Ming politicians

Chapter 386 Family Planning

() All the affairs of the Henan Mansion have basically stabilized, but even in the government office, there is still no co-instructor, that is to say, Su Tiancheng still lacks the most capable helper, the co-prefect of the Henan Mansion, Su Tiancheng has never been present The candidate was also because he was particularly looking at this position, and there was no suitable candidate for a while.

Several people have appeared in his mind, Wu Weiye, Chen Yutai, and even Sun Chuanting, after much deliberation, these people are not very suitable, Wu Weiye and Chen Yutai, things are really good. They were both in the capital. Because of Zhou Yanru's downfall, the two of them did not receive real tempering. After nearly three years, they are still in the Imperial Academy. Although staying in the Imperial Academy can easily get the emperor's respect, But it also depends on who is the chief assistant of the cabinet.Su Tiancheng didn't dare to take the risk of letting these two people who didn't know the actual situation below come to Henan Mansion.

As for Sun Chuanting, his main talent is still in the military. He can build the Jiangning camp very well, even if he is doing his best, and Sun Chuanting has no such intentions. In comparison, the status of the Jiangning camp is even more important than that of the Henan government.

After six years, there is still a lack of talents around Su Tiancheng, mainly due to the lack of scholars. All Gong students who can participate in the palace examination have their future in their minds, and these people are also firmly controlled by the officials.

The only hope is to see if the Zhongxing Academy in Jiangning County can recommend some talents.

Su Tiancheng has already written to Sun Chengzong and others, talking about the situation in Henan Mansion, his plan, after May, Liu Zongzhou and Lu Shanji can come to Henan Mansion.At that time, the conditions are ripe, and the society can be easily established.

For the magistrates of many counties in Henan Province, the Ministry of Officials has not yet determined the candidates, and it is estimated that it will be in May.Su Tiancheng has already made a blunt request to Sun Chengzong, Zhongxing Institute selects some talents, scholars who can really care about the suffering of the people and don't talk about it, let these people come to Henan Mansion.

Fortunately, Liu Zhongji and Deng Hui are both in the capital preparing to take part in the palace examination, these two people.Regardless of the situation of the palace examination, they are all talents that Su Tiancheng is looking for, and he has even planned that Liu Zhongji will be the magistrate of Lingbao County, and Deng Hui will be the magistrate of Mengjin County.

If these ideas are all implemented.Su Tiancheng can guarantee that the situation in Henan Prefecture can be completely changed in less than a year. You must know that policies are crucial to the development of a place, and the right path is chosen.It doesn't take long for the change of root type to occur.

In mid-April, Su Tiancheng played Zhu Youjian again, this time for his own private affairs, and asked for leave to go back to the capital to see his son, Zhu Shenxin and others, who have been waiting in the capital for a long time, and the son did not even name him. , just waiting for myself to go back.Besides, Chunping is going to have a baby too, and the time is around May to June.

Wang Furong and Liu Rushi were looking forward to seeing each other, waiting for him to go to the capital and pick them up to Henan Mansion.The capital is more than [-] miles away from Luoyang.If the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion ran this distance, it would take three to four days to complete it, but for Wang Furong and others, it was impossible, and it would take at least ten days.

There is one more thing that Su Tiancheng has to make arrangements for, and that is Gu Hengbo's matter.

The key point is to discuss with Zhu Shenxin. Su Tiancheng reckons that Zhu Shenxin will not object, but he will definitely not be happy in his heart. This is his own responsibility. After returning, he must comfort Zhu Shenxin. <Ping, Wang Furong, Liu Rushi, Gu Hengbo, there are five women in total, and their fortunes are really not shallow. Fortunately, it was in the Ming Dynasty. If it was hundreds of years later, there would have been several lawsuits.

The palace reports from the imperial court, as well as information from secret sources, came in a steady stream. Su Tiancheng's main concern was still the situation of the rogues. Of course, he would not forget Houjin either.

The overall situation is stable, and the Hou Jin hardly made any moves. After the rogue soldiers were divided into three groups, they lacked a unified coordination and command, and did not make much noise. It was the Ming Dynasty's own army that caused some minor disturbances.

Hong Chengchou led the army. After entering Sichuan, the whole journey was relatively smooth. The rogues were constantly attacked and almost lost their way. Not to mention attacking the prefectures and counties, even if it was self-protection, it seemed very difficult. On the other hand, the imperial army had already An encirclement circle was formed, firmly blocking the escape route of the rogues.

When things were going well, Hong Chengchou ordered Deng Qi, the commander-in-chief of the Sichuan Army, to defend Fancheng and defend the Han River. Unfortunately, Deng Qi was too greedy and would not lead troops when he came. Unscrupulously withholding the sergeant's salary, and cruelly treating the sergeant under him, the army's morale was unstable. In the end, Deng Qi's general Wang Yuncheng gathered troops to reason and killed two of Deng Qi's followers. Lu escaped from Fucheng, but in a panic, he strayed into the alley of fire and was burned to death.

Murdering the general is tantamount to rebellion. Wang Yuncheng didn't expect such an ending, so he fled in a hurry.

The rogues seized this opportunity and broke through from the Han River.

The encirclement carefully planned by Hong Chengchou was destroyed.

Hong Chengchou, who was furious, was about to punish the Sichuan army. Fortunately, Qin Liangyu came forward to intercede, and then he calmed down.

The escape of the rogues this time did not cause too much trouble, probably because the fighting power of the rogues was far from the same as before. Hong Chengchou didn't care too much about the occasional escape, including the emperor Zhu Youjian. Very concerned.

After this battle, the rogues fled Sichuan and returned directly to Shaanxi.

There were cheers inside and outside the imperial court, and many ministers believed that the rogues retreated to the territory of Shaanxi, which would be convenient for the imperial army to wipe out, and the strength of the rogues was greatly damaged, and it was already unsustainable.

Su Tiancheng didn't see it that way.

The defect of Hong Chengchou's improper employment gave the rogues a chance to breathe. You must know that Gao Yingxiang and others in Shaanxi have great appeal, but because of their strength, they were temporarily frustrated. The rogues who entered Sichuan were hit by love. After returning to Shaanxi, it is natural to meet Gao Yingxiang and others, and also obey Gao Yingxiang's orders.

The situation of the rogues in Shanxi is also not good. The imperial court has ordered Datong to garrison troops to participate in the extermination of the rogues. Therefore, this group of rogues will return to Shaanxi sooner or later.

After all, Shaanxi is the lair of rogues. If officials at all levels in Shaanxi cannot change their perceptions and do things for the common people, farmers are still living in dire straits, and the forces of rogues are inexhaustible. However, no matter how the imperial army is wiped out, it will not be able to achieve a fundamental victory.

Many ministers in the imperial court couldn't see this level. They simply believed that military victory could be done once and for all, so they were happy.

Su Tiancheng, who sees through this layer, has nothing to do. Henan Prefecture is still in the initial stage of construction, and there are too many things. The Jiangning Camp needs a stable rear and supplies of food and grass. It is not established, only if you have it yourself, you really have it.

The best way is to step up the construction of Henan Prefecture, slowly radiate into Shaanxi and Shanxi and other places, and take one to two years to completely stabilize Henan Prefecture. At that time, the Jiangning Camp will launch a large-scale attack. And the purpose of this attack is to completely wipe out the bandits.

These plans, Su Tiancheng has already presented Zhu Youjian in the form of a secret composition.

This is probably one of the reasons why Zhu Youjian is more at ease.

In late April, the emperor's decree came, granting Su Tiancheng a one and a half month vacation.

After receiving the decree, Su Tiancheng secretly complained that the leave is too stingy, only two months, what a big deal, it is the busy farming season, officials at all levels in the Henan government are busy with supervision, and the government is actually No big deal.

The soldiers of the Jiangning Camp, after they were stationed in various places, resumed the previous tradition and helped their families cultivate the land. The arrival of the Jiangning Camp soldiers' families has gradually changed the situation in Henan Province. The quantity increased substantially, and the shops opened by Song Sijun, Wan Chenggui and others quickly got on the right track. Merchants from all over Henan Province discovered such opportunities and opened large-scale purchases one after another to meet the needs of the market.

Officials at all levels in Henan Mansion saw these changes, and in their hearts, they still admired Su Tiancheng. After only a few months in Henan Mansion, they cleaned up the officialdom, and used the shortest time to let the common people settle down. The market also started Slowly recovering, the family members of the Jiangning camp soldiers built their residences and recruited craftsmen, and the rewards they gave were not low. This also attracted farmers in many places. After the sowing was over, they rushed to the Jiangning camp resident to help build houses and get paid.

If it develops according to this trend, Henan Mansion will soon be able to completely stabilize, and perhaps this autumn harvest will be the time when Henan Mansion begins to shine.

Before departure, Su Tiancheng put forward specific requirements for related work, mainly in four words, rest and recuperate, let the common people calm down, and the government will try its best to support the common people. No matter what happens, agricultural development is the top priority. first.

On May [-]st, Su Tiancheng left Henan Mansion and rushed to the capital.

This time, Gu Hengbo and [-] soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion followed him to the capital, all of them were soldiers from the pro-barracks. Luo Chang personally took these soldiers with him to protect Su Tiancheng's safety along the way.

Gu Hengbo was the happiest. When she went to the capital this time, her identity would be officially clarified. Su Tiancheng even promised to try to let her see the emperor and empress.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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