() On the 25th of the first lunar month, Su Tiancheng returned to Luoyang.

As soon as he entered the government office, Tan Changluo stepped forward.

"My lord, the edict from the Ministry of War has arrived."

Su Tiancheng nodded and went directly to the second hall.

Everything was within Su Tiancheng's expectations. The imperial edict from the Ministry of War required the Jiangning Battalion to quickly go to Shanxi to wipe out the bandits.This imperial edict was written in great detail, including many situations of the rogues.

Looking at this imperial edict, Su Tiancheng only had a sneer in his heart.

The imperial edict required the Jiangning camp to set off after the first month, but it did not mention the supplies along the road, nor did it mention the money given, which meant that the Jiangning camp needed to prepare its own food and grass to fight the war.

The Jiangning camp has only five days to prepare. <Plowing season, it is said that the situation in Henan Province should be stabilized first, and then the battle will start. Unexpectedly, the imperial edict of the Ministry of War is so anxious. It seems that the Jiangning battalion will not be able to wipe out the bandits if it is a step late.

Regarding the issue of supplies, attention has always been paid attention to. Soldiers and horses go first before using food and grass. If the supplies cannot keep up, the army's morale is likely to collapse. Not to mention exterminating the bandits, it is good to keep themselves.

According to the rules of the campaign, the Jiangning battalion entered Shanxi to wipe out the rogues. All the supplies should be directly responsible for the prefectures and counties in Shanxi. If the supplies are not in place, they will be punished.

It is impossible for the Ministry of War to neglect such a big event.

Su Tiancheng's mentor, Xu Eryi, has already been transferred from the Ministry of War to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, where he is the imperial censor.The rank of the fourth rank seems to have been promoted. If Xu Eryi was still in the Ministry of War, it would be impossible to have such an edict.

Faced with such a situation, if Su Tiancheng still thinks of a way to fight back.That is waiting to die.

Jiangning camp resident.

Su Tiancheng sat in the middle, and on both sides were Sun Chuanting, Qu Qingze and many thousands of households.

"Everyone, the edict from the Ministry of War has come, requiring the Jiangning Camp to enter Shanxi to wipe out the bandits. This is the imperial court's will, and the Jiangning Camp cannot go against it. Even though we have just arrived in Henan Province, we haven't even had time to familiarize ourselves with many situations. We will also go to Shanxi to fight."

Everyone didn't speak, but they felt that this time, Su Tiancheng's tone changed a bit.Not so confident, and not very demanding.This is a very strange phenomenon.

The Jiangning Battalion has fought many times. Before each battle, Su Tiancheng's words were full of passion, asking the soldiers to kill the enemy with the best mentality. What happened this time.

"Preparation time. There are only five days. The Jiangning battalion will go to Shanxi. I am afraid that we will not be able to get supplies along the way. We need to prepare all of these by ourselves. Therefore, the time is very tight. After you go back, you must prepare as required, as much as possible. Bring food and grass. This time, the Jiangning Battalion has all set out and went to Shanxi to wipe out the bandits."

"The scout battalion still has to go first. This time, I will make some adjustments. Liu Tiehan is mainly responsible for the investigation along the road. He must find out all the situation and report it in time. We are not very familiar with the situation in Henan Province and Shanxi. For those who are newcomers, they must be very careful, so Qu Qingze led the soldiers of the [-] scout battalion to find out many situations on the two wings, and when the army sets out, don’t worry, the speed can be slower, and the safety of the soldiers must be ensured.”

"There are one thousand soldiers left in the barracks. The task of these thousand soldiers is to protect the barracks and not interfere with other things. They are not allowed to leave the barracks unless they are ordered by me."

The corresponding military order was issued, and everyone was a little confused, without saying anything, and went back to the camp to prepare silently.

Sun Chuanting had already discovered that the situation was abnormal. <After the festival, we have to set off and come to Henan Prefecture. It is said that at such a time, the Jiangning Camp should take a good rest, at least wait until the family members arrive in Henan Prefecture before going out to conquer.

The most incomprehensible thing is that Su Tiancheng was appointed as the magistrate of Henan Province, and he was about to lead the Jiangning battalion to Shanxi to exterminate the bandits without even being familiar with government affairs.

Could it be that the Ministry of War didn't know, or that the bandits were too arrogant.

"My lord, the Jiangning Battalion has just arrived in Henan Province, and the rest period is less than a month. At this time, going out to fight is probably not the best choice. Although the imperial edict from the Ministry of War has come, the lower officials feel that they can still bring it up. Those who disagree, as the head of the Ministry of War, I want to submit a memorial and talk about the situation facing the Jiangning battalion, and I don't know what your opinion will be."

"Forget it, the Jiangning Camp has a great reputation, and I don't know how many people are staring at it. At this time, the memorial has been submitted, and it is difficult to say. I am afraid that some people will think that the Jiangning Camp is unwilling to leave Jiangning County. They have complaints about the court's dispatch. If such a discussion is really going to happen, we will have to spend time explaining it again.”

"Forget it, but the Ministry of War should know that the Jiangning Battalion went to Shanxi to wipe out the bandits. Food and grass are very important. If the army moves with food and grass, it will be slow, and it must be on guard against sneak attacks at all times. Wouldn't it involve too much energy? Under such circumstances, how can you focus on other things, how can you let go."

"I have also noticed the issue you mentioned, but the edict from the Ministry of War has already come down. Speaking of which, this is the first edict from the Ministry of War received by the Jiangning Camp. No matter how much reluctance there is, the Jiangning Camp must follow It requires action, and we have to overcome the difficulties ourselves, and there is no way to slow down, as long as it is slow, it will be slow.”

Sun Chuanting was a little speechless, why was Su Tiancheng so calm, as if nothing had happened, as if this time he went to Shanxi to wipe out the bandits, he just went out to practice.

"My lord, it's better to be fully prepared."

Su Tiancheng looked at Sun Chuanting, he believed that Sun Chuanting already had a lot of doubts in his heart.

Facing this famous general in history, Su Tiancheng didn't know if he should tell the truth. In any case, Sun Chuanting was still loyal to the emperor and the court in his heart. It was impossible for him to understand some of his actions, some unscrupulous actions It is impossible for Sun Chuanting to understand the method.

So, he still has to pay attention to what he says.

"My lord, Sun, what I mean is that the Jiangning battalion went to Shanxi this time to wipe out the bandits. The speed can be slower. We gradually got to know the situation in Henan, Shanxi and other places along the way. This time we went to Shanxi to wipe out the bandits. There are indeed many difficulties. Rogues are used to fighting on the move, erratic, if you want to win, you have to outrun the rogues, so this time you go out to fight, you have to bring silver taels, in case there is no time to supply, you can buy food and grass on the spot."

Sun Chuanting looked at Su Tiancheng without nodding.

"My lord, it is the right thing for the Jiangning Battalion to enter Shanxi to wipe out the bandits. However, the lower officials have some opinions on the arrangement of the Ministry of War this time. Since your lord is unwilling to say it clearly, the lower officials will go directly to explain the situation."

Looking at the upright Sun Chuanting, Su Tiancheng could only smile wryly.

"Master Sun, don't be in a hurry to do things. It is precisely because we have just arrived in Henan Mansion that we don't know much about the situation, so we should try our best to discipline ourselves and control our emotions. After all, even if we are well prepared, You will also encounter many problems, large and small, if you encounter difficulties, you will play, what will the emperor think about it, and how will the adults in the court discuss it."

Seeing that Sun Chuanting still didn't understand, Su Tiancheng simply pushed him away.

"It's not the right time for the Jiangning camp to go to Shanxi to wipe out the bandits. I think so too. However, when Jiangning camp does things, it can't leave any excuses, and it can't be discussed by others. It's a big attraction. Sometimes, great military exploits are not necessarily a good thing. When you are on the cusp of the storm, you must know how to protect yourself, and you cannot do things on the spur of the moment. Since the Ministry of War has issued the edict, the Jiangning Camp will follow the requirements of the edict. As for whether the effect can be achieved, it also depends on the timing. How, maybe the rogues are waiting for our Jiangning camp somewhere in Shanxi."

The meaning of these words is already very clear, and there is no need to work hard.

If Sun Chuanting still doesn't understand, then he is not worthy to be the guard commander of the Jiangning battalion.

He and Su Tiancheng have the same views, of course they will not object to this, and even want to improve some specific opinions.

"My lord, since that's the case, you don't need to carry so much food and grass. It's enough to bring more silver taels."

"Oh, Lord Sun, no matter what you say, the Jiangning camp is all out to conquer the bandits, and you still have to put on airs. If you go out empty-handed, you can't see any food and grass. Within two days, there will definitely be people in the court." different voices."

Sun Chuanting's face turned red.

"Hmph, it's really a waste of people and money to do so, and I don't know what the Ministry of War thinks."

"Okay, I need to complain. When the Jiangning Battalion enters Shanxi this time, no matter whether they can meet the rogues or not, they must be strictly demanded. The military order is like a mountain, and no one can violate it. The recruited more than 1 soldiers must be the best. Speed ​​adaptation, pulling it out this time is also a good thing, just to test the training results of these soldiers."

After Sun Chuanting left, Qu Qingze came in.

Seeing Qu Qingze come in, Wang Dazhi went out and waited outside, not allowing anyone to disturb him.

"My lord, everything is ready, I don't know when I can leave."

"Don't worry, I will find an opportunity to let you leave after the army is launched. This is the best opportunity. The Jiangning camp left Henan Mansion, and the rogues began to harass Henan Mansion. How can the rogues get the news so accurately? Here, I have to do a good job."

"The army will move at a very fast speed. After entering the territory of Shanxi, they will temporarily station in the Pinglu area. At this time, we will be waiting for your news. If you can make a fuss in Henan Prefecture, it will be considered the greatest success. "

"The people in Henan Province are very poor. I thought before that you would distribute some money and food to the people after you attacked some rich gentry and rich households. Now it seems that this matter cannot be done, so as not to implicate the people. The Jiangning Camp This time, you brought as much food and grass as possible to help the people, and all the money and food you looted will be confiscated.” To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. m read. )

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