Ming politicians

Chapter 377 Maximum Support

() The imperial decree of the imperial court and the edict of the Ministry of War arrived at Henan Province at the same time.

Wang Chengen came to the Henan Mansion and alarmed the bureaucrats at all levels in Henan. However, because the emperor had a clear will, Wang Chengen would never put on airs. After a long period of tempering, he has long formed a character of not being surprised.

Therefore, along the way, Wang Chengen strictly forbade officials at all levels to welcome and send him, and he didn't even stop at Kaifeng Mansion.

Su Tiancheng returned to Henan Mansion a long time ago, waiting for the imperial decree to come.

For Wang Chengen, the eunuch, Su Tiancheng has always been positive. The evaluation of eunuchs in the past dynasties is very bad, and he thinks that eunuchs are the root of chaos, but these people have ignored the most important point, that is, eunuchs are Who to rely on.

Eunuchs are unlikely to have their own political opinions. They are the emperor's domestic slaves and are always by the emperor's side. They must rely on the emperor to survive. The situation of eunuchs' monopoly in the late Tang Dynasty is after all an isolated case. Most of the time, eunuchs are the tools used by the emperor to fight against Minister Wu.

The emperor needs to maintain his own authority. If he cannot restrain the power of Minister Wu, he will eventually be unable to realize his own political intentions, and even find it difficult to lead the government. At this time, they need to use eunuchs to limit the power of Minister Wu to the greatest extent. , Jinyiwei, Dongchang and Xichang are actually tools made by the emperor himself.

It is said that Wei Zhongxian, the notorious eunuch, did many evils and was finally beheaded directly by Zhu Youjian, but the reason why Zhu Youjian really beheaded Wei Zhongxian was because Wei Zhongxian threatened his own status.He did too many nasty things, and even dreamed of being an emperor.

It took several years for Zhu Youjian to realize that he had made a principled mistake. Wei Zhongxian should indeed be killed, but the role of the eunuch is.You must also show it. Even if you are the emperor, your personal strength is limited. You must have a group of loyal people who follow you around. Eunuchs are the best candidates.

Actually in this regard.Wei Zhongxian still played a very important role. He used the trust of the emperor to vigorously suppress the official group, restrain the powerful power, and not increase the burden on the common people, to a certain extent.Consolidated the imperial power.

In the four years since Chongzhen, Zhu Youjian slowly began to use eunuchs, but there are still many restrictions on eunuchs.

Su Tiancheng's concept of history has undergone tremendous changes long ago.

Doing things depends on the results, this is Su Tiancheng's greatest experience, no matter how you flaunt yourself.No matter how high-sounding what you say, what I need is the result, such as Donglin Party, Fushe, etc., it is still for their own interests. In the imperial court, some adults support Donglin Party and Fushe. Society, in fact, is thinking about protecting its own interests.

When personal interests conflict with national interests, national interests must be taken into account.It is a pity that under the current situation, almost everyone thinks of their own interests.

It's no wonder that Zhu Youjian is struggling so much.

Ten miles away from Luoyang County.

Su Tiancheng stood here, quietly waiting for Wang Chengen's arrival.

came with him.There are many officials from Henan Province, including the commanders of more than a thousand households in the Jiangning Camp.

At noon, Wang Chengen's car finally arrived.

Seeing Su Tiancheng waiting beside the official road, Wang Chengen walked over with a smile.

"The lower officials lead the officials of the Henan government and the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion to wait here respectfully for the prince."

"Master Su is too polite, our family dare not be so polite."

"My father-in-law has traveled thousands of miles from the capital to the Henan mansion, and the next official will naturally welcome him with a big gift."

When Wang Chengen and Su Tiancheng spoke, their tone was very gentle and their attitude was natural. The officials of the Henan Mansion saw it and felt a little inconceivable. One must know that Wang Chengen's identity is very special. He came to the Henan Mansion to announce the decree. Too rare.

The government office has already made preparations, and all the incense cases are ready.

The process of announcing the decree was still very grand.

When Wang Chengen handed the Shangfang sword to Su Tiancheng, the room was unusually quiet.

The Shangfang sword is different from ordinary swords. One side of the sword is engraved with a soaring dragon, and the other side is engraved with a phoenix spreading its wings. The body of the sword is tattooed with the Big Dipper.All these are special marks, representing the supreme authority.

After the announcement, Wang Chengen lived in the Yin Hotel.

After eating, Su Tiancheng accompanied Wang Chengen and went directly into the room.

"My lord Su, congratulations, the emperor's regard for you is beyond our family's expectation."

"The next official would also like to thank the father-in-law, all of this is the father-in-law's favor."

"This time it has nothing to do with our family. Before our family left, we talked with Mr. Dong. Mr. Dong is also very happy. I hope Mr. Su will make more contributions."

It was not easy for Wang Chengen to come to Henan Mansion to proclaim the decree. He must have something to say when talking with himself alone. Su Tiancheng knows how to cherish this opportunity.

"My father-in-law came to Henan Mansion in person. I really didn't expect it. It's just that I went to Shanxi to destroy the bandits this time, but failed to achieve success. I didn't expect the bandits to come to Henan Mansion. I can't bear it. I have always been a little strange. How could the rogues know about the situation in Henan Mansion? The rogues entered Henan Mansion as soon as the Jiangning Camp went to Shanxi, and after the Jiangning Camp returned to the division, the rogues mysteriously disappeared, and the officials wanted to investigate carefully."

"According to our family, there is no need to go to great lengths to fight such matters. Didn't the emperor allow Mr. Su to recommend and promote officials? Now that you have come to Henan Mansion, there must be people who do things around you. Our family thinks that such things Things are the big things."

"Your Majesty, thank you for your teaching."

"Master Su, some of your practices in Jiangning County, our family has a lot of emotion, look at Jiangning County today, only the Municipal Shipping Department can contribute 400 million taels of taxes every year, such achievements were unimaginable before. , These silver taels have solved a big problem. The taxation in Jiangning County even exceeds that of Suzhou and Yangzhou, and the wealth of the people is far stronger than that of other places. of."

"Henan Mansion is located in the Central Plains, so the situation is a bit different. Master Su thought of something, just do it. The emperor bestowed Shang Fang with the sword, hoping that Master Su will not be disturbed."

Su Tiancheng nodded slightly. Although these words came from Wang Chengen's mouth, they actually meant what the emperor meant.

"The emperor is very concerned about the situation in Henan Province. The situation here is very special. The people are not rich and are often invaded by bandits. It is not easy to solve these problems. It really needs to be done slowly. Master Su may follow his own ideas. What to do, Jiangning Battalion's duty is to wipe out the bandits, but also to protect the stability of Henan Province."

All the words Wang Chengen said were directed. Some words, because of his identity, it was impossible to say so thoroughly. Under such circumstances, Su Tiancheng needed to understand by himself. However, regarding matters related to the royal family, Wang Cheng'en never mentioned that Shang Fang's sword was useless against King Fu. This was a question that Su Tiancheng had to ask.

Wang Chengen is good at observing words and selves.

"Master Su, is there anything you want to say?"

"Elder-in-law, I have something to do. It's like a lump in my throat, so I can't spit it out."

"Whatever comes to your mind, just say it."

"When I was doing things in Jiangning County, I received the full support of Lord Fan and Lord Wang. Now that I think about it, I am very grateful. Nanjing is the accompanying capital of my Ming Dynasty. There are no royal relatives in the Nanzhili area. Yes, so the lower official didn't spend much thought on this aspect. Now that he came to Henan Mansion, he faced such a problem directly. The lower official thought, my father-in-law came to Henan Manor, the opportunity is rare, can I help the lower official, and make side-steps? one time."

What Su Tiancheng said was very straightforward, and he didn't hide it at all. Of course, Wang Chengen heard it very clearly.

In fact, before Wang Chengen came to Henan Mansion, the emperor specifically talked about the matter of King Fu. The emperor was clear about the domineering vassal kings from all over the country. Involving the fall of imperial power, the rest is not a big deal.

King Fu's status is different. He is the emperor's uncle. If he behaves well in the local area, it is not in line with the actual situation. If he threatens the imperial power, it does not exist. It still exists, and this creates a lot of trouble for the local government.

Zhu Youjian once received memorials, all of which reflected the illegal behavior of the vassal king in the fief, because there were many things in the court, such as the invasion of the Houjin Dynasty, and the riots of the rogue bandits, Zhu Youjian could not control these things, and he did not think it was anything It's a big deal, so it didn't matter much. This time, he considered Luoyang's King Fu.

"Hehe, Master Su said that our family naturally wants to help. Tomorrow our family will pay a visit to King Fu. Would you like to go with Master Su?"

"My father-in-law is going to pay a visit to King Fu, so I won't cause any trouble when I'm an official."

After leaving Yin Hotel, Su Tiancheng returned to the backyard.

He was alone in the study, thinking for a long time.

This time Wang Chengen came to Henan Mansion, and the news he brought was clear, that is to say, the emperor clearly supported him, and the general environment is already very good, and he can do things freely, but don’t think that the general environment is good Now, you can worry about it. Henan Prefecture is located in the Central Plains. Compared with the South, the foundation is weak and the conditions are not good. If you want to achieve great results in a short period of time, it is quite difficult and requires a lot of hard work. .

The road has to be taken step by step. Only when the Henan Mansion is stabilized and its foothold is firmly established, can it be possible to start a large-scale extermination of the bandits. If the rear cannot be stabilized, everything is useless.

Su Tiancheng made up his mind, holding Shang Fang's sword, he was going to do a big fight. Compared with Jiangning County, the actions he took this time might be much more violent.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. m read. )

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