to be in charge of intelligence work.

Those who know the latest news are only a handful of people.Of course, everyone who came to the Qianqing Palace to negotiate basically knew it, and their attitudes were also different.

Among the prime ministers, apart from Zhang Pu and Qu Qingze, Zhu Shenxuan, Yang Sichang and Fan Jingwen couldn't hold back their emotions, and they even wanted to curse. Su Tiancheng understood their thinking. The post-Gold Tartars have always been barbarians. What's the matter? As for Zhang Pu and Qu Qingze's proposal for cooperation with the Ming Dynasty, they were very rational, thinking that such a thing was not a big deal, and in the final analysis, it was all for the purpose of dealing with the Jin Dynasty.

The discussion started soon, and Qu Qingze personally introduced the relevant situation.

The heated discussions even exceeded Su Tiancheng's expectation.

Xu Eryi was the first to speak.

Xu Eryi is known for his uprightness, and he once refused to give in to Su Tiancheng. This is known to everyone, and it is precisely because of this temper that Xu Eryi was the first to speak in spite of everything. He blushed. After scolding the Golden Tartars, he also launched a personal attack on Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant of the Ming cabinet, and Chen Xinjia, the second assistant of the cabinet. Unfortunately, such words were not heard at all. Listening here, maybe I felt that my words were a bit off topic, and Xu Eryi turned to the matter of the Golden Tartars after the alliance of the Ming Dynasty.

"...I think that such an alliance is absolutely impossible. It is very clear what the purpose of the post-Gold Tartar's wolfish ambitions is. I suggest that the emperor make this known to the world, so that all scholars in the world can know it, and let the world know what it is. The court law of the Ming Dynasty and the tiger's skin..."[

Su Tiancheng was a little dumbfounded. It seems that Xu Eryi still retained the temper of a scholar. It's really hard to change the nature of the country. It's this time. What people value is the profit, so why bother so much? Well, if I really made it known to the world, why not confess Zhou Yanru directly, such a thing is absolutely unacceptable.

As soon as Xu Eryi finished speaking, Zhu Shenxuan immediately spoke.

"It is impossible to do things that are announced to the world. The emperor finally got the information. If it was leaked directly, wouldn't it cut off the source of the information? This is absolutely impossible. The minister also thought that the Empress Dowager would not I have good intentions, but there are indeed some problems in the alliance between the Later Jin Tartars and the Ming court. Our Jiangning battalion will face a two-front battle situation. Fuzhou, Xuanzhou and Gaizhou will be under great pressure. According to intelligence, the Datong frontier army The 15 troops have all been mobilized, ready to go to Baoding and Tianjin, and the Ming court has also recruited nearly [-] sergeants from the guard army, and there are about [-] soldiers."

"I have thought about it carefully. The biggest purpose of this move by the Houjin Tatars is probably that the Ming court can dispatch the Liaodong frontier army. Under such circumstances, the pressure on the Houjin Tartars in Liaodong will be greatly reduced. Whoever wins this battle will benefit the post-gold tartars."

"In the direction of Gaizhou, the Hou Jin Tartars can completely use defense as an offense. Instead of launching a real offensive, they gather heavy troops to threaten our Jiangning camp. In Beizhili, our Jiangning camp and the Ming army fought fiercely. I think that when two tigers fight, one of them will be injured, and then they can reap the benefits..."

Zhu Shenxuan said while Su Tiancheng nodded, the others listened carefully and nodded frequently.

You must know that Zhu Shenxuan is the minister of the Minister of Ministers, the head of all officials, and the chief assistant of the cabinet. If you don't have real ability, you can't sit in this position.

The discussion is still going on, and Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng have also expressed their views. They have their own views on the alliance between the Later Jin Tartars and the Ming court. They don't care too much, thinking that the Later Jin Tartars will not really launch an attack, and they are mostly waiting and watching. Once the Ming army loses in Beizhili, the Hou Jin Tartars will quickly occupy Liaodong and expand their own strength. If the Ming army gains a certain advantage, the Hou Jin Tartars will launch an attack in the direction of Gaizhou.

Su Tiancheng had been listening very carefully, and finally it was his last chance to make a decision.

"Your analysis is very accurate. I have been thinking about it. Master Xu vented his grievances earlier. I guess you all have such grievances, but I don't think it's a big deal. In the face of life-and-death interests, integrity needs to be compromised. Yes, the Ming court must have thought about it, if you lose the capital, lose the country, it will be useless, so I think that the alliance between the Ming court and Hou Jin will definitely be successful."

"It's a pity that the foundation of this alliance is not solid. The so-called foundation is not strong, and the earth is shaking. At that time, Dorgon of the Later Jin Dynasty was entrenched in Liaodong, even crossed the Liaohe River, and was about to launch an attack. It has only been a long time, and his attitude has completely changed, which is interesting."

"I have said long ago that Huang Taiji is not a simple person. He does everything with far-reaching considerations. If the Houjin Tartars attack from Liaodong, they will definitely get the greatest benefits. They may even occupy Liaodong and threaten Ming Dynasty. At least the capital can plunder a lot of wealth, but Huang Taiji resolutely gave up and ordered Dorgon to withdraw from Liaodong and go to Yaozhou and Haizhou to gather again, ordinary people can't make such a decision."

"Huang Taiji looks very far, and what he seeks is the greatest benefit. Master Zhu said just now that Huang Taiji sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight. He thought that the Liaodong Frontier Army could fight my Jiangning Camp. In fact, Huang Taiji also thought of it. Once my Great Jin unified the Central Plains, how could I let him go, including the Mongolian grasslands, so he did this as a way to protect himself."

"Everyone has analyzed the pros and cons of this, so you don't need to be too nervous. What I mean is that the direction of Gaizhou will still maintain the original pattern. No matter how much Dorgon's bluff is, don't pay attention to it. Concentrate the army to take Beizhili , and then take down the Daming capital. Once the Daming capital is taken, the Jiangning battalion will control the Guanning Jin defense line in Liaodong as quickly as possible. At that time, no matter what Huang Taiji plans, the Jiangning battalion will completely wipe out Golden Tartar's..."

Su Tiancheng began to talk about the specific deployment. In fact, there was no change. According to the previous idea, he concentrated an army of [-] to attack Beizhili. In addition, Lu Xiangsheng led an army of [-] to enter Henan Prefecture and took advantage of the situation to take Henan, Shaanxi and Shanxi. , There are no strong troops in these places anymore, and the local guard troops are vulnerable to a single blow. Such a two-sided attack can also unify the north as soon as possible.

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