Ming politicians

Chapter 1200 It's Not a Small Thing

Su Tiancheng was thinking about big things such as internal construction and conquest, but he would not forget some seemingly insignificant things, and he also had his own unique views on dealing with these things.

Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun, who were captured, did not receive any abuse, and they did not enter the prison. They were just placed under house arrest in the official post, and they were taken care of in their daily lives. Speaking of which, their identities are unusual. Qian Qianyi was a cabinet scholar of the Ming Dynasty, and concurrently served as Minister of the Ministry of War. Cao Huachun, the admiral of Jingying, was also a leader among the eunuchs. How to deal with these two people, the officials in the court still had a lot of controversy.

Some officials believed that Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun had to be severely punished. This was a warning to the Ming court, warning those officials that this would be the fate of going against the Great Jin. Some officials also believed that the two should not be severely punished. His identity is unusual, and Qian Qianyi is also regarded as a leader by scholars.

As for the three of Huang Tingping and Pingping, not many people paid attention to them. These people's identities were just the supervisory censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, officials of the seventh rank, and no one would care about them.

How to deal with Qian Qianyi and Cao Huachun, on the surface, seems to be a matter for the Jin court, and no one else will have any major opinions on any measures taken, but Su Tiancheng doesn't see it that way, he knows Dong Dong very well. The influence of Lin Academy, at least among scholars, has considerable influence. If history does not change, the strength of the Donglin Party will even directly affect the government, and it will be able to determine the candidates for the cabinet chief and assistant, but it has only been so many years For a long time, Su Tiancheng, who traveled through time, didn't have much interest in Donglin Academy, and even had a lot of negative views.After trying every means to divide and suppress the Donglin Party, the Donglin Party has been in a slump and cannot play much role.

Opening schools widely is what Su Tiancheng will definitely do after he unifies the world.It is necessary to allow more elites to enter the ranks of officials and inject more fresh blood into the body of Dajin. Only in this way can Dajin be full of vitality and continue to prosper. to court officials.There must be some civilian ideas, and the basic concept of service must be clarified.

As the base camp of Donglin Academy, Nanjing has always been a place where literati and scholars gather. Beijing is the political center of Ming Dynasty, and Nanjing is the cultural center. It manages a special and complicated place like Nanjing.It is not enough to rely solely on iron and blood wrists, and must rely on other means.

Before starting the conquest, Su Tiancheng considered that he needed to deal with the affairs of Qian Qianyi, Cao Huachun and others.

After discussing with many prime ministers, Su Tiancheng made up his mind. [

Qian Qianyi was first taken to Qianqing Palace.

Seeing the Imperial Palace in Nanjing, Qian Qianyi's expression was very strange, as if he wanted to cry but couldn't.Seeing Qian Qianyi's expression, Su Tiancheng didn't feel strange. This was the expression of Qian Qianyi's true state of mind. Su Tiancheng could almost conclude that during this conversation, Qian Qianyi would definitely seek refuge with the Jin court. of.

Su Tiancheng was already the emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty. After Qian Qianyi saw Su Tiancheng, according to the rules, he had to kneel and kowtow. Su Tiancheng didn't care much about this etiquette of kneeling and kowtowing, but Zhu Shenxuan and others were insistent.Times are different after all.

The moment he entered the Qianqing Palace, Qian Qianyi hesitated for a moment, lowered his head and slowly knelt down, but didn't speak.

With a smile on Su Tiancheng's face, it's hard to say what he feels in his heart.Since ancient times, there have been various evaluations of scholars. Some people say that scholars have the hardest bones, while others say that scholars are the most knowledgeable about current affairs.

"Lord Qian, get back on your feet."

Qian Qianyi stood up slowly, lowered his head, but still did not speak.

"I see Lord Qian's complexion is not bad. During this period of time, because of many things, I didn't care about Lord Qian. I still feel a little guilty. Lord Qian is a great Confucian, and he is embraced by many scholars as the leader of scholars. The imperial court's cabinet scholar, minister of the Ministry of war, holds a high position, so I hope you can understand my negligence."

Qian Qianyi raised his head, with a frightened expression on his face.

"The grass-roots dare not, the winner is the king and the enemy is defeated, the grass-roots have a heavy trust from the court, and as for the matter of learning, the grass-folk dare not be arrogant."

With a smile on his face, Su Tiancheng stood up and walked in front of Qian Qianyi.

"Lord Qian, you don't have to be overly self-effacing. I have always had different views on many things. Master Qian's knowledge is solid, and the influence of Donglin Academy in the Ming Dynasty is not small. I once founded it back then. Zhongxing Academy deeply understands the difficulty, but I do have some feelings."

Qian Qianyi never imagined that when he came to Qianqing Palace and met Su Tiancheng, he was actually discussing these things, not the punishment he imagined. Now he was a little confused, and he didn't know the purpose of this meeting today. What exactly is it.

"Schools are places for teaching and educating people. Unfortunately, almost all schools in various places are government-run. All scholars have been instilled with the idea that they want to study hard and serve the court. After high school, they are famous. Yang Tianxia, ​​I also came from this road. As a scholar, if I can't get fame, it is considered the biggest failure. Ye Yan said that I am a real scholar, and I thought of this, such a scholar Ideas are not enough, after all, reading is not necessarily purely for fame.”

After Su Tiancheng said these words, Qian Qianyi almost forgot that he was a prisoner, and he couldn't help but speak. [

"I think this is inappropriate. The ambition of a scholar is to care about the family, the country, and the world. He worries about the world's worries first, and then enjoys the world's happiness. If he lives in a high temple, he worries about his people. Your Majesty, if scholars give up their ambitions, I don’t know what effect reading can have.”

After saying these words, Qian Qianyi suddenly felt inappropriate. He was a sinner in the first place, and he dared to argue with Su Tiancheng in Qianqing Palace. Isn't he asking for trouble?

But Su Tiancheng had a smile on his face and didn't lose his temper.

"What Mr. Qian said is also reasonable. In history, scholars all aimed at revitalizing the country and displaying their own ambitions. This kind of understanding cannot be said to be wrong. However, I think that the role of reading is multi-faceted. Entering the Being an official in the imperial court is just one aspect. I have carefully studied "Water Margin" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" recently, and the writing is very good. If you want to say that Shi Naiyan and Luo Guanzhong have not been able to enter the officialdom, they can leave behind the text The works are enough to influence the world, and Xu Hongzu, who passed away a few years ago, left "Xu Xiake's Travel Notes", and I also read it carefully, only to realize that the country is so beautiful."

"These people I mentioned are not scholars. They are also scholars, but they have not been officials, and they are also famous through the ages. It is a pity that the world's views on them are all regrettable. They think why they have not been able to enter the officialdom. If you don't look at it this way, if these people enter the officialdom, they may not be able to leave such achievements."

"What I mean is that there must be some scholars who concentrate on learning. They don't have to enter the court or be officials. In addition, the world should not judge the achievements of every scholar by whether they are officials. I think After that, even in daily life, scholars can always understand the truth, isn't it great."

When Su Tiancheng said this, Qian Qianyi finally understood what he meant. He, a great Confucian, did not gain his reputation just like this.

Seeing that Qian Qianyi didn't speak, Su Tiancheng spoke again.

"What I mean is that there are quite a few scholars, and the imperial court can still provide them with salaries. These scholars are dedicated to academic research, or teaching and educating people. They have also made contributions to the imperial court. The imperial court cannot forget them."

Although he didn't particularly agree with Su Tiancheng's point of view, Qian Qianyi knew that what Su Tiancheng meant was to let him concentrate on his studies and not think about official affairs.

Although a little disappointed, learning is not a bad thing, and it can also be respected by the world.

Just when Qian Qianyi was still pondering, Su Tiancheng mentioned the key point.

"I have always had a bad impression of Donglin Academy. It's not that there is any big problem with Donglin Academy. I just think that the place where Donglin educates people should participate as little as possible in the affairs of the court. It is enough to cultivate excellent scholars. If you always hold the attitude of taking the rise and fall of the world as your own responsibility, I am afraid that you will not be able to read well. In terms of speech, scholars have an unusual ability to understand, and they can put forward their own opinions on the gains and losses of the government, but they must not think that everything is right for them. It is right to do things with ideas, but if you fall into this vicious circle, you will not be able to study hard.”

After saying this, Su Tiancheng looked at Qian Qianyi.

"I don't know what I mean, Master Qian understands."


"Okay, I don't expect Lord Qian to figure out everything in such a short period of time. There are some reasons. Lord Qian should take his time to figure it out. As for the next step, Lord Zhu and Lord Yang will discuss with Lord Qian. Talking, if you have any specific ideas, or have any suggestions, Lord Qian just say it."

Cao Huachun was not taken to Qianqing Palace, Huang Tingping and others, and Su Tiancheng would not see him. How to arrange Cao Huachun was a headache for Su Tiancheng. In the end, he accepted Zhu Shenxuan's suggestion and let Cao Huachun enter the palace. Inside the palace, assist in managing the internal affairs of the palace.

Reform is difficult. Land reform has given Su Tiancheng a deep experience. Many things can only be done slowly and cannot be accomplished overnight. Even the emperor can't do it, and he can't do it. (to be continued...)

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