Ming politicians

Chapter 410 As expected

() Sun Chengzong wrote a letter.most

The living environment of the rogues has been greatly compressed, and Sun Chengzong is responsible for this.

After presiding over the extermination of the bandits, Sun Chengzong adopted a steady approach, approaching step by step, not in a hurry at all. Although doing so consumed a lot of money and food, the court was still able to cope with it because of the support of Jiangning County and City Shipping Department. Sun Chengzong's prestige and qualifications, the prefectures and counties of Shaanxi and Shanxi also gave some support.

A few months later, Sun Chengzong was not eager to fight the rogues, and strictly ordered the guards in Shaanxi and Shanxi, including the Datong and Yulin border soldiers, to always pay attention to the trajectories of the rogues, with the focus on suppressing the space for the rogues to move.

After all, Shaanxi is the lair of rogues, and the government's attitude towards the people is not very good, so Sun Chengzong's move can only limit the space for rogues' activities, and it is impossible to completely trap the rogues' actions.

The Henan government's project to dredge and regulate the Yellow River has exerted tremendous effects.

After hearing the news, many farmers from Shaanxi and Shanxi rushed to Mengjin, Henan, to participate in the project. Through their publicity, many farmers came. Relatively speaking, the farmers in Henan Prefecture have become a small group.

This move had an unpredictable impact on the rogues.

Those who joined the rogues were mainly refugees. These refugees still wanted to be safe in their bones. The situation in Henan Province was constantly being passed on. Of course, there was an effect of Jin Yiwei's dark lines. Some of the situations were exaggerated. As a result, some refugees who joined the rogue team had fluctuations in their thinking, thinking of going to Henan Province to pan for gold and live a stable life. <During the festival, we must fight with the officers and soldiers, at least to attack Fuzhou County.Get sufficient supplies to stabilize the morale of the army.

In such a situation, Sun Chengzong suggested that the Jiangning battalion can be dispatched. After the investigation of the movement of the bandits is clear, the imperial army will join forces with the Jiangning battalion.A fatal blow to the rogues.

On the table are hidden information, including letters from Sun Chengzong.

In some cases, Su Tiancheng knew about it a long time ago, and the continuous flow of information from dark sources had already made him feel that it was time for the Jiangning battalion to dispatch.It is imminent.

It was precisely for this reason that the project of dredging and repairing the Yellow River was launched in a hurry. Su Tiancheng knew that once he left Henan Mansion and started to wipe out the bandits, most of his energy would be spent.It's about to get involved.

The project of dredging the Yellow River produced such a major effect, which Su Tiancheng did not expect.

The dark lines have penetrated deep into the rogues, and more and more news are being sent. The dark lines disturb the rogue team, which is also the task arranged by Su Tiancheng.Although the team of rogue bandits was huge, most of them were made up of refugees. The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who had mutinied in the past were hardly wiped out during the campaign.It can be said that the combat effectiveness of the rogue bandits has been greatly weakened.

However, it cannot be taken lightly. As time goes by, these refugees can also grow up quickly.Become a soldier who can fight well again.

The dredging and regulation of the Yellow River is ongoing, and it has been more than 20 days. The riverbed cleaning work is coming to an end, and the next step is to repair the embankment. The progress of such a project is slower. On the <section, Su Tiancheng, like most of the officials, spent his time on the construction site, including Liu Zun, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and the officials of the Ministry of Industry, who also stuck to Henan Mansion.

Time has entered the ninth year of Chongzhen.

Many things in the Henan government have been properly arranged, and the officials in the prefectures and counties know what they are going to do, so they don't need to worry too much about it.

The construction of Jiangning Battalion has achieved remarkable results. After the establishment of the Artillery Battalion, Song Sijun has purchased artillery such as red cannon, general run, tiger crouching cannon, Franji, etc. The flintlock guns are all equipped in place. It was Song Sijun's arms sales and smuggling that achieved fruitful results. In more than two months, the Jiangning camp had earned more than 200 million taels of silver. Such a lucrative arms smuggling business was beyond Su Tiancheng's expectation.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

The time to attack has come, the situation of the rogues is not good, it is a good opportunity.

Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang and Xiong Zijian entered the room, and when they entered, everyone saw the letter on the table at a glance.

"Master Xiong, this is a letter from Lord Sun Chengzong, please help read it."

Xiong Zijian nodded, took the letter from Su Tiancheng, and began to read it.

Gradually, the room became quiet, and the expressions of Sun Chuanting and Bi Maokang became serious.

After Xiong Zijian finished reading, Su Tiancheng picked up a piece of paper next to the letter. On it was the hidden information gathered by Su Tiancheng. In fact, these situations were more important than Sun Chengzong's letter.

Su Tiancheng personally read out the sorted out letters, and while reading, he briefly analyzed the relevant situation.

"Everyone, the situation is like this. According to my prediction, after the first month, the Jiangning Battalion may go on an expedition. This time, the task facing the expedition is not light. All the situations are here, both favorable and unfavorable. The conditions, I have just said, please share your views."

It must be Sun Chuanting who spoke first.

"My lord, the time is right for the Jiangning Battalion to attack and wipe out the bandits. In about a year, the training effect should be reflected. If you stay in the Henan Mansion all the time, I think the adults in the imperial court will have some opinions. My personal suggestion. , For this expedition, [-] soldiers will be left behind, while the Henan Province is in the process of plowing, and the inspection departments in various places still lack the ability to protect the city, the remaining [-] soldiers will all go to the expedition."

Just after Sun Chuanting finished speaking, Bi Maokang spoke.

"My lord, the firearms of the Jiangning camp are in place. The subordinates feel that the artillery battalion can fully demonstrate their strength this time. The rogues are used to mobile combat and run away if they can't win. But facing the artillery battalion, they have no chance to run. The craftsman is speeding up the time to make the medicine, and the supply can be guaranteed."

Xiong Zijian, who was in charge of logistics, spoke last.

"My lord, there is no problem with the logistics supply. The Jiangning camp can bring food and grass by itself. The subordinates will follow the orders of the adults at any time to see how long it takes to prepare the food and grass."

Su Tiancheng nodded.

"The corresponding preparations will start today. I will write back to Mr. Sun. The Jiangning Camp obeys the arrangement of the court and Mr. Sun, and is always ready to attack. According to my estimation, after the end of the first month, it is time for the Jiangning Camp to attack. There is not much time, firearms and ammunition cannot be relied on by others, so you can only fully prepare yourself, especially the number of guns, which must be satisfied. As for food and grass, you can carry a certain amount of silver to buy along the way, and the army will fight. You have to rely on yourself, you can only control your own destiny."

When he said this, Su Tiancheng became a little serious.

"In the letter, Master Sun mentioned the matter of coordinating operations. I have a different view on this aspect. The Jiangning Battalion cannot rely on the rest of the fraternal troops, and must always be prepared for combat. To put it bluntly, the rest of the troops, and When fighting the rogues, you don't necessarily want to wipe out the rogues, but the Jiangning Battalion has a different combat thinking. Since you are fighting with the rogues, you will not stop until you achieve your goal, especially the leader of the rogues. Sacrifice, this is the most important purpose."

"It's not that I don't trust the rest of the fraternal troops. There are some objective reasons. I won't go into details here. Everyone knows that discipline must be absolutely guaranteed in this expedition. No one can follow the Jiangning battalion's military regulations. Violation, otherwise the military law, iron discipline builds an iron army."

"There is a possibility that there may be brother troops assisting the Jiangning camp. I will report to Master Sun. All brother troops assisting the Jiangning camp must also abide by the military regulations of the Jiangning camp. Otherwise, they will go to the side. The Jiangning camp does not need you. Everyone thinks it is too much for me to do so, but this is the bottom line that the Jiangning camp must adhere to."

"The aftermath of the corruption of military discipline has been manifested in various aspects. The years of plundering by the rogues has never been able to be wiped out. This is the best proof. The government forces the people to rebel. Join the team of rogues."

Bi Maokang and Xiong Zijian left, while Sun Chuanting stayed.

The two have cooperated for many years and have an extremely tacit understanding.

"My lord, I think that all the four thousand soldiers stationed in Shanzhou will stay, and the rest of the soldiers will all go out. The location of Shanzhou is special, and guarding the gate of Henan Prefecture cannot be taken lightly. We must take precautions. The rogues will suffer a heavy blow." After that, it is very likely that the dog will jump over the wall in a hurry and flee to Henan Mansion."

"Well, I think so too. Qu Qingze from Shanzhou is familiar with the situation of the soldiers and can make good deployments in Shanzhou. In the remaining counties, the inspection department can guard the city and maintain law and order. The salary has been adjusted. After the implementation of the salary, the enthusiasm of the officials and servants is good. This is a good sign, and it is somewhat similar to Jiangning County. In such a situation, as long as you persist for more than one year, the effect will be natural out."

"My lord, I have just considered some specific issues. During the campaign, you may encounter refugees or even refugees. Such a situation is difficult to deal with."

"Rescue is necessary, and it must be rescued under any circumstances. Without the support of the people, it is impossible to win the final victory in exterminating the rogues. The duty of the Jiangning Battalion is not only to fight and fight, but also to represent the imperial court and help the poor. In the case of Shaanxi, It’s conceivable not to mention, the common people must be extremely poor, if it’s not that they can’t survive, who would want to rebel.”

"I understand, then we must carry as much grain, grass and silver as possible."

"Yes, carry as much as possible, defeat the bandits, and seize the grain, grass, gold and silver, all of which will be returned to the public. The rewards of the soldiers will be implemented after they return. You must tell all the soldiers that you will never allow yourself to be rich and fish in troubled waters. Once found, it will be indiscriminate. , Military law disposal, this point must be insisted on, and cannot be lenient." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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