Ming politicians

Chapter 389 Not Completely Satisfactory

() Ping who set off was about to give birth to a baby, but it was inevitable that Su Tiancheng would leave the capital and rush to Henan Mansion.Visit download txt novel

There are also some gratifying things. The imperial court agreed to Zhang Pu as the Tongzhi of Henan Prefecture. Fu Tongzhi was born out of nowhere, that is, from this moment, Zhang Pu became one of Su Tiancheng's most capable assistants.

Su Tiancheng has already written to Sun Chengzong, suggesting that Liu Zongzhou and Lu Shanji set off to Henan Prefecture and establish a branch of the Zhongxing Academy in Henan Prefecture. The significance of this branch is extraordinary, and the purpose is to unify the thoughts of northern scholar-bureaucrats and bureaucratic gentry Recognize, although the academic level in the north is far lower than that in the south, and there are not many scholars, there are still many gentry and rich families here, and the family concept is particularly strong, almost all of them have the understanding that everyone is prosperous and everyone is ruined.

The dark line suddenly sent information.

Su Tiancheng was greatly surprised, and began to feel nervous. During the time he returned to the capital, he had received almost no information from dark sources, including information about rogue bandits and Houjin. A few reports came, saying that the autumn harvest season is coming, it is estimated that the Eight Banners of Manchuria and the Eight Banners of Mongolia may be dispatched to enter the customs to grab some food. This situation is very common. They are all small groups of people.

Su Tiancheng locked himself in the study, and opened the letter nervously.

Looking at it, his face began to turn pale.

This is information about rogues.

Gao Yingxiang and others had frequent activities in Shaanxi, after several months of recuperation.The power of the rogues began to grow again. In Shaanxi, they won the support of the common people. In contrast to the imperial army, the Yulin Guards participated in the extermination of the rogues.However, the troops of these guards have a bad military discipline, and they have not achieved much success in direct contact with the rogues, but they killed good men and falsely reported military information.

According to Hong Chengchou's plan.The imperial army was stationed in Hanzhong Mansion and Fengxiang Mansion, echoing Yulin Weiyao. They stuck to the city and pushed forward step by step towards the central hinterland, attacking the bandits from the north and south.

This is a good arrangement, but it is a pity that the implementation is not good.

The imperial court couldn't come up with so much money.The imperial army led by Hong Chengchou dropped sharply, from more than 3 at the beginning of the year to the current [-], and the rest of the soldiers returned to their respective guards.

Because the money provided by the imperial court was limited, Hong Chengchou strictly ordered the prefectures and counties to provide for the army's expenses.This puts more pressure on the prefectures and counties in Shaanxi. The prefectures and counties can only further increase the burden on farmers. Shaanxi is a barren land. From the perspective of the army, it is not good to add.

The rogues seized this opportunity and stepped up their propaganda among the common people.Adhere to the strategy of killing the rich and helping the poor. When they attacked the city, they did nothing to the common people. They vigorously suppressed the bureaucratic gentry and seized money and food.Also properly help the people.

What is hateful is that after the bandits withdrew, the imperial army held the people accountable, thinking that all the people who received relief were colluding with the bandits, and brutally suppressed them.

It will be the autumn harvest season soon, and the rogues are ready to fight a big battle. They have selected three places, Yan'an Fucheng, Qingyang Fucheng and Pingliangfu City, and plan to attack one of them between July and August. , in order to boost the morale of the army.

After reading the information, Su Tiancheng was so angry that he broke his teacup.

He never thought that Hong Chengchou, the famous general, would be so short-sighted. It is no small matter for the bandits to change their tactics. Any good commander should analyze the danger involved. No matter what kind of army it is, it must get the support of the people, otherwise, Even if you have excellent equipment, you may be defeated in the end.

Among the rogues, there are indeed talents.They grasped the key point, as long as they won the support of the common people, they would have room to survive. No matter how the imperial army encircled and suppressed them, they would eventually have a way out.

It's not uncommon for bandits to plan to attack Fucheng. They even dared to invade Fengyang, the central capital, not to mention Fuzhou and counties in Shaanxi, but Su Tiancheng noticed that this information was not very accurate.

In the process of developing and growing, the rogues really need to inspire the morale of the army and increase their combat effectiveness. It is not a wise decision to choose to attack the Fucheng. You must know that if the Fucheng is attacked, the guard army will never dare to stand by and will definitely support it. The Fucheng is not so easy to attack. If the front is not attacked, the reinforcements from the imperial court arrive later, and the rogues will fall into the greatest passivity.

Spreading out the map that he carried with him, Su Tiancheng began to look carefully, so that Zhu Shenxin entered the study without him noticing.

"Husband, my concubine made chicken soup to make up for you. Tomorrow, I will go to Henan Mansion. I don't know when I will be able to see my husband again."

Zhu Shenxin put the blue and white bowl on the table and began to pick up the debris on the ground.

There were fragments on the ground, which proved that Su Tiancheng was in a bad mood, lost his temper, and broke the teacup. The smart Zhu Shenxin did not directly intervene. She would not interfere with major affairs in the court.

Su Tiancheng quickly helped to pick up the debris on the ground.

"Ma'am, don't worry too much. I just thought of something and got a little angry. I can't control it. It's not a big deal."

"My husband is thinking about big things, and my concubines won't bother me. I just hope that my husband will pay attention to my health. My husband is the pillar of the family. I can't make any mistakes, otherwise my concubines will not be able to survive."

Su Tiancheng blinked and looked at Zhu Shenxin.

"Did Madam think of something? If you have anything to say, just say it."

Zhu Shenxin looked at Su Tiancheng, and finally spoke.

"Husband, the concubine has met the emperor and the empress twice. This kind of honor is not easily obtained even with the status of a concubine. While the concubine is happy, she is also worried about the lord. The concubine can enjoy it." These honors are all due to my husband, and my husband is doing things for the court, and my concubine should not talk too much, but my concubine is really worried."

Su Tiancheng understood.

It turned out that Zhu Shenxin was worried about him. The emperor valued him as a great minister, so it was a good thing to come, but too much honor means extraordinary responsibilities. If he can't make great achievements, and can't do big things, this esteem will become a heavy burden. burden.

<ren, the glorious family. "

Zhu Shenxin raised her head, with tears in her eyes.

"My husband can think this way, and my concubine can rest assured. I don't know how long it will take before we can see each other again. Don't worry about the family affairs, my husband. The concubine will definitely do well. Chunping is gone, no Knowing whether it is a boy or a girl, the concubine has also thought about it, and the child will be sent to the husband's side when the child is a little older."

"Hehe, don't talk about these things for the time being. I don't know what will happen after a few years. It's just the things in this mansion. Thank you for your hard work. It's great that Su Ertong came. He stayed in the capital, but I lack manpower there, I have already written a letter to King Jin, sending the people who used to be around you to the capital, with the help of these people, you can relax a lot."

Zhu Shenxin walked up to Su Tiancheng, and gently leaned on Su Tiancheng's chest.

"The husband embraces the ministers and concubines."

Zhu Shenxin was already used to this kind of action, Su Tiancheng would hug her like this every day, after a long time, she felt safe, as long as she was held in Su Tiancheng's arms, she would not be afraid of any difficulties.

Su Tiancheng felt uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do, this was the court's rule, Zhu Shenxin was actually a hostage, and was being held in the capital to prevent himself from being distracted.

Zhang Pu, Liu Zhongji, Deng Hui, Luo Chang and others all sat in the wing room.

"Everyone, we are going to set off tomorrow. We will be accompanied by our family members on this trip. Therefore, we will divide into two groups. Lord Zhang, Lord Liu, and Lord Deng will follow me. Immediately, we will rush to Henan Mansion. Fifty soldiers will follow us." Luo Qianhu is in charge of the rest of the guards, guarding the family."

Liu Zhongji and Luo Chang are clear, Su Tiancheng made such an arrangement, there must be something wrong with the Henan government, and he needs to rush back as soon as possible, Zhang Pu and Deng Hui are not very clear, they saw Liu Zhongji and Luo Chang If you don't speak, you won't ask too much.

"Don't worry, everyone. There is nothing wrong with Henan Province. Everything is fine. It will be the autumn harvest soon. Thanks to the emperor's blessing, the weather will be smooth this year. The harvest of wheat is imminent. The situation of sweet potatoes and corn is good, so Henan The people in the mansion can be guaranteed to have enough to eat, as long as the people have food to eat, there will be no troubles, and the Henan mansion will be stable, so we have to hurry up and rush to Henan mansion to ensure the smooth progress of the autumn harvest."

"Master Zhang, you and I have talked a lot. You know a lot about the situation in Henan Mansion, and you should know it well. After arriving in Henan Mansion, my focus may be on Jiangning Camp. You have to take the initiative to be responsible for things, and most of the time, you have to be responsible for the overall affairs, in this regard, you don't want to shirk, don't have other ideas, just do things boldly."

"Master Deng, you have been in the capital for a long time, and you have seen a lot of things. You are from an ordinary family and know the sufferings of the people. I will not say more. When you arrive in Mengjin County, you will act as an agent of government affairs."

"Master Liu, you and I have worked together for a long time. You have served as the head of Jiangning County and are familiar with government affairs. After arriving in Lingbao County, you are the head of a county. Compared with the past, there has been a big change, Sparrow Although small and well-equipped, if he can handle the government affairs of a county well, he will be able to preside over the overall situation of the prefecture in the future." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. m read. )

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