Ming politicians

Chapter 408 Dredging the Yellow River

() By the nineteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the amount of silver donated by government offices had reached more than 80 taels. Officials in prefectures and counties also began to raise donations. A total of nearly 20 taels of silver was raised. The total amount of silver donated was completely enough.

The silver donated by gentry and wealthy households reached more than 50 taels, and the silver donated by merchants was close to 30 taels.

Such progress has a lot to do with Zhu Changxun and Zhu Yousong. Before the festival, construction began to dredge the Yellow River.

Dredging the Yellow River is a technical task. There are two main tasks. The first is to clean up the silt and yellow sand in key river courses, and the second is to strengthen the embankment.The time to dredge the Yellow River can only be in winter or spring, definitely not in summer, because the water in the Yellow River is so large that no one can do it.

Dredging the Yellow River is a hard job. In winter, you have to enter the river to clean up the silt and yellow sand. The piercing river water is not a joke. Although cleaning the river and building water conservancy are things that benefit the country and the people, the credit has been for many years. It was revealed later that during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, Suzhou, Songjiang, Jiaxing, Huzhou and other places in the south of the Yangtze River suffered from floods year after year. Resentment, after the project was repaired, it quickly received results. Many years passed, and there was no major flood in the south of the Yangtze River. Later, a folk song appeared: Shangshu governs the river, more merits and more grievances. .

During the Jiajing and Wanli years, Pan Jixun, the Crown Prince Taibao, the Minister of Industry, and the Deputy Imperial Envoy of the Left, managed the Yellow River for many years and achieved remarkable results. Pan Jixun also wrote "A List of River Defenses", which specifically discusses the governance of the Yellow River.

It's a pity that so many years have passed.The emperor changed several people, but he didn't say that he really settled down and took good care of the Yellow River. Ironically, he was the one who really took care of the Yellow River.It was Wei Zhongxian.

When the memorial arrived at the imperial court, Zhu Youjian was greatly surprised.

Su Tiancheng has only been in Henan Mansion for a year, and he actually wanted to dredge the Yellow River. Relying on the strength of Henan Mansion, he wanted to control the Yellow River. Such courage.It's extraordinary.

Zhu Youjian carefully read Su Tiancheng's memorial, and when he saw Zhu Changxun, the king of fortune, took the lead in donating 20 taels of silver for the governance of the Yellow River, he nodded slightly. This is a great thing that benefits the country and the people.

When the court ministers were discussing, Wen Tiren, the chief assistant of the cabinet, clearly expressed his support.

certainly.What Wen Tiren meant was that the imperial court was not prepared to take out a tael of silver. Since the Henan government raised so much silver, there was no need for the imperial court to worry.

Zhu Youjian felt sorry and asked the Ministry of Household Affairs to allocate 20 taels of silver to the Henan government for the management of the Yellow River.

Liu Zunxian, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, took office last year.Go directly to Henan Mansion to supervise the dredging and management of the Yellow River. The Ministry of Industry sent many ministers to Henan Mansion to guide the technical matters of dredging and harnessing the Yellow River.

The situation in Henan Province has been cleared up by Zhu Youjian through many means. In less than a year, Henan Province has completely stabilized, and the people are at ease with the surrounding prefectures and counties.A lot of people have already started to relocate to the Henan government, and the government government has been able to find a way to stabilize these foreign farmers without taking measures to exclude them.It's not easy anymore.

The most important thing is Sun Chengzong's analysis. The location of Henan Prefecture is special, close to Shanxi Province and Shaanxi Province. Over the past year, because of the stability of Henan Prefecture, the development of rogue bandits has been greatly restrained. Slowly began to shrink, only in a small part of Shaanxi Province and Shanxi Province. In the past, Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi Province was the area where the rogues focused their activities and one of the places where they grew up. But because of the rise of Henan Mansion, because of the Jiangning Camp Liu Kougen did not dare to go to Pingyang Mansion because of his existence.

In Zhu Youjian's eyes, Su Tiancheng was simply his lucky star. When he arrived in Jiangning County, Jiangning County became the largest bank of the imperial court. When he arrived in Henan Mansion, Henan Mansion began to stabilize, and the pace of development of the rogues was greatly restrained.

Besides, Su Tiancheng's management of the Yellow River is actually considering the survival of the people. After all, the farmers in Henan, Shanxi and Shaanxi are poor and have suffered so many disasters. It is impossible to recover completely in a short period of time. The management of the Yellow River requires the participation of the people. The method Su Tiancheng used was to directly give money to the migrant workers who participated in the work, which could save many families.The foundation of further Hanshi Henan Province.

Based on this situation, Zhu Youjian asked the Ministry of Households to allocate 20 taels of silver, which was worth the cost. As long as the Henan province, Shanxi and Shaanxi can be stabilized, no amount of silver will be spent.

The 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month.

Liu Zunxian rushed to Henan Mansion with many officials from the Ministry of Industry.

The Henan government’s notice on dredging the Yellow River has been posted. It is very clear on the notice that it recruits migrant workers to dredge the Yellow River. Each person will be paid a penny a day. And to control the Yellow River, go to the Fuzhou County Yamen to sign up directly, and go to Mengjin County on the 24rd of the twelfth lunar month.

Seeing the notices posted everywhere, Liu Zunxian was very surprised. He never thought that Su Tiancheng would actually propose such a reward. Didn't he know that the renovation of the Yellow River would allow for corvee service.

Su Tiancheng brought many officials from Henan Province to meet Liu Zunxian outside Luoyang City.

After seeing Su Tiancheng, Liu Zunxian didn't have time to say anything else, so he immediately pulled Su Tiancheng aside.

"Master Su, dredging the Yellow River is a big project. The government's official actually paid the migrant workers. This is not a trivial matter. Don't you think twice."

"My lord Liu, I have already thought about it carefully. Now it is the slack season, and it is also a season of slack. The government government posted a notice to recruit people to repair the Yellow River. In fact, it is also a means of helping the people. Master Liu came to the Henan government. Now, I have one thing I want to ask, if 10 people dredge and renovate the Yellow River, can all the projects be completed in two months."

Liu Zunxian thought for a while.

"With 10 people, two months is no problem. After all, the distance to the Yellow River in Henan Prefecture is not too long, but the organization work is very complicated, and Henan Prefecture is also responsible for the lives of migrant workers. Engineering."

"Your Excellency said so, I don't have to worry about it. The government raised 100 million taels of silver, and the imperial court allocated 20 taels of silver. The total is 120 million taels of silver. It takes 60 taels of silver to pay the wages of migrant workers, and the living expenses are up to 5. Two silver, the rest is material expenses and other matters, the silver is enough."

Liu Zunxian looked at Su Tiancheng. Although he was not very familiar with Su Tiancheng, he knew of Su Tiancheng's reputation. When he met him today and heard what Su Tiancheng said, he felt really different.

"Master Su, it seems that your purpose is not only to dredge and control the Yellow River. According to your calculation, not only the territory of Henan Province, but also the Yellow River in Henan Province can be dredged together."

"The lower officials don't have such ideas, that's not the scope of the lower officials' work."

"Oh, what do you mean, the recruited migrant workers are limited to the people of Henan Prefecture?"

"This is not necessarily the case. In principle, a family produces a young man. The lower officials have calculated that if 10 people manage the Yellow River, they can get six taels of silver in two months, which is enough to support the family for more than a year." After living, after two months, it will enter the spring plowing season, and we must start farming. We have money in hand, and we can also buy food seeds. If there are more people, each person will get less money, but it is not too much. It is enough to maintain the household.”

"You are killing two birds with one stone. The official thought that you used to provide disaster relief in Henan. It seems that you used this method to stabilize Henan as much as possible. Now the money is big. If you can recruit 20 people, it will be 20 families. Not to mention the Henan government, the entire Henan province can be stabilized." <During the festival, no one can take a rest, and all must participate in the project of harnessing and dredging the Yellow River. Officials must take the lead and require the people to do what they want. , The officials did it first. Deng Hui, the magistrate of Mengjin County, has already begun to panic. The migrant workers who have gathered in Mengjin County are close to 5, and there are many more people who have rushed over. "

"Oh, the situation is like this. The official will not go to Luoyang, but will go directly to Mengjin County. The project cannot be delayed. There are so many migrant workers who need to work separately, and they cannot be crowded together."

"It's a bit hard work, my lord, but the government officials have all gone to Mengjin County. The lower officials have already drawn a road map of the Yellow River in Henan Prefecture. It is quite detailed. Which section has problems and where the situation is better? It's over here."

When Su Tiancheng took out the blueprint, Liu Zunxian couldn't care less, and immediately greeted the officials from the Ministry of Industry, and began to look at the map.

After a while, Liu Zunxian raised his head.

"Master Su, your arrangements are very detailed, which saves a lot of time. The officials of the Ministry of Industry will mark out the specific areas according to this drawing, and divide them into many areas to start construction. Alright, let's not waste time Alright, go directly to Mengjin County."

Everyone was riding horses. Along the way, Su Tiancheng continued to introduce the situation to Liu Zunxian.

He also mentioned the specific details of the construction. It is certain that they are divided into several engineering teams. Each engineering team has a specific person in charge. The government will send officials to participate in it. The responsibility is heavy. After accepting the task, migrant workers must be organized to complete it within the specified time. If it cannot be completed, the person in charge must take responsibility, but responsibility and power are equal. All specific matters are subject to the arrangement of the person in charge. .

As for the remuneration, in principle, each migrant worker is paid one penny a day, but this is also combined with the progress and quality of the project. The construction team that does a good job must get more money.

The more Liu Zunxian heard it, the more surprised he was. Such a method can implement specific responsibilities. The various engineering teams will compete to see who can complete it as soon as possible. The more they do, the more money they will get. Who is not willing to do it? .Besides, engineering teams that don't do well can't offer their opinions.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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