Ming politicians

Chapter 1201

On November 1643, the first year of the Great Jin Dynasty, that is, in [-] AD, the conquest began again.

Although the Jin court is still working hard to liquidate the land and fully implement the land lease policy for farmers, even though bloodshed is still happening in some places, in order to clarify the ownership of the land, there are still some people who dare to confront the court, but Su Tiancheng has already I can't wait any longer. From the capture of Nanzhili to the enthronement and proclaiming the emperor, to the temporary stabilization of the Jin Dynasty, it took several months.

After Qian Qianyi and others settled down, the rectification of Donglin Academy has officially begun. The person in charge of this matter is actually Xu Eryi, the Imperial Envoy of the Right Capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. It can be seen that the imperial court attaches great importance to the rectification of the academy. Tian Cheng's idea was to change Donglin Academy into a place purely for teaching and educating people. What he considered was a pilot and point-to-face approach. After Donglin Academy was established, he began to widely promote the model of government-run schools in various places in Dajin.

In addition, Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou also rushed to Nanjing, and Su Tiancheng had a special conversation with them. The two agreed with Su Tiancheng's view that there should be scholars who specialize in research and education.

All the schools in Dengzhou that specially trained officials were moved to Nanjing. It was impossible for this school to have a relationship with the imperial court. Su Tiancheng named the school himself and called it Dajin Education and Training Institute. The court officials all understood that this training The College of Education is more important than the Imperial College of the Ming Dynasty. It is not that simple to enter this college. The people who can get out of this college are all officials at all levels of the Jin Dynasty.In this sense, it is quite similar to the Hanlin Academy.

But this education and training college is very different from the Imperial College of the Ming Dynasty, that is, in terms of internal staffing, except for the dean and deputy dean of the college, everyone else is called a professor.Specializes in teaching and educating people, has no rank, and is not an official. The dean of the college is concurrently held by Zhu Shenxuan, which shows the unusual status of the college and leads to the professors of the college.It also has an unusual status.

The issue of education is an issue that Su Tiancheng attaches great importance to, and it will never be ignored. The situation where all the educated elites are concentrated in the officialdom is definitely not the best model. Su Tiancheng hopes to gradually improve his education through his own efforts. Changing this deformed mindset, of course, will take time to do so.After all, it is difficult to completely control the people's thinking.

Su Tiancheng decided to march in person, and his request met with weak opposition. All the civil and military ministers in the court knew that Su Tiancheng was the soul of the Jiangning camp. As long as Su Tiancheng was in the army, the morale of the soldiers would be particularly high , let alone now.Su Tiancheng was already the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, and he was personally conquered by the emperor.The encouragement given to soldiers is very unusual.

Zhu Shenxuan was in charge of all affairs within the imperial court, Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen and others assisted, and Hong Chengchou, Qu Qingze and others followed Su Tiancheng to conquer.

Before the conquest.Su Tiancheng specifically talked about the bank and the bank, which made Zhu Shenxuan and others a little strange. They wondered why Su Tiancheng thought of the bank and the bank. These are shops specially opened by merchants for the convenience of doing business.Of course Su Tiancheng would not force Zhu Shenxuan to understand the truth behind it.But as a time traveler, he knows very well that banks and bank accounts are actually the embryonic form of banks. If you want to truly develop the economy and develop commerce, you cannot do without banks. will play a decisive role.

The Jin Dynasty has not yet unified the world, so the opening of a bank can only be a matter of planning, and there is still a certain degree of difficulty, but the preparation work must be carried out. The bank must be directly controlled by the imperial court, and the issuance of currency must be guaranteed by the state. Today's Under the circumstances, only banks guaranteed by the imperial court can truly develop.The best candidate for president in Su Tiancheng's mind is Song Sijun. For this reason, Song Sijun, who is in Taiwan, has come to Nanjing. Su Tiancheng told Song Sijun his own considerations in detail. Such a huge idea made Song Sijun dumbfounded. After doing business for so many years, he had a lot of contact with the officialdom. He didn't know why Su Tiancheng could think of such a wonderful business way.

After arranging everything, Su Tiancheng set off from Nanjing to Shandong.

When everyone thought about it, Su Tiancheng was already the emperor, and there must be a very grand ceremony for the royal conquest. Unfortunately, when Su Tiancheng set off, no ceremony was held, and all the ceremonial guards that the emperor needed to prepare for the trip were omitted. Su Tiancheng The reason for this is very simple. The expedition of the army is to go out to fight, not to show ostentation. What is needed on the battlefield is the morale of the soldiers, and what is needed is sufficient guarantee in terms of logistics. This time, my expedition is no different from before.

The power of role models is infinite, Su Tiancheng took the lead, not to mention the officers and soldiers below, the emperor doesn't talk about pomp, so they can have any privileged thoughts.

Most of the [-] troops of the Jiangning Battalion have arrived in Dezhou, which belongs to the Jinan Prefecture in Shandong Province. Starting from Dezhou, they can enter Jingzhou, which belongs to the Hejian Prefecture in Beizhili, in half a day. At the same time, Sun Chuanting led the navy, starting from Dengzhou, and also directly arrived in Tianjin. After the reunion in Tianjin, the two armies entered Shuntian Mansion and directly captured the capital of Ming Dynasty, that is, Beijing City.

The more than [-] troops mobilized by the Ming Dynasty have already entered Baoding Mansion, and they are stationed in Xincheng and Gaoyang, which belong to Baoding Mansion. The army stationed in Xincheng is also focused on defending Tianjin and other places. It is to defend Zhending Mansion and Hejian Mansion. As for Shunde Mansion and Daming Mansion, which are a little far away from the capital, because they border Shandong, the imperial army has no time to take care of them. This also reveals the fear and helplessness of the Ming court towards the Jiangning Camp.

The deployment of the Ming army made Su Tiancheng feel amused. The troops were stationed at the border, ready to fight at any time, or they were stationed near the capital and focused on defending the capital. Gao Yang, it is really difficult to understand the meaning, if you want to find an explanation, it means that if there is any trouble, the more than 20 Ming troops are ready to withdraw to Shuntian Mansion to protect the capital.

Su Tiancheng led some officers and sergeants.It took only four days to arrive in Texas.

Along the way, Su Tiancheng was the same as before. He did not become the emperor because of his ascension to the throne, but it was different. Hong Chengchou directly commanded the army to fight.When he first set off, Hong Chengchou was still worried. First, the emperor was able to command the army to fight, and he was able to win every time. Second, the majesty of the emperor was extraordinary. The emperor felt bored, which would have a great impact on subsequent operations.

Hong Chengchou thought too much, but Su Tiancheng didn't change anything.As before, during the march, the horse galloped, surrounded by Wu Rong and some inner guards, and during the march, Su Tiancheng still discussed the specific combat deployment with Hong Chengchou to see if there was any Su Tiancheng also specifically mentioned what was not considered.They will not directly participate in future fights, so as not to disrupt the deployment.It also makes officers at all levels at a loss, spending most of their energy to protect his safety, and whether the battle is successful or not is not the most important issue.

After several discussions, Hong Chengchou was completely relieved, and began to command boldly.Several times he planned to take care of the emperor, but was always rejected by the emperor, especially in terms of food and daily life, Su Tiancheng asked that he should be the same as the soldiers, not to be any different.Not to mention the royal chef in the palace who specially prepares meals. The royal chef in the palace was originally the empress who was worried about the emperor's health and asked to accompany the army. It's good to exercise the body.

The magistrate of Dezhou has already made preparations. He didn't know that the emperor would come to Dezhou, and he would personally conquest, so he didn't make so many preparations, but Hong Chengchou and Qu Qingze were both going to Dezhou. On the one hand, he must not be negligent, otherwise, his little magistrate will have a hard time.

Entering Dezhou City, Su Tiancheng's expression was not very good.

No passers-by could be seen on the street, it was empty, obviously a special preparation was made, Zhizhou followed behind, wiped his sweat while walking, secretly glad that the martial law in the city was enforced, otherwise the emperor came, it would still be so noisy, it would be difficult to explain Besides, Dezhou is close to Hejian Prefecture, which belongs to Beizhili, and the personnel here are also relatively complicated.

The situation in Shandong is very different from Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangsu, and Yingtianfu. The officials here have long been familiar with what to do, and the salaries they get are also different. I absolutely dare not do it.

Entering the official post, Hong Chengchou saw that Su Tiancheng's expression was not very good, and he understood why, so he spoke directly without waiting for Zhizhou to report.

"Your Majesty, I think that the governor of Dezhou is doing a good job. The emperor came to Dezhou on his own expedition. If something happens, the governor can't bear the responsibility. The necessary precautions must be taken."

Qu Qingze on the other side also thinks that what Zhizhou did was right, and he would have to do the same.

Both Hong Chengchou and Qu Qingze said that Su Tiancheng is not easy to lose his temper.

During the meal, the banquet was okay, but definitely not luxurious. Seeing the prepared banquet, Su Tiancheng finally showed a smile. He called Zhizhou and told Zhizhou that officials at all levels would not be allowed to receive guests when they came to Dezhou in the future. If it exceeds the standard, if possible, try not to do anything under martial law, so as not to disturb the people.

Zhizhou nodded again and again, which was equivalent to being praised by the emperor. It would be unimaginable for the Ming court. Zhizhou was also very smart when he was happy, and even reported the situation in Dezhou.

Su Tiancheng listened very carefully, and from time to time he praised Zhizhou for his hard work and dedication to the people.

Soon after, the magistrate was directly promoted to Jiangsu as the magistrate.

Su Tiancheng would not know that his seemingly inadvertent action had produced a huge impact. Officials at all levels in the Jin Dynasty knew that what the emperor most wanted to hear was to report government affairs. As long as the government affairs agent was good, he would be able to get The emperor's praise can be promoted. The last thing the emperor wants to see is to disturb the people and waste. If such taboos are committed, don't think about getting promoted.

Of course, Su Tiancheng must have thoroughly understood the situation in Dezhou, and he has shown his affirmation of the ability of this governor, so he promoted this governor. (to be continued..)

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