Ming politicians

Chapter 362 Final Decision

() Song Sijun and Wan Chenggui rushed to Sihai Restaurant first to wait for Su Tiancheng. They also knew that this conversation was very important. After all, it involved vital interests, and no one would neglect it.

Seeing Su Tiancheng enter the private room, the two quickly got up and saluted.

They came here with the intention of being greeted at the entrance of the restaurant, but Su Tiancheng didn't want them to do so.

"Boss Song, Boss Wan, it will be the twelfth lunar month soon, and it is the time when business is booming. It is a bit difficult for you to be asked to move to Henan Mansion at this moment."

Song Sijun spoke immediately.

"Your Excellency, please don't say that. I'm ready and ready to leave at any time."

"Well, I still want to thank you. The conditions of Henan Prefecture are not comparable to those of Jiangning County. After you pass by, I'm afraid you will have to prepare for hardship. Don't abandon the business of Jiangning County completely. You can open a branch here. , especially Boss Wan, Su Sufang is very famous, and every year he sends a catkin to the stables."

Wan Chenggui didn't understand it for a while. In his opinion, moving to Henan Mansion must take away the guys here. These people are very familiar with them and they are easy to use.

"In my opinion, most of the people in Susufang can be left behind to follow to Henan Mansion, but some backbones are enough. The necessary staff can be hired in Henan Mansion. This will also reduce the trouble on the way. Boss Wan Don't give up the business in Jiangning County, it would be a pity."

Wan Chenggui finally understood the meaning. It turned out that the purpose of going to Henan Mansion was to expand his business there.

This requires a lot of courage, of course, with Su Tiancheng's support, there will never be any major problems.

The most core issue, Su Tiancheng has never said clearly, that is, after these merchants arrived in Henan Mansion.To put it bluntly, how much money they need to give to Jiang Ningying is the most important thing. The money they need every year is too much, which exceeds the limit they can bear, and it is also very difficult.

This is also a question that Su Tiancheng has always considered.It is also something that needs to be clarified today.

Hundreds of years later, this kind of model abounds. For example, some countries elect presidents. Before the election, the candidates always have a fierce competition and need to win votes.These all require expenses and money, so large consortiums have come forward to support them, providing funds and even personnel, but such support has a very clear condition, that is, after the candidate wins the election.Relevant policies must be introduced to directly take care of these consortiums so that they can earn more money.

Not to mention whether this type of model is suitable, Su Tiancheng feels that under the current circumstances, using this type of model can get the greatest support.Not necessarily a bad thing.

He and Song Sijun, Wan Chenggui and others also had the same exchange mode, but under the current situation, all the initiative is in his own hands, Song Sijun and others have no right to bargain.After all, it was still a feudal society, and the status of merchants was still the lowest.

Su Tiancheng directly entered the topic.

"Boss Song, Boss Wan, the cooperation between us. It's not a day or two. If there is evil, I'll just say it. Since you are cooperating with Jiang Ning Ying, you need to make real contributions. I have always I didn't mention the silver thing, I didn't expect to leave Jiangning County like this, I'm afraid your preparations are not so sufficient, although you say that everything is ready, in fact, it may not be, it will be the Spring Festival soon, earn money The time for money has come, and you are all ready."

Song Sijun and Wan Chenggui looked at each other and didn't speak, obviously acquiescing.

They also know that the cooperation with Jiangning Camp cannot be completely equal. For example, how much Jiangning Camp needs to spend and other matters are impossible for them to know.

"The merchants you two contacted may not all follow to Henan Mansion. This is also a normal situation. There is nothing strange. After all, not every merchant has such courage."

"The price I offered is also very clear. Next year, you will have to spend at least 120 million taels of silver. This is not a small sum of money. As far as I know, ten of the merchants you have contacted Eight companies, including you, there are a total of twenty companies, including four salt merchants. The conditions I gave are that each salt merchant bear 15 taels of silver, and the rest of the merchants are responsible. If they can afford such a For the expenses, I will go to Henan Mansion with Jiang Ningying, if you can’t afford it, just tell me, I won’t force it.”

Song Sijun and Wan Chenggui didn't answer right away. They thought to themselves that there were not many questions. The key was whether other merchants could agree to such conditions.

"You can think about it. Give me a specific answer within three days. You can't postpone it. If you agree, you must arrange the affairs of Jiangning County immediately, and set off to Henan Prefecture to take root first."

After more than an hour, the rest of the merchants came to the Four Seas Restaurant one after another.

These merchants are all planning to follow to Henan Mansion.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Su Tiancheng found an excuse, left the private room, and asked Song Sijun, Wan Chenggui and many merchants to discuss.

If everyone stays to eat, it means that this matter has been completed, and if some merchants leave with an excuse, it is embarrassing.

With such a treatment, everyone will have face, and it will not be embarrassing.

At You Shi, Su Tiancheng entered the private room on time.

No merchant left, and everyone was still in the private room.

The food and drink were about to be served, taking advantage of this gap, Song Sijun spoke.

"My lord, we have discussed it and agreed to the conditions you proposed."

Song Sijun spoke very simply, without dragging his feet.

A smile appeared on Su Tiancheng's face. Now he raised 120 million taels of silver, which solved a big problem. Of course, the Jiangning camp needs about 200 million taels of silver every year, and there is still a shortfall of 80 taels. Still need to find a way.

It is impossible to ask Song Sijun and other merchants to bear all the 200 million taels of silver. That is inappropriate and unreasonable.

After all, there are still merchants in Henan Prefecture. Besides, Henan Prefecture has a prefecture and thirteen counties under its jurisdiction. Such a scale is comparable to that of Jiangning County.

After the food and wine were served, Su Tiancheng first raised his wine glass to express his thanks to all the merchants.

After drinking a glass of wine, the atmosphere became very lively. This time, they drank without any disturbance, and everyone enjoyed themselves very much. The banquet lasted for an hour.

Back at the mansion, the servants said that Gu Hengbo was waiting in the house, maybe there was something to say.

After Su Tiancheng entered the room, Gu Hengbo quickly walked up to Su Tiancheng's side, helped him take off his coat, and heated up the charcoal.She is very skilled in these methods of serving people.

Su Tiancheng also thought about it, and confessed to Gu Hengbo.

"Meisheng, I'm going to Henan Mansion soon, it's definitely not as good as the South Stable, if you follow me to Henan Mansion, I'm afraid you'll be prepared to suffer, if you feel uncomfortable, go directly to the Stable. "

"The concubine will follow the gentleman by my side even if I die."

Su Tiancheng choked for a moment, he didn't expect Gu Hengbo's attitude to be so firm.

"Well, I'll go to Meilou tomorrow and find Mom directly. I'm afraid this time, Mom will vomit blood in anger."

Su Tiancheng said it in a teasing tone, but he was actually admitting that the madam had suffered a loss. After so many years of hard work, nothing came of it in the end.

"The concubine will follow, and the concubine will say goodbye to the sisters."

On the first day of December, early in the morning, Su Tiancheng took Gu Hengbo to the Qinhuai River.

Those who followed them to the Qinhuai River included a hundred soldiers from the Jiangning Camp.

The Qinhuai River is indeed beautiful. Although it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, the beauty and fame here still attract a large number of tourists.

Early morning is when the Qinhuai River rests, and there should be few people.

This time, Su Tiancheng's prediction was not accurate.

The girls of the Qinhuai River are all standing outside, and the girls on both sides of the river form a unique landscape.

This is not the first time Su Tiancheng has seen such a scene, the last time he picked up Liu Rushi, it was also like this.

The madam knew the news a long time ago, although she was very bitter in her heart, she still had a smile on her face.

Su Tian became Gu Hengbo, and actually used the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion to surround the five city soldiers and horses in the South Stable. This kind of courage is not something every man can do.

Under the envious eyes of many sisters, Gu Hengbo entered Meilou again.

She suddenly felt a little bit sad. After living here for more than ten years, she was naturally reluctant to leave.

Over the past few years, Gu Hengbo has also accumulated a large amount of gold and silver treasures.

She didn't need to tidy up by herself, the soldiers who followed would naturally tidy up everything according to her instructions.

Many sisters have entered Meilou at this time. While congratulating Gu Hengbo, they also bid farewell to Gu Hengbo. The fate between them is completely different. I don't know if there will be a chance to meet in the future.

When the madam gritted her teeth and took out Gu Hengbo's body deed, her heart was bleeding. After so many years of training, don't expect to get a lot of rewards.

Su Tiancheng took the deed and waited for Gu Hengbo downstairs.

Soon, the sergeant carried several boxes downstairs, and Gu Hengbo walked in the middle.

After seeing Gu Hengbo come down, Su Tiancheng stood up.

"My mother has worked hard to take care of Meisheng for so many years. I should still express my gratitude. This is 1 taels of silver. Please accept it. Meisheng, talk to my mother, I will wait outside."

When Gu Hengbo came out, there were still tears on his face.

Su Tiancheng took out 1 taels of silver, which was unexpected to her, and Su Tiancheng didn't need to take out the silver.

Along the way, Gu Hengbo was silent, sitting in the carriage.

After returning to the mansion, Gu Hengbo threw himself into Su Tiancheng's arms again and cried for a long time.

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