Ming politicians

Chapter 318: Big Contest

() The cruelty of the martial arts competition far exceeded everyone's imagination.most

The Jiangning camp has medical officers who accompany the army, and a large number of doctors who specialize in bruises have been invited from the county. These people are always ready to heal the sergeants who have injuries.

After all, the martial arts competition is an internal test and selection. In the eyes of everyone, it should not involve injuries and bloodshed.

However, there was still a deviation in everyone's predictions.

On the first, second, and third days, the shooting competition was focused on. As for the steel knife and spear, it was a drill-type competition. There was no specific physical contact between the sergeants.From the fourth day onwards, the atmosphere changed abruptly.

The winners of the routine test, starting from the fourth day, entered the situation of catch-and-play game.

On the playground, four large wooden platforms have been built, each wooden platform is more than one meter high, enough for hundreds of people to stand on it.

The match game was about to start, Fan Jing and the others also wanted to see how the Jiangning Battalion planned to select the sergeants, and whether the game between the sergeants was just a show, or a point-and-shoot.

In the grand competition of 3 people, through shooting arrows, steel swords and spears, and riding competitions, 300 people with the best results will be selected. These 300 people will enter the game of catch-and-play, and those who can finally participate in the stress test, Only 30 people.

The chances of this kind of selection are too small. From 3 people, 300 people will be selected, and one person will be selected from every one hundred sergeants. This is already the elite among the elite, and then one person will be selected from ten , as one can imagine, was able to enter the Sgt for the final stress test.Among thousands of people, one person is selected.

300 people stand out.Standing neatly at the forefront, accepting the envious eyes of many sergeants.

They were waiting for Su Tiancheng to speak, this was a long established rule.

Su Tiancheng was not polite, and only he could speak the truth.

He walked onto the wooden platform alone, including Fan Jing and others, all stood under the wooden platform.

On the huge playground.Crows and Birds, including Fan Jing and others, have gradually adapted to the rules here after staying in the barracks for three days. Although they are distinguished, they will not whisper to each other.

Su Tiancheng glanced at the audience, and spoke with a serious expression.

"Starting from today. Three hundred outstanding Jiangning battalion soldiers will play games here. This is the battlefield, this is the stage for your performance, and this is the place for you to show your abilities to the fullest."

"Competition is a kind of ability, one's own strengths and abilities. Through competition and contests with others, it is fully revealed. This is the purpose of our martial arts competition. Some people may think that the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp are all brothers, fighting against each other. Wouldn't it hurt my family's peace, I don't think so, good and fair competition is necessary, if there is no competition, our Jiangning battalion will stagnate."

"That's right. Our Jiangning battalion has won several battles and gained a certain reputation, but what does this mean? It's all in the past. We must always look forward. All brothers, you must know the responsibility you shoulder. , as long as there is still one breath left, we must work hard, be loyal to the emperor, do our best for the court, and defend our Daming country."

"Brothers who are about to participate in the competition, please remember that your potential is limited. Although you have temporarily won and are qualified to show yourself on the wooden platform, some brothers still lack self-confidence. I thought of two words , set limits on yourself, draw the ground as a prison, and see that the opponent is stronger, and you will lose confidence. In such a situation, you don’t need to compete, and you have already lost. I don’t want to see such a situation. Winning or losing is a common matter in military affairs. It doesn’t matter if you fail, the key Let's see if you did your best."

"I won't say much about the rules of the game, but I want to emphasize one point. Anyway, you are brothers. In such a game, you may be injured. If you make a mistake, just laugh it off. Don't take each other to heart, but if In order to win, some people do it deliberately, even by unscrupulous means, such a sergeant will be expelled from the Jiangning camp immediately."

"Okay, the game will start right away, you guys get ready."

The competition lasts five days and is divided into three rounds. The first round is a single round. 300 people are divided into 150 groups. Each group has two people. The winner enters the next round. The second round is also a single round. Divide into [-] groups, one person in each group wins, and in the third round, divide into ten groups, with five people in each group, three people win, and two people are eliminated.

At the end of the three rounds, the thirty winners participated in the final stress test.

This was specially designed by Su Tiancheng, especially the second and third rounds, which he put in great effort.

The first round of the two-person game relies on ability, including part of the wisdom. The second round is not only a test of ability, but also must adapt to the situation. Winning among the three, recklessness is definitely not enough, and more people need wisdom, which is the most important thing. It is the third round. Five people are playing games on the stage. This requires an alliance. Three people must be stronger than two people. Or you have something extraordinary, beyond the wisdom of ordinary people. Strategize and eliminate two people. This is the test. If the relationship between personal appeal and daily life comes out, those sergeants who are indifferent, self-centered, or too honest will definitely be eliminated.

Because of this design, Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou and others have argued with Su Tiancheng. They believe that the deployment of the army is mainly in the hands of the commander. It is the selection of junior officers, where such a strict test is needed, such tests, the selected officers are not ordinary people.

Su Tiancheng insisted on his own opinion. In fact, he had already confessed to Sun Chuanting that he wanted to directly select a group of battalion commanders and deputy battalion commanders from among these people.

The game is played with the sound of the drum, and when the drum sounds, the two start to play against each other. They can carry specially prepared wooden knives. Every sergeant who comes to the stage to participate in the game wears soft armor and a helmet to avoid injuries to the greatest extent.

The first round of competition lasted for a quarter of an hour. If the two hadn't decided the winner after a quarter of an hour, the law enforcement battalion would decide the winner.

The sign of victory is to throw the opponent off the wooden platform, or let the opponent fall down on the wooden platform, and forcefully stand up to compete.

This is no ordinary game, it can be described as extremely cruel.

Although protected by soft armor and helmets, injuries cannot be avoided. Therefore, a large number of medical officers and doctors are well prepared. If there is a problem if the treatment is not timely, they will be punished.

The first drum was played by Fan Jing himself.

The game started, and everyone was holding their breath, staring at the stage intently.

The sergeants who had just come on stage were a little cautious at the beginning, after all, there were so many people watching, but gradually, they forgot about the audience below and concentrated on the game.

After several consecutive rounds of competition, Su Tiancheng kept frowning.

The game on the wooden platform was very exciting, none of the sergeants took the initiative to admit defeat, it was all the game to the end, there were many cases of evenness, loud applause came from all around from time to time, even the old man like Sun Chengzong watched intently, constantly The sound of applause burst out.

The situation that Su Tiancheng hoped to happen has never happened. He needs to see what is outmaneuvered, not blindly showing his own strength because of the attention of many people. Relying entirely on his own strength, this is the talent he needs.Those who can not be disturbed by external forces and have their own calm analysis are really capable people. Such a person can command an army and be invincible.

Sun Chuanting has always stood by Su Tiancheng's side.

He found Su Tiancheng's expression a little strange.

"Master Su, is it such a game, what's the problem?"

Su Tiancheng shook his head.

"Master Sun, I hope to see those who win by outsmarting, not those who rely entirely on strength."

"Why is that? Isn't the first round of the game just to show kung fu?"

"That's the requirement, but if you think about it, so many people watched, and when the soldiers came to the stage to play games, they all had excited expressions on their faces. This shows that when they came to the stage, they were already disturbed by the sergeants below. The point is to show their own strength and forget to outsmart them. The more they are like this, the more they must be calm, able to not be influenced by external forces, and use the smallest cost to achieve the greatest victory. This is the real senior officer."

Sun Chuanting gasped, he did not expect that Su Tiancheng's request was so high.

"Lord Su, such a request is really not simple anymore. Today's situation is different. The soldiers who compete on stage think of showing their abilities to the maximum."

"I know this. What I am worried about is that under such circumstances, the selected senior officers will be influenced by the surrounding situation at critical moments and lose their own judgment. I hope my worries are unfounded."

Sun Chuanting stopped talking, Su Tiancheng made such a request, he himself needs to think about it, to be able to make his own judgment in times of crisis, not to be influenced by external forces, it is not something ordinary people can do, truly This point, there is absolutely no problem in commanding thousands of troops to fight.

Sun Chuanting was also a little puzzled. Does the Jiangning battalion need so many handsome talents? If the battalion commanders of each battalion are such talents, wouldn't it be overkill for them to command 2000 people? There are not many capable people.

Seeing that Sun Chuanting was silent, Su Tiancheng spoke again.

"Master Sun, the situation facing the Jiangning battalion is very dangerous. At that time, it is impossible for everyone to gather together. If a certain battalion goes out to kill the enemy alone and leaves the main force, the battalion commander needs to assess the situation and act accurately. As a last resort, they will even go deep into the hearts of many opponents, without support, facing a desperate situation, think about it, without outstanding commanding skills, how can they persevere."

Sun Chuanting already understood some meanings, and some of Su Tiancheng's thoughts had gone beyond what he could think about.

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