Ming politicians

Chapter 315 Criteria for Promotion

() The allocation and selection of Jiangning battalion officers has been postponed for a while.

After careful consideration, Sun Chuanting still made a decision. Su Tiancheng was still required to participate in the selection of junior officers.After staying in the Jiangning Camp for a long time, he found that the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp, all up and down, worshiped and loyal to Su Tiancheng very much. This has become a traditional thought. Every time a soldier enters the Jiangning Camp, The officers would tell these sergeants after training that everything in the Jiangning Camp was created by Master Su Tiancheng, and that it is the mission of the Jiangning Camp to protect the safety of Master Su Tiancheng at any time.

It should be said that this is a relatively dangerous tendency. Since the early Ming Dynasty, in order to prevent the expansion of personal armed forces, the emperor and the court have imposed many restrictions on the commanding power of generals. With the growth of gold and the lack of silver, the imperial court has been able to completely control the army of the guard.

There is nothing wrong with the Jiangning Camp taking orders from Su Tiancheng. If the soldiers rely on them in their hearts and pin all their hopes on the unreachable emperor and the court, it is really not easy to command, and it is difficult to burst into strength combat effectiveness.

Based on this reason, Sun Chuanting decided that it was up to Su Tiancheng to make the decision for the Jiangning Battalion to select junior officers.

Su Tiancheng has been thinking about the senior officers of the Jiangning Battalion. Of the six battalion commanders that need to be deployed, only one has been confirmed, and the remaining five have not been confirmed yet.He came to think that the treatment of Jiang Ningying was very good, and this matter would be very simple.In fact, it is far from the case, but after a period of understanding.He found out he was wrong.

On the surface, the thousand households and the deputy thousand households of the guards are not treated very well, but their external water is very sufficient, including the two major battalions in Nanjing and the guards, they still implement the farming system, and the military salary is directly allocated by the court .In the process, officers in the army.It has become an open secret that the sergeants are exploited, their salaries are deducted, and they fill their pockets. The worst thing is the sergeants at the bottom.

The imperial court has strict regulations on officials.Without an imperial decree, one cannot intervene in the army. Limited to such regulations, Su Tiancheng did not have a special understanding of the army in the guard. During this period of time.He tried every means to understand something, but what he felt was deep disappointment. He never thought that the army supporting Daming was stronger than the local ones.

He has shaken his mind.It seems that selecting officers from among the guards will not work.Even if the officers of the guard station have rich combat experience, but they come to the Jiangning camp with all their bad habits, and they may not make any strange things. In the army, personal quality is the most important thing. The requirements are so strict, to the extent that civilians are not allowed to use needles and stitches. If the officers who come in do not meet such requirements, they will have a bad effect on the contrary.

Just when he was hesitating, Sun Chuanting found him, also for the selection of low-level officers for Jiangning Battalion.

"Lord Su, you should participate in the selection of officers in the Jiangning Battalion."

"Oh, Master Sun, do you have any other opinions? I've always wondered why the military competition hasn't started for so long. Could it be that Master Sun feels embarrassed?"

"That's not true, it's just that I think it's better for Mr. Su to participate in the Jiangning Battalion's selection of lower-level officers."

Seeing Sun Chuanting's expression, Su Tiancheng already understood the meaning.

"Well, then I will participate, but there is one thing that I also want to discuss with Mr. Sun."

"If you have any request, Lord Su just ask."

"Last time we reported to Mr. Fan, thinking about the selection of officers from the two battalions and the guards, I had a different idea. It seems that this matter is somewhat unworkable. I thought it was still selected from the Jiangning battalion. Well, if the quality is not enough, we should step up training, besides, whether it is an officer or a non-commissioned officer, they all need to gain experience from actual combat."

"Master Su, the high-level officers of the Jiangning Camp, it is really not easy to train them. After reporting to Lord Fan, I have always thought that if they can be transferred from other places, if they want to be trained in the Jiangning Camp, there is not enough time, and they will be transferred to other guards. Thousands of households, it must not be a very embarrassing thing, Master Su, do you have any concerns?"

"Master Sun, you know the military regulations of the Jiangning Battalion. They are very strict, even harsh. With such requirements, all sergeants, even if they have some ideas, must abide by them. Just imagine, if the guards outside The thousands of households who entered the Jiangning camp could not adapt to such requirements. They came to lead the soldiers in battle, and the upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked."

Sun Chuanting looked a little serious.

He fully understands what Su Tiancheng said. He has a little understanding of what kind of virtues the generals in the guards have. To abide by the military regulations, the senior officers who come in must strictly demand themselves.

"Lord Su, I think that no matter who enters the Jiangning Camp, they are part of it. They must strictly abide by the military regulations, including me. In this regard, I am confident that I can do it. The rest of the officers who can enter the Jiangning Camp must say no more."

"I know this well, but there are some influences, you and I have to think about it."

"What effect can it have?"

"Master Fan asked the Jiangning Camp to secretly recruit officers. In fact, I have already reminded you and me that the situation of the Jiangning Camp is not very good. There are many people watching around. It is true that the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp have high salaries. The sergeants in the guards are envious, but the requirements are also strict, even harsh. I have always believed that to require the soldiers to strictly abide by the military regulations, they must completely guarantee their food and clothing, and ensure that their families can have enough food and clothing. A little bit, why should you ask for soldiers."

Sun Chuanting was a little puzzled. This seemed to have little to do with the recruitment of senior military officers.

"However, the two battalions and the guards do not necessarily know the requirements of the Jiangning Camp. In their view, the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp have high salaries and must have received special care. Therefore, they look forward to being able to enter the Jiangning Camp. Under such circumstances, if the Jiangning Battalion recruits officers from outside, it will definitely cause an uproar."

"Youxie, you and I have to tell the truth. The thousands of households in the guardhouse, including the commanders and generals of the two battalions, etc., how much their military salary is, who can say clearly, the military salary stipulated by the imperial court , everyone knows that if there is only this little military salary, how do those generals support their families and train so many soldiers? To put it bluntly, they are used to certain practices, but when they arrive at the Jiangning Camp, these practices are absolutely forbidden , When the two phases collide, there will definitely be contradictions, and when it comes to the marching law, you and I may regret it."

Sun Chuanting completely understood.

"Mr. Su, it will take a certain amount of time to be promoted from within the Jiangning camp. It is also possible to lower the standard. There is a problem at present, that is, if we report to Mr. Fan, we will be promoted from the Jiangning camp in the end. Will there be any conflicts?"

"There must be conflicts, but for the sake of the Jiangning Camp, these conflicts are nothing. I will explain to Mr. Fan and plead guilty. I didn't think carefully at the time. No matter what kind of reprimand I received, I accepted it. These days , I have thought about it. The senior officers of the Jiangning Battalion are promoted from the Scout Battalion, Xiaoqi Battalion and Law Enforcement Battalion. There are two aspects to consider. One is personal quality. Great abilities cannot be promoted, the second is from the perspective of personal ability, at least need to read and write characters, have a certain degree of flexibility, and the third is to have combat experience, priority is given.”

"Mr. Su, Mr. Fan, if the blame comes down, I have to bear the responsibility. I can't ask Mr. Su to bear all the responsibility. I think that the selection of officers must be done without delay. The battalion commanders of the battalions , Deputy Battalion Commander, must be in place first, Mr. Su, you'd better worry about this matter during this time."

"Okay, one month's time to complete the selection and promotion of officers."

Zeng Yu from Qianhu of Anqingwei is a good candidate, but Su Tiancheng's mind has changed, and it is impossible to recruit him. He can only say that there will be opportunities in the future to let Zeng Yu enter the Jiangning Camp.

As for the recruitment of sergeants by the Jiangning Battalion, it must be carried out. 3 people is the standard that Su Tiancheng expected. In a short time, the Jiangning Battalion will shoulder a heavy responsibility. With a scale of around 10 people, there are too few sergeants in the Jiangning Battalion. Even if you have three heads and six arms, you can't stand up to other people's attacks and harassment. What's more, Su Tiancheng's idea, whether it is dealing with rogue bandits or the Eight Banners of Manchuria, is looking for the positive Combat and annihilation battles depend on strength, and the number of people is a crucial condition.

Facing many specific problems, Su Tiancheng had a headache. Recruiting sergeants was a little sensitive. The Jiangning battalion would be troubled by a large tree. He wanted to continue recruiting [-] sergeants. This was just asking for fun, but there were some principled things , still have to stick to it.

The most important issue at present is the source of the ten thousand soldiers. Some of the salt workers from the sixteen salt merchants can be recruited. The quality of the salt workers is good. The recruitment in Jiangning County, to a large extent, limited the source of excellent soldiers.

Of course, there is also a way out, and Su Tiancheng also thought of it. If ten thousand soldiers cannot be recruited, they should be recruited in the middle of actual combat. There are still some good soldiers among the rogues. Most of these people are peasants at the bottom. Or a mutinous sergeant, there won't be many bad habits.

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