Ming politicians

Chapter 406 Fundraising

() Even though his teeth were itchy, Zhu Changxun still managed to squeeze out a smile on his face.

"Master Su is dedicated to solving the court's worries, and is always for the development of Henan Mansion. Wang admires, admires."

Su Tiancheng is also so ruthless that his teeth itch. I have already said this. You Zhu Changxun can still stand it. You are ruthless. I thought I didn’t know about the things you did. I have really done this and used the Jiangning camp to cut off all smuggling operations. I am afraid that you, Zhu Changxun, will lose most of your income, and at most you will rely on the harvest on the land.

"His Royal Highness Fu supports the decision of the lower official. The lower official is very happy. However, the lower official heard some rumors and was a little worried. Now it seems that this is completely the lower official's overheartedness. He used the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman. ah."

"Master Su heard something."

Zhu Changxun looked a little nervous, his fat face finally showed anxiety, and his small eyes widened.

"It's nothing, it's just that some people say that the officials don't believe His Highness Fu Wang's business in salt, iron and mines. Your Highness, the soldiers of the Jiangning camp are very fierce, and none of them will recognize the orders of the subordinates."

The flesh on Zhu Changxun's face trembled slightly.

"This, this, hehe..."

"His Royal Highness Fu is in such a difficult situation. He took the initiative to dredge the Yellow River for the Henan government and raised 500 taels of silver. After returning home, he must educate the officials in the prefecture and county yamen and learn from His Royal Highness. The lower official is also going to report to the emperor. His Royal Highness The heart of the fist. It can also touch the adults in the court."

The flesh on Zhu Changxun's face began to tremble greatly.

"Cough, cough, Mr. Su, Wang thinks that this publicity is unnecessary. Wang took out 500 taels of silver, it should be, it should be."

"Looking at what His Royal Highness Fu said, the officials still have to solicit donations from many gentry and rich households. His Highness Fu took the lead to set an example. The rest of the gentry and wealthy households must learn from His Highness Fu."

Zhu Changxun finally couldn't hold back anymore.

The majestic prince, donate 500 taels of silver, this kind of thing has to be played in the middle of the court, and spread in the Henan government, when the time comes.You don't have to think about it, you know what everyone will say.

Besides, what Su Tiancheng meant was that the idiot would understand, what kind of praise is this, it's obviously a show of embarrassment, the Henan government dredged the Yellow River.The prince donated 500 taels of silver. If such a thing is reported to the court, I don't know what the emperor and the court ministers will think of it. There will probably be criticisms.

What I hate the most is to check the operation of salt, iron and mines. If the Wangfu loses this piece of income, the annual income will be greatly reduced. Relying on the harvest on the land and the poor salary allocated by the court, the Wangfu really It is possible to make ends meet.At that time, you can only eat when you are old.

"Master Su, Ming people don't speak dark words. What is your purpose in coming to the palace today? Tell me straight."

Su Tiancheng's face also became serious.

"The purpose of my visit to the mansion of His Royal Highness King Fu is to raise donations. The official has already made it very clear that dredging the Yellow River is a huge project, and it is estimated that it will cost about one million taels of silver. The Henan government can't come up with so much money. However, it is unlikely that the imperial court will allocate money, but things must be done, so many gentry and wealthy households in Henan Province are invited to make contributions, and everyone will come to collect donations, including officials and servants, and everyone will gather firewood like a flame."

"A million taels of silver is not a small amount. Could it be that Mr. Su has such great determination to raise so many taels of silver?"

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you start doing it, there is no difficulty that you can't overcome. If there is a gap in money, you really can't make it up. The lower officials can write memorials to the court and ask for their support. The Yellow River has been dredged and the people have benefited. When people come, they can also see that there is a real project in front of them, but if they haven't started, they rush to report to the court, not to mention whether they can start the work. With such a large cost, the adults of the household department may All terrified."

"Master Su, you and I are both sensible people. The king wants to know what your ultimate goal is. When you come to the mansion to collect donations, you always think of a certain amount in your heart. Thinking about it, you always have to offer a price. Wang thinks it is acceptable, let’s talk about other conditions, if you can’t bear it, at least make it clear.”

"His Royal Highness Fu said so, the lower officials have nothing to say, dredging the Yellow River requires more than one million taels of silver, and the lower officials have already stated the total amount. As for His Royal Highness's position, the lower officials dare not force it. Didn't His Royal Highness Fu Wang say that donating 500 taels of silver is also a kind of statement."

Zhu Changxun was probably a little anxious, and stood up unexpectedly.

"Master Su, there is no need to talk about the things that have passed. The king is not a person who cares about every detail. The donation of 500 taels mentioned earlier is just a joke for a while. Don't take it seriously. When it comes to dredging the Yellow River, it takes a million dollars." More than two silver, it is impossible to ask the king to bear too much."

"Your Majesty didn't mean anything like that."

Zhu Changxun gritted his teeth and stretched out a finger.

"Wang raised 1 taels of silver."

Su Tiancheng looked at Zhu Changxun, still expressionless.

"His Royal Highness Fu took out such a large sum of money, I have nothing to say. On behalf of the people of Henan Province, I thank His Highness Fu for his generosity."

"Master Su, should you also talk about cleaning up merchants' shops?"

Su Tiancheng sneered inwardly.

You, Zhu Changxun, are so rich that you took out 1 taels of silver just to take such a big advantage, thinking that I was easy to fool, you are too stingy, according to your approach, all the gentry and wealthy households in Henan Prefecture, How much silver can be donated.

Su Tiancheng thought of the crisis in the capital in the 16th year of Chongzhen. In order to be able to defend the capital, Zhu Youjian personally raised donations from the military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty and the relatives of the emperor. It is a pity that the short-sighted people put the safety of the court at risk for their own benefit. The emperor They came forward to solicit donations, but they raised 20 taels of silver, which was a drop in the bucket, and nothing could be resolved.

When Li Zicheng broke through the city of Beijing and ordered the liquidation of military officials and the property of the emperor's relatives, he actually found more than 3000 million taels of silver. Such a large amount of silver was not kept in the end.

What I encountered now, although not so urgent, was not much worse.

If Zhu Changxun cried poorly and only raised 1 taels of silver, it is conceivable that the wealthy gentry households in Henan Province can each contribute 1000 taels of silver.

"His Royal Highness Fu, clean up and rectify merchants and shops, and regulate the market in Henan Province. This is a decision made by the government. The subordinate officials are already making arrangements. If His Royal Highness Fu feels that there is something inappropriate, feel free to make suggestions. It must be improved."

Zhu Changxun froze for a moment.

"Master Su, in this way, the rectification must be done."

"If His Highness Fu Wang understands this way, then he must do it."

"Lord Su, you have to leave yourself a way out in everything, and you don't have to be so anxious about doing things. Wang thought, should you take it easy, including the matter of dredging the Yellow River, which requires a lot of silver, so you should do what you can ah."

"His Royal Highness, the lower officials have a habit of knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to go to the mountains. When they led the Jiangning camp and attacked the crowd with less, they were never soft when facing the bandits. Now that they have come to Henan, they have decided to do things. I won't back down either."

There was silence in the wing room. For a while, neither Su Tiancheng nor Zhu Changxun spoke.

Su Tiancheng still admired Zhu Changxun. As a prince with a noble status, he didn't fly into a rage when facing his own small magistrate. Even threatening words were very euphemistic, which was not easy.

It seems that the description of the vassal king in the history books is indeed one-sided, and I don't know what kind of psychology it is.

"Master Su, the king gave 10 taels of silver to support the government government in dredging the Yellow River."

Su Tiancheng looked at Zhu Changxun, no longer so calm and composed.

10 taels of silver is not a small amount. If Zhu Changxun took out 10 taels of silver, next, the gentry and wealthy households in Henan Province would have to seriously consider it.

Zhu Changxun can really take the lead. Su Tiancheng believes that among wealthy gentry households in Henan Province, there is absolutely no problem in collecting more than 50 taels of silver. Done.

"On behalf of the people of Henan Province, I would like to thank His Royal Highness Fu Wang for his kindness."

"Master Su, Wang is serious."

"The next official is also serious."

"Since this is the case, can we talk about this business matter?"

"of course can."

"Hehe, Wang didn't expect Master Su to be so cool."

"His Royal Highness Fu Wang is happy, and of course the next official is happy."

Liu Zongzhou visited the mansion, and under the leadership of Zhu Changxun's son Zhu Yousong, he entered the wing room.

Zhu Yousong is already 28 years old, much older than Su Tiancheng.

The difference from Zhu Changxun is that Zhu Yousong at this time is very handsome and unrestrained, and his gestures are polite, which is very different from the description of the outside world.

"Song'er, this is Lord Su Tiancheng, the magistrate of Henan Province, come to pay my respects."

"I have met Mr. Su."

"The lower official has seen the young prince."

Liu Zongzhou was very excited when he learned that Zhu Changxun was willing to donate 10 taels of silver to dredge the Yellow River. He repeatedly said that His Royal Highness Fu Wang understood the righteousness and had done great things for the people of Henan Province.

Zhu Yousong was on the side, without much expression on his face, probably feeling a little strange why his father was willing to take out so much silver. During this process, he kept looking at Su Tiancheng, trying to find a reason.

Su Tiancheng also pays attention to Zhu Yousong. This Zhu Yousong is Zhu Youjian's cousin. After Zhu Youjian committed suicide, he used to be the Hongguang Emperor of Nanming. Unfortunately, he was a short-lived emperor. From this point of view, it can also be proved that Zhu Yousong has a certain popularity.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. m read. )

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