Ming politicians

Chapter 359 1 Anger Becomes a Beauty

() Just after the hour, Yan Zizhang, Zheng Keyou, Lan Qiaozheng and others arrived at the mansion.most

The mansion Su Tiancheng bought was originally in the suburbs, but after more than two years of development, this place can no longer be regarded as the suburbs. There are many markets and houses around it, and it is already a part of the county.

When everyone met, there was not much politeness, Su Tiancheng directly stated his request, for example, Su Pingyang followed him to Henan Mansion, and entrusted Yan Zizhang and others to help with the relevant procedures, including the departure of Su Ke, Su Pingyang and others , As for Ma Huabiao, he is already a thousand households in the Jiangning camp.

Of course Yan Zizhang agreed wholeheartedly.

In fact, for more than two years, the key to Su Tiancheng's staying were the officials and servants of the county government. what's the problem.

The banquet is still arranged at the Four Seas Restaurant.

Not many people attended the banquet, mainly officials from the Jiangning County Government. These people worked with Su Tian when he was growing up, and they are very familiar with each other. Su Tiancheng is different from other county magistrates, and basically has no airs , but the requirements are strict, and the arranged things must be completed seriously, otherwise life will definitely be difficult.

Su Pingyang made an unprecedented decision, saying that he would invite a few girls from music background, and Qin would add to the fun.

Everyone agreed with this approach. Su Tiancheng is leaving Jiangning County. You must know that Nanjing is known as the land of gold powder. As long as you have money, you can enjoy everything here.

Su Tiancheng was startled, never thought that Su Pingyang would make such an arrangement, and Su Jun also expressed his support, and went to run errands with Su Pingyang, saying that he was going to invite the girl from Leji.

There were a lot of people in the private room, watching Su Pingyang and Su Jun leave, Su Tiancheng didn't care too much.

The seat of Jiaofangsi is only a few minutes away from Sihai Restaurant.There are more than four miles, and it takes a lot of time to go back and forth. Su Pingyang and Su Jun must have taken a carriage, and it is estimated that it will be within half an hour.

The private room on the fourth floor has a good environment. Standing by the door, you can see the scene on the nearby street.The twelfth lunar month is about to enter, and the merchants in Jiangning County are already working hard. The Spring Festival is a traditional festival, and the purchasing power of ordinary people is astonishing.

People coming and going on the street, bustling, watching all this.What Su Tiancheng thought was that after arriving in Henan Mansion, it would definitely be difficult to see such a scene, but Luoyang, where Henan Mansion is located, has always been a battleground for military strategists, and it may not be without prosperity.

When the food and wine were served, Su Pingyang followed suit.Out of breath, it seemed that he was in a hurry to go upstairs.

Soon, Su Jun came in with a man and a girl wearing a black veil.

When the man saw Su Tiancheng, a charming smile immediately appeared on his face.

"My lord, the girl from Leji is here. I don't know what song you want to listen to. I will arrange it for you. This girl has just arrived in Leji. She has a lot of background and has a good piano."

The girl who came in was wearing a veil, and in the winter season, she was wearing a bit bloated, coarse cotton padded clothes, and her figure could not be seen.But based on feeling, it must be a young and beautiful girl.

Thinking of Miss Le Ji's background, Su Tiancheng shook his head without saying a word.However, he remembered that when he first went to Qinhuai River, he met Liu Rushi with a veil on his face.After going through this kind of thing, Su Tiancheng won't be reckless anymore, it's no big deal to wear a veil if you wear a veil.

Su Jun on the side spoke.

"What are you talking about so much? Just ask the girl to play the repertoire. If you have any good repertoire, come out."

After everyone sat down, the girl also sat on the side and began to tune the strings. No one noticed that the girl's body was trembling slightly, because she was covered with a black veil, and she didn't know what the girl's expression was.

When Su Tiancheng picked up his first glass of wine, the girl started to play.

In less than a minute, Su Tiancheng was stunned.

This piece was exactly the piece played by Liu Rushi when he went to the Qinhuai River. Although he was not very interested in these pieces, he would never forget this piece, and he would never forget it.

Su Tiancheng turned his head to look at the girl, and slowly stood up.

Everyone was shocked, but Su Pingyang and Su Jun seemed a little nervous.

Su Tiancheng slowly walked in front of the girl. At this moment, the girl's body began to tremble greatly, and she could no longer play music well.

Su Tiancheng stopped in front of the girl, looked at it for a while, without hesitation, stretched out his hand to lift the girl's veil.

A very familiar face appeared in front of his eyes, and this face was already covered with tears.

Su Tiancheng's expression changed instantly.

He didn't expect that Gu Hengbo actually arrived in Leji. Why, when he left Jiangning County, he didn't know about such a thing, and it was impossible for such a thing to happen.

When he came back this time, he had one more thing to do, and that was to take Gu Hengbo away.

In any case, this is a promise, a promise that must be kept.

But he still can't lose his temper rashly, who knows if Gu Hengbo took the initiative to go to Leji, although he can't have such dirty thoughts, but in this world, there is nothing impossible, and he can travel through hundreds of years The previous Ming Dynasty has come, and there is nothing that cannot happen.

Su Tiancheng turned his head and looked at Su Pingyang and Su Jun. All of this was specially arranged by the two of them, and they must have known the reason. In fact, not only Su Pingyang and Su Jun, but almost everyone in the room knew In this matter, Gu Hengbo was so famous that he offended He Yaowu, so he was assigned to Le Ji.

The man who came from Leji found that the situation was wrong. He shouldn't have opened his mouth with such sincerity, but by accident, he actually spoke.

"My lord, this girl is a felon of Le Ji, and she cannot be redeemed."

When the man said this, Su Tiancheng understood a lot. At least, Gu Hengbo didn't take the initiative to go to Leji. He must have encountered something, or offended some powerful person, and was dispatched to Leji.

In an instant, Su Tiancheng's anger came up.

There are not many people who know about the matter between me and Gu Hengbo, but there are also many people. Before I left Jiangning County and the South Stable, some people started to plot. This kind of recognized provocative behavior cannot Bear.

Looking at the man, Su Tiancheng spoke coldly.

"You can go back. Gu Hengbo stay here and tell your Master Fengluan, if you need anything, just come to me."

This man is obviously stubborn and did not understand Su Tiancheng's words. From his point of view, Gu Hengbo was sent in by Ying Tianfu. In Nanjing, who would dare to touch the important criminals sent by Ying Tianfu? Fangsi also cannot bear such responsibility.

"My lord, the little one can't follow orders. Master Fengluan has specially ordered that Gu Hengbo must be watched closely. If the lord has nothing else to do, the little one will take Gu Hengbo away."

Su Tiancheng looked at the man, and suddenly burst out laughing.

The man was puzzled and looked at Su Tiancheng.

"It seems that your job is good, and you are loyal to your duty. Lord Fengluan has issued an order, and you are strictly carrying it out. I am in a good mood today, and I don't care about you. You go back now and call your Lord Fengluan to come. , if you still want to chatter here, carefully I will dismantle your Jiaofang Division."

After Su Tiancheng said this, Gu Hengbo stood up, walked to Su Tiancheng's side, took Su Tiancheng's arm, leaned against Su Tiancheng tightly, and said nothing.

She completely understood what Su Tiancheng meant by these few words.

When entering the private room, Gu Hengbo noticed Su Tiancheng. Although she didn't understand the meaning, she was full of hope, but under the circumstances at that time, she didn't dare to speak. If Su Tiancheng ignored her, everything would be fine. Hope is gone.

The grievances of so many days disappeared in an instant.

The man looked at Su Tiancheng and didn't dare to speak anymore. He wasn't particularly stupid and knew that Su Tiancheng's status was unusual.However, if there is evil, he still has to explain it thoroughly, so as not to bear all the responsibilities himself.

Regret is useless at this time, if I knew this situation earlier, why would I bother to come to this muddy water.

"My lord said so, but I dare not refute it, but Gu Hengbo is a felon sent by Ying Tianfu. If I escape from my hands, I can't bear the responsibility, and neither can the Secretary of Jiaofang."

Su Tiancheng narrowed his eyes. Although the man in front of him was doing things in the music book, he was still somewhat flexible, and his words had many meanings.

"Hehe, go back and tell your Lord Fengluan that if he has any opinions, feel free to come to the official, and the official is Su Tiancheng."

The man's body trembled.

He finally understood what he meant. The opponent turned out to be Su Tiancheng, the former magistrate of Jiangning County, the former supervisor of the Jiangning Battalion, and the current commander of the guards. What Su Tiancheng said was indeed correct. If the Secretary of Jiaofang offended Su Tiancheng, he might really be demolished , There are [-] soldiers in the Jiangning camp, and half of the south stables are shaken with the movement of a finger. What is a mere Jiaofang Division?

"The little one knows, just offended the adults, and the little one is also doing his duty."

After the man finished speaking, he turned and prepared to leave.

"Wait, what's your name"

"Little Yue Gaofeng, doing things in Leji."

"Well, the officer looks good. If you want to enter the Jiangning camp, you can come at any time. When you arrive at the Jiangning camp, just report your name. You go back and report to Lord Fengluan. I will wait here."

The man turned around, looked at Su Tiancheng, said nothing, turned and left again.

Inside the private room, the atmosphere was a bit delicate. Yan Zizhang and the others didn't know what to say. This was Su Tiancheng's family affair, so it was not easy to comment casually. However, the main purpose of everyone was to give Su Tiancheng a farewell party. Good question.

Knowing the embarrassment of everyone, Su Tiancheng took the initiative to raise the wine glass and drink with everyone.

The clerk came in quickly, and added a chair beside Su Tiancheng, allowing Gu Hengbo to sit and eat.

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