Ming politicians

Chapter 1209 Bloody Battle in Cangzhou

Su Tiancheng already had a premonition that there would be a cruel battle waiting for the Jiangning camp in Cangzhou or Tianjin. This was not his foresight. When they set off from Nanjing, the Jiangning camp was divided into two groups, one led by Hong Chengchou, Going straight to the north of Zhili, the purpose is to take down the capital of Ming Dynasty, and the other way is commanded by Lu Xiangsheng, occupying Henan, Shanxi and Shaanxi, especially Shanxi, as Su Tiancheng's hometown, in the eyes of many civil and military ministers, has a of special status.

Lu Xiangsheng led the Jiangning camp, and soon occupied the Henan government. Even the attack on Luoyang and Kaifeng did not encounter too many difficulties. Ordinarily, such a situation should have caused a huge shock to the Ming court. After all, Henan is close to Beizhi. However, the Ming court did not respond much, as if they let it go, which is very abnormal.

When Su Tiancheng was discussing with everyone, another strategy he formulated was to use the Jiangning battalion army led by Lu Xiangsheng to attract the attention of the imperial court, so that the imperial court had to divide the same troops into two groups to fight, so that it would be easier for the Jiangning battalion to defeat each one, and gradually After annihilating the army of the Ming Dynasty and finally attacking the capital, the Ming Dynasty was powerless to resist.

Since Lu Xiangsheng did not encounter any major troubles, this shows that the imperial court has put all its attention on Beizhili, and the spearhead is directly directed at the army marching into Beizhili.

The soldiers of the Jiangning battalion inevitably showed some pride. This is also because the Ming army was vulnerable. Speaking of starting from Shandong, the battles in Fujian and Zhejiang, including the battle in Nanzhili, except in Fujian When I met the rich man's guards, they still had good fighting power, but the Ming army was in a mess, and there was no suspense in all the battles.The final outcome can be imagined from the beginning, there is only one exception, and that is the army led by Huang Deli. Unfortunately, the battle still did not last long, and the army led by Huang Deli fell into heavy siege. .In the end, the sergeant didn't have much fighting spirit.

The emergence of such arrogance can only be blamed on the Ming army. Although Su Tiancheng has emphasized it many times, even among the officers above the Jiangning battalion and guard commander, he has repeatedly emphasized it severely, but this cannot be fundamentally reversed. With the current situation, the fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion is very high, and it is believed that they can fight all the way to the capital of Daming.And the emperor was with them, which aroused their fighting spirit even more.

It is a good thing to have high morale, but it is also necessary to distinguish the situation clearly. If you underestimate your opponent too much, you will always suffer a disadvantage.

What Su Tiancheng once thought was impossible, that is, the joint battle between the Ming army and the Hou Jin Tartars, has now become a reality, through all kinds of intelligence.He already knew that he entered the pass to fight jointly with the Ming army.It was Dorgon, Prince Rui of Hou Jin, who led the [-] troops of Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner, which aroused Su Tiancheng's high vigilance.

Dorgon is already the most valiant prince and general in Houjin, and Zhengbai Banner under his command is also the most powerful. Although it is said that Xiangbai Banner has suffered heavy losses from Jiangning Camp, it is surrounded by Jiangning Camp.Being able to guarantee not to encounter the fate of being annihilated shows that the combat effectiveness is very good.This is not the most important thing, the key is that Hou Jin's Huang Taiji sent Dorgon to fight with the Ming army.It shows that Huang Taiji regards Jiang Ningying as the biggest opponent.

The combat effectiveness of the Datong Frontier Army is also acceptable, at least much stronger than the army under Zuo Liangyu's command. After all, it has been stationed at the border for a long time, and there are many intersections between the Datong Frontier Army and the Jiangning Camp. After training, they also have certain command and combat capabilities.

If the Ming army and the Houjin Tartars had put all their strength into it, this battle would be full of suspense.

Su Tiancheng once imagined that perhaps both the Ming army and the Houjin Tatars would fight desperately to preserve their own strength and let the other side fight desperately, and he would benefit from hiding behind, but after serious thinking, he denied such an analysis, after all The Jiangning Battalion has already entered Beizhili. If the Ming army continues to preserve its strength, it will be meaningless. Once the capital is captured, the Ming court will be completely destroyed. It is a joke for the army to preserve its strength. Son, since Dorgon was sent, he really wanted to fight Jiang Ningying.

The situation they were facing was very severe, but the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion still didn't care. They thought that the battle in Cangzhou or Tianjin would be the same as before. After the soldiers charged, the Ming army would completely collapse within a short time. As for the post-Golden Tatars, at best we should focus our energy on fighting them.

The army came to Banbidian.

This Banbidian is not the Banbidian Forest Park hundreds of years later. It belongs to Cangzhou, less than a hundred miles away from Cangzhou City, and is located between Nanpi and Cangzhou.

Su Tiancheng felt that it was necessary to speak out what was in his heart, and that Hong Chengchou and others must pay high attention. He was particularly worried about He Renlong, Liu Wenxiu and others. Because of successive victories, He Renlong and others People's fighting spirit can be said to have rushed to the sky. All day long, what they think about is fighting the Ming army. After learning that the Ming army and the Houjin Tartars jointly fought, He Renlong and others were not only not alert, but even more happy. I think this fight can be more enjoyable.

In the temporary barracks, all the officers above the commander of the Jiangning battalion guard are here.

Hong Chengchou and Qu Qingze stood beside Su Tiancheng.

Su Tiancheng's face was very serious.

"The morale of the generals of the Jiangning battalion is high, and everyone is also fighting high. This is a good thing. I shouldn't pour cold water on it, but I have to call you to emphasize it."

"As the saying goes, rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry. This joint battle between the Ming army and the Houjin Tartars is probably different from the general decision. This shows that the Ming court already has a sense of life and death. In a short period of time, the Jiangning Battalion took down Fujian, Zhejiang, Nanzhili and even most of the south, and encountered almost no special resistance. As a result, many soldiers, including some of you, I think the Ming army is vulnerable, and I even heard that some people say that they will go to the capital of Ming Dynasty for the Spring Festival.”

Laughter came from the crowd, but Su Tiancheng didn't laugh.

"It seems that what I said is correct. It is good to have such thoughts. I cannot oppose or refute them, but I need to make you have a clear understanding. You must know that what I am facing with you is an army of 30 people. Among them There are 15 post-Gold Tartars and [-] Datong frontier troops. The combat effectiveness of these troops is not weak, but they can enter the Jiangning Camp in Beizhili with only [-] troops. The army remained in Nanjing, and one-third of the [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers were recruited and expanded later, and it is impossible to completely compare their combat effectiveness with the previous ones."

"Comparing the two, I'm a little worried. Maybe some of you will say that at such a critical moment, you can't destroy your own morale and increase the opponent's prestige, but I have to think about it. Zhili is not the south, the foundation of the imperial court here is relatively solid, on the contrary, I and you may not be able to get much support here."

"I am not afraid of the 30 troops. I believe that the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion will be able to win, but I don't want to suffer heavy losses. I don't want to suffer heavy losses in Cangzhou. Therefore, I need to remind everyone that we must arouse a high degree of vigilance. You can't have the thought of underestimating the enemy, otherwise you won't have a chance to regret it."

. . . . . .

When he didn't say these words, Su Tiancheng's heart was better. After saying these words, he was even more worried, because he found that many officers didn't pay much attention at all, and thought that the problem was not a big one. Su Tiancheng had to admit painfully that some knowledge needs to be gained through blood lessons.

After the crowd dispersed, Su Tiancheng left behind Hong Chengchou, Qu Qingze and others.

He pointed to the map and spoke.

"I did not achieve my goal today. It seems that the bloody battle in Cangzhou is unavoidable. This place is less than a hundred miles away from Cangzhou. It is said that the army should start to attack, but I am not in a hurry. I just want to let the soldiers wake up. Now it seems that there is no need for this, Qu Qingze, ordered Sun Chuanting to launch an attack on the three guards of Tianjin, beat them hard, don't show any mercy, and try to take Tianjin as soon as possible."

"Taking Tianjin will definitely shock the Ming army and Houjin Tartars stationed in Cangzhou. Chen Xinjia has to think about how to deal with the Jiangning battalion soldiers who take Tianjin and directly attack the capital. Even if it is normal, troops will definitely be dispatched to help Tianjin, at least to stabilize the situation, so that the pressure on the army will be less. I predict that there will definitely be a big war in Cangzhou, but Cangzhou is not the place where the final outcome can be determined. The final decisive battle , must be in Tianjin, and I also thought that Lu Xiangsheng, who asked to attack Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and other places, rushed to Beizhili with the fastest speed after the battle of Cangzhou to join the army..."

Hong Chengchou and Qu Qingze were stunned, looking at Su Tiancheng. Although they had followed Su Tiancheng for a long time and were familiar with Su Tiancheng's temperament, but this time, they still found it unbelievable that Su Tiancheng made such a judgment. He believed that the battle in Cangzhou would decide everything. As long as the coalition forces of the Ming army and the Houjin Tartars were defeated, everything would be smooth sailing. Who knew that Su Tiancheng thought that the decisive battle would be in Tianjin and asked Lu Xiangsheng to lead the army to come too , to fight together.

Judging from Su Tiancheng's arrangement, the battles in Cangzhou and Tianjin are definitely not easy, and they will not be like the previous battles, and I am afraid that they will encounter unprecedented resistance.

Neither Hong Chengchou nor Qu Qingze spoke. After Su Tiancheng made the arrangements, Qu Qingze quickly made the arrangements. After so many years, practice has proved that Su Tiancheng's arrangements are absolutely correct. (to be continued..)

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