Ming politicians

Chapter 317: Big Contest

() Many people know about the martial arts competition in the military camp. As an era of cold weapons, the martial arts competition mainly lies in the competitive aspects of steel swords and spears and bow and arrow riding skills. For example, there are two assessment indicators for shooting arrows, which are Shooting range and hit distance, in terms of shooting range, the officer leading the team must reach 160 steps, and the soldiers must reach 120 steps. Each time they shoot twelve arrows, six of them must meet the specified requirements to be considered qualified.Besides, the hit distance is fifty paces, if twelve arrows are shot, six of them hit the target, which is considered qualified.

The step used by the ancients as a unit of measurement is not the step that will be taken hundreds of years later. If an adult takes 75 centimeters per step to calculate, one step is 150 centimeters, which is a distance of 15 meters. A step hundreds of years later is now counted as It is a half step, also known as a small step, and two steps after hundreds of years are counted as one step now.

From this we can see how powerful Hundred Steps Piercing Yang is.


The big competition in Jiangning Camp has a completely different arrangement.

In addition to the regular events such as steel knife, spear, she, and arrow riding, unarmed combat and compression tests have been added, especially the compression test, which is very demanding. For example, if you cannot pass the routine items and unarmed combat, you are not eligible to participate in the compression test. , able to pass the compression test.Sergeants who have achieved excellent grades can be directly promoted to officers.

As for the existing officers of Jiangning Battalion.Except for the battalion commander and deputy battalion commander who do not participate in the big competition, everyone else must participate, and the company commander and deputy company commander directly participate in the stress test.

The duration of the competition is half a month, eight days for the routine test, and seven days for the anti-stress test.

Fan Jing and the others didn't quite understand the stress test. They wondered why the stress test lasted for seven days.What kind of test takes such a long time to conduct, you must know that all the previous tests are only eight days.

Not to mention Fan Jing, even Sun Chuanting couldn't fully understand all of this.It's all in Su Tiancheng's mind.

The law enforcement battalion is relatively clear about the requirements of the stress test.

After Fan Jing questioned Sun Chuanting, but he didn't understand it thoroughly, everyone finally couldn't bear it, and went directly to Su Tiancheng.

Su Tiancheng didn't want to explain, but Fan Jing, Wang Daozhi and others were all his immediate superiors.Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou and Lu Shanji were also very interested.

Seeing everyone's expectant eyes, Su Tiancheng spoke reluctantly.

"All sergeants who have passed the routine test, including the company commanders and deputy company commanders of each company, must participate in the stress test. The stress test tests the comprehensive ability. It mainly focuses on three aspects, one is the ability to command operations, The second is personal flexibility, and the third is personal tolerance.”

Fan Jing was a little anxious, he had never seen such a test.

"Master Su, just tell me directly how to conduct the stress test."

"Okay, the stress test is carried out according to the method of actual combat. The officers and soldiers participating in the test, each with 200 people, spend seven days to overcome all kinds of problems and difficulties, and finally see how many soldiers come back. The more soldiers come back, the better they will be. When they set off, each of them carried four days' worth of food and passed through the designated route to avoid a lot of trouble. The first problem they encountered was the lack of food, which required them to Along the way, they solved the problem of food shortage by themselves. At the same time, they faced the situation that there were interceptions in front and pursuers in the back. The number of people was about 1000. The leader of the team had to try every means or avoid these Intercept and hunt down, or find a way to annihilate the opponent."

Surprised expressions appeared on everyone's faces. In their view, the soldiers and horses went ahead without food and grass, and logistical support was a must. Where did they hear that thousands of troops were dispatched, and there was not enough food and grass? , Isn't the morale of the army scattered, and what kind of battle is still going on, and if there is no fight, it will be defeated.The remote Su Tiancheng's arrangement, the stress test, cannot guarantee food and grass in the first place.

Also, the pressure test is too difficult. The 200 people who are isolated and aided have intercepted in front and pursued troops in the back. They are facing a force equal to five times their own. It seems that there is almost no chance of winning. If it is In one or two days, it is possible to outsmart, but in seven days, there is no chance of winning, and it is an arrangement for annihilation of the entire army.

The officers of the two battalions were silent on the sidelines. They thought that such an arrangement was too harsh. Even if they came to carry out such a stress test, they would definitely win.

As the deputy commander of the Jiangning Battalion, Sun Chuanting was also a little anxious. He didn't expect that the stress test would be so difficult. No wonder the Law Enforcement Battalion suddenly stepped up training a while ago. It turned out to be preparations.

"Master Su, isn't it too difficult? In my opinion, there is almost no chance of winning."

Although Zhang Taining didn't open his mouth, doubts were written on his face, there was no need to complete this impossible task.

"My lords, my colleagues, I just want to increase the difficulty. This is like picking peaches. Standing in place, you can pick them with your hands. It loses its meaning. If you jump up lightly, you can pick them. There is no difficulty. It was only when I tried my best, jumped, and picked the peaches that I showed my ability."

"As for how to deal with an opponent who is several times stronger than yourself, I think this is a problem that must be faced. Since ancient times, soldiers have been tricky, and they don't have enough wisdom. How to lead soldiers? The life of a soldier is precious. Despite the situation on the battlefield, avoiding casualties to the greatest extent is what all officers should do. If they can break through the encirclement in front of enemies that are several times their own, protect themselves, and kill and injure the enemy, then they are truly qualified .”

"When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. They lead two hundred brothers. This is a huge force. In the face of the enemy, it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers. How to strategize, assess the situation, and how to get the best chance of winning is what they started from. You have to think about it, how to go to war if you are reckless."

"The problem of lack of food and grass, they have to face it all the time. Just imagine, the rogues are harassing everywhere. Don't they have to face such a problem? In the barren mountains, the rogues are circling among them. How do they deal with it? When you encounter such a problem when you are a bandit, how should you deal with it? If you don’t have enough food and grass, you don’t fight. When you bite your opponent, you don’t have enough food and grass. If you don’t have enough food, you don’t chase.

"I also know that this stress test is a bit more demanding. However, the purpose of Jiangning Battalion's big competition this time is to select officers. If you can't come up with the highest requirements, how can you improve the fighting spirit of the soldiers?"

Su Tiancheng's explanation seemed very general, some specific arrangements, he couldn't say them out, if the details were leaked, the stress test would lose its meaning.

The speaker was interested, the listener was interested, and everyone took a deep breath.

Thinking about Jiangning Camp's big martial arts competition this time, steel swords and spears, shooting arrow riding skills, and close combat, the requirements are already very high. It is not easy to fight from the middle, and you have to face the test of resistance. The soldiers selected in this way should not be underestimated.

After a while, Fan Jing spoke.

"I've never heard of this stress test. It's really not easy for Mr. Su to think of this. Although the requirements are quite high, the officers selected in this way are true generals."

It was originally planned that Fan Jing and the others would leave after attending the opening ceremony and reviewing the Jiangning Camp phalanx, but after everyone knew the true meaning of Jiangning Camp's unarmed combat and stress testing, no one wanted to leave. I want to see what kind of situation it is after such a big competition.

This was something that Su Tiancheng did not expect. The conditions in the barracks were very good, and there would be no problem in arranging people. It's just that the officials of the Jiangning county government must go back. It's the season for farmers, and they must not delay the farming.

It is impossible for the officers of the two battalions to stay in the Jiangning battalion completely, which also seems inappropriate. After all, for half a month, Su Tiancheng always believed that the quality of the sergeants of the two battalions is still good, but it is a pity that the treatment is poor Some, there is too little training on weekdays, and everyone is trying to find ways to make money. Through this Jiangning battalion competition, the officers of the two battalions will be stimulated and let them understand that the nature of the army is different, and they cannot Get money, regardless of the sergeants below.

Fan Jing, Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou, Lu Shanji, Qin Sande and others stayed.

Su Tiancheng secretly told Zhang Taining that half of the officers of the two battalions will stay and the rest will return to the two battalions. Of course Zhang Taining will stay and observe.

Except for Su Tiancheng who stayed here, all the officials of the Jiangning county government went back to the county government.

After arranging all this, one day will pass. All the preparations for the Jiangning Camp Grand Tournament have been completed, and the soldiers are all ready.

The official competition starts at 21 o'clock in the morning on the [-]st.

At night, everything is quiet.

Su Tiancheng and Sun Chuanting walked slowly outside the barracks.

"General Sun, the main purpose of the stress test is to select battalion commanders and deputy battalion commanders. You must be mentally prepared for this. If you can pass the stress test, you must be competent. Sun Yuankun, Liu Shiliang, Luo Chang, Liu Tiehan , Sun Siming and others all commanded an intercepting team. Although they are battalion commanders, they also have to face tests. This is why I asked all company commanders and deputy company commanders to participate in the stress test. The selection of low-level officers mainly depends on the results of routine tests."

"Lord Su's arrangement took great pains. This time, the Jiangning Battalion will definitely be able to select many qualified officers."

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