Ming politicians

Chapter 312 Domineering Exposed! (Ba

() The matter of selecting officers and the matter of finding money are two lines that go on at the same time. >

Although the Jiangning Camp belonged to the imperial army, the imperial court did not pay a tael of military pay. Strictly speaking, the Jiangning Camp belonged to the local armed forces, but in the actual situation of the Ming Dynasty, most of the local armed forces were the armed forces of officials at all levels In many cases, soldiers are loyal to local officials and do not necessarily care about the feelings of the court.

Due to this situation, the number of local militias is strictly limited. Otherwise, armed separatist regimes will appear everywhere. In fact, the imperial court does not need too many restrictions. As long as the money is not allocated, the local armed forces cannot develop. Officials like Tian Cheng are rare, so far, only one person has appeared.

The Jiangning Battalion has grown to its current scale, with [-] soldiers, which is actually very eye-catching. In addition to its strong combat effectiveness, not only the military department covets it, but some generals who command the battle are also secretly making up their minds. In this case, It has appeared for a long time, and Su Tiancheng has always been particularly worried about it.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, has submitted memorials to the Ministry of War several times, meaning to dispatch the Jiangning battalion to suppress bandits in Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Henan. For various reasons, they failed. Now, the newly appointed governor Chen Qiyu, Also moved such thoughts.

In order to completely eradicate the bandits, Zhu Youjian felt that the powers of different regions were different, so he appointed Chen Qiyu as the right servant of the Ministry of War and the imperial envoy of Youqian Capital, the governor of the military affairs of the five provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Chu, Henan, and Sichuan, and the right to mobilize the military affairs of the five provinces. The army encircled and suppressed the bandits.This is also because the rogue bandits began to enter Huguang and Sichuan unexpectedly.Zhu Youjian felt that the problem was serious.

Chen Qiyu has a lot of power, even though he is the prime minister for the military affairs of the five provinces.In fact, it can also interfere with civil affairs. During the war, everything is to serve the military affairs. The war requires money and food, some of which are provided by the court, and some are raised by the local government. Therefore, in order to ensure the smoothness of the war.Chen Qiyu must intervene in civil affairs.

Although Qu Qingze left Jiangning County, news soon came from the capital. He won the battle in front of Dong Chang. He did not go to Shaanxi, but stayed in the capital, and still paid attention to the affairs of Jiangning County and Jiangning Camp. .The news that Chen Qiyu coveted the Jiangning camp came from Qu Qingze from the capital.

Su Tiancheng, who was doing his best for the Jiangning Camp, was furious after receiving Qu Qingze's letter.

He is aware of Chen Qiyu's ability, it is indeed average.The main reason is that they have no foresight and foresight, and many opportunities to completely wipe out the bandits were wasted. If the Jiangning battalion was transferred to the north to wipe out the bandits, they would probably be exhausted and the show would not be good.

Su Tiancheng and Chen Qiyu's cognitive viewpoints.It is completely different, for the leaders of all levels of rogue bandits.Su Tiancheng's attitude was to resolutely kill them, regardless of whether the opponent begged for mercy or surrendered, he could treat the soldiers below differently, but Chen Qiyu didn't have this kind of understanding. He had the pedantic understanding of scholars and believed that the rogues were also the people of Ming Dynasty , if you can forgive, try to forgive, whether it is the leader of the bandit or the sergeant below.

Under such circumstances, under Chen Qiyu's command, Jiang Ningying will inevitably have disputes with each other due to differences in ideas.

Su Tiancheng has always been very careful. Before time travel, he was a civil servant. He was well versed in the philosophy of officialdom. He was so angry that he couldn't think of such a way to deal with things. He was targeted by some people and always wanted to take advantage.

The Jiangning Camp is fundamental. Even if you don't serve as the magistrate of Jiangning County, it doesn't matter, but you must firmly control the Jiangning Camp. In this era, leaving the army and changing the course of history is a dream.Whether it is to wipe out the bandits or completely defeat the Eight Banners of Manchuria, we must rely on the Jiangning camp.

Su Tiancheng was a little surprised by Fan Jingwen's sudden summons. He had just gone to ask for instructions to report on his work not long ago, and he came to him so soon. He knew that there would be no other matters, and it must be related to the deployment of the Jiangning Camp.

Fan Jingwen was waiting, and when he saw Su Tiancheng, he was not polite and made it clear why he came.

"Lord Su, Lord Chen Qiyu has sent a letter to discuss with this official to see if it is possible to transfer the Jiangning camp to the north to participate in the extermination of the bandits. This official is thinking and listens to your opinion."

"My lord, the lower officials do not agree with this kind of practice."

"Oh, can you tell me why?"

There was no expression on Fan Jingwen's face. He also heard some criticisms, mainly saying that Su Tiancheng had firmly controlled the Jiangning Camp, and even used it as his own personal armed force. Of course, these rumors are not credible, but what Su Tiancheng said just now The answer made him feel a little unhappy.

"My lord, the Jiangning Camp is in the process of being established. If it is pulled out in a hurry, it may not have good results. As the saying goes, sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood. Give Jiangning Camp a period of time to train well After that, it will be able to play a greater role. Besides, Mr. Chen, the governor of the five provinces, has enough troops to mobilize. Under such circumstances, he still wants to mobilize the Jiangning battalion. Is it the Jiangning camp that is fighting?"

Fan Jingwen's face was still serious, this was not a good reason, the Jiang Ning battalion was dispatched to conquer the bandits, and they could get real training.

"Lord Su, I don't think these reasons are very clear. Can you tell me what your thoughts are? I know that you have devoted a lot of effort in the Jiangning camp, and you always want to sharpen an invincible team." In the army, bandits are rampant, it is a good opportunity to sharpen."

Su Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, he had already heard the implication, Fan Jingwen was also a little suspicious, it seemed that he was going to tell the truth, even though telling the truth was a bit hurtful.

"My lord, the officer once said that even if the Jiangning camp is in a war, it must occupy a dominant position. For example, to wipe out the rogues, the Jiangning camp can use its own methods according to the actual situation, and give the rogues the greatest benefit according to their own tactics. The attack, Jiang Ningying does not want to be restrained a lot, the fighters are changing rapidly, and it is fleeting. If you want to report layer by layer, if you overstep a little, someone above will put on airs and put on a face. How can this battle be fought? The battlefield is ruthless , the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion can sacrifice their lives on the battlefield, but they don't want to lose their lives in a muddle."

Fan Jingwen's complexion was a little ugly. He was very partial to Su Tiancheng, but Su Tiancheng's words really sounded uncomfortable. Besides, Su Tiancheng was young and his tone was too loud.

"Master Su, according to what you said, don't you think that there are no good generals in the Ming Dynasty?"

"My lord, I don't mean that, and I don't dare to be so arrogant. I thought that the Jiangning battalion had won a few battles, and then I got carried away and looked at no one. What I just said was in front of my lord. , would say so.”

"The rogues have been harassing for several years. Looking at every battle of the imperial court, most of them fall short. The officials have to doubt that my imperial court's army has a guarantee of food and wages. There is no such condition for the rogues. There is also a huge disparity in the strength of the two sides. , Why did such a situation occur, and the officials are not talented, so I have summed up a few points."

"First, the troops of the rogues are sufficient. Because of the years of famine in the north, the common people have no food to eat and are about to starve to death. They can only follow the rogues. At least they will have food and will not starve to death. The court owes a lot because of the difficulties. This caused some sergeants in the guards to mutiny, and the rogues could recruit sergeants at any time, this is the biggest chronic problem.”

"Second, the command power is not unified. Every time there is a battle, there are always some commanders who think of strengthening their own strength. The more troops they have in hand, the better, which leads to competition among each other for command power, and even the commander-in-chief , and because of the disagreement of opinions, the soldiers below are at a loss as to what to do, and when such a situation occurs, it will often ruin the best time to wipe out the bandits."

"Third, I have illusions about the rogues. The rogues' purpose is to survive. In their eyes, the so-called faith is not worth mentioning. This creates a situation. When the battlefield situation is favorable to them, They attack with all their strength to get the maximum benefit. When the battlefield situation is not good for them, they will pretend to surrender, get a chance to breathe, turn around and rebel again. They have no such capricious approach at all. Shame, it's a pity that some of us adults can't see clearly what's going on here, and actually believe in rogues."

"Fourth, to compete for credit, the lower officials are daring. Some adults, leading the army, are not effective in suppressing the bandits. They are good at killing good people and taking credit. The army of the imperial court even exceeds that of the bandits."

"Fifth, there is a lack of sufficient food and salary guarantees. Regarding this point, I don't want to say more. Fighting on an empty stomach, I think I can't do well. The thought of being a monk for a day will also appear. "

"It is precisely because of these reasons that the lower officials think that the Jiangning Camp is not suitable for dispatching for the time being. The Jiangning Camp does not want to be involved in the power struggle, and does not want to waste it unnecessary. For the supply, the Jiangning Battalion must have qualified officers and outstanding sergeants, in order to avoid these situations from happening."

Fan Jingwen looked at Su Tiancheng and didn't speak for a long time. All along, he thought that Su Tiancheng was gentle and refined, and he was very low-key in doing things. It was unexpected that he could reveal such arrogance. These words were clearly spoken, Jiang Ningying It is different, it is to fight, and it has enough confidence to win the battle. Of course, other people don't think about it, and they can get involved in the Jiangning camp at will.

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