Ming politicians

Chapter 316: Big Contest

() March [-]th, the seventh year of Chongzhen.

The big martial arts contest of Jiangning Camp began, which was a milestone contest.

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, military officers have always been hereditary. Under normal circumstances, there is a strict difference between the military family and the military family. The military family, under special circumstances, can be an official for generations, and enjoy Enkeyou for life. Soldiers' families can only serve as soldiers for generations, and very few have military achievements.

Great martial arts competitions and military training were not established by the Jiangning Camp. Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, attached great importance to the construction of the army. He set four goals for the construction of the army. Miraculous meritorious deeds, wisdom and strategy, stamina and loyalty, courage and stability, fame and great merit.The policy of the four crosses highlights the military principles of bravery, resoluteness, fortitude, and loyalty.

Zhu Yuanzhang was the founding emperor of the country. He has experienced countless battles, and his role in the army is very clear. As early as the sixth year of Hongwu, he ordered the Zhongshu Province, the Metropolitan Government, and Yushitai to jointly formulate a management method for large-scale military training. There will be a big contest, and the officers and sergeants who fail the contest will be punished accordingly.

It's a pity that by the middle of the Ming Dynasty, this kind of martial arts competition system was useless and had not been implemented for a long time.

The only way for a sergeant to be promoted to an officer is to build military merit. For example, in the Qi family army, there are many ordinary sergeants who have been promoted to Qianhu and Deputy Qianhu because of their military exploits.

The Jiangning Battalion's approach is different. They are directly promoted to low-level officers through the form of martial arts competitions.This is the first time.

This big martial arts competition in the Jiangning camp has been highly valued.Fan Jing, Shangshu of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, Qin Sande, the guarding eunuch, Zhang Taining, the garrison minister, Wang Daozhi, Yin Wangdaozhi of Yingtianfu, He Yaowu, the prime minister of Yingtianfu, Ma Jiagan, the general judge, and officers of the two major battalions in Nanjing all came to visit.

Those who received special invitations also included Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou and Lu Shanji from Zhongxing Academy.

Jiangning county magistrate, Zhu Bo and other officials all went to Jiangning camp.

As the commander of the Jiangning Battalion, Fan Jing presided over the opening ceremony as a matter of course.

On the grass field, there were [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers.They were neatly arranged, including Sun Chuanting, the deputy commander of the Jiangning Battalion, who stood at the front. All of them were dressed in battle robes and looked imposing.

Many soldiers of the Jiangning camp, after all, have experienced the baptism of war, and the aura exuded from their bodies.It was frightening. Many people who came to visit had horrified expressions on their faces. They hadn't seen such an aura for a long time.

Those who were most shocked were the officers of the two battalions in Nanjing.

Jiangning camp is famous far and wide.But the officers of the two battalions were a little unconvinced. They believed that the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion were just lucky and paid well.Soldiers can eat and clothe warmly, and can support their families.If you are single-minded and desperate on the battlefield, if the sergeants you bring with you can also have sufficient military pay, you can still do it.

Seeing the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion in front of them, the officers of the two battalions fell silent.

The temperament of a soldier cannot be displayed casually. Some things can be faked, and some things cannot be faked.

In other words, the standing posture of the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion is not what the sergeants of the two battalions can do. They stand with their chests and stomachs straight, their eyes straight ahead, and they stand like nails in place. This seemingly simple movement, if you want to persist for a long time, without hard training and strict military discipline, it is impossible to do it.

Half an hour has passed, and the [-] soldiers, maintaining a posture, stood neatly.

Besides, the eyes and temperament revealed by the Jiangning battalion soldiers have a domineering arrogance that can't be compared with anyone else, and Taishan doesn't care about it.

It is conceivable that if someone asked these soldiers to charge, they would never frown and turn back.

This is already a strong team.

The officers of the two battalions have seen some of the world, and they are definitely not idiots that some people understand. They have also been transferred to the north to fight against the bandits, and they have personally trained the sergeants. <Rain is as expensive as oil, and it is the season of busy farming. It would be a good thing to have a soaking rain, but it is still a bit troublesome for the Jiangning battalion soldiers who are preparing for the big competition.

At three o'clock, the rain began to fall.

The sergeants standing on the grass field still maintained their formation.

It was raining heavily, and the raindrops gradually formed a line.

Right in front of the playground, there was a temporary wooden platform on which Fan Jing and the others stood.

<At the end of summer and the beginning of summer, the climate is still a bit cold, and the feeling of rain is not pleasant.

Above the wooden platform, there is a covered shed, that is to say, standing in the middle of the wooden platform will not be exposed to rain.

But standing in front and behind, it is not necessarily the case.

Fan Jing needed to preside over the opening ceremony, so he stood in front, allowing the rain to soak his official clothes, without moving or taking shelter from the rain.

Su Tiancheng stood on the left side of Fan Jing, still did not hide from the rain, but he considered that Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou and Lu Shanji were older and couldn't compare with young people, so they still had to stand in the middle of the wooden platform As for the position, as for the officers of the two battalions, including the officials of Jiangning County, there should be nothing special.

Su Tiancheng winked at Lan Qiaozheng.

Of course Lan Qiaozheng understood, and hurriedly walked in front of Sun Chengzong and the others, whispering something.

Unexpectedly, Sun Chengzong unceremoniously refused to stand in the middle of the wooden platform. He said in his mouth that since he came to Jiangningying to visit the martial arts competition, he must abide by the rules and there is no specialization.

The implication is that Fan Jing, Shangshu of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, can get wet in the rain, so he must persist.

Sun Chengzong said this, and the rest needless to say, everyone consciously stood in front, and there was no one in the middle of the wooden platform.

The opening ceremony was very simple. Fan Jing presided over it. Sun Chuanting announced the rules and regulations of the contest, and Su Tiancheng announced the selection measures for officers.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and I don't know what's wrong. God seems to be against Jiang Ningying. In the playground, fog gradually appeared. The heavy rain was accompanied by strong winds, scattered in all directions, forming water circles one after another .

This scene is very similar to the scene when Qi's army went to the northern frontier.

Such heavy rain is still harmful to the body. After all, Sun Chengzong and others are old and exposed to the rain for a long time. If they catch a cold or catch a cold, it will be a big deal. Su Tiancheng and Lan Qiaozheng, After constant persuasion, Sun Chengzong and others reluctantly agreed and stood in the middle of the wooden platform.

Su Tiancheng also asked Fan Jing whether to go to the middle of the wooden platform to hide from the rain, Fan Jing didn't say anything, but pointed at the soldiers standing in the middle of the playground, Su Tiancheng immediately shut up and stopped talking.

The rain was very strange. When the opening ceremony ended, the rain stopped.

And, the sun is out.

All the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp knew about the rules of the martial arts contest. The reason for holding this ceremony was that Fan Jing and the others attached great importance to the Jiangning Camp. If it was according to Su Tiancheng's intention, there would be no need for such an opening ceremony.

After the opening ceremony, the first project, [-] soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion, lined up past the rostrum to be inspected.

This program was designed by Su Tiancheng. In fact, the training of the queue has become the basic training course of the Jiangning Camp.

Sun Yuankun and others didn't understand the queue training, and thought it didn't have much effect. Their reason was that they had to queue up when they were going to the battlefield.But Su Tiancheng still insisted that the Jiangning Battalion must conduct queue training.

Su Tiancheng remembered that no matter which country's army it is, it is necessary to do a good job in queue training. The reason is that queue training can strengthen military discipline, increase the cohesion of the army, boost morale, and can most intuitively show the might and majesty of the army .

Sure enough, following Sun Chuanting's order, [-] soldiers quickly lined up and passed under the wooden platform one by one.The Infantry Battalion, Law Enforcement Battalion, Shenji Battalion, and Jianrui Battalion are all infantry, walking in front, while the Xiaoqi Battalion, Vanguard Battalion and Personal Battalion are behind, all cavalry.

The momentum of the queue is indeed unusual.

Twenty thousand soldiers formed a hundred phalanxes, passed through the wooden platform one by one, and were inspected.

When passing in front of the wooden platform, the soldiers of the phalanx, under the command of the officers, shouted the slogan: Daming mighty.

Everyone on the wooden platform stood in front of them. They were shocked by the momentum. Even Fan Jing did not expect that the Jiangning camp had such a neat square formation. This is a new thing, and they have never seen it before. , when every phalanx walked past the stage and shouted slogans, Fan Jing felt his blood boil.

He looked at Su Tiancheng, wondering how many things this young man had packed into his head, to actually come up with such a training method, not to mention, it was really exciting.

As for the officers of the two battalions, they are stunned at the moment. They have been in the army for almost a lifetime, and they have never felt such an aura. This is an inexplicable impulse. Looking at such an army, you can Feel proud.

A hundred phalanxes passed the wooden platform, and it was already three quarters of an hour.

Including the opening ceremony, the entire time has passed nearly two hours.

Write it down, the sergeant can prepare for a quarter of an hour, and start the big contest immediately.

The law enforcement battalion was already busy, and they had no time to rest.

Sun Chengzong walked to Su Tiancheng's side.

"Master Su, Jiang Ningying's momentum is extraordinary. This old man can feel his blood boiling. If he is younger, he can't wait to go down and follow him."

Fan Jing stood beside him with a smile on his face.

"Master Su, today's arrangement is indeed good. In my opinion, this method can be promoted."

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