Ming politicians

Chapter 409 Lead by Example

() The moment he jumped into the mud, the biting cold hit, and Su Tiancheng couldn't help shivering.

It's winter, and it's a new year, but I came to Mengjin County, and I jumped into the river to clean up the silt. No wonder there are so many complaints about the river management. There are too many sufferings in it. If you don't come down and try it yourself, you won't know what it's like.

Zhang Pu was not far from Su Tiancheng, and he looked even more embarrassed. After all, he was a scholar. He had never done such physical work before. Deng Hui, the magistrate of Mengjin County, was much better, and began to clean up the mud.

There are more than 12 farmers who rushed to Mengjin County. This is something that no one expected. It takes a lot of courage to come to participate in the governance of the Yellow River during the Chinese New Year. But from another aspect, it also illustrates one thing. That is, the common people are indeed poor and their lives are not satisfactory.

The officials of the Ministry of Industry, based on the actual situation, conducted an on-site survey. Within a day, they decided to divide them into twelve engineering teams, each with about 1 people. According to the principle of first cleaning up the easier ones, the mud should be cleaned first. The project of repairing the river embankment still needs careful research, and it will take a few days to make a decision.

Today's technology is underdeveloped, and cleaning up the silt and yellow sand of the Yellow River is entirely dependent on manual work.

The Yellow River has always been called the river on the ground, because there is too much silt and yellow sand, and the river bed is constantly raised. If the silt is not dredged and the embankment is strengthened in time, it is easy to cause embankment disasters.

This time, the officials of the Ministry of Industry also made up their minds. With 120 million taels of silver, they can indeed manage the Yellow River well. Of course, according to Liu Zunxian's intention, they planned the dredging and maintenance of the Yellow River in Henan Province.Not only the Yellow River in Henan Mansion, Su Tiancheng knew about Liu Zunxian's arrangement and did not object.

As a result, the construction period has been extended, and it will definitely take two months.

Because the amount of work has increased.A lot of manpower is needed, and Tan Changluo, the general judge of the Henan government, is responsible for recruiting migrant workers to participate in the project of dredging and regulating the Yellow River.

Su Tiancheng made a clear request that all participating officials must lead by example.To lead by example is to personally participate in the project, at least to play a leading role. When the construction starts, go to the riverbed to dig silt and yellow sand, in terms of life.Supervise the merchants who provide services, ensure the supply of oil and water, and ensure that migrant workers have enough to eat. This is heavy physical labor and consumes a lot of energy. Nutrition must keep up, so as to ensure the progress of the project.

As for the adults sent by the court.It is to ensure that you are full and eat well, and you must have hot meals.

After Su Tiancheng made the request, Liu Zunxian then made a request that all officials from the Ministry of Industry are not allowed to specialize, but must also participate in the project. The key point is to do a good job in technical guidance. After the project starts, every engineering team There must be an official for specific guidance.Officials surveying the embankment, save time, make plans with the fastest speed, and strive to start construction as soon as possible.

On the morning of the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, with Liu Zunxian's order.Engineering teams everywhere are at work.

When Liu Zunxian was about to jump into the river bed, he was held back by Wang Dazhi. It was Su Tiancheng who ordered Wang Dazhi to hold Liu Zunxian back. Just kidding, Minister of the Ministry of Industry came to Henan Mansion and jumped into the river bed to clear the mud and yellow sand. If it is spread to the imperial court, it will definitely not get much praise, and maybe overwhelming criticism will appear.

As I said, local officials should take the lead when they come.

The actions of the officials have mobilized the enthusiasm of the migrant workers to the greatest extent.

On the construction sites everywhere, there were competitions, and no one showed weakness, they gritted their teeth and persevered.

The lunch meal smelled of oil, and there were large pieces of fat meat, which Su Tiancheng specially requested to prepare.

Looking at such fat meat, Su Tiancheng couldn't eat it. In terms of life, the merchants were still clear, and specially arranged a small stove for Liu Zunxian, Su Tiancheng, Zhang Pu and others to eat on the side.

The migrant workers are very comfortable eating. This kind of fat meat is the most effective. After eating a few pieces, they can last for a long time.

The Henan government dredged and renovated the Yellow River, in fact, adopted the method of reporting, of course, it did not say so on the surface.

The person in charge of each engineering team has been determined a long time ago. Most of these persons in charge are village chiefs and chiefs. The remuneration is close to ten times that of ordinary migrant workers, which is close to one tael of silver a day.

Life is also contracted out, and it is responsible for the food of more than 1 people. There is no such thing in the government office. It was very high, but Wan Chenggui must have made a profit. To put it bluntly, after a month, he could earn at least [-] taels of silver.

It is also impossible for Wan Chenggui to get so much. He organized the large and small restaurants in Luoyang County to be responsible separately. There are also some restaurants in Mengjin County, including some ordinary people, who are responsible for how many people's lives. After the tasks are arranged, Cao Cao is not needed. So many hearts.

The power of the masses is poor.

Life is guaranteed. Officials in prefectures and counties take the lead in the work. The magistrates personally went down to the river bed to clean up the silt and yellow sand. What else can others say, just work hard.

At this moment, Su Tiancheng returned to Mengjin County, trembling all over.

He is really not a material for farm work, he has never done it before time travel, needless to say after time travel.

Looking at Su Tiancheng who was still shivering from the cold, Liu Zunxian spoke with a smile.

"Lord Su, the official is really emotional. According to the current progress, the dredging and repairing of the Yellow River can be fully completed in less than two months. Now the time is just right, the dry season, the spring season After the arrival, the difficulty will increase a little bit, seize this time period, do not delay the farming season, and also complete the dredging and renovation of the Yellow River, and the common people can improve their lives, killing three birds with one stone, not bad.”

"My lord, I'm sorry to be an official. The preparations are hasty. It should be the most appropriate to repair the Yellow River next year. But the lives of ordinary people are really difficult. They have to dredge and repair the Yellow River this year."

"Yes, dredging the Yellow River, the number of people alive, presumably the territory of Henan, Shanxi and Shaanxi can be a little more peaceful. There are many migrant workers who have come. The officials have inquired carefully, and there are both Shanxi and Shaanxi. Go out, and the number of migrant workers who come to dredge the Yellow River will increase significantly."

"The lower official has already made preparations. As long as the construction period can be shortened, the government can afford it. Besides, the common people will get more benefits, which also agrees with the lower official's idea."

"It can be seen that in the winter, the officials of the Henan government all went down to the river bed to clean up the silt and yellow sand. This kind of situation is too rare. After so many years, the imperial court has not been able to provide money to repair the Yellow River on a large scale. , including many water conservancy projects, it is really not easy for the Henan government to come up with a solution."

"This is not the credit of the government office. The key point is the silver donated by His Royal Highness Fu Wang and the wealthy gentry and merchants of Henan Prefecture. Officials in prefectures and counties also donated a lot. The imperial court allocated 20 taels of silver. The officials did not expect it. .”

"Hehe, when the officials came, they still murmured that it was so difficult for the court to allocate 20 taels of silver. Would the officials from other places have any opinion? When they came to Henan Mansion and saw many situations, the officials felt that 20 taels The taels of silver are still a little less. Master Su, you still have to pay attention to your health. After all, you are a scholar and rarely engage in such farm work. From the official point of view, Master Zhang Pu’s situation is even worse. If it weren’t for the ginger soup he made, maybe It's cold already."

"This is the negligence of the subordinate officials. Most of the officials in the prefectural and county yamen are scholars. After all, there is a gap in physical strength. The subordinate officials have already informed the officials at all levels. From now on, the focus is to do a good job of guidance and not go down to work in person."

"Lead by example, this is the model of being an official. Officials must report to the court what Mr. Su has done. The Henan government has undergone great changes in a year. According to the officials, it will not take long for it to happen again." big change."

The project of dredging and regulating the Yellow River is advancing at an unimaginable speed. More than 20 migrant workers have gathered on the construction site. Many families of migrant workers have also followed, helping with laundry or doing small things. In terms of life, Su Tiancheng specifically entrusted them to take care of the migrant workers' families as well. It would not cost much money, and it was during the Spring Festival, so life must be good. It is not easy for people to come to the construction site to do things during the Chinese New Year.

On the thirtieth day of the twelfth lunar month, according to the requirements of the government, dumplings were made on the construction site and drinking was allowed. < Festival, it is impossible for him to pass it at home.

Su Tiancheng's requirements are very high. All the migrant workers nearby and their family members can come to the construction site to reunite with their families. All the officials and servants went to help pay their wages.

A touching scene appeared. Many migrant workers, their families and children, took the wages settled by the government, ate hot dumplings, drank not very good liquor, and had tears in their eyes. Such treatment, It was unimaginable in the past that the government provided food and housing, and also paid wages. The wages received by everyone are absolutely no problem to maintain the expenses of the family for a period of time.

The reason why migrant workers are so excited is also because they are worried about wages. The government government provides food and housing, and their life is very good. Under such circumstances, everyone thinks that wages must be lower, and one penny a day , It’s quite a lot, and the whole month’s money can basically maintain a year’s expenses.

The magistrate did what he said, he did not deduct a single penny, and paid in full. Under such circumstances, if everyone does not work hard to complete the project, I will be sorry to the magistrate, and I will be sorry to myself.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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