Ming politicians

Chapter 387 Small Wrist

() Zhu Shenxin's attitude is very strange. It has been two days since Su Tiancheng came home, and Zhu Shenxin has never expressed his opinion on Gu Hengbo's arrival, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

I haven't seen Su Tiancheng for a long time, so Zhu Shenxin is naturally very affectionate. Whenever Su Tiancheng mentioned Gu Hengbo's matter, Zhu Shenxin would prevaricate it, always talking about children, saying that it was Su Tiancheng Tian Cheng was going to name his son.

Su Tiancheng is extremely smart, of course he knows what Zhu Shenxin is thinking, and Zhu Shenxin must be upset when this happens, but it's not easy to say it directly, so he simply doesn't express his opinion.But the situation cannot continue like this. My attitude of marrying Gu Hengbo is resolute. It is impossible to push Gu Hengbo out, but it is impossible to force the marriage. It is also a failure to handle the relationship within the family.

Su Tiancheng had already thought about the name of his son. Su Mingjie, according to the seniority of the Su family, the following is the Mingzi School, which must be followed. Jie means prudence, stability, and diligence. This is Su Tiancheng's pair. request of his own son.

It seems to be a rule that the children of rich and noble families are either exceptionally good or exceptionally dandy. In fact, there are certain inevitable factors in it. The conditions of the family are good, and a lot of money can be invested in the education of the children, but If you don't pay attention, doting also exists, which makes the child form a bad character, and it will be much more difficult to correct it.

Su Mingjie was still young, so he could temporarily live in the capital and follow his mother, but when he was able to start studying, Su Tiancheng had to think of a way. Almost all the mansions in Beijing were women and a boy.Living in such an environment is not very good, and the boy's growth process cannot be separated from his father's influence.

The news of Su Tiancheng's return to the capital quickly spread.

There are quite a few people who come to visit.Xu Eryi, Wu Weiye, Chen Yutai and others all came. After such a long time, there are still not many real supporters of Su Tiancheng in the imperial court.The former mentors Weng Tongzhang, Fu Youliang and others, because they didn't have much contact with each other, the relationship between them has weakened a lot.

Su Tiancheng was very happy when Liu Zhongji and Deng Hui came to visit.

The palace test is over, and both of them have participated.The results are still good. Liu Zhongji is No. 20 and Deng Hui is No. 30. According to the usual arrangement, the two are likely to enter the Imperial Academy and become Shu Jishi.

When Su Tiancheng talked with the two, he suggested that they go to Henan Mansion.Don't think about entering the Hanlin Academy directly as the county magistrate, and the two agreed.

In fact, when the Ministry of Officials arranged Jinshi, their attitude has changed slightly, including some Jinshi, not entirely thinking of entering the Imperial Academy, this is mainly due to two aspects of influence, one is Su Tiancheng's example, the palace examination No. [-], directly released.Now it is the magistrate of the fourth rank. Look at the number one scholar Chen Yutai and Tanhua Wu Weiye, who are still in the Imperial Academy, and one is from the sixth rank.One is the compilation of Zhengqipin, and it has not been able to make much achievements. The other aspect is the influence caused by the Zhongxing Academy. The viewpoint promoted by the Zhongxing Academy, scholars should care about their homeland and the world, be practical, and take one step at a time Footprints, starting from the grassroots, if you don't have experience at the grassroots level, don't know the sufferings of the people, don't have real governance experience, and don't have the experience of dominating one party, how can you put forward practical opinions and suggestions in the middle of the court.

The influence of these two aspects is still unusual. It is mainly the middle school society, which has really formed an influence. In the south, the middle school society has almost replaced Donglin Academy and Fushe. Zhang Pu, the leader of Fushe, took the initiative to After joining the Zhongxing Academy, Qian Qianyi, the leader of Donglin Academy, also gradually moved closer to the Zhongxing Academy.

The emperor finally summoned Su Tiancheng.

Su Tiancheng knew that the emperor would definitely meet him, and it was rare to have such an opportunity. After the last performance of the secret book, the emperor gave him the Shangfang Sword, which showed that he was already moved by the content of his secret book.

Su Tiancheng was also waiting for such an opportunity. In front of Zhu Youjian, he not only talked about important affairs of the court, but also about his own family affairs. Since Zhu Shenxin was a relative of the emperor, Zhu Youjian came forward to do work , it must be effective. This will raise the status of Zhu Shenxin and Gu Hengbo, and it will also ensure the stability of the family.

When he came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Su Tiancheng saw Zhu Youjian who was smiling.

Zhu Youjian's spirit has improved a lot, not like before, always carrying a gloomy atmosphere.

The procedure of kowtow cannot be exempted, after all, he is the emperor.

"Su Aiqing, I envy you for being able to spend time with my family when I return to the capital this time. Look at me, there are so many things going on all day long, and it is very difficult to chat with the queen."

Zhu Youjian took the initiative to mention the family affairs, Su Tiancheng couldn't wait for it, and climbed up the pole.

"The emperor cares about this humble minister, and I am very grateful, but recently, there are some small things in the minister's family, and I still want to ask the emperor to help."

Wang Chengen, who was behind Zhu Youjian, couldn't help raising his head, looked at Su Tiancheng, and thought that this Su Tiancheng was really interesting, the emperor is just an excuse, if you want to answer, you should flatter him, and then report the business.

Zhu Youjian was also caught off guard, he didn't expect Su Tiancheng to say that.

Of course he knew what it was.

"Su Aiqing, there are already quite a few good wives by your side, and I have seen them all."

"Your Majesty loves my minister so much, so I am favored by girls. Your Majesty knows all about the affairs of my minister's family. I implore you to be the master of my minister. My wife is a relative of the emperor, so I don't dare to offend you. If Madam is upset and the emperor is moved out, I will be able to live my life, and everything will be fine for this family."

"Haha, Su Aiqing, you really know how to talk. Just follow your temper, how can Zhu Shenxin do anything? I see that you are decisive and very assertive. Well, since you have spoken, I will If you don’t help, you can’t justify it.”

Having said that, Zhu Youjian turned his head and spoke to Wang Chengen behind him.

"Elder-in-law, remember to call Zhu Shenxin and Gu Hengbo into the palace tomorrow, and the queen and I will meet them."

Su Tiancheng was overjoyed, and quickly knelt down to thank him.

"Su Aiqing, I still don't understand what you mentioned about the Zhongxing Academy. Can you explain it in detail?"

"Your Majesty, the Zhongxing Academy has formed a climate in the south and has a significant influence, but it has not really formed an influence in the north. The concept advocated by the Zhongxing Academy is very good. Of course, there are There is also a lot of knowledge from the minister."

Zhu Youjian smiled and didn't interrupt Su Tiancheng. He didn't expect that Su Tiancheng would take the initiative to show off himself.

"The minister once boldly analyzed the contradiction between the imperial power and the minister's power. Some ministers in the court have gradually transformed into a bureaucratic landlord class. They use various means to protect their own vested interests, which affects the government. The effectiveness of imperial decrees, what they rely on, is the understanding of public opinion, Donglin Academy and Fushe are not clamoring to protect the interests of literati and bureaucrats, gentry and wealthy households, and I am most dissatisfied with this point."

"For example, many ministers in the imperial court strongly support the sea ban, oppose the collection of salt tax, the collection of mining tax, and the rise of imperial merchants. They say that these are the emperor's struggle with the people, but the ministers think that the real Those who benefited were the scholar-bureaucrats and wealthy households, and the common people did not benefit at all.”

"When I was in Jiangning County, I made my move in this area. The tax collection by the Municipal Bureau is the best explanation. The gentry and rich households make money in business. I have no objection. You do your business and abide by the law. We need to support you vigorously, but don’t forget to pay taxes, if you think about favors on the one hand, and desperately protect your own interests on the other hand, I will not be polite.”

"The core concept that the Zhongxing Academy adheres to is this. The people who should make the most contributions to the country are the scholar-bureaucrat class, that is, the class of gentlemen and wealthy families. I think that the emperor depends on them, but they need them to contribute to the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty. .”

In Zhu Youjian's eyes, there was a glint of Jing.

He finally understood that what Su Tiancheng emphasized was to maintain the imperial power and suppress the power of the ministers.

This point of view and understanding was rather vague in the past. After listening to Su Tiancheng's introduction, it gradually became clear. He never imagined that Su Tiancheng had such an understanding. Marrying Zhu Shenxin is the most beautiful thing he can do, and now Su Tiancheng is really thinking about the royal family.

"What Su Aiqing said is very good. I finally understand. Then tell me how to support Zhongxing Academy."

"I still have two suggestions. First, the Zhongxing Academy should set up a special institution in the north. I think it is the best choice to set up in Henan Prefecture. The reason why I didn't choose to set up in the capital is because of the development of the Zhongxing Academy. , needs a peaceful environment. With the gradual development and growth of the Zhongxing Academy, and finally unified the understanding of the scholars, it can naturally be relocated to the capital. Second, the talents recommended by the Zhongxing Academy must be boldly used by the imperial court. They are all scholars who have been carefully studied by the academy, and they are all scholars who know the sufferings of the people and are familiar with low-level affairs. If they go to prefectures and counties, for example, it will bring a wave of wind. I believe that it will not take many years. It will definitely change a lot.”

When Su Tiancheng left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Wang Chengen personally sent it out.

"Lord Su, your words have reached the heart of the emperor, our family really admires it."

"Your father-in-law praised you. The next official always remembers to take the father-in-law as an example. The father-in-law is always by the emperor's side. If there is something wrong with the lower official, I hope the father-in-law will remind you more."

Looking at the smiling Wang Chengen, Su Tiancheng was very relieved. The current situation in Ming Dynasty requires the consolidation of the imperial power and the suppression of the power of the ministers. The prerequisite is that the emperor can listen to the suggestions and take the development of Daming as his own responsibility. Zhu Youjian has indeed done it .To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. m read. )

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