Ming politicians

Chapter 363 An Extraordinary Leaving

() The servants of the mansion left in batches. Ten days later, most of the servants left and went directly to the stables. This time to Henan Mansion, Su Tiancheng did not intend to take the servants with him, but went to Henan The mission of the government is different.

It was already the twelfth lunar month, and the lively scene in Jiangning County was unprecedented.

The streets and alleys are full of bustling crowds, and many people are carrying large and small bags in their hands, obviously coming to the county to purchase new year's goods.

Most of the family members of Jiangning camp soldiers lived in the outskirts of the city. In fact, markets and streets had already been formed here.

It's a little deserted here, and many family members are making preparations. After the Chinese New Year, they will leave Jiangning County and rush to Henan Mansion. Su Tiancheng has properly arranged for the disabled soldiers and the families of the fallen soldiers, and Yan Zizhang also made a promise that he will continue to take care of these people. It doesn't make much sense for these people to continue to follow the Jiangning camp. Obviously it's a burden. Besides, the conditions of Henan Prefecture are far inferior to those of Jiangning County.

This can't be blamed on Su Tiancheng's cruel heart, he can't bear such a burden, besides, these family members have received generous pensions, and the county government has guaranteed tax exemption for five years. These people, in Jiangning County, can live well.

What Su Tiancheng didn't expect was that Niu Er and other tenants from Pingyang Mansion also made up their minds to follow them to Henan Mansion.Su Tiancheng actually disagreed, he was doomed to wander, implicating so many people, and drifting with him, it was really unnecessary, but Niu Er and others played a great role, they were familiar with the planting techniques of sweet potato and corn, After arriving in Henan Mansion, they must be the ones who are eager to recruit.

Song Sijun and others set off at the beginning of the month to protect them all the way.There are one thousand Jiangning battalion soldiers.

December [-]th.

This is the day when the Jiangning Camp departs, and it is also the day when Su Tiancheng departs.

The mansion has been sold, and the man who bought the mansion was a merchant from Jiangning County. The bid was very high, and he insisted on paying some extra money. Jiangning Camp Military Camp.It was handed over to the county government. After the Jiangning battalion left, the two battalions transferred [-] sergeants to be directly responsible for the security affairs of Jiangning County. These [-] sergeants were naturally stationed in the original Jiangning battalion's barracks.

All handover work.It's all done.

It has to be said that Sun Chuanting has extraordinary organizational skills, and the departure of the Jiangning Camp was not easy. Millions of shi of grain and millions of taels of silver had to be transported to Henan Mansion, including Su Tiancheng's personal gold and silver treasures and so on.

This required a large number of carriages, but Sun Chuanting was organized abruptly.

What Su Tiancheng meant.Some grain can be purchased after arriving in Henan Province, but Sun Chuanting disagrees, thinking that grain is the root, and the soldiers and horses have to move the grain and grass first, and even if there are great difficulties, the grain must be transported to Henan Province.

Maoshi.All the soldiers stood neatly on the playground, waiting for Su Tiancheng to issue an order.

Su Tiancheng stood on the wooden platform, looked at the soldiers who were ready to go, and waved his hand without saying anything, signaling to go.

Jiangning camp barracks.It was just on the outskirts of the city, Su Tiancheng didn't want to disturb the people, so he chose to leave at Mao, this time.It is not yet dawn, and it is estimated that many people are still sleeping.

The large group of people can only take the official road. From Nanjing to Luoyang, the official road is more than [-] miles. Calculated according to the time, it should arrive in Luoyang after the fifth day of the first lunar month. That is to say, all the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp They will usher in the Spring Festival on the way.

Only half an hour after departure, there was news from the front, and there were some unusual scenes on both sides of the official road.

Su Tiancheng and Sun Chuanting jumped to the front.

Su Tiancheng was in Henan for disaster relief and when he left Mengjin County, he had seen the scene of common people sending them off, but the scene he saw today still moved him a little.

The people of Jiangning County stood along the official road and couldn't see the side at a glance.

Yan Zizhang, Zheng Keyou, Lan Qiaozheng and others rode horses and waited beside the official road.

Seeing Su Tiancheng and Sun Chuanting, Yan Zizhang took the initiative to speak.

"Master Su, Lord Sun, the officials on behalf of the Jiangning county government came here to see them off. Almost all the people of Jiangning County came."

Su Tiancheng cupped his fists to salute everyone, but said nothing.

The soldiers of the Jiangning camp, under the attention of many common people, walked slowly along the official road.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, there were gusts of icy wind, but the atmosphere at the scene made it impossible for everyone to feel the cold.

The brigade walked for half an hour, and it was already more than ten miles away from Jiangning County.

Su Tiancheng finally spoke to Yan Zizhang and others beside him.

"My lord Yan, my lord Zheng, my lord Lan, there will be a farewell to sending you off for thousands of miles, so I will stop here, and Jiangning County will be entrusted to you all."

Yan Zizhang and others dismounted.

Su Tiancheng and Sun Chuanting also dismounted.

"Master Su, Sir Sun, the lower officials have been sent here. In the past year, the lower officials have learned a lot, and expressed their gratitude in words and grammar. I am here to salute the two adults."

Yan Zizhang tidied up his official uniform, faced Su Tiancheng and Sun Chuanting, and respectfully saluted Jishou. Zheng Keyou and Lan Qiao were following behind, also saluting Jishou.

Someone brought over the good wine, and everyone drank it down.

When setting off again, Sun Chuanting was very emotional.

"My lord, Jiangning County is not what it used to be. For more than a year, I have experienced the changes in Jiangning County. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't believe it. If many prefectures and counties of my Ming Dynasty, It can be like Jiangning County, why worry that the bandits will not be wiped out, how can Hou Jin dare to be so arrogant."

Su Tiancheng smiled and didn't say anything. After the construction has really reached that level, it's not as simple as exterminating the bandits and surrendering the Houjin. I'm afraid there are many things to do.

Seeing Fan Jing, Wang Daozhi, Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou, Lu Shanji and others standing beside the official road, Su Tiancheng quickly got off his horse and went up to salute.

It is nearly twenty miles away from the south stable. Fan Jing and the others should have set off at Yinshi.

"My lords will send you off, I really don't dare to be an official."

Fan Jing had a smile on his face.

"Lord Su, you have done so many things in Jiangning County for more than two years. The officials are very surprised. It's a pity that you are leaving Nanzhili. If not, the officials will really report to the emperor. Suggestions You still stay in Nanzhili, justice is in the hearts of the people, what you did in Jiangning County, the common people will never forget, I am afraid you do not know, in order to bid farewell to you and the Jiangning camp, not only the people of Jiangning County, but even the people of Jiangning County The people of Shangyuan County have also been waiting by the official road in the early morning, you don’t want to disturb the people, but the people will never forget you.”

Su Tiancheng was a little speechless. In fact, he felt that he didn't do much.

Sun Chengzong then spoke.

"Master Su, the Zhongxing Academy is full of your hard work. Now that you have left Jiangning County and Nanzhili, I feel a lot of pressure. I still say that, no matter what, the Zhongxing Academy must grow stronger. You have to remember the promise, Lord Liu and Lord Lu are waiting for your news, they can't wait."

The one who spoke next was naturally kingly and straightforward.

"Master Su, Yingtian Mansion has gained a lot of glory from Jiangning County. The official believes that you will do well in Henan Mansion."

Su Tiancheng saluted to everyone again, but did not speak.

Very soon, the farewell wine was poured.

Fan Jing picked up the wine bowl.

"Master Su, Lord Sun, the officials have a lot of emotion. As the saying goes, those who win the hearts of the people win the world. At a time when my Ming Dynasty was suffering from internal and external troubles, it is really a great honor for my Ming Dynasty to have such a talented person as Master Su to solve the emperor's worries and problems. You are so lucky, drink this bowl of wine, I wish you a smooth journey and great achievements.”

All of this, in Su Tiancheng's view, is not a particularly unusual thing. Sun Chuanting has also experienced a lot, so he will not be particularly surprised. The ones who really have completely different feelings are Liu Jingting and Yue Gaofeng.

Both of them are following Su Tiancheng's side, and they will not go to other places for the time being. After seeing the scene of the common people sending each other off, as well as the farewell and encouragement of officials at all levels, the excitement in their hearts is beyond words. of.

Both of them have a lot of experience. They have always lived at the bottom of the society. They have seen a lot of corrupt officials and have suffered in this regard. To put it bluntly, their views on officials are also somewhat biased. Such experiences , It also made the characters of the two look casual, and they had a casual attitude towards many things, but today's scene really shocked them.

Along the way, Liu Jingting has already started compiling the book silently, and he wants to publicize this situation with his own mouth.

After leaving the South Stable, the marching speed of the team increased a lot. According to the requirements of Su Tiancheng and Sun Chuanting, the troops of the brigade did not enter the county towns and market towns. The food and grass needed had already been prepared.

Gu Hengbo's ability to bear was demonstrated at this time. Although she was riding in a carriage, the bumps along the way were somewhat uncomfortable, but after many days passed, she gritted her teeth and silently endured. Following Su Tiancheng's inquiries, she always said that there was nothing wrong.

There is little rain in winter, which is a great thing for the Jiangning camp and many coachmen who are on the road. The festival is only three days away.

The brigade has entered the territory of Kaifeng Mansion.

The north wind blew overnight, and in the morning, holes began to fall in the sky. During the two years in Jiangning County, Su Tiancheng, who had never seen snow, felt extraordinarily clear.

He suddenly thought of the song "Long Lovesickness": A journey through the mountains, a journey through the water, walking towards the bank of Yuguan, with thousands of lamps in the middle of the night.One wind, one snow, the sound of the hometown is broken.

Just at this time, Gu Hengbo appeared beside him, and actually read this poem from his mouth.

"Mr. Lang, it's snowing. I'm in the Qinhuai River. I rarely see such a snowy scene. I saw it today. When I thought of following the Jiangning camp, I really felt that this poem by Mr. Lang is unprecedented and unprecedented."

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