Ming politicians

Chapter 390 Changes in the situation

() Hong Chengchou also knew about the news that the rogue bandits were going to attack Qingyang Mansion, but it was a pity that he knew it a little too late.

The army of rogue bandits has already assembled around Qingyang Mansion. The prefect of Qingyang Mansion found out that something was wrong, so he rushed to report to the governor, and the governor quickly reported the news to Hong Chengchou.

This place of Qingyang Mansion is known as the granary of Longdong. The geographical location is very important. If the city of Qingyang is captured by bandits, it will definitely cause a huge shock in the imperial court.

Qingyang Guards have already entered Fucheng, trying their best to surround the safety of Fucheng.

As the minister of the Ministry of War, he was in charge of exterminating the bandits. Of course, Hong Chengchou could not let Qingyang fall. Besides, he knew the combat effectiveness of Qingyang Guards. After many years of famine and harassment from bandits, Qingyang Guards had long been weak. It's unbearable.

He hardly thought about it, and immediately asked the army to move out and go to Qingyang for rescue.

The army was stationed in Fengxiangfu City, more than 500 miles away from Qingyang. Hong Chengchou issued a death order, and the cavalry must arrive at Qingyang Mansion within five days, that is to say, march more than [-] miles a day .As for the pawns, within ten days, they must also rush to Qingyang Mansion for rescue.

Under the personal leadership of Hong Chengchou, five thousand cavalry went to Qingyang Mansion for rescue.

When setting off, Hong Chengchou thought of the Jiangning Camp, but the rogues were active in Shaanxi Province. He had long asked all the guards in Shaanxi to participate in the battle to wipe out the rogues. At this time, asking the Jiangning Camp to also participate in the battle was a bit of a fuss up.Thinking of this, Hong Chengchou didn't even pass any information to Su Tiancheng.

On the fifth day of July, Su Tiancheng returned to Henan Mansion.

Zhang Pu, Liu Zhongji, Deng Hui and others took office directly, including other county magistrates appointed by the imperial court.

Zhang Pu served as Tongzhi of Henan Prefecture.It made everyone a little surprised, but it was recommended by Su Tiancheng himself, and everyone would not say anything. After Zhang Pu arrived in Henan Mansion, he kept a low profile.Without waiting for Su Tiancheng's arrangement, he took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the prefectures and counties to supervise the autumn harvest.

Before Wang Furong, Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo arrived in Fucheng, Su Tiancheng went directly to Shanzhou.

He is most concerned about the situation in Shanzhou, where the foundation is the worst.

Qu Qingze was waiting for Su Tiancheng outside the city of Shanzhou.

After meeting Su Tiancheng.Qu Qingze did not directly report the situation in Shanzhou, but whispered that there was a military situation.

After Qu Qingze became the magistrate of Shanzhou, he also began to read some information from dark sources. Shanzhou is in a special position, so it is necessary to grasp the situation of rogue bandits in Shaanxi and Shanxi.

Qu Qingze took Su Tiancheng directly into the secret room of the state government.

"My lord, I just received the information that the rogues are about to attack Qingyang Mansion. Master Hong led the army and set off from Fengxiang Mansion to rescue them."

Su Tiancheng didn't speak, and looked at the letter carefully, without much expression on his face.

The map is spread out on the table.Qu Qingze was already on it, marking the route of the imperial army led by Hong Chengchou.

After reading the letter, Su Tiancheng stood up, walked to the side of the map, and began to look at the map carefully, whether he was pointing at a certain place or thinking about something.

After half an hour, Su Tiancheng finally spoke.

"Old Qu, it's top-secret information that the rogues are attacking Qingyang Mansion. When I was in the capital, I received news from a dark source that the rogues are planning to attack Qingyang Mansion, Yan'an Mansion and Pingliang Mansion. It shows that the rogues are very careful. Or they deliberately released news to confuse us. The three places are far away. According to the strength of the rogues, it is impossible to attack three prefectures at the same time. However, within a few days, Lord Hong knew that the rogues were going to attack Qing Yang Manor, there is something strange here."

"My lord, I don't think it's strange. Qingyang Mansion is the granary of Longdong. Now it's the autumn harvest season. If the rogues can be captured and invited to Qingyang Mansion City, they will surely get a lot of food and supplies. Besides, since last year, the rogues have encountered many things. The blow has always been lingering, and now at this time, it is also necessary to boost morale."

"What you said is not bad, but it can boost morale. Do we have to attack Fucheng? During the autumn harvest season, the grain is in the fields. The rogues just want to replenish, so there is no need to attack Fucheng aggressively. By the way, the intelligence from the dark thread, The city walls of Qingyangfu City are very strong and cannot be easily captured."

Qu Qingze looked at the map in a daze, he didn't quite understand what Su Tiancheng meant.

"Old Qu, let me ask you, what's the first thing you think of when you receive the information from the dark thread? Don't think about it, just tell me what you want to do."

"My lord, the officer is thinking of reinforcements."

Su Tiancheng nodded slightly.

"If the rogues want to take down Anqing Mansion wholeheartedly, what is the first thing they need to do?"

"This, the lower officials thought, it was a sudden attack on Qingyang Mansion, took down the mansion city, and quickly evacuated after getting the supplies."

"You are right, but what is the current situation and why such a situation occurs, you should think about it carefully."

Qu Qingze was not stupid, after thinking for a while, his expression changed.

"My lord, what you mean is that the main intention of the rogues is not to attack Qingyang Fucheng."

"This is how I think about it. The rogues have encountered many setbacks. It is a good idea to rush to boost morale and attack Fucheng. They may think this way. If they keep their actions secret and keep it secret, they suddenly attack Qingyang Fucheng. It's possible, but the actions of the bandits are too strange, and they attack Fucheng openly, we can't think that the leaders of the bandits don't understand military affairs, and there must be demons when things go wrong, I think their purpose may not be to attack Fucheng."

Qu Qingze's face began to turn pale.

"Attacking Fucheng can boost morale. If you can defeat the imperial army, wouldn't it boost morale even more?"

"My lord, this, this is to encircle Wei and save Zhao."

Su Tiancheng nodded slightly.

"Master Hong is very anxious. The [-] troops should march step by step and go to Pingyang City together. I believe that the bandits don't have such a big appetite and can guarantee to defeat [-] soldiers. However, Master Hong rushed to Pingyang City ahead of time with [-] cavalry. Leaving [-] infantry behind, the two armies are far away from each other, and no army can go to rescue immediately when they are besieged. This trend is too dangerous."

Qu Qingze had already believed in Su Tiancheng's judgment, but he still didn't give up.

"The sergeants led by Master Hong have experienced hundreds of battles. If the rogues want to attack, it may not be so easy."

"It is indeed not easy. This is enough to show that the rogues were bloody this time. From another aspect, it can also be explained that the rogues have slowly recovered their vitality. The imperial army still has a flaw. Their military discipline is not strict. In Shaanxi, most of the supplies need to be supplied by prefectures and counties, which are not borne by the law. Under such circumstances, the burden must fall on the common people. The common people are overwhelmed, and naturally have a bad impression of the imperial army. Under such circumstances, the army cannot get the support of the people, it is impossible to obtain key information along the way, and it may even be misled, even if it has a good combat effectiveness, it is also dangerous."

"My lord, since this is the case, the lower officials think that it is better to inform Lord Hong immediately."

Su Tiancheng looked at Qu Qingze with a wry smile on his face.

"Old Qu, today is the seventh day of the lunar new year. Master Hong will set off at the end of June. How do you tell them how we will notify them? According to Master Hong's arrangement, the cavalry may have already arrived in Anqing Prefecture."

Speaking of this, Su Tiancheng suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, haven't there been any news from the dark thread in the past two days?"

"No, did your lord predict something?"

Su Tiancheng waved his hand, signaling Qu Qingze not to speak for now.

He stared at the map and didn't speak for a long time.

"I've been thinking about whether the rogues used this move to encircle Wei and save Zhao, whether they were targeting cavalry or infantry. Now it seems that this matter has been clarified. It has been eight days, and I am afraid something will happen tomorrow."

"My lord, the rogues are targeting infantry."

"Indeed, if you think about it, Mr. Hong will arrive at Qingyang Mansion in five days with his cavalry. By now, Mr. Hong may have already arrived at Qingyang Mansion City, or even entered the mansion city. There is no news from the dark thread." , indicating that the cavalry did not encounter any attack, and I guess that the bandits did not start attacking Qingyang Fucheng either."

Su Tiancheng's hand pointed to Anhua County, which is next to Qingyang Mansion. There is a post-horse pass. The so-called post-horse is naturally surrounded on all sides, and the terrain in the middle is relatively flat.

"Old Qu, are you familiar with this post-horse pass?"

Qu Qingze Yaoyao head.

"I'm not familiar with this place, but I heard Mr. Dong mentioned the Yima Pass in Anhua. It is said that the terrain here is more complicated, and I don't know the rest."

"If our predictions are correct, the rogues might choose Yimaguan to set up an ambush. You see, Anhua County is less than a hundred miles away from Qingyang Fucheng. If we lead the army, when we want to reach our destination, we will have two mentalities. , if the battle ahead is fierce, it must be a reckless acceleration, but if there is no war, the officers and sergeants may relax when it is safe, and at such a time, if they encounter a sudden attack, they may suffer heavy losses."

Qu Qingze completely believed in Su Tiancheng's judgment.

When the rogues attacked Fengyang, the central capital, almost no one believed it, but Su Tiancheng made up his mind, led the Jiang Ning camp, and quickly rushed to Fengyang to severely injure the rogues. This kind of judgment is beyond the judgment of ordinary people.

"My lord, in such a situation, what should I do?"

"Hey, the trees are quiet but the wind keeps blowing. Let me think about it. It will take at least a year to build the Henan Mansion well. Now it seems that the rogues will not give me such an opportunity. The Jiangning Camp must be ready for the expedition gone."

"My lord, has the Jiangning camp entered Shaanxi?"

"No, we are about to enter Shanxi. The rogues have grown stronger again. They will not be satisfied to stay in Shaanxi. If they ambushed the imperial army and won the victory, they will take advantage of the situation and enter Shanxi. Hmph, the rogues are still thinking about the glory two years ago. .” To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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