() Although Su Tiancheng knew about the actions of Hou Jin, he had no way to deal with it. Such information could not be provided to the imperial court. If the imperial court pursued it, he might lose the insider Huang Zaisheng. Some ministers in the imperial court, who knows After thinking about something, many adults are dissatisfied with Jiangning County and Jiangning Camp.most

Su Tiancheng has no other way, but for now, he can only step up the training of the Jiangning Battalion, recruit soldiers as much as possible, and strengthen his own strength.

It was also strange, two days after Huang Zaisheng's letter arrived, Qu Qingze's letter also arrived.

The moment Su Tiancheng got the letter, his hands trembled a little, and he thought of a word, fleeting time is unfavorable.

Qu Qingze would not write a letter easily, and the letter must not be good news.

When Qu Qingze left Jiangning County, he had an agreement with Su Tiancheng that he would write to him in time for any major matters involving the imperial court, the movements of the rogues, including news about Houjin. Generally, there are reports from the mansion, but it is only a matter of time, the news of the Hou Jin, the court is generally blind, and does not know the situation at all, only the news of the rogues can be grasped relatively clearly.

Besides, it is the peasant season now, and the imperial court is unlikely to make any major moves. Qu Qingze's letter at this time is likely to be about the news of the rogues.

This was the biggest blow to Su Tiancheng.

After receiving the letter, Su Tiancheng shut himself in the study and opened the envelope.

This time, Su Tiancheng not only turned pale, but also trembled slightly.

inside the letter.When it comes to two things, two terrible things.

first thing.There was a major famine in Shanxi and Shaanxi. According to Qu Qingze, since August of the sixth year of Chongzhen, there has been no rain in the two provinces.

The second thing is the team of rogues.Because of the great famine in Shanxi and Shaanxi, the number of rebellious peasants increased and grew rapidly. The imperial court was deeply worried and ordered Chen Qiyu, the governor of the military affairs of the five provinces of Shanxi, Shanxi, Chu, Henan, and Sichuan, to be responsible for exterminating the bandits, and at the same time allocate money.Disaster relief was carried out in the two provinces, but the effect was very poor.

At the end of the letter, Qu Qingze mentioned one thing in particular, the situation that the imperial court's army to wipe out the bandits, including the local militias, killed the good and pretended to be meritorious.It is very common, some armies can't kill the bandits, but bully the common people badly, the common people are afraid of the imperial court's army.It has already surpassed the bandits, relatively speaking.Farmers in many places welcomed the rogues to them instead.

After reading the letter, Su Tiancheng's complexion became very gloomy.

The first thing he thought of was not the harassment of bandits, nor the great famine in Shanxi and Shaanxi, nor the impending problems of the Jiangning camp, but the letters from his father Su Hua, including the letter from Su Can, the son of the Su family. If it wasn't for these letters, he wouldn't be so worried.

He held a wedding with Zhu Shenxin, and after returning to Jiangning County, he never went to Shanxi again, needless to say, he returned to Pingyang Prefecture. Even Su Tianran wanted to go to Jiangning County, but he refused. Did not expect to be able to change.

Fortunately, Su Can, who had been to Jiangning County once, was already determined. Those who came to Jiangning County with him were left behind by Su Tiancheng in Pingyang Fucheng, reporting news from the government all the time.

In Su Hua's letter, Su Tianhao and Su Tianran were mentioned.

Su Can was also in the middle of the letter, talking about many things about the Su residence.

For the future of Su Tianhao and Su Tianran, the Wang family took great pains. Not only did they find their previous relationship, but they also encouraged Su Hua to go directly to King Jin. You must know that King Jin can't interfere in local affairs, but after all The relationship is different, Su Tiancheng can imagine that Jin Wang Zhu Shen is very happy

Su Tianhao is a student of the Imperial College, so it won't be a big problem if he arranges to be an official. Low-level positions are still possible. For example, he can teach students in the county school, or if he is lucky, he can become a senior official like Zhu Bo. But there is basically no possibility of Su Tiancheng becoming an official, lack of knowledge and status, unless Su Tiancheng personally helps lobby.

The strange thing is that Su Hua actually thought of a way to make both Su Tianhao and Su Tianran a so-called public family.

Su Tianhao joined the Chief History Department of the Palace and served as the Dian Bo of the Ninth Grade. Lan Qiaozheng left the Chief History Department of the Palace. Presumably the staff of the Chief History Department must have been adjusted. Su Tianhao took this opportunity to join the Chief History Department of the Palace. The company still seized the opportunity.

As a student of the Imperial College, Su Tianhao was able to enter the Palace Chief History Department and become an official of the imperial court. He finally obtained a good background.One can think of Qian Guanggu, the left chief of the Palace Chief Shisi, and Qian Kaitai, the son of Qian Guanggu. Su Tiancheng's heart is not in a good mood. His impression of Qian Kaitai was very bad.

Su Tianhao's situation is still good. Although he is not very good in his studies, but he can enter the history department of the palace chief, and he will definitely be able to get Jin Wang Zhu Shen's attention. Concern about starlings, return this worry, and fight for the poor and relatives, and make peace with each other. Dare to relieve the mother, and use the address to correct the concubine.

Su Tiancheng was worried about Su Tianran.

Regarding Su Tianran's situation, Su Hua didn't say much in the letter, but only said that Su Tianran had already entered Pingyang Mansion, and he was doing very well.

But Su Can's letter made it very clear.

Su Tianran actually entered Pingyang Mansion as an official, and directly entered the military room as a secretary.

Bandits are rampant in Shanxi, so the soldiers in Fuzhou County are a bit busy. They not only have to support the troops stationed by the imperial court to suppress bandits, but also coordinate with the local militias to suppress bandits. Sometimes, they even directly participate in the suppression of bandits. middle.

Su Can said in the letter that the second young master took the initiative to ask for a battle, showed bravery, and participated in the suppression of bandits several times. .

This is a good thing, and it indicates that Su Tianran has matured, but Suhua didn't mention a word in the letter, which is very contradictory. It is said that Su Tianran has something to do and has made military exploits. Suhua should say of.

Comparing the two, thinking about what Qu Qingze said in the letter, Su Tiancheng had his own judgment.

He knows exactly what kind of character Su Tianran is. If he wants to go into battle to kill the enemy, he probably doesn't have that kind of ability. He is doing things in the barracks. It's unlikely, although bandits are too rampant in Shanxi and Shaanxi, and when the situation is urgent, the bureaucrats, pundits, and book offices of prefectures and counties may go to battle to kill the enemy, but Pingyang Mansion has not yet reached such a place. degree.

To eradicate bandits, the troops sent by the imperial court are the main ones. The local inspection department is only assisting, and they rarely have the opportunity to go into battle. The imperial court also knows that the sergeant of the local inspection department does not have much combat effectiveness. Come on, take the initiative to attack the rogues, that is to die.

Under such circumstances, how could it be possible for Su Tianran to make military exploits.

If you want to say this military exploit, it is estimated that killing the good and pretending to be meritorious.

Su Tianran's ability to rise to the top position and become a barracks pawn in a short period of time may have relied on two aspects. One was killing good men and taking meritorious service. The second is the bribe in terms of silver. I believe that Wang is willing to give out the silver for Su Tianran's superior position.

Cold sweat broke out on Su Tiancheng's forehead.

If his analysis is true, it won't be long before the Su Mansion may encounter a big event, and it will be a catastrophe.

Of the three brothers, Su Tianran is the least up-to-date and the most ineffective. Mud cannot support the wall. Su Hua and Wang should know that under such circumstances, let Su Tianran live a good life at home and bully the government. The servants and maidservants in the village will not cause much trouble, but it is the most unwise choice to let Su Tianran enter the government and deal with those old and cunning officials.

Su Tianran had no real business, but wanted to stand out, and entered the Pingyang Mansion's barracks. After a short time, he was promoted to be a barracks official. Some people must be jealous. They all grew up in Fucheng. How could you not know, if you know the basics, you have been promoted like this, what will people think and think.

The calculations in the government are pediatrics. If Su Tianran completely relies on the money to get promoted, it will not be a big deal. After all, the officials who took the money will definitely help to speak. Besides, such common things, The rest of the officials didn't dare to find fault at will. You exposed Su Tianran. Maybe he had nothing to do and you died a miserable death.

But killing the good and taking the credit, and relying on such credit to get promoted, is a huge flaw. If someone catches you, you must be doomed. Even officials who have collected money will not protect you, although everyone has If such and such problems are not exposed, they will not be pursued.

Su Tiancheng remembered that he said that if a catastrophe happened to his family, he would still take action, but there is also a prerequisite, that is, if someone provokes you, if you say that you don't know what to do, you will take the initiative to provoke others and cause trouble , It would be useless to solve such a problem by yourself.

Su Tiancheng's mood became very bad. It was bad luck to have such a family and brothers like this. He had to be prepared to prevent all possible problems. He could almost conclude that according to Su Tiancheng's plan, His personality and behavior are bound to cause disasters, depending on whether the troubles are big or small, if the safety of the Su Mansion is involved, and Su Hua is implicated, he must take action.

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