Ming politicians

Chapter 407 The Unusual Zhu Yousong

() Zhu Changxun arranged a banquet, so Su Tiancheng and Liu Zongzhou naturally couldn't leave.

There was still time for dinner, so Zhu Changxun arranged for the butler to stay with Su Tiancheng and Liu Zongzhou in the wing room for a while, saying that he had something to do, so he delayed for a while, and then went out with Zhu Yousong.

Su Tiancheng knew that Zhu Changxun must have gone to talk to Zhu Yousong about what happened today.

Because they were accompanied by the housekeeper, Su Tiancheng and Liu Zongzhou didn't say much.

But within a quarter of an hour, Zhu Changxun and Zhu Yousong appeared in the wing again. This time, Liu Zongzhou accompanied Zhu Changxun and stayed in the wing to speak, while Su Tiancheng and Zhu Yousong went out to have a look.

Su Tiancheng really wanted to get in touch with Zhu Yousong.

In history, Zhu Yousong was described as a stupid pig, greedy and lustful, and knew nothing. He was the emperor of Nanming for a year, but was captured and killed alive. It can be said that his fame even surpassed that of his father Zhu Changxun.

Su Tiancheng has long lost interest in describing history. He has always believed that those who write history always describe feudal lords like pigs. It is estimated that these people who write history are the brains of pigs. The vassal king is a dude, but he has received a lot of education. In any case, the level of knowledge is not comparable to that of ordinary people.Those who write history can have their own prejudices and can serve a certain dynasty, but they cannot distort the basic history.

In the era of the Ming Dynasty, most of the ordinary people were blind, illiterate and did not read. They regarded scholars as gods in the sky who came down to earth. How can the so-called historians know so many feudal kings in this way, and describe the feudal kings so unbearably.

very.Su Tiancheng and Zhu Yousong walked to the back garden.

The mansion is indeed very big. In Luoyang County, it is probably the only one with such a big mansion, and it is the government office.There is not such a large area.

"Master Su has not been in Henan Mansion for a long time. I am very impressed by the great changes that have taken place in Henan Mansion."

"Thank you, little prince, for your compliment. I have been in Henan Mansion for less than a year, and I haven't done much, and I don't have much energy to spare. It is imperative to come to the mansion today to ask His Royal Highness Fu to raise donations."

"Your Majesty Su is too polite. My father donates silver. This is what I should do. My father's fief is in Luoyang. I must work hard for the development of Henan Prefecture. Father has always cared about the people of Henan Prefecture. Every year, I donate some silver taels." And food, to help the people, but this year there is no need to take it out, prefectures and counties have set up Jiong warehouses, which have helped the people very well."

Su Tiancheng glanced at Zhu Yousong casually.

Zhu Yousong's face.His expression was calm, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

This vassal king who was the emperor of Nanming for a year later was indeed not simple. He spoke politely, like a court minister. It seemed that it was not easy to be able to ascend the throne of Emperor Nanming when the competition was extremely fierce.

"His Royal Highness Fu and the little prince can think like this, it is the blessing of the people of Henan Prefecture, and the blessing of the lower officials."

"Oh. Mr. Su means, isn't it rare for father to do something like this?"

Su Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, unexpectedly, Zhu Yousong caught such a speech disorder.It seems that this little prince is not easy to deal with, and he still needs to be careful in the future. Could it be that he feels sorry for the 10 taels of silver donated and wants to make trouble for himself.

"It's not surprising that the lower official said this. The vassal kings of various places are not allowed to participate in politics. Although they have their own fiefs, they are just a place to live. Since they can't do politics, they don't need to care about local affairs. It's the court. It cannot be said that the vassal king does not interfere with the matter considered by the government and does not make any effort."

"Master Su, this is the first time I've heard such a statement. I dare not comment on whether it makes sense. If Master Su is interested, can you continue to talk about your understanding?"

Some things are not easy to say in depth. Unexpectedly, Zhu Yousong is not taboo. After all, the two met for the first time. Besides, in the mansion of the feudal prince, there are countless Jinyiwei and Dongchang internal guards. If you are not careful, some crucial words , It was spread to the court, because the emperor wanted to show favoritism, so the ministers probably wouldn't agree.

At this moment, Su Tiancheng's opinion of Zhu Yousong was somewhat good. The descendants of the vassal kings, including the vassal kings, were by no means all fools, but very shrewd. This may be the reason why the emperor and the court The ministers inside are desperate to guard against the vassal kings everywhere. Doing so has certain benefits, avoiding cannibalism for the emperor's throne, but in this way, it also limits the development of royal talents. Born in the royal family, not necessarily is a good thing.

As for the history, it was said that Zhu Changxun, the king of fortune, was guarding Wan Guan's family wealth, and even if Luoyang City was about to be breached, he would not give money to boost morale. Regardless of whether it was true or not, at least Su Tiancheng didn't believe it.

"The little prince is concerned about a lot of things."

"Hehe, if Mr. Su has such an understanding, it means that I am concerned about a lot of things."

Su Tiancheng came to a conclusion, why is Zhu Yousong so direct.

"My lord, there are some things, I think, it's better to pay more attention to them."

"I know this, and I have always paid attention to it. I have paid attention to it for more than 20 years. If this is the case, I listen to it every day. Now, I have calluses in my ears."

"What the little prince said is really interesting. As a relative of the emperor, you have a noble status. You should pay attention to it."

Zhu Yousong turned his head, looked at Su Tiancheng, and spoke word by word.

"Master Su, are you afraid? If you are, you don't need to say anything."

Su Tiancheng narrowed his eyes. He didn't know why Zhu Yousong said so many taboo words in front of him. If the emperor knew about these conversations, there would definitely be troubles.

"What's so scary about the lower officials, the little prince is over-hearted, but the lower officials feel that there are some rules in the imperial court, no matter whether they are suitable or not, they must be followed. If you accidentally touch the taboo, the consequences may not be very good .”

"Lord Su, this is the back garden, only you and me. Could it be that the emperor and court ministers will know about our conversation? If so, then I really dare not say anything."

Su Tiancheng's brother-in-law is Zhu Shenxuan, King of Jin. He didn't have so many taboos when facing feudal lords. In addition, he had some understandings that were different from this era, so when he came into contact with feudal lords, he was straightforward.

No matter what Zhu Yousong thinks, it is already very good to be able to say these words in front of him. As for the reasons behind the words, Su Tiancheng has vaguely guessed some of them.

"The little prince was joking. I have my own principles for being an official. People respect me a foot, and I respect others. His Royal Highness Fu donated 10 taels of silver to dredge the Yellow River. Not everyone can do this kind of heroism." Arrived, the lower official knows it well."

"Master Su mentioned this matter, and I have some doubts. Is it true that Jiang Ning Ying is clearing up business matters?"


"No exception for anyone?"

"Equal treatment."

"If I think about it, I can get some care, right?"

"This subordinate can consider it, but these things cannot be made public for the time being."

"What if I must want to be taken care of?"

"The lower officials thought that neither His Royal Highness Fu Wang nor the young prince was such a person, and would not do such a thing."

"That's not necessarily true, as you said just now, vassal kings can't interfere in politics. Since they can't interfere in politics, they can always make money. If they are not allowed to do anything, wouldn't it be a big joke."

A smile appeared on Su Tiancheng's face.

"My lord, there are some things that lower officials can't say or do. The rules of the court were not formed overnight, they have lasted for many years, but these rules are also made by people, not eternal. Things are always developing, and who can tell what will happen in the future.”

Jing light shot out of Zhu Yousong's eyes.

Su Tiancheng didn't evade, and looked at Zhu Yousong with a smile.

"Master Su, you can't just say something like this casually."

"If the little prince thinks that the lower official said it casually, then he said it casually."

"Haha, cool, Mr. Su, you friend, I have made an appointment. If there is anything in the government office that needs to be done by my father, you just say it, and I will try my best to persuade my father to do it."

"Thank you so much, little prince. I also have a saying, everything is subject to change. There are some rules that last for too long and need to be changed. Maybe it won't happen overnight, but as long as you have patience, you will always be able to change." There will be a light."

"Okay, for Master Su's words, I will take another 10 taels of silver to dredge the Yellow River."

After some conversation, Su Tiancheng's opinion completely changed.

Zhu Yousong is a talent, a good talent, no matter whether he has the ability to govern or not, at least in terms of understanding, he is extraordinary, and this person is decisive in doing things, dares to do what he sees, and will not hesitate at all.

There must be a purpose for Zhu Yousong to get close to him, but in this world, whoever does things has no purpose, as long as they can respect and support each other, this is a good thing.

Zhu Changxun and Zhu Yousong are both good people. They took out 20 taels of silver to dredge the Yellow River. On the surface, this matter seemed to be a loss. In fact, he and the Henan government already owed the favor of King Fu. Such a favor , It is not easy to pay back.

During the meal, both Zhu Changxun and Zhu Yousong participated.

Liu Zongzhou was very happy when he learned that King Fu was going to take out 20 taels of silver to dredge the Yellow River, and that he would vigorously support the Zhongxing Academy, and offered a toast to Zhu Changxun and Zhu Yousong.

Su Tiancheng was faintly worried.

Zhu Yousong was so high-profile, didn't he worry about the Jinyiwei and Dongchang inner guards in the mansion, or that he trusted Liu Zongzhou and himself too much, and even forgot to be cautious.

In other words, Zhu Yousong has been suppressed for too long, and he is a little out of breath and needs to be relieved.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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