Ming politicians

Chapter 1210 Bloody Battle in Cangzhou

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Chen Xinjia went to Hejian Mansion to command the battle, and most of the affairs of the court were put on Zhou Yanru's shoulders. In the past, Zhou Yanru was very happy to get such an opportunity, but now he doesn't feel excited at all. , the situation we are facing is so complicated that we must take into account the future results when we make any decision.

The news of Henan being attacked by the Jiangning camp had already been reported to the imperial court. After Luoyang and Kaifeng were occupied, Zhou Yanru couldn't help it. The emperor had no attitude in the previous reports, but now the emperor still has no attitude. Attitude, as the chief assistant of the cabinet, he doesn't know how to deal with such a thing.

There is a reason why the emperor ignored the news and asked Chen Xinjia not to know about it for the time being. The Ming army and the Eight Banners jointly fought against the Jiangning battalion in the Hejianfu area of ​​Beizhili. Being disturbed by other news, this is not conducive to Chen Xinjia's many battle arrangements. If he can defeat Su Tiancheng in Hejian Mansion, or even kill Su Tiancheng, all problems will be solved.

But the cabinet doesn't think so. The whole battle is a game of chess. The stone that weighs on the heart of the cabinet scholar is that if the battle of Hejian Mansion also fails, and the northern Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and other places are also lost, wouldn't it be full? All the games are lost. At that time, I am afraid that everything will be irretrievable. Who will bear this responsibility? After all, no one is willing to bear the responsibility of letting the court collapse.

Zhou Yanru even thought about whether to mobilize part of the Liaodong frontier army to resist the Jiangning battalion's attack if Chen Xinjia's side could not be involved.After all, there are no decent troops in Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi and other places.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhou Yanru bluntly expressed his worries without any reservations.

Zhu Youjian also did not expect that the whole province of Henan would be taken down by the Jiangning battalion led by Lu Xiangsheng so quickly, if he continued to ignore it.Maybe Lu Xiangsheng might lead the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion to directly attack the capital, and the imperial army, allied with the Eight Banners, is fighting in the area of ​​Hejianfu.

Regarding the attitude towards the Liaodong frontier army, Zhu Youjian's thinking is somewhat different.With the development of the situation, the troops that the imperial court can rely on are the Liaodong Frontier Army and the Datong Frontier Army. The armies of the Xibe and Daur tribes cannot be mobilized. The leaders of the two tribes directly shirked it. The reason is very simple, the grassland must be stable.If the two tribes mobilize their troops, the grassland will surely fall into chaos.At that time, the army of the grassland tribes can directly enter the pass to plunder.

The south was completely occupied by Su Tiancheng, and the Great Jin Dynasty was established, which indicated that the court's taxes would be greatly reduced. If this situation cannot be ended as soon as possible, after the beginning of the new year.The Liaodong Frontier Army and the Datong Frontier Army could no longer maintain it. Without military pay, it is normal for the army to mutiny.

Zhu Youjian had thought of all these situations, and he hoped that Chen Xinjia could lead the coalition forces.Defeating Jiang Ningying and Su Tiancheng in one fell swoop completely changed the current situation, so he gritted his teeth and did not bother Chen Xinjia no matter what happened to him.

But Chen Xinjia's memorial made Zhu Youjian unable to sit still. The sergeants of the Jiangning Camp who entered Beizhili were also divided into two groups, preparing to attack Tianjin along the way. According to the current situation, there is no big problem in taking Tianjin , This presents a huge danger. If the Jiangning battalion sergeants attacking Henan and Tianjin join forces to directly attack the capital, Chen Xinjia, who is fighting in Hejian Prefecture, will not be affected. What's more, what Zhou Yanru said is very clear However, if no specific countermeasures are made, the overall situation will not be stable if the Hejian Mansion's operations are forced to be affected.

What Zhou Yanru said was very euphemistic, but in fact the meaning is very clear, that is, the Ming court may be left with a part of the capital, as well as the Guanning Jin defense line in Liaodong. At that time, Su Tiancheng will not directly attack the capital , The imperial court is about to collapse, and it cannot be maintained at all.

Zhu Youjian thought for a whole day, and finally made a decision to convey the situation in Henan to Chen Xinjia, at least to make Chen Xinjia mentally prepared. After all, Chen Xinjia led a 30 coalition army.

When Chen Xinjia received the imperial edict, he was still in the process of refining the operational deployment. In the past few days, he had a lot of exchanges with Wang Daozhi and Dorgon, but this kind of exchange does not necessarily require the two sides to meet each other. According to the news from the scouts, the Jiangning battalion has arrived at Banbidian, less than a hundred miles away from Cangzhou, and the battle is about to begin.

It happened at this time that Chen Xinjia received the imperial edict, which made his back start to sweat.

The Jiangning battalion sergeants led by Sun Chuanting had occupied Dagukou and started to attack Tianjin Sanwei. There were several distress papers from Tianjin. Chen Xinjia knew very well that with the strength of Tianjin Sanwei, they would never be able to defeat them. The Jiangning battalion, Tianjin may not be able to keep it. According to his thinking, he plans to quickly mobilize the 10 troops stationed in Gaoyang to reinforce Tianjin, but this decision is also very difficult. The [-] troops stationed in Gaoyang used to be The army in the guardhouse is really not good at fighting, it can be called a mob. It is scary to say that there are [-] people, but this army is not good at fighting, but its destructive power is good. It has not been stationed in Gaoyang for a long time, and the local government is already Complaints abound.

Tianjin must not be lost, otherwise the battle in Cangzhou will become very dangerous. The coalition forces are likely to encounter front and rear attacks, and they cannot take care of both ends, leading to major changes in the battle.

Unexpectedly, the sergeants of the Jiangning battalion led by Lu Xiangsheng easily occupied Luoyang and Kaifeng. I went down to Zhili in the north.

The most dangerous situation is that after Lu Xiangsheng occupied Henan Province, he led the army directly into Beizhili to fight, and even directly attacked the capital.

After thinking over and over again, Chen Xinjia finally made a decision.

The 15 troops under his command, including 15 Tongbian Army and [-] soldiers of the Eight Banners, faced the Jiangning Camp in Cangzhou, and the remaining [-] troops rushed to Tianjin for reinforcements. Of the [-] troops, the [-] Datong frontier troops are the main ones. As for the rest of Beizhili, there is no way to manage it for the time being.

Chen Xinjia had no ability to deal with the Jiangning battalion sergeants who had captured Henan province. He wrote a memorial directly to the imperial court, suggesting that the imperial court mobilize part of the Liaodong frontier army and arm the Beijing battalion. After all, the Beijing battalion still has more than 5 sergeants. Enough to protect the capital and surrounding areas.

Deployments are finally starting to loosen up.

Chen Xinjia's deployment has not been affected too much, but the number of sergeants he can directly command, that is, participated in the Battle of Cangzhou, is only 15. It should be said that this is not much different from before. Wan's reserve team became 10. As for the [-] troops stationed in Gaoyang, Chen Xinjia didn't expect much at all.

It is a pity that Chen Xinjia still overlooked one factor, that is, the advantage in numbers. He estimated that the Jiangning battalion sergeants led by Su Tiancheng must be less than 10. At least the ratio of three to one is a huge advantage. To some extent, it can almost determine the victory or defeat of the war, but now it has been reduced by half. With 30 people against the Jiangning battalion sergeants led by Su Tiancheng, At most, it is a two-to-one advantage, and this cannot be a decisive advantage.

In addition, Chen Xinjia made another major mistake, which was how to deal with the battle in Tianjin. Chen Xinjia did not believe in the 15 troops stationed in Gaoyang, so when he asked for [-] troops to reinforce Tianjin, the focus was on defending the city of Tianjin, rather than considering direct Attacking, this is also Chen Xinjia's helplessness.

It is impossible for Chen Xinjia to command two large-scale battles at the same time. If a large-scale battle is launched in Cangzhou and Tianjin at the same time, it will be too late to deal with it, whether it is at the mercy of the army or at the command level. Chen Xinjia's main energy can only be focused on In Cangzhou, he commanded the coalition forces to fight to the death with the sergeants of the Jiangning battalion.

There was no way for Chen Xinjia to avoid these specific situations.

Before issuing the order, Chen Xinjia had a secret discussion with Wang Daozhi, and the two agreed that the 30 army was mainly responsible for dealing with the Jiangning battalion soldiers led by Su Tiancheng. As for the Jiangning battalion soldiers led by Lu Xiangsheng, ignore them for now and let The imperial court responded, and they felt that this might be an arrangement made by Su Tiancheng. The purpose was to disperse the forces here, so as to adopt various breakthrough methods. From the current situation, the Liaodong frontier army can be mobilized in a small amount , because the Ming army and the Houjin Tartars are fighting together, there will be no danger in Liaodong for the time being.

Regarding the adjustment of the battle deployment, Chen Xinjia did not report it to the imperial court after discussing it with Wang Daozhi. This is top-secret information. Who knows if the news will be leaked after reporting to the imperial court? , or if there were any arrangements, Chen Xinjia would not easily follow them. Whether the battle could be won or not, the responsibility was very clear. If something went wrong in the battle, he, Chen Xinjia, would still bear the main responsibility.

From this aspect, Chen Xinjia felt that his responsibility was even greater. If he really lost the battle, he would have no other way out. (to be continued..)

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