Ming politicians

Chapter 376 Rare Shrewdness

() All the disputes among court ministers are in Zhu Youjian's eyes.

Before receiving Su Tiancheng's secret book, he had many thoughts, and his exploration was endless. Su Tiancheng's secret book gave him a shock that he had never felt before.

Since ancient times, the royal family and the ministers have been in opposition, and both sides have their own interests. This is something that cannot be avoided.

The power of the monarchy and the power of the ministers have been in opposition since ancient times. A good monarch will not allow anyone to become so powerful that he can challenge his own authority, nor will he trust any ministers conditionally. He must firmly control the situation of the country so that Only when everyone serves the imperial power can it be possible to implement their own ideas and let the country move forward according to its own intentions.

It's a pity that Zhu Youjian no longer has such ability. To put it bluntly, he can no longer completely control the government. Once there is a big disturbance in the court, he can only solve it by changing ministers.

This is the practice of changing the soup without changing the medicine. What I think and think cannot be realized.

From the day he ascended the throne, Zhu Youjian thought about revitalizing the Ming Dynasty and consolidating the imperial power. Unfortunately, he did not have such amazing talents and abilities, so he could only rely on Minister Wu. After a few years, He found that there was a big problem with his approach.

He trusted Yuan Chonghuan conditionally, and finally had to kill Yuan Chonghuan. He regarded Zhou Yanru as his greatest reliance, but the government did not get the slightest improvement. In the end, he could only deprive Zhou Yanru of the position of chief assistant of the cabinet. Now, the chief assistant of the cabinet Wen Tiren has been in power for two years, and the situation has not changed much.

What exactly is good statecraft.There are so many written in the book, why it is useless to bring it to reality. For eight years, Zhu Youjian has been thinking and exploring.He sleeps day and night, works conscientiously, doesn't pay attention to food and clothing, doesn't care about personal enjoyment, and even doesn't approach women, but it still doesn't work.

Human endurance is limited.After long-term struggle, if you can't see the result, you will naturally be pessimistic and disappointed, and your temper will change obviously. Slowly, Zhu Youjian also discovered it.My temper is getting bigger and bigger, and it's getting worse.

He has always remembered the allusion of the Three Kingdoms period. When Cao Jun was suppressing the border, Sun Quan, the king of Eastern Wu, asked his ministers for their opinions. Many ministers agreed to surrender. Only Zhou Yu had a different opinion, and Sun Quan attached great importance to Zhou Yu.Because Zhou Yu understood him, after surrendering to Cao Cao, ministers can continue to seek benefits, but the monarch is not necessarily, and will lose everything.

Maybe it was God's pity, but Su Tiancheng finally appeared.

Several conversations, and what Su Tiancheng did, made Zhu Youjian see hope. If Su Tiancheng was not too young, he would like to let Su Tiancheng be the chief assistant of the cabinet.

certainly.Some propositions put forward by Su Tiancheng also made him terrified.

Su Tiancheng believed that the Wu ministers in the imperial court were all thinking of their own interests, and they were short-sighted.Without thinking about the future of the Ming Dynasty, in Su Tiancheng's memorial, there was a faint intention to speak for Zhang Juzheng and Wei Zhongxian.

The few examples Su Tiancheng listed convinced Zhu Youjian.

One example that he can't forget the most is about some of Minister Wu's propositions, such as resolutely opposing the opening of the sea ban, resolutely opposing the collection of mining taxes, resolutely opposing the increase of commercial taxes, and even resolutely opposing the increase of taxes on gentlemen and rich households, etc. .

Su Tiancheng made an incisive analysis. All these prohibited things, on the surface, have a lot of reason. With the banner of reducing the burden on the people, they stand in the perspective of righteousness. In fact, they have ulterior motives. Any one of them is firmly opposed. Those who benefit later are not ordinary people, but those gentry and rich households, those scholar-bureaucrats, look at many ministers, and have gradually formed a family power. They integrate bureaucrats, landlords, and merchants. In this process, it is the imperial power and the treasury of the country that are weakened, and it is the people and farmers at the bottom who are really oppressed. If things go on like this, the country is overwhelmed, how to continue to maintain it.

Those who need to be taken care of the most are precisely the many farmers, but none of these ministers in charge of the government really proposed to reduce the land tax, and no one really thought of reducing the burden on the farmers. It's just fooling around. A certain place suffered a disaster and was exempted from taxes, but I didn't expect to change from the root.

What Su Tiancheng did in Jiangning County is the best proof. On the one hand, he suppressed the interests of the powerful and forced them to make contributions;Judging from the changes that have taken place in Jiangning County, it has achieved great success, and this road is feasible.

Restraining the power of gentry and wealthy households, vigorously developing commerce and trade, substantially adjusting tax policies, protecting the interests of farmers, and actively expanding abroad when conditions permit, to enhance the country's strength, these are the methods proposed by Su Tiancheng.

These suggestions are indeed sincere, but Zhu Youjian still hesitates and fears.

The power of Minister Wu in the imperial court should not be underestimated, and the gentry and wealthy households also controlled local affairs. If Su Tiancheng followed what Su Tiancheng said, it was unknown what kind of huge fluctuations would be encountered.

At this time, Zhu Youjian began to really feel why Su Tiancheng insisted on doing things in Fuzhou County and why he was unwilling to come to the capital. Under the current situation, Su Tiancheng can play the greatest role in doing things in Fuzhou County. Effect, once these policies are rolled out in the prefectures and counties, they have achieved good results and formed a torrent, then they cannot be shaken by the opposition of some people in the court.

Here, the core issue is one's own attitude. To put it bluntly, one must resolutely support Su Tiancheng's actions. No matter what kind of fluctuations arise, one cannot be influenced by court ministers.

I can't guarantee that such a policy will be implemented in all parts of Ming Dynasty, but Zhu Youjian thinks to himself that it can still be done in individual prefectures and counties. , Let the government change in a real way, and talk about revitalizing the Ming Dynasty.

After making up his mind, Zhu Youjian picked up his pen and started writing letters.

He wants to give Su Tiancheng the greatest protection, and this kind of protection is actually giving power.

Wang Chengen, who had been waiting by Zhu Youjian's side all the time, found that Zhu Youjian watched Su Tiancheng's secret book for a full hour, which was very rare.

He stood quietly behind, as if he didn't exist.

When Zhu Youjian wrote the letter in person, Wang Chengen was even more surprised. He was a eunuch who held the pen, and the orders issued by the emperor were basically written by the eunuch who held the pen. Unexpectedly, this time, the emperor wrote the letter himself.

"Eunuch, I am going to give Su Aiqing the Shangfang sword, what do you think?"

Following Zhu Youjian's side for a long time, Wang Chengen has long understood the emperor's mind.

"Your majesty is wise, Lord Su is my minister of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor cherishes talents, Lord Su will definitely do his best."

"Well, after the court meeting, you represent me and go to the Henan Mansion to deliver the decree."

In the early dynasty, Zhu Youjian proposed to bestow the Shangfang Sword to Su Tiancheng, the magistrate of Henan Prefecture, which immediately aroused huge controversy.

There are many opponents, and the reason is very good. The Shangfang sword was bestowed by the emperor on behalf of the imperial envoys. The imperial envoys traveled around on behalf of the emperor, supervised government affairs, and exercised power on behalf of the emperor. From this, it can be seen that the imperial envoys have great power. However, the power of Shangfang's sword is also extraordinary, and the minister should not be awarded Shangfang's sword at will.

There were also supporters, Xu Eryi, the imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, supported the granting of Su Tiancheng's Shangfang Sword.

This time, without hesitation, Zhu Youjian made a decisive decision and awarded Su Tiancheng the Shangfang Sword.

Because Su Tiancheng was far away in Henan Mansion, the chief eunuch Wang Chengen, on behalf of the emperor, went to Henan Mansion to grant Su Tiancheng the Precious Sword.

As for the matter concerning the invasion of Henan Province by rogues and the resurgence of rogues in Shaanxi, Zhu Youjian ordered the Ministry of War to come up with specific statements.

Zhu Youjian's words actually negated the suggestion of the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War once proposed that, in view of the current situation of ineffective suppression of bandits, Hong Chengchou was suggested to coordinate and command the imperial army and the Jiangning battalion. Let's go in the middle of the rogue thing.

The proposal of the Ministry of War was supported by the cabinet, but it was a pity that Zhu Youjian directly rejected it.

After the early dynasty ended, the court ministers discussed a lot. Most people thought that the emperor's move was inappropriate. It was too inappropriate to grant such a great power to a magistrate. Shangfang's sword can directly kill military officials below the fourth rank. He can even behead a military officer below the third rank. Su Tiancheng is only a fourth rank magistrate. It is understandable if he temporarily supervises local affairs and grants Shang Fang the sword, but if he grants Shang Fang the sword for a long time, let alone the officials of the Henan government, Not daring to offend Su Tiancheng, even the governor and chief envoy of Henan have to think about it and pay attention to what they say.

Some ministers even prepared to summon Shizhong and the supervisory censor to submit an impeachment memorial, asking the emperor to abolish this imperial decree. The memorial, as for telling Shizhong, if they are willing to submit the memorial, that is their business.

After the memorial was uploaded, there was no response at all.

A few days later, the emperor made it clear that there should be no further discussions on this matter. The imperial decree has been issued, and the imperial court must maintain it, and free discussions are not allowed.

This time, there were a lot of discussions, and many Wu ministers noticed that the emperor seemed to have changed a bit. In the past, he always attached great importance to giving opinions in matters, but now he seems to be arbitrarily arbitrary. Could it be that such a change came from Su Tiancheng.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. m read. )

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