() On the first day of February, the Jiangning Battalion left Luoyang and marched along An County, Mianchi County, and Shanzhou. State, entered Pinglu County, Shanxi.

At the same time, Su Tiancheng made a request that Liu Tiehan lead some scouts to keep an eye on the surrounding situation, and Qu Qingze led some scouts into Shanxi to search and find out the movements of the bandits as much as possible.

At the same time that the Jiangning Camp was being launched, Hong Chengchou also sent someone to contact him, and provided the information he had to the Jiangning Camp.

In Su Tiancheng's eyes, this information is not worth mentioning, and it has been outdated for a long time.

Through the information from the dark thread, Su Tiancheng already knew that the rogues did not operate in Pingyang Mansion this time. After leaving Shaanxi, they directly entered Taiyuan Mansion and Datong Mansion for activities.

To say that the rogues are quite courageous, Taiyuan Mansion and Datong Mansion have a lot of imperial troops stationed there, especially the Datong area, which belongs to the border town, and the border army is densely populated. The rogues choose to operate in these places, I don’t know if it’s true Because of the fear of the Jiangning camp, of course, the activities of the rogues in these places did cause a lot of trouble for Jiang Ning. The distance is far away. If the Jiangning camp wants to wipe out the rogues, it will take too much energy.

Su Tiancheng would not do such a stupid thing.

After entering the territory of Pinglu County, the army settled down.

Marching all the way quickly, the effect is good. At least the more than 1 soldiers who joined the Jiangning Battalion are fully able to adapt. This also shows that Su Tiancheng's strategy for recruiting sergeants is very correct, judging from the personnel of the Jiangning Battalion.The most valiant and skilled fighters are still the earliest group of people. These people are Xiong Tingbi's personal soldiers, and their military literacy is not ordinary, followed by the Xiaoqi Battalion from the two major battalions.Unexpectedly, the quality of the sergeants recruited from the rogues was not weaker than that of the guards of Prince Jin's Mansion, and the worst were those recruited from the area around Baoding Mansion.

This also made Su Tiancheng make up his mind to expand the Jiangning Camp and increase its scale in the future.Don't easily recruit ordinary people from the people, after all, you don't have that much time to consume.

Sun Chuanting understood Su Tiancheng's purpose. After the army was stationed, he continued to focus on the training of the sergeants. Just like in the barracks, daily training was essential.In fact, there are many benefits to pulling the army out for training. It can sharpen soldiers in places where they are not familiar with life.

As for the food and grass, there is no need to worry at all. When the Jiangning camp set off, they had prepared a month's worth of food and grass.

After Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying left Henan Mansion.It didn't cause much fluctuation, as if the Jiangning Camp didn't belong to Henan Prefecture. The army of Henan Prefecture was mainly Hongnongwei stationed in Shanzhou.

Because of years of famines and the fact that Henan is a poor place, the situation in Hongnongwei is very bad, and the situation of soldiers is worse than that of ordinary people.It is far inferior. When Su Tiancheng was in Shanzhou, he had learned about the situation. The sergeants did not have much combat effectiveness, and there were many fleeing sergeants.The entire Hongnongwei has less than 3000 sergeants, and most of them are old, weak, sick and disabled.

In comparison, the militia groups in various places are still good. The militia groups are mainly composed of sergeants from the inspection department. Their combat effectiveness may be stronger than that of Hongnongwei.

Under such circumstances, with Qu Qingze and a hundred scouts, he would certainly be able to turn upside down the Henan Mansion.

From the fifth day of February, scenes of panic began to appear in Henan Prefecture.

After Jiang Ningying left Henan Mansion, there were rogues here, and the rogues were very powerful.

In the past, there were large groups of rogues, as well as small groups of troops, but most of them targeted villages and towns, and rarely directly targeted counties and counties. But this time the rogues were different. They directly targeted cities. When they entered the city, Unknowingly, no one knew about it, and the target of the rogues was specifically aimed at wealthy gentry.

Although it is said that some gentry and wealthy households left the prefectures and counties and lived in Luoyang or Kaifeng, it is still impossible to move the old houses, and there are still some gold and silver treasures in the houses.

The rogues don't disturb other people, they usually enter the houses of rich gentry and control the nursing home neatly, search for money, the rogues don't want too much food, and occasionally plunder some salt and fine grains, the key is gold, silver and treasure .

In just five days, Yiyang, An, Yongning, Lushi, Song County and other places were in emergency one after another.

The rogues moved so quickly that the gentry and wealthy households in Henan Prefecture changed their moods.

Strangely, some gentry and wealthy households were afraid of being harassed by rogues. When they left the county and rushed to Luoyang, they were also robbed by rogues. All their gold, silver and treasures were taken away.

Tan Changluo, who is in charge of government affairs, is already in a state of desperation.

He couldn't imagine why the rogues who were far away in Shanxi came to Henan Mansion again.

The imperial court has sent a large army to wipe out the bandits with all their strength. The army led by Hong Chengchou entered Sichuan to chase down the bandits. The Jiangning Camp led by Su Tiancheng entered Shanxi to chase down the bandits. The guard troops in Shanxi and Sichuan were also fully armed. Seeing that the rogues were at the end of their rope, at this moment, the rogues took advantage of the loophole and entered Henan Mansion.

The rogues did things neatly, without anyone noticing, Tan Changluo felt nervous.

He can't dispatch the sergeants of the Inspection Department of the Henan Prefecture. Most of these sergeants are loyal to the former magistrate. The magistrate has transferred away from Henan Prefecture and went to the capital. The way out in the future, especially after the Jiangning battalion came to Henan Mansion, the morale of the army was almost lost.

If the rogues came to Luoyang, he, the general judge who was temporarily in charge of the overall work, might have something to do with it that he couldn't get rid of.

Tan Changluo gritted his teeth and went straight to Fu Wang Zhu Changxun.

There are more than 2000 guards in Fu Wang's mansion. These guards are very powerful. If Fu Wang can agree to protect the safety of Luoyang County, there is no need to be afraid of bandits.

It's a pity that he thought a little more simply.

Fu Wanggen didn't see him, and sent a housekeeper to deal with the matter.

What King Fu meant, the duty of the guards of the palace is to protect the safety of the palace, and they cannot interfere with local affairs, otherwise the emperor and the court will blame them and cannot bear it. Well, with so many troops dedicated to local security, the government government can ask for orders to dispatch them.

Tan Changluo touched the ashes on his nose.

He vaguely knew the reason for this. After Su Tiancheng became the magistrate of Henan Province, he never visited Fu Wang. At this time, Fu Wang must have an idea. He would definitely not do it if he helped the government to do things for no reason. Yes, unless Tan Changluo decides to give the money, King Fu's attitude may loosen.

Speaking of money, Tan Changluo has a bag full of money, not to mention that he is not qualified to use the silver taels in the treasury, but because of his qualifications, what can he do with the little silver taels in the treasury? Difficult, don't talk about doing other things.

The flood-like notes were sent to the government office.

Tan Changluo was already very worried, and the papers he sent all said that he had encountered rogues and suffered heavy losses, and asked the government to find a way to solve it. He hardly had the heart to read these papers.

But there is still work to be done.

Tan Changluonai wrote a memorial to the imperial court. At the same time, he also sent yamen servants into Shanxi to send a letter to the magistrate to let him know about the situation in Henan Province.

On the twelfth day of February, news came that made Tan Changluo terrified.

The Inspection Department in Lingbao County was ransacked by the rogues. The rogues tied the officers and soldiers of the inspection department into rice dumplings, and took away all the weapons and silver.

The inspection department was attacked by rogues, which was no small matter.

If the rogues could easily break through the inspection department, wouldn't it be easy to take down the county.

Fortunately, this is a small army of rogues. If a large army comes, doesn't it mean that Luoyang will not be able to keep it.

Tan Changluo made up his mind and wrote three memorials to the imperial court one after another, explaining the serious situation of Henan Prefecture. At the same time, he asked the government to try everything possible to report the situation here to the magistrate who was fighting abroad.

Su Tiancheng was well aware of all this.

The soldiers of the Jiangning Camp he led had always been stationed in Pinglu County. Of course, the Jiangning Camp was not idle either. The bandits in Pinglu, Ruicheng, Jiezhou, Anyi, and Xia County were all wiped out by the Jiangning Camp, All the gold and silver treasures, including food, etc., were distributed to the poor people.

It should be said that this is also Su Tiancheng's hometown, and it is also right to do something for the people of his hometown.

Of course, Su Hua and others who were in Pingyang Prefecture did not know that Su Tiancheng had brought Jiangning Camp to Pinglu County under the jurisdiction of Pingyang Prefecture.After all, the imperial edict of the Ministry of War was only issued to the Jiangning Camp, and did not require the prefectures and counties along the route to provide food subsidies.

The Jiangning camp is stationed in Pinglu County, and it is as stable as a rock.

The army led by Hong Chengchou also did not achieve any results. On the contrary, Gao Yingxiang and others in Shaanxi, because of the withdrawal of the imperial army, gained space to survive, and quickly began to grow and grow. Feel.Gao Yingxiang and others led the rogues to attack two county towns in the first month and second month respectively, and went to supply food and grass.

Inside the court, there was also a lot of controversy.

The situation in Henan Province, including the situation in Shaanxi, was quickly reported to the imperial court. Facing such a situation, the opinions of the Ministry of War were not unified. Some people believed that we should persist in exterminating the bandits, while others believed that the current situation was not good However, if the rogue bandits continue to grow and develop, the victory in the Battle of Zhongdu will not be of great significance.

Su Tiancheng has already written the first seal, analyzed the current situation in detail, and put forward his own suggestions.

This sealed seal went directly to Zhu Youjian's hands.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. m read. )

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