Ming politicians

Chapter 380 Secretly Arranged

() Of course, one must be fully prepared to do things. Li Zixiong and others secretly discussed ways, and Su Tiancheng would not be idle. The situation in Henan Prefecture is somewhat special, and it is not comparable to that in Jiangning County. There are still many issues that need to be considered.

There must be a reason for the delay.

Song Sijun, Wan Chenggui and others are busy making preparations.

Su Tiancheng's requirements for them are not low. All the thirteen counties in one prefecture under the jurisdiction of Henan Prefecture must be taken into account, and the situation after the collective strike of merchants must be taken into consideration. It is also cutting the meat of merchants. Most of the merchants who make a living in Henan Province are small merchants, but behind them are gentry, wealthy households and bureaucrats. These small merchants are under control and dare not be disobedient.

The operation of commodities such as grain and salt is the root, and it cannot be delayed. If the government takes drastic actions, but the market falls into a state of paralysis, it will cause a lot of trouble.

There are more than [-] merchants from Jiangning County, led by Song Sijun and Wan Chenggui. In terms of personal property, Song Sijun is the strongest. As early as in Jiangning County, he listened to Su Tian Cheng's suggestion, to start the grain business while selling salt, did not expect that it would be of great use in Henan Mansion.

The preparation work was very meticulous. In the initial stage, one should not only think about making money, but must show the courage to lose money, and help Su Tiancheng and the government office maintain their appearance.

It has been three months since I came to Henan Mansion, and I have not been able to do things well, and have been constrained by various aspects. Song Sijun and others are also very anxious, and they can't think of the situation in Henan Mansion.It's so complicated, but the situation is different now, Su Tiancheng has made up his mind, it's time for them to show their talents.

Song Sijun, Wan Chenggui and others came to the government office in batches.

Su Tiancheng is waiting in the third hall.

"Boss Song, Boss Wan, bosses, how are you preparing?"

The one who answered this question was, of course, Song Sijun.

"My lord, we have prepared everything as required. In the [-] counties under the jurisdiction of Henan Prefecture, there are all our shops, covering many aspects, and the scope of business includes grain, salt, tea, silk, etc. , cakes and many other aspects are still being intensively prepared. As long as the adults give an order, they can open for business."

"Well, what about prices?"

"In accordance with the requirements of the adults and the government, rice is four renminbi per shi, wheat flour is three renminbi per shi, salt is one tael per catty, tea, cakes and other commodities are priced according to the prices in Jiangning County."

"Very well, this time the government's action is up to you. I have to say something clearly. You may suffer some losses in the early stage if you do this. This time may last for about half a year. You have to Be mentally prepared, but don't be too anxious. The family members of Jiangning battalion soldiers have already begun to arrive in Henan Mansion. At the end of the month, all the family members will come to Henan Mansion. You are familiar with these family members. They are fully capable of supporting you store operations.”

After saying this, Su Tiancheng stood up.

"You have traveled thousands of miles to follow me to Henan Mansion. I will remember this kindness. You are still shouldering a more important task. As the old saying goes, it is not rude to come and go. You have paid so much. If you don't Return, I am also embarrassed, starting today, you can plan to monopolize the business of Henan Prefecture, according to the plan we designed, not only Henan Prefecture, but also the nearby Huaiqing Prefecture, Nanyang Prefecture, Ruzhou, and Shanxi Pingyang Mansion in Shaanxi, Xi’an Mansion and Hanzhong Mansion in Shaanxi, all these places should be included in your planning.”

Finding that Song Sijun and others were a little confused, Su Tiancheng smiled.

"In Henan, Shanxi, and Shaanxi, the price levels are about the same. You have suppressed the prices according to the government's requirements. While occupying the market in Henan Province, you are also able to radiate to surrounding areas. Of course, this process In the process, you may encounter some obstacles, but you should remember that your rise and fall are tied to the Jiangning Camp. Whether it is Shanxi or Shaanxi, including some places in Henan, who dares to openly confront Jiangning Camp? For those who are vegetarians, the duty entrusted by the imperial court to the Jiangning Camp is to exterminate the rogues, as long as some people dare to stand out, the Jiangning Camp will act mercilessly just like exterminating the rogues."

When Su Tiancheng said this, Song Sijun and others couldn't sit still, they stood up one after another, cupping their fists to salute Su Tiancheng.

"My lord loves me so much, even if I wait desperately, I must do well according to my lord's request."

When Qu Qingze, Su Pingyang, Su Jun and Su Ertong entered the third hall, Song Sijun and others had already left one after another.

This is a bit like doing underground work. You need to be surprised to do things. If you disclose all the steps too early and prepare for it, the effect will be greatly reduced.

"My lord, the family members of the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp have come to Henan Province one after another. According to your request, we have placed them in Luoyang County, Yiyang County, An County and Yanshi County respectively. According to our statistics, the soldiers who came to Henan Province this time There are more than 1 family members, and it is planned to resettle more than [-] people in Luoyang County, and about [-] people in each of the remaining three counties."

"Very well, the government has counted the official land in the four counties, and the number has come out. There are a lot of abandoned land, including some owners' land, with a total of about 40 mu. This has also worked hard for Su Jun. He has been busy during this time. Bad, all these lands are leased to the family members of the Jiangning battalion for cultivation. This is a very important task. Please ask uncle to be responsible. The most important thing is food, Su Ertong, please help me. As for the arrangements for the families of Jiangning camp soldiers, I have some considerations, and I will talk about it later."

"All the preparations are almost done, and we are about to start. It's ridiculous that some officials in Henan Province think that the law does not punish the public, so I will let them see what the thunderbolt method is."

Everyone had excited expressions on their faces.

"All of you, you have to be prepared. You have to have responsibilities. Qu Qingze, you should be prepared and go to Shanzhou. The conditions in that place are not good. You know it. You have to be prepared to endure hardships. In the shortest time, build Shanzhou well."

"Uncle, you are going to Luoyang County. This is where the government office is located. It is very important. You can't be negligent in the slightest. If you stabilize Luoyang, everything after that will be easy to talk about."

"Su Jun, you are going to Yanxiang County, which is the farthest from the government and is also the poorest place. There are too many things to do. I will give you a year. If you can stabilize the situation in Yanxiang County, If you don’t produce refugees, you will make a great contribution.”

"The garrison of the Jiangning battalion also needs to be changed. It can no longer be completely stationed in Luoyang County. It must be stationed separately. Shanzhou has Hongnongwei, but it is useless. Qu Qingze, when you go to Shanzhou, lead four thousand Jiangning The soldiers of the battalion, their duty is to protect the safety of Shanzhou, resolutely wipe out the bandits existing in the area, and stabilize the situation in Shanzhou."

"Gong County, Dengfeng County, and Lushi County will also be stationed in the Jiangning Camp. Their future responsibilities will not only be to protect the safety of Henan Province, but also to go out to suppress bandits when necessary."

"Finally, let's talk about the resettlement of the families of Jiangning camp officers and soldiers. Luoyang County is the main place. The rest of the places will be allocated according to the actual situation. I will discuss with Master Sun about the specific resettlement."

"Your responsibilities are very heavy. Whether the Fuya can succeed this time and whether the result is good depends on you. If you do well, everything will be fine. If you encounter difficulties, the Fuya will also be very embarrassed. "

"You have followed me for such a long time. When you were in Jiangning County, you were familiar with everything. Now is the time for you to show your skills. Don't be afraid, uncle and Su Jun. You have no fame. Facing those gentry and rich When you are a householder, don’t show any fear, just do it boldly, you are better than many scholars.”

Jiangning camp resident.

Su Tiancheng and Sun Chuanting were discussing things in the room, while Wang Dazhi was guarding outside and no one was allowed to approach.

From the astonished expression on Sun Chuanting's face, it can be seen that the matter discussed this time is extraordinary.

"My lord, is it feasible to do this? If there is an objection in the court, it will be difficult to handle."

"Lord Sun, don't worry, I have made all the preparations, there will be no problems, since the emperor entrusted me with the management of Henan Mansion, I will do my best to build it well, regardless of the situation here No matter how complicated it is, the first step is to go out.”

"My lord's approach is very bold. I really didn't think of it. Thinking about it carefully, this is the best way."

"After half a year, you will know the effect. I think you should stay in Luoyang County and control the overall situation. Sun Yuankun and Di Huaixiang will follow Qu Qingze to Shanzhou, Liu Shiliang to Lushi County, and Luo Chang to Dengfeng County. , Ma Huabiao went to Gong County, as for Sun Siming, Sun Sizong, Lu Taibing and Lu Taibo, I am afraid that they will leave the Jiangning camp and go to the local area."

Sun Chuanting nodded. This was expected. If he wanted to control Henan Mansion, no one would be able to do it.

"Shaanzhou has [-] soldiers stationed in the Jiangning camp, and Lushi County, Dengfeng, and Gong counties each have [-] soldiers stationed in the Jiangning camp. The family members of the soldiers must follow the past, these people are the foundation for the revitalization of Shanzhou, and the rest of the counties can accommodate some of the family members of the soldiers, try to arrange it, of course, Luoyang County is the main one."

"Within this year, the main duty of the Jiangning Battalion is not to wipe out the rogues, but to assist in the construction of the Henan Mansion. Mr. Sun, you remember, whether it is the edict of the Ministry of War or the arrangement of the Governor, in principle, ignore it. Stabilizing the Henan government will not allow the common people to have enough food and clothing, so the Jiangning camp will completely wipe out the bandits.” To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. m read. )

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