Ming politicians

Chapter 381 Strict inspection

() The fifth day of March in the eighth year of Chongzhen.

The inspection work organized by the Henan government has officially started. Too many people have paid attention to this inspection, probably because there are too many different places in this inspection.

First of all, those who participated in this inspection were mainly the thousand households in Jiangning Camp.

In the eyes of officials and scholars, soldiers are all big and rough images. Without much knowledge, they can go to battle and kill the enemy. As for local affairs, only scholars can do well. The arrangement, or the arrangement made by the magistrate Su Tiancheng this time, is a joke in the eyes of many officials.

Second, the inspection requirements are very strict.

In the officialdom, everyone pays attention to hello, me, hello, everyone. Even if there is a quarrel between two people, the dispute is still going on behind the scenes. No matter how despicable methods you use, as long as you win, people will worship you Well, look at those adults in the imperial court, after meeting people, who is not smiling, but they really start to fight, without showing affection at all.

The inspection arranged by the government government has such strict requirements. Is it because you want to get some benefits after going down? Does it mean that everyone will not do this anymore? Can the government government remove all officials? Who else can you ask to do it? things.

This kind of arrangement is obviously a little naive. At least the main officials of the prefectures and counties are called in advance, and everyone sits together to unify their thinking and understanding, solve some problems that can be solved in advance, and listen to everyone's suffering.

Again, the preparation for the inspection is peculiar.

This time, the people who went to check below were not allowed to accept the meal invitation from below, and they brought their own silver taels, and all expenses were borne by themselves.There is no need for reception from the prefecture or county. Although they live in the official post, they still need to pay the local price in silver taels.

Finally, the timing of the inspection is a mystery.

It's time to sow seeds.According to the requirements of the government, at this time, the officials of the prefectures and counties have to go to the villages and towns to supervise the affairs. Wouldn't it affect the spring farming production if they came down to inspect things at this time?If all the officials come to deal with the inspection team, who will do the inspection.

There are many other comments, of course, all accusing this inspection of being too hasty and ill-considered.Moreover, such a posture clearly shows that they don't trust the officials of the Henan government.

Regardless of the arguments, the inspection actually started.

Su Tiancheng did not directly participate in this inspection, he was in charge of the government office.

The inspection time is limited, and the main members of the inspection team are all soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion, and they are also soldiers from the Law Enforcement Battalion.These people are familiar with the inspection procedures and have participated in special training before starting the inspection. They are very clear about the content that must be adhered to. This also ensures that when they go to the inspection, there will be no deviations.

Su Tiancheng is a traveler, and he is very familiar with certain methods of dealing with inspections, in order to avoid the officials below.He took some extraordinary measures to fool the inspection team. He specially gave lectures to the inspection team, telling everyone to be careful and not to be fooled by the superficial situation.

Officials of the government office.I also participated in the inspection team, but the main responsibility of these people is to keep records. They are not involved in the core inspection matters. Not only that, these people are not very clear about the relevant inspection arrangements.

It's not that Su Tiancheng doesn't trust the officials of the government office, but some of the officials of the government office have already been involved in this matter, and they can't get rid of their involvement, so what's the point of inspection.

Arranging the officials of the government office, with a big face, makes sense, but to a certain extent, it can also paralyze the officials below.

The team leaders of each group have also clarified that Qu Qingze is in charge of Shanzhou, including Lingbao County and Yanxiang County, Su Jun is in charge of Yanxiang County, Su Pingyang is in charge of Luoyang County, Sun Siming is in charge of Lushi County, and Sun Sizong is in charge of Yiyang County , Lu Taibing is in charge of Dengfeng County, Lu Taibo is in charge of Gong County, and the rest of the counties are directly in charge of Qianhu, who is also Jiangningying.

Sun Chuanting, Qu Qingze, Su Pingyang and others are very clear about the meaning of this arrangement. Many team leaders will directly serve as magistrates or county magistrates after checking the following matters.

Such an arrangement was absolutely unexpected for the officials of the Henan government. They would never believe that no one who has not passed the imperial examination and has achieved fame can serve as a county magistrate. Such an arrangement is too unimaginable.

There will be many things that make them unexpected.

With the departure of the inspection team, there has been a sensation in Henan Province.

The family members of Jiangning battalion soldiers came to Henan Mansion one after another.

In the eyes of everyone, military households are synonymous with poverty. The military households in the guards all over the country can’t get enough to eat. Especially in the Central Plains, military households are not welcomed by everyone. Some military households, because of life pressure, Even robbing with open flames. When the things grown in other people's fields are not yet ripe, they will pick some secretly.

There are [-] soldiers in the Jiangning camp. If the families of these soldiers have come to Henan Province, many gentry and wealthy households cannot bear it. After all, they have more knowledge and know the bravery of the Jiangning camp. If the military households are too poor, Their interests have been violated, and it is not easy for them to directly confront Jiang Ningying.

As for ordinary people, they don't feel much. They belong to the poor class when they come, and the military households come, and they don't get much advantage from them.

It was precisely because of this understanding that the family members of the Jiangning battalion soldiers came to Henan Mansion and caused such a big commotion.

The common people discovered that their views were completely wrong.

The military households who came to Jiangning Camp were not as poor as everyone imagined, and their conditions were very good.

The adults and children who came to Henan Mansion were rosy complexioned and well dressed, and they all came in large carts and carts dragging a lot of things. They were all hired carriages, which is not something ordinary people can afford.

Some family members of the Jiangning camp soldiers have already settled down near the Jiangning camp.

Because of the arrival of Jiangningying's family members, Luoyang County suddenly became lively. The family members of the soldiers entered the county one after another to purchase the needed materials and even recruit people to help build houses.

However, in a few days, a large number of houses were built next to the Jiangning Camp resident. Although it is said to be a temporary residence, but look at their courage. If there is no money, how can such a house be built at any time.

Surprisingly, a private school was set up next to the Jiangning camp.

Several scholars entered private schools and were responsible for educating children, and received strong support from Jiang Ningying.

Finally someone began to inquire about children from military households, what are they doing studying and what is the use of it? In the future, they will serve as soldiers. Wouldn’t studying be a waste of money? The news they heard was quite surprising. The family is not a military household as everyone understands, but a well-behaved farmer.

Some people in the vicinity are familiar with the family members of Jiangning camp officers and soldiers. When chatting, they found that these family members looked down on the conditions here in Henan Prefecture. They thought it was incomparable with Jiangning County. It is also to follow.

The military salary of Jiangning camp soldiers has become the biggest hotspot in Henan Province. The monthly military salary of ordinary sergeants is five taels of silver, which is equivalent to the salary of the county magistrate. Moreover, the soldiers of Jiangning camp are responsible for eating, drinking and messing with the military camp. Those who don't need to pay for themselves, that is to say, the military salary of the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp can be used for family expenses.

The standard of living in Henan Province, ordinary people, can have five taels of silver a year, which is enough to maintain a basic life, and ordinary soldiers in the Jiangning camp can support a family with one month's military salary.

More and more news and more and more things surprised many people in Henan Province, and they also faintly felt that something might happen. This prefect prefect is indeed not simple.

The discussion among the common people slowly began to change. Many people thought that if they could enter the Jiangning Camp and become a sergeant in the Jiangning Camp, the life of the whole family would be guaranteed.

Many people began to believe that the notice issued by the government office will definitely be implemented. The government office has formed an inspection team and went to various places to see the final effect.

Su Ertong was very busy with the resettlement of the families of Jiangning camp officers and soldiers. He had the shortest time in Henan Mansion, less than a month, and had almost no time to familiarize himself with the situation, so he immediately threw himself into the middle of work.

Because of some changes in the arrangements for the families of Jiangning camp officers and soldiers, the original resettlement measures must also follow the changes, and Su Ertong is directly responsible for the specific implementation.

Although it is very bitter and tiring, Su Ertong has fully adapted to it. On the contrary, when he was in the capital, he was out of his mind and always felt that there was not much to do. He should stay by the master's side and participate in the affairs of the government. After all, when I was in Jiangning County, I always did things in the yamen.

Su Tiancheng is in control of all the situations. Now he is sharpening his sword and waiting for the results of the inspection. In his heart, what he looks forward to is that this inspection can find out as much as possible. The problem, otherwise I have no reason to do it, no chance to do it. Zhu Youjian in the capital can still understand himself. If he is around him, there are not many people who believe in him, and there is no group of trustworthy officials. How can he do things? , how to do things well.

The opportunity is fully ripe. The family members of Jiangning battalion soldiers have already arrived in Henan Prefecture. They can maximize the consumption here. The officials of thirteen counties in one prefecture have also thought of candidates for adjustment. The rest is a race against time. The inspection team sent out by the government must grasp the real situation in the shortest possible time.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. m read. )

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