Ming politicians

Chapter 311 Military and Commercial Combination

() It can be seen that the influence of the Jiangning camp is still too great, especially the high salary, which has attracted the attention of many people.

The equipment of the officers can be regarded as having a whereabouts, and the next step is the matter of money.

After all, this is the biggest thing. Without money, nothing can be done well.

There is a way. Su Tiancheng has already thought of a way out. If Jiangning Camp needs so much silver every year, if he can't find a long-term solution and worry about silver every year, it will be difficult to maintain. The court is unreliable It is impossible for Jiangning County to support it for a long time.

Song Sijun, a salt merchant, went directly to Jiangning camp this time and did not go to the county government.

For more than a year, his business has been very good, and it has grown bigger and bigger, faintly surpassing the former boss Kuang Siming, and with the support of the Jiangning County Government both in and out, it can be said that the wind is going smoothly.

According to Su Tiancheng's proposal, Song Sijun slowly began to expand the scale, not only selling salt, but also selling grain, and found a road from Jiangning County to the north, part of the salt.Slowly convert to a food delivery team.

This time Su Tiancheng went to him directly, not knowing what it was.Along the way, he thought a lot, and after a long time of dating, he found that Su Tiancheng was very forthright and a gentleman who kept his promises, and it was very comfortable to deal with such a person.

A donation of 10 taels of silver per year, in his opinion.It's totally worth it. When I didn't take out this money before, I was always worried about doing business, and I was filial to the money of officials at all levels, and I took out more money. Kuang Siming even called everyone to discuss many things.Showdown some silver, since it was used to donate the silver, except for the normal tax, the rest of the things don't need to be considered, in fact, it is still profitable.

It is not profitable to get up early.This is the character of merchants, but it cannot be said that all merchants are like this. This is a misunderstanding, at least Song Sijun thinks.I am not exactly such a merchant.

Seeing Su Tiancheng standing alone in the room, Song Sijun still saluted respectfully.He admired Su Tiancheng from the bottom of his heart. This lord is indeed powerful, at least he is well versed in the way of doing business.

"Boss Song, between you and me, don't come to these etiquettes."

"Thank you sir for your kindness, but I still dare not overstep."

"Sit down and talk. I'm looking for you today. It's really a big matter. I need to discuss it with you."

Hearing what Su Tiancheng said, Song Sijun became a little nervous, but when it comes to big things, they are all related to money. Of course, after such a long time, he also knows a rule, big effort means big profit, doing After all, business requires risk. Even the sixteen salt merchants in Jiangning County would not be able to make so much money if they were not courageous.

"Despite my lord's orders, I will definitely do my best."

"Don't say that, Boss Song, what do you think of Jiangning Camp?"

Song Sijun was stunned for a moment, the prestige of Jiangning Camp, not to mention Jiangning County, but Nanzhili, and even the whole south, everyone knew about it, why would Su Tiancheng ask such a question.

"I don't dare to comment on the Jiangning camp, but I think that the Jiangning camp is brave and invincible and has outstanding military exploits, and it will definitely be able to shock Daming in the future."

"So, you are optimistic about Jiangning Camp."

"Yes, yes, of course I am optimistic about Jiangning Camp."

Su Tiancheng looked at Song Sijun with a smile on his face.

"Boss Song, you have been working in the mall for a long time, and you know a lot of things. The way of doing business is very particular. You need to take risks, you need to be wise, and you need to find a lot of support, such as the relationship between merchants. Support, support from the government, etc., many people have a bad view of merchants, and always think that there is no money without business, but in fact, this view is one-sided.”

"There are similarities between doing business and being an official. For example, an official always wants to be promoted. When he serves as a county magistrate, he thinks that he can become a prefect and a prefect. The chief minister thinks about becoming a governor, and he enters the Six Ministries and the capital. The procuratorate, the next step is to enter the cabinet, always thinking about the next pursuit, this is not a big deal, there is motivation to pursue."

"Not to mention doing business, if you can't earn money, you can't be regarded as a real merchant. As for how much contribution you want to make, such as taking care of the weak, you have to wait until you have enough ability to say such a thing. discourse."

"But one thing is clear. There are risks in being an official and doing business. I won't say much about the affairs in the officialdom. I just say that in the business world, there are many people who are sinking. There are various reasons. , Whether it's competition, or mistakes, it's not enough to talk about them one by one, I don't know what Boss Song thinks of what I said."

Song Sijun's heart skipped a beat when he heard it. Su Tiancheng's evil words were too blatant. If such words were spread, they would not cause attacks from many scholars. Some truths are clear, but they cannot be said come out.

"My lord's words are brilliant, I have really learned from them."

Su Tiancheng stood up, walked a few steps in the room, looked at Song Sijun who was restless, and spoke again.

"Boss Song is a smart man, it seems he didn't fully understand what I said."

Song Sijun stood up in shock. Although he had some vague guesses, he was not a roundworm in Su Tiancheng's stomach. Some things, it's better to pretend to be stupid. At worst, he had to wait until Su Tiancheng pointed it out.

"I don't dare to guess casually, I really listen to the teachings of adults."

Su Tiancheng sighed softly, the nature of merchants is like this, if you don't see a rabbit, you won't scatter an eagle.

"Boss Song, I have already talked about the Jiangning Camp. The cost of the Jiangning Camp is huge. It is not easy to support it for a long time. However, the court attaches great importance to the Jiangning Camp and counts on Jiang Ning I am really worried that the battalion will be able to go out in the shortest possible time."

Speaking of this, Song Sijun couldn't keep silent.

"My lord, if there are difficulties in the Jiangning camp, I will definitely try my best to give out as much money as I can, and I will never frown."

Su Tiancheng shook his head.

"Boss Song, it seems that you really don't understand. To tell you the truth, the Jiangning camp needs more than 200 million taels of silver every year. Based on what you just said, how much silver can you spend every year. "

Song Sijun's face turned pale and his body trembled slightly. He dared not promise 200 million taels. It was impossible to take out so much silver taels. It was impossible to earn so much silver taels throughout the year. Moreover, what Su Tiancheng meant was clear Yes, this is not a matter of one or two years, it is estimated to be a long-term matter. If I agree to it, it will be bankrupt within a few years. Anyway, such a business cannot be done.

"My lord, to be honest, I really have no choice but to afford the 200 million taels of silver. No matter what, I can't afford it."

"Hehe, Boss Song, it seems that you are smart and confused for a while. No matter which big businessman it is, it is inappropriate to bear the expenses of an army alone. Even if he can afford it, what will outsiders think? Shen Wansan's lesson , you should be clear, I have no intention of asking you to bear the expenses of the Jiangning camp alone."

"Then, my lord, I really don't understand."

"Well, there is a form. Let me sum it up. It is called the combination of military and business. How to put it, it means that merchants closely combine their own destiny with this army, and even reach the point where all prosperity, all losses, and interdependence are achieved. Of course, the merchant here cannot be one person, maybe a better person, of course, there is a certain risk in this, whether it is targeting the army or merchants."

Su Tiancheng stopped talking, and stopped talking when he said this.

Song Sijun suddenly understood the meaning.

There are indeed risks in this, but there are even greater benefits.

The army belongs to the imperial court, and it should be directly borne by the imperial court. The army also obeys the orders of the imperial court. If something happens, you must spare no effort to safeguard the interests of the imperial court. Now, if you combine with the Jiangning camp, your future destiny , tied to the wheels of the Jiangning camp, will it arouse the court's taboo, will it end up decapitated.

But the benefits are needless to say, with the development and growth of the Jiangning Camp, to put it bluntly, with the improvement of Su Tiancheng's status, the benefits he can get are unreasonable. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once you seize this opportunity Given the opportunity, he might even surpass Shen Wansan in the early Ming Dynasty.

Song Sijun was a little dizzy for a while, and his head was blank.

"Boss Song, think about it carefully. Today's conversation, God knows you and I know you. If you reveal half a word, it may have bad results. Don't rush to make a decision, think about it carefully."

Just after Su Tiancheng finished speaking these few words, Song Sijun quickly sobered up. Years of tempering prompted him to make up his mind in the shortest possible time.

"I already understand, I just say one sentence, and everything is subject to the arrangement of adults."

There was a meaningful smile on Su Tiancheng's face, his vision was accurate, Song Sijun really had such guts, he was able to understand it quickly, and after a little hesitation, he made up his mind.

"Okay, Boss Song made such a statement, I'm very happy. Since this is the case, after you go back, think about it carefully and make some preparations. The time is about half a year, or maybe a year. It's best to think clearly. Don’t regret it in the future.” (To be continued., You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation,,. For mobile phone users, please go to read

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