Ming politicians

Chapter 360 1 Anger Becomes a Beauty

() An hour has passed.high speed

Everyone knew about Su Tiancheng's drinking capacity. Normally, everyone would drink heavily, but today's situation is a bit special, and drinking seems to be a lot more restrained.

Gu Hengbo didn't speak the whole time, nor did he eat or drink, maybe he was frightened.

When the shopkeeper of Sihai Restaurant entered the private room, his face turned pale, and when he saw Su Tiancheng, he stopped talking.

In fact, Su Tiancheng has been waiting to see what will happen later. According to such an atmosphere, the banquet should have dispersed long ago. He took Gu Hengbo back to the mansion and asked carefully what was going on.

"Shopkeeper, if you have anything to say, just say it."

The shopkeeper looked at the crowd again, and spoke cautiously.

"My lords, the master of Wucheng Bingma Division has come, and he said that there are serious criminals who have escaped here."

In the private room, it was instantly quiet.

The Wucheng Bingma Division in Nanjing belongs to the Ministry of War, but Ying Tianfu is directly responsible for daily management. The Wucheng Bingma Division is mainly responsible for the security situation in the south stable. They must be targeting Gu Hengbo when they come to Sihai Restaurant.

Su Tiancheng was startled, he thought that the other party would retreat in the face of difficulties, but he unexpectedly provoked trouble and asked Wucheng soldiers and horses to come forward, it seems that the other party is smart enough.

"Boss, tell their leaders to come up, and tell them that the repeat offender is here."

There was a wry smile on the shopkeeper's face.

"My lord, the younger ones have already dissuaded them, saying that the adults are eating here, and there will be no repeat crimes from the court. The military masters are eating and drinking downstairs..."

"Hehe, shopkeeper, thank you. I asked them to come up. The officer wanted to see which of the court's felons they were detaining."

The commander of the Wucheng soldiers and horses came up aggressively with a few sergeants.

Command is the rank of the sixth rank.The power in his hands is not small, and he is also very arrogant on weekdays.

Seeing the situation in the private room, the commander had a very strange expression on his face, a bit of a smile on the surface.

"It turns out that Master Su is here, and the lower officials came to detain the court's repeat offenders in response to the Tianfu's order. Please forgive me if I offend you."

Su Tiancheng knew the commander of the Wucheng Army and Horse Division, but he hadn't had any dealings with him on weekdays.

"Oh, is there any court felon here, please tell me, Commander, who it is."

Commander's face.The look on his face was not very good either. If Su Tiancheng was still the magistrate of Jiangning County, he must be more polite. He has already left Jiangning County, so some things are hard to say.

"Gu Hengbo next to your lord is a repeat offender by the imperial court, and the next official will take him away today."

"The detention order issued by Ying Tianfu. Show it to the officer."

"This one came in a hurry, but I didn't bring it."

The smile on Su Tiancheng's face faded, replaced by a grim expression.

"As the commander of the Army and Horse Division of the Five Cities, you are in charge of security matters in the south stables. You have a heavy responsibility. You have detained the court's felons, but there is no arrest warrant issued by the Yamen. The officer sees that you are the commander, do you not want to do it?"

The commander's face was red and white, and he was used to being arrogant in the south stable, so he didn't expect to encounter such a thing. Besides, the thinking in his mind was also fixed.The guests leave for tea, no matter how big things Su Tiancheng had before, he has already left Nanzhili, so he can still have big things.

"Your Excellency, don't stop the lower officials from handling the case. If there are any incomplete procedures, the lower officials will go back and make up for it, and they must be taken away."

"If the official doesn't do it, what are you going to do?"

"The official will be offended and must be forced."

"Hahaha, the officer didn't even blink his eyes in the face of tens of thousands of bandits. You, a little commander, dare to speak like that in front of the officer. You have to use force. Okay, then try it yourself."

Before the conductor could speak, Su Tiancheng spoke again.

"Wang Dazhi, hurry to the Jiangning camp and pass on my order. The Jiangning camp will mobilize the scout battalion, the first battalion and the second battalion of the Xiaoqi battalion to surround the soldiers and horses of the five cities, and prepare to arrest the rebels who colluded with the bandits. amnesty."

The commander of the Wucheng soldiers and horses turned pale instantly.

After arguing for a long time, he finally remembered that Su Tiancheng is now the commander of the Jiangning battalion, and the Jiangning battalion has made outstanding achievements, so doing such a small thing is nothing at all.

"My lord, this official is following orders and intends to offend your lord. For what happened today, this official didn't have time to issue a detention order, so I'm going back."

"You don't need to go back, just wait here. The official suspects that you are colluding with bandits. If you dare to act recklessly, the official will immediately take your head."

The conductor looked at Su Tiancheng, and didn't dare to continue talking. Judging from Su Tiancheng's expression, this lord probably did what he said, and really annoyed this lord. He cut off his own head and went to the vagina reasoning.

The South Stable was a sensation.

Thousands of soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion, fully armed, surrounded the Wucheng Bingmasi aggressively.

Several commanders of the Wucheng Bingma Division hid in the house, their faces turned pale. Of course they knew what was going on, but they didn't expect that Master Su had such a violent temper. If a fight was really provoked, he would fight Come, the soldiers and horses of the five cities can only be beaten.

The five hundred soldiers from the pro-barracks quickly rushed to the Four Seas Restaurant.

Su Tiancheng was thinking that to make things worse, he wanted to thoroughly figure out what was the reason behind it.

At this point, Fan Jing, Wang Daozhi and the others will definitely come forward.

Such news must have spread.

Sure enough, not long after, a doctor from the Ministry of War rushed to the Four Seas Restaurant, and with a smile on his face, he asked Su Tiancheng to go to the Ministry of War, saying that Lord Fan and Lord Wang from Ying Tianfu were waiting in the Ministry of War.

Su Tiancheng took Gu Hengbo, the commander of Wucheng Bingma Si and others, and rushed straight to the Ministry of War.

When he walked out of Sihai Restaurant, Gu Hengbo held Su Tiancheng's arm tightly, and his eyes became clear. She never imagined that Su Tiancheng would go to war so violently, and it was all for her.

For a while, the matter of going to see the emperor and empress was nothing to her.

The Ministry of War, Fan Jing and Wang Dazhi looked at each other, they didn't expect that Su Tiancheng made such a big move, and they didn't know what it was.

After seeing Su Tiancheng and others coming in, Fan Jing spoke with a sullen face.

"Master Su, what's the matter? There's such a big commotion that the entire South Stable has been disturbed."

"Lord Fan, Lord Wang, the subordinate officials have already left their posts. They shouldn't have done this. It's just that some strange things have happened today. I'd like to ask the Commander of the Military Division of the Five Cities to explain."

The commander of the Wucheng Bingma Division was pale, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans appeared on his head.

After he stammered out what happened, both Fan Jing and Wang Dazhi understood.

Su Tiancheng will not stop there.

"The lower officials don't know when Gu Hengbo became a felon of the imperial court. She is just a weak woman with the power to restrain a chicken. The lower officials are also not fair, so they have to take action. Since Gu Hengbo is a felon of the imperial court, the lower officials naturally think that , There are so many sergeants in Wucheng Bingma Division, they must be suspected of colluding with rogues. Jiangning Battalion is responsible for exterminating rogues. Things like Zhongdu can’t happen.”

Fan Jing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it turned out that the reason for such a long fight was because of a woman.

But it's hard for him to say anything, he doesn't know the specific things at all.

"My lord, in response to the detention order issued by Tianfu, what did Gu Hengbo commit?"

Now it was Wang Daozhi's turn to be in trouble, Gu Hengbogen did not commit any crimes, it was all caused by He Yaowu inside, it was a typical public revenge.

"I'm not very clear about this, I just heard about it."

"Master Wang, can you tell the lower official the truth, the lower official is not a messy person."

Wang Dao looked straight at Su Tiancheng, a little annoyed.

"Lord Su, there may be some misunderstandings here, I think it's better not to make a big fuss about this matter."

When Wang Daozhi said this, Su Tiancheng already understood. It seemed that the source of the matter was not Wang Daozhi.

"Since Mr. Wang said so, the next official will be daring. I took him away. If you need to ask anything, your lord can send Yingtianfu officials to ask questions at any time."

Only Fan Jing, Wang Daozhi, and Su Tiancheng were left in the room, so I have something to say.

Fan Jing complained at first, saying that Su Tiancheng was too bold in doing things. It was such a casual thing to mobilize Jiangning soldiers. If such a thing spread to the stables, the impact would definitely be bad.

At this time, Su Tiancheng didn't say a word, and it was enough to achieve the goal. The top leaders of Beizhili knew about this matter, and it was impossible for anyone to continue to trouble Gu Hengbo. As for the subsequent matters, we should deal with them slowly. .

Wang Daozhi also complained, and his tone was softer. What happened just now shows that the relationship between Su Tiancheng and Gu Hengbo is not normal. It is better not to have such a move, but to detain Gu Hengbo. The instructions that came out are really hard to say at this moment.

The atmosphere is getting better.

Fan Jing changed the subject and congratulated Su Tiancheng on being promoted to the prefect of Henan Prefecture. As for the matter of Jiangning battalion soldiers besieging the Wucheng Bingmasi, in his opinion, it was not a big deal. Although the impact was bad, it did not happen. Any serious consequences are nothing, besides, Jiangningying is about to leave Jiangning County and go to Henan Prefecture.

Wang Daozhi didn't talk about Gu Hengbo's matter, but there was already a pimple in his heart. After so many years in the officialdom, how could he not know that there was a chapter behind this matter, and maybe he was also used. Since Gu Hengbo is Su Tiancheng's woman, Ying Tianfu detained Gu Hengbo and sent her to Leji.

This feeling of being used by others is very uncomfortable.

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