Ming politicians

Chapter 319 Stand Out

() The game was very fierce and cruel. People kept falling off the wooden platform. The doctor who was waiting on the side quickly stepped forward to check the situation, not only for the defeated sergeant, but also for the victorious sergeant to be inspected.

The soldiers of the Jiangning battalion watched the match attentively. They were convinced that those who could go to the wooden platform to compete were all the best and winners of the Jiangning battalion. When they saw someone winning, they cheered. They applaud.

Su Tiancheng was very satisfied with this situation. In fact, most of the 300 people were going to be monitors.

It’s the second day of the competition, and more than 100 people have already won. There are no sergeants who use their wisdom to win. Everyone on stage relies on fighting, and both sides are exhausted. Such a scene is very beautiful.

Su Tiancheng almost lost his confidence. He thought that his requirements were still too high. This was probably the understanding brought by time travel. He always thought that the Jiangning camp could be the most outstanding. In his heart, he still looked forward to the emergence of Confucian generals.

After noon, the first round came to an end.

Su Tiancheng came to the fourth wooden platform and stood below it.

There was a big difference between the two people who played the game this time. One was tall and thick, and looked like a tiger. The other looked much slimmer and looked very quiet. Neither of them held weapons. It seemed that they were fighting with bare hands.

From the eyes and low-pitched conversations around him, Su Tiancheng discovered that everyone thought that the quiet sergeant must have been defeated, but there were also quite a few people who supported the quiet sergeant.

2 people in the Jiangning camp.It is impossible for Su Tiancheng to know them all.

Sun Chuanting on one side introduced the situation of the two of them.

"The strong sergeant's name is Song Jingang. The sergeant of Xiaoqi Battalion, the quiet sergeant's name is Di Huaixiang, the sergeant of the Law Enforcement Battalion."

"Oh, is Di Huaixiang a sergeant in the law enforcement battalion?"

Su Tiancheng was shocked. When the law enforcement camp was established, the personnel were all selected. Sun Siming's requirements were somewhat high.They must have culture, and their skills are good. However, sergeants who meet such requirements are generally unwilling to enter the law enforcement camp. For this reason, Sun Siming directly approached Sun Chuanting and asked for special care.

"That's right. This Di Huaixiang used to be the guard of Prince Jin's residence."

Su Tiancheng nodded thoughtfully, stopped talking, and looked up the wooden platform.

Song Jingang stepped onto the wooden platform, looking aggressive, as if he was going to attack immediately.Unexpectedly, Di Huaixiang was not in a hurry at all, with a smile on his face, he clasped his fists to salute Song Jingang.

Song Jingang was taken aback for a moment, and he cupped his fists reluctantly in return.

At the moment Song Jingang was stunned for a moment, Di Huaixiang suddenly launched an attack.

Song Jingang was caught off guard.Seeing Di Huaixiang rushing towards him, he could punch out.With the meaning of offense, more of a defense.

The sergeant under the wooden platform booed a little, everyone was used to head-to-head confrontation, and felt that Di Huaixiang was playing tricks.

Su Tiancheng nodded slightly, as if he saw hope.

When Di Huaixiang rushed over, he didn't attack Song Jingang. He dodged Song Jingang's fist, stepped to Song Jingang's side, hit Song Jingang with his body, and quickly separated.

Song Jingang's body sat up for a while, his face blushed, and his desperate aura came out.

Di Huaixiang looked dignified, very careful, and kept dodging.

One side is attacking, the other side is dodging, and there is not much frontal contact between the two.

The expressions of the two were also completely different. Song Jingang was furious, and he tried his best every time he attacked, wishing to immediately knock Di Huaixiang to the ground, or lift off the wooden platform, but Di Huaixiang had no expression on his face. It seemed very calm, even cold.

A few minutes passed, and Song Jingang couldn't help it any longer. Every time Di Huaixiang attacked, he slid back and forth like a loach. This isn't a game, it's all about hide-and-seek.

Song Jingang became angry and increased the pace of attack. As a result, Di Huaixiang was in a difficult situation. Just dodging would definitely not work. He began to fight Song Jingang. All of them exclaimed.

Su Tiancheng was surprised to find that Di Huaixiang was not weak, on the contrary, when he fought back, he was methodical, and he always shot when Song Jingang was old in his attacking tactics, which made Song Jingang very uncomfortable.

As time went by, Song Jingang's physical strength was obviously failing.

Di Huaixiang suddenly changed his dodging style and started to attack.

Di Huaixiang chose a very good time slot. At this time, if he continued to dodge, Song Jingang would be happy. He could take the opportunity to rest, take a breath, and adjust. Unfortunately, Di Huaixiang didn't give the opportunity.

The two began to collide.

After some dazzling fighting, a surprising scene appeared. Di Huaixiang grabbed Song Jingang's belt, and through his own rotation, Song Jingang's feet were unsteady and his body was empty.

Di Huaixiang once again hit Song Jingang who was unstable in the lower plate with his body.

Song Jingang staggered and staggered back a few steps.

Di Huaixiang did not give up on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, followed closely, grabbed Song Jingang's belt again, and spun his body around. When Song Jingang was still a little dizzy, he repeated the previous action, and knocked Song Jingang under the wooden platform with his body .

This series of actions is too great, no one thought that there would be such a change.

Song Jingang, who fell off the stage, was obviously not injured. He stood up, looked at Di Huaixiang in the stands, squatted down bitterly, and pulled his hair with his hands, as if he was not convinced.

After the victory, Di Huaixiang jumped off the wooden platform without showing off, and helped Song Jingang up.

"Brother Song, I won by luck, so you don't have to be depressed."

Song Jingang looked at Di Huaixiang, and spoke in a low voice.

"If you lose, you lose. Brother Di, I am convinced."

Seeing all this, a smile appeared on Su Tiancheng's face.

He was very satisfied with Di Huaixiang's performance. After getting on the wooden platform, he first made Song Jingang's nerves slightly relaxed by clasping his fists and saluting. , after exhausting Song Jingang's strength to the maximum, he suddenly broke out and defeated Song Jingang.

The whole process was done in one go.

The fighting was not intense at all, and it was not good-looking, but calmness was shown everywhere.

Especially after the victory, Di Huaixiang was able to take the initiative, help Song Jingang up, and comfort Song Jingang, which is not something ordinary people can do.

Su Tiancheng remembered Di Huaixiang, but now is not the time to talk, in the next two rounds and the third round, he will pay special attention to Di Huaixiang.

Song Jingang was also very good. He didn't show any rage, and he took the initiative to admit defeat. This was much better than the sergeants who had been defeated before. What's more, Song Jingang was fully prepared to fight with real swords and guns. Definitely lose to Di Huaixiang.Under such circumstances, it is not easy to admit that Di Huaixiang is stronger than himself.

Sun Chuanting also watched very carefully. After talking with Su Tiancheng, he began to think, and paid more attention to this big competition. If he could select excellent officers from among the soldiers, he would be very happy.

"Master Sun, I think this Song Jingang needs to be trained well."

"Well, I also paid attention to it just now, Mr. Su, look, what position should Song Jingang arrange for?"

"Isn't he in the Xiaoqi camp? He can be arranged to be the platoon leader."

Sun Chuanting nodded, even if Su Tiancheng's arrangement was finalized, the platoon leader of the Xiaoqi Battalion was not easy, and all the leaders were cavalry, who needed to charge forward.

It was getting dark, and Sun Chuanting entered Su Tiancheng's room.


"Well, except for the law enforcement battalion, everything else is expected."

"Yes, I also feel that there is some gap between the forward battalion, infantry battalion and Shenji battalion. In the future, we still need to strengthen training."

"This is not a matter of training. Think about it. Everyone wants to enter the personal battalion, scout battalion, and Xiaoqi battalion. Those who are worse also want to go to the vanguard battalion. Under such circumstances, good sergeants will naturally Liquid."

Sun Chuanting nodded, this is indeed the case.

"Unexpectedly, 12 people from the law enforcement battalion came out. If you count the ratio, they are the most powerful."

"Master Sun, do you still remember Di Huaixiang, this afternoon, the sergeants of the law enforcement battalion used the method of outsmarting several times, hehe, thinking with your head is different."

"That's right, in the so-called strategizing, winning thousands of miles away, being able to use your brain is definitely different."

After saying this, Sun Chuanting remembered something.

"Master Su, the second round will start tomorrow, you should stay and take a look."

"No, I have to go to the villages and towns to take a look. Mr. Yan has not been in Jiangning County for a long time. During this time, he has been working on the affairs of the Lao County Government. It is the busy season of farming. I have to go down and have a look, but You can't just leave it to Master Yan."

It's not just Su Tiancheng, Fan Jing and others who are leaving the Jiangning camp. They can't stay in the barracks for half a month. There are not many people left. Except for Zhang Taining, there are only two people left. The officers of the camp.

After the contest was over, Fan Jing and the others were going to come to the Jiangning Camp again. They really wanted to see how the quality of the officers selected through the contest was.

As for Su Tiancheng, he also came to the barracks after the martial arts competition. <Cultivation has reached a critical moment, the officials of the county government, everyone's heart, some of them can't realize it, the main reason is that they can't see the county magistrate, besides, food is the most important thing, and there can be no negligence in the slightest.

I need to go out for a few days, all the chapters are uploaded regularly, sorry, when I come back, thank you readers who support me greatly

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