Ming politicians

Chapter 379 each with their own minds

() Messages are always very well worn.most

Liu Jingting began to play a role. With the blackboard writing, the people of Henan Prefecture understood that the person who came to Henan Prefecture to serve as the magistrate turned out to be the adult who helped the disaster in Henan a few years ago.

This time, the common people really believed that a Qingtian master really came to Henan Mansion.

However, these requirements are simply a disaster for the officials of the Henan government.

It is impossible to have so much money in the treasury. The taxes received have already entered the pockets of officials. Now thinking about them taking it out, it is like pulling a snake out of a snake hole.

Although it is said that Su Tiancheng has the Shangfang sword bestowed by the emperor in his hand, but there are also officials who think that the law does not punish the public, and everyone does not follow it. Could it be that Su Tiancheng killed all the officials? From a point of view, Su Tiancheng is considered a loner, and it is impossible to be right with the officials of the entire Henan Province.

There are still quite a few officials who have this idea, and everyone's eyes naturally focus on Li Zixiong, the magistrate of Shanzhou.

After all, Li Zixiong is the magistrate of the prefecture. From the rank of five ranks, he governs Lingbao County and Yanxiang County. In such a matter, the magistrate cannot stand out, and the rank is not enough, and he has no appeal.

Just when the government sent people to prefectures and counties to publicize, the county magistrates also sent their staff to Shanzhou to find Li Zixiong to discuss solutions.

Although Henan Province is a poor place, the income of officials is still acceptable. Many officials here have colluded with merchants and raised prices at will. The prices of grain and salt are unbelievable. The consequences of doing so , the officials are also clear that it will inevitably make the people poorer and poorer.In unavoidable circumstances, the land was sold and reduced to tenants or refugees.

The officials said that anyway, the imperial court often exempted the tax here.Besides, all the crimes that have been harassed by bandits all these years can be blamed on the bandits.

What they think of is the immediate benefit, and the money can only be considered as their own if it can enter their pockets.As long as you have money, curry favor with your boss, find a way to transfer, pat your ass and leave, what does this have to do with you.

Not all officials are able to benefit.Officials who have no power in their hands can only live on their salaries, and even find it difficult to support their families.

There must be problems. Officials have salaries, but yamen servants will suffer.If you do well, you get the attention of the officials above, you can be assigned to good jobs, and the money you earn is many times more than the salary of the officials. full.

Li Zixiong also did not expect that after the government office issued the notice, the magistrates of the thirteen counties.All sent staff.

His resentment was very great, and he thought that Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying came to Henan Mansion, and there was a request from above, so they could take advantage of this opportunity.Make a good profit, all the responsibilities belong to the government office and Jiang Ningying camp, and have nothing to do with me. I never expected Su Tiancheng to do this.

In a poor place like Shanzhou, ghosts are willing to stay. Rich gentry and rich households, including merchants, must try their best to leave here.

I have been in Shanzhou for three years, and I still made a lot of money. Even those rich gentry who left Shanzhou, the old house is here, and they can't forget their filial piety every year, not to mention the money they plundered from the people.Shanzhou is the border area of ​​three provinces. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. The common people here don’t know anything.Li Zixiong wished that the refugees would do this.

The notice issued by the government government cut off his source of income, and asked the government to help the people, which is equivalent to taking money from his pocket, how could he obey obediently.

Li Zixiong is not an idiot either, somehow he got into the Zhizhou position.

He has also carefully analyzed that Su Tiancheng has not been in Henan Mansion for a long time, and he has not been able to gain a complete foothold. To put it bluntly, there are no supportive officials, and there is no group of people around him. There may be a lot of killings, but the officials below still need to do it.

With such an idea in mind, Li Zixiong strongly supported the government's decision on the surface, and even sent officials from the state government to follow along to promote it, but secretly, he didn't take any action. He didn't know whether the people had seeds or food. Ask, the prices of commodities such as grain and salt will not be adjusted.

After the representatives of the thirteen counties came to Shanzhou, Li Zixiong was in a daze, and even arranged for him to be in the secular official post, and the state government was directly responsible for all the expenses.

The results of the discussion with everyone were very good, and Li Zixiong was very satisfied.

Many magistrates have the same idea.

In the end, Li Zixiong made a decision. One prefecture and thirteen counties in Henan Province must show their best posture and cooperate with the publicity of the government to let all the people know. Do not carry out matters arranged by the government office.

After the county magistrate representatives of the thirteen counties left, Li Zixiong was very proud. The method he came up with was flawless. At that time, Su Tiancheng would fulfill his promise, and the people of Henan Province would be happy in vain. Su Tiancheng should not think about being in Henan Province If you raise your head, you will naturally be a turtle.

Li Zixiong dared to do this, of course there are other reasons.

Everything that happened in Shanzhou did not escape Su Tiancheng's eyes.

A steady stream of information came into Su Tiancheng's hands, including the specific opinions discussed by Li Zixiong and everyone, specific methods, etc. The power of dark lines is everywhere.

Su Tiancheng quietly watched all this happen, and did not take any action for the time being.

It's not that he doesn't want to do it, but he wants to wait for the best time.

After experiencing the disaster relief in Henan, Su Tiancheng's attitude towards the officials has undergone a fundamental change. You are kind to them, and it is not easy to think about them, but they don't think so, and they will kill you.

Kindness to the opponent is cruelty to oneself.

The five things that were required to be done in one prefecture and thirteen counties in Henan Prefecture were actually a bureau set up by Su Tiancheng.

Everything was within his expectations, and someone really got in.

After receiving the Shangfang sword bestowed by the emperor, Su Tiancheng discussed carefully with Qu Qingze, Su Pingyang and the others. The three fires in the official post, if they don't establish their majesty, they will not be able to open up the situation here. If he can make changes in time and follow Su Tiancheng's request, everyone will live in peace, but if he thinks of obedience, obedience, or even sabotage, then don't blame him for being in love with Su Tiancheng.

After all, people are afraid of death. If one or two officials are punished, the rest will not be obedient.

Besides, Su Tiancheng still has a key memorial that has not yet been presented, and that is about the arrangement of officials in the Henan government.

When I was in Jiangning County, I made a big move, killed more than a dozen yamen servants and officials, and shocked many officials in one fell swoop. I came to Henan Mansion. The conditions are good, and I have the Shangfang sword bestowed by the emperor. Officials are disobedient.

All preparations are being carried out in secret.

This is like two lines. On one side, Su Tiancheng is secretly arranging and advancing the work in an orderly manner. On the other side, Li Zixiong and others have discussed ways and are ready to secretly confront.

The restless Henan Mansion is destined to experience major events that will shake the court.

It's the end of February.

The sowing season is about to enter, and the officials sent by the government, including the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp, have returned to Luoyang County one after another. The officials of the prefectures and counties worked together to formulate specific measures.

These measures were also planned by Su Tiancheng in advance.

For example, the issue of seeds must be distributed to farmers within March, and the season cannot be delayed. If the planting season is missed, the grain harvest, for example, will suffer a major impact.

Another example is the establishment of the Jinong warehouse, which must be completed within half a month. The officials of the prefectural and county government offices have to go to the villages and towns to understand the situation and see which farmers have run out of food and cannot maintain it.

As for the matter of stabilizing prices, it will be implemented immediately after the government's notice is issued, and there should be no delay.

All the plans are set up in great detail. When it is implemented, as long as the requirements of the plan are followed, there will be no problems.

A few days passed, and the hopeful people and farmers did not wait for the changes they expected.

The prices in the market still haven't come down, not to mention the prices in Luoyang County, not to mention the rest of the prefectures and counties.

These days, the government office has not seen any movement.

Mr. Ren's magistrate seems to have stayed in the Jiangning camp for a large logarithm of time, and did not ask about these things.

At the same time, rumors began to appear in Luoyang County. The general meaning is that the magistrate has come to Henan to take office. The purpose of making these decisions is to show people's wisdom and let the adults in the court and the emperor know. Whether or not these decisions need to be implemented is another matter.

The common people believed such rumors, and there were more and more discussions in Luoyang County. The common people dared not speak out, and no one dared to express their dissatisfaction openly.

Such rumors began to spread to other states and counties at an unbelievable speed.

Inside the government office, there was also agitation. The most typical one was Liu Jingting, who worked so hard to publicize it, but in the end it was like this. This was something he couldn't bear, but what exactly was Su Tiancheng thinking? , What kind of measures to take, he does not know.

Su Tiancheng finally returned to the government office. At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused, thinking to see what the magistrate would do.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. m read. )

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