() On October 25th, Su Tiancheng returned to Jiangning County, and two thousand soldiers from the Jiangning Camp followed him. As for the family members, they all stayed in the stables.

When Su Tiancheng returned to Jiangning County, he was very low-key. After all, he was already the magistrate of Henan Province, and he had little relationship with Jiangning County. When he came back this time, he mainly dealt with related matters. This is the biggest problem , that is, the family members of the Jiangning battalion soldiers, did they follow to Henan Mansion.

This is not a problem, it is impossible for soldiers to bring their families with them all the time, if they go to fight outside the pass in the future, it is a joke to bring their families with them, but Su Tiancheng thought of a different problem.

The conditions in Henan Prefecture are not good, and there is no comparison with Jiangning County. When I went to Henan Prefecture by myself, the first problem I faced was the problem of economic development. In this era, economic development cannot be separated from population.

However, in Henan and other places, what is lacking is population.

Years of famines, coupled with the harassment of bandits, have reduced the number of people in the Central Plains sharply. Under such circumstances, it is too difficult to develop the economy.

Su Tiancheng is not a god, even though he is a time traveler and has a knowledge that is ahead of this era, he still needs to do things step by step.

The best way to solve the problem of economic development in Henan Province is to increase the population, and increase the wealthy population to promote local consumption, so that the government can collect taxes from it. With the growing demand and the increase of the wealthy population, The level of consumption has increased, and the local pus can also directly benefit from it.

Based on this situation, Su Tiancheng considered whether to allow the family members of the Jiangning battalion soldiers to follow and move to Henan Mansion.

Adding up, the family members of more than 5 people, this is not a small group.

The treatment of the officers and men of the Jiangning Camp was very good. In terms of family members, they all belonged to well-to-do households, and they all had some money in their homes.

but.Moving to Henan Prefecture also faced some specific problems, such as the problem of filial piety, the education level in Henan is far from being comparable to that in the south.

Of course, the relocation of the family members of the Jiangning battalion is just one.More importantly, merchants such as Song Sijun and Wan Chenggui followed to Henan Prefecture. Without the support of merchants and the investment of money, economic development was a long process.The taste of starting from scratch is not so comfortable.

He needs to deal with all these problems completely within a short period of time.

Just after returning to the mansion, Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou, Lu Shanji and others from the Zhongxing Academy came to visit.

Su Tiancheng didn't have time to wash up, so he rushed out to greet him.

Seeing the dusty Su Tiancheng.Sun Chengzong and others were very moved.

"Lord Su, I can't think of it. I haven't been in Jiangning County for a long time. When the Zhongxing Academy is booming, you are leaving. You have arrived in Henan Mansion. I congratulate you. But I am not reconciled."

"My lords, you don't need to think this way. The younger generation came to Henan Mansion because of the adjustment of the imperial court. The influence of the Zhongxing Academy is extraordinary. I think it has a bright future. The younger generation is still waiting for the moment when your lords will become famous."

Su Tianhao's words were tinged with a hint of joke, he really wanted to blend the atmosphere.

"My lord Su, the emperor has promoted you. I can't hold you back either. I have also discussed with you lords. The Zhongxing Academy can't just be established in Jiangning County, but also in other places. You go to Henan Prefecture Now, the Zhongxing Academy will also follow to Henan Mansion, Lord Liu and Lord Lu will follow, I don’t know what you want.”

"This is what I wish for. It's just that this junior is not very clear about the situation in Henan Mansion. It's better to wait for this junior to get a foothold in Henan Mansion before making a special trip to pick up Lord Liu and Lord Lu."

"As long as you have this opinion, it's fine. You don't tell the old man about these things, and you know it well."

Su Tiancheng chatted with Sun Chengzong and others for a while, and accepted Sun Chengzong's invitation to go to Sihai Restaurant to have a banquet in the afternoon. Such a banquet is probably indispensable during this period of time.

After Sun Chengzong and others left, Liu Jingting came.

Liu Jingting has done a good job in the county government. As Su Tiancheng's staff, he has fulfilled his duties. Now that Su Tiancheng has left Jiangning County, Liu Jingting will naturally have to make a choice.

Before Su Tiancheng opened his mouth, Liu Jingting took the initiative to say, this time, he must follow Su Tiancheng to Henan Mansion, no matter what he does, he is fine.

It is of course a good thing that Liu Jingting is willing to go with him to Henan Mansion, and Su Tiancheng readily agreed.

Su Tiancheng is very clear about Liu Jingting's role.

Zhu Youjian had already acquiesced. After Su Tiancheng arrived in Henan Mansion, to a certain extent, he could consider the staffing of officials on his own. This gave Su Tiancheng a lot of power, and it was much more convenient to use his own people to do things.

Apart from Liu Jingting, he also thought about taking Zheng Keyou away.

Zheng Keyou's ability is not bad. In addition, he has been in Nanjing for a long time, and has formed a certain veteran qualification. If he stays in Jiangning County, Yan Zizhang may not be able to do things well. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. If there is a conflict between the two , who wins and who loses is still unclear.

With the current situation in Jiangning County, Su Tiancheng has devoted a lot of effort, and of course he must do his best to ensure the development of this place.

After eating at the Four Seas Restaurant, Su Tiancheng returned to the mansion.

Su Pingyang, Su Jun, Su Ertong and others all came, and even Liu Zhongji, who had returned to Shanxi to take the provincial examination, was preparing to take the general examination, and came too.

These people can be regarded as Su Tiancheng's absolute confidantes.

Regarding their going or staying, Su Tiancheng had thought about it a long time ago.

Liu Zhongji still has to take part in the examination, and the situation is still uncertain, so he will not leave Jiangning County for the time being.Su Ke and Su Ertong followed him to Henan Mansion, while Su Pingyang stayed in Jiangning County.

After Su Tiancheng said this decision, Su Pingyang's complexion changed rapidly.

"Young master, do you think I'm old..."

Seeing Su Pingyang's complexion, Su Tiancheng quickly explained.

"Uncle, don't have such an idea. I mainly think about the affairs of Jiangning County. Uncle is now the canon history of Jiangning County. It is not easy for Jiangning County to develop to the present. I don't want to see any changes in Jiangning County. Uncle Check here, the situation will be better, in fact, this kind of idea has existed a long time ago."

"Young master's arrangement, I have a different opinion. The development of Jiangning County to the present is indeed the young master's hard work, but the young master has left. Even if I stay here, it may not be able to play a very good role. The young master went to Henan Mansion Go, I followed, if the Henan Mansion can be built well, and the people there can have enough food and clothing, this is the best way to stabilize, and there will be no changes in Jiangning County."

Hearing what Su Pingyang said, Su Tiancheng was startled. More than two years later, Su Pingyang's understanding was completely different, and he was able to see problems from a certain height.

What Su Pingyang said is indeed reasonable. It is inappropriate for him to leave Jiangning County and leave Su Pingyang behind. The results prove that everything in Jiangning County is correct.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Tiancheng nodded.

"What my uncle said is indeed reasonable. If this is the case, then go to the Henan Mansion. We have all left, and the mansion in Jiangning County will also be dealt with. Please ask Uncle to be responsible for this matter. In addition, the servants in the mansion , all go to the stables, the mansion in the stables lacks servants, Su Ertong, you are directly responsible for this matter, take all the servants of the mansion to the stables, you will also stay in the stables for a while, waiting for me notify."

"Su Ke and Su Ertong are both working in the county government office. If they leave rashly, it must be inconvenient. After you go to the county government office tomorrow, you can tell Master Yan yourself. I believe Master Yan will understand."

"Uncle is a registered official of the Ministry of Officials. Leaving is not a matter of verbal talk, but formal procedures are required. Tomorrow, Lord Yan, Lord Zheng, and Lord Lan will all come to the mansion. I will invite them for this matter." Please help Cao to do it."

"Starting from tomorrow, Su Jun, you are mainly responsible for one thing. Let's see what the family members of Jiangningying think, and are they willing to follow them to Henan Mansion? Ready, the relocation of tens of thousands of people is not a small matter, it needs strict organization, the time when I took up the post in Henan Prefecture was after the [-]th day of the first lunar month, and the planned departure time was in late November, and the Jiangning camp needed to arrive early, so Make all the arrangements."

After arranging everything, Su Tiancheng wandered around the mansion alone.

After more than two years in Jiangning County, he didn't have much time to rest in the mansion. The main reason was that there were too many things to do. Most of the time was spent in the county government and Jiangning camp, and he spent more time away from Jiangning County.

After wandering for a long time, it is difficult to have a sense of belonging to a place.

Perhaps because of time travel, Su Tiancheng took all of this lightly. It may be because of his age and experience. He has no feeling of returning to his roots. According to his own ambitions and needs, including historical trends, he may Most of the time, I am doomed to wander, settle down, and be my home everywhere.

The servants in the mansion have already started to get busy, and they are all starting to tidy up. Su Tiancheng implemented things very quickly.

According to the arrangement Su Tiancheng mentioned earlier, the first batch of servants will leave in a few days and go directly to the stables. Most of the first batch of servants are maids and servants in the kitchen, and the second batch of servants The servants are mainly young and strong, and the third batch of servants set off together with the Jiangning battalion soldiers to escort many gold and silver treasures.

Su Tiancheng didn't know that after a few years, he was already a member of the wealthy class.

Su Tiancheng kept nodding to the servants who came back and forth, telling them to get busy on their own, these servants are fine, after arriving at the stables, Ji will settle down, and will not wander around with him.

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