() Once the war preparation mechanism is activated, the actions of the Jiangning Battalion are very rapid.most

Although it was still the first month, all the soldiers canceled their vacations. Except for the soldiers stationed in Shanzhou, the rest all concentrated in the barracks outside Luoyang City.

Although the above did not announce what it was, almost all the soldiers knew that they were going to fight.

Qu Qingze came to Luoyang specifically and found Su Tiancheng. He seemed very frustrated that he could not participate in this campaign, and even suggested that Tan Changluo could temporarily take charge of the affairs of Shanzhou and follow the Jiangning battalion to fight on his own.

Su Tiancheng did not agree to this suggestion. He specifically told Qu Qingze that after he led the Jiangning battalion soldiers out to fight, Qu Qingze would assist Zhang Pu and Tan Changluo in the affairs of Henan Prefecture. Thousands of soldiers are to prevent accidents. If the rogues jump the wall in a hurry, these four thousand soldiers have a heavy responsibility. No matter how much sacrifice they make, they must protect Henan Mansion.

The heavy task of commanding four thousand soldiers naturally fell on Qu Qingze's head.

Seeing Su Tiancheng's arrangement like this, Qu Qingze had no other choice. He knew that his own responsibilities were equally important, and he couldn't be negligent in the slightest. After all, Zhang Pu was a scholar, and he could only manage matters related to people's livelihood and protect the safety of Henan Mansion. , he really couldn't refuse.

The reply letter to Sun Chengzong had been sent out long ago. Su Tiancheng predicted that the memorial written by Sun Chengzong to the imperial court and the Ministry of War must have arrived in the capital. No one would ignore such a big event. The emperor's will may already be on the way .

Jiangning Camp is preparing, and Su Tiancheng is also preparing.

To his surprise, there were two people, Wang Furong and Liu Rushi.They were all pregnant.

Either everyone was not pregnant, or everyone came together, seeing Wang Furong and Liu Rushi looking happy, Su Tiancheng really couldn't say anything, he was about to leave Luoyang soon.It may take a month or two, or half a year, to go to Shanxi and Shaanxi to wipe out the rogue bandits, it may be at this time.Wang Furong and Liu Rushi are pregnant.

After thinking for a while, Su Tiancheng carefully told Wang Furong, Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo that he was going to take the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp out for training, and it might take a long time.

The reaction of the three of them was very intense, especially Gu Hengbo.

Su Tiancheng had no choice.Still patiently explaining that he is an official ordered by the imperial court, he must obey the dispatch and arrangement of the imperial court, and the principles of family, country and world, none of which can convince the three of them. In desperation, he threw out his trump card.Everything I do is for my family to live a good life. In the future, when everything is stable, the family will go to the capital to reunite and live a peaceful life. At that time, there is no need to worry so much something happened.

In fact, Wang Furong and others also know this truth, they just feel that it is not easy for a family to be together.Especially Wang Furong, who had followed Su Tiancheng for so long, was always wandering, and finally settled down. Su Tiancheng was about to lead troops to fight again.

The three told Su Tiancheng respectively.Be sure to pay attention to safety, go home early and so on.

Careful Wang Furong found Wang Dazhi, and specially asked Su Tiancheng not to go into battle to kill the enemy.

Su Tiancheng suddenly received an invitation from Fu Wang Zhu Changxun to a banquet.

Because of Zhu Changxun's support, the Henan government was able to start the project of dredging and harnessing the Yellow River. In this regard, Su Tiancheng is very grateful. No matter what purpose Zhu Changxun has for it, at least he will take out 20 taels of silver, and the gentry and rich in Henan government households had a direct impact.Regarding taxation, Zhu Changxun also expressed his support, although he has received a lot of preferential treatment.Su Tiancheng didn't find it strange either. Hundreds of years later, there were many preferential policies for attracting investment. The richer the company, the more care it received. There is no contradiction in this.

It was Zhu Yousong who entered the palace and waited for Su Tiancheng.

"Master Su, today's banquet was invited by me on my own initiative. If Master Su blames me, I will fully bear it."

"Where, the little prince's invitation, the official is also flattered."

"Master Su can think like this, I feel relieved, please go to the wing room to talk about it."

Su Tiancheng has long felt that in the palace, Zhu Yousong's words are very useful, and he can donate 10 taels of silver by opening his mouth. If he has no status, this is impossible.

Zhu Yousong speaks directly, which may also be due to his different identities. He always has a royal flavor in his speech and actions. It is said that the vassal king behaves with his tail between his legs, but Zhu Yousong can't see these flavors in Zhu Yousong's body.

"Master Su, I saw that the Jiangning camp is preparing. Is there something wrong?"

The expression on Su Tiancheng's face was a bit strange, probably he did not expect that Zhu Yousong would ask such words, not to mention you Zhu Yousong, even the King of Fortune, Zhu Changxun, would not easily intervene in any matters of the court.

"Master Su, my question was a bit abrupt. You and I hit it off right away, so I behaved a little more casually. On other occasions, I wouldn't say these words. If Master Su finds it inconvenient, just pretend I didn't say it." .”

"The little prince asked about it. There is no need for the lower officials to hide it. The Jiangning camp is already making preparations. As for whether there is a conquest mission to go out, we still have to wait for the imperial court's order."

Zhu Youjian nodded.

"Master Su, I have a request, I don't know if it is appropriate."

Su Tiancheng's heart skipped a beat, and he vaguely guessed what Zhu Yousong was going to say.

"I am very envious of Mr. Su. Although he is younger than me, he has rich experience. He not only managed the place well, but also led the Jiangning camp to conquer everywhere. Look at me, I have always been in Luoyang County, the farthest The distance, I just went to Dengfeng County to have a look, because I fell in love with Mr. Su, thought about it, and made a request. Of course, this request is a bit abrupt, and it must be inappropriate, but I have some desires in my heart."

"If the little prince has any request, just say it."

"I want to follow the Jiangning camp, go out to see and see, and never cause trouble to the soldiers."

Su Tiancheng had already expected it, so he didn't seem particularly surprised.

"The little prince is here, and he wants to go out to see something. I shouldn't refuse it. It's just that this matter is important and there are a lot of troubles. The little prince still needs to think carefully."

"I know this, to be honest, this is the first time I've made an excessive request, and it's a request to beat my little father, and I can't go overboard. I have been doing this for so many years, and it will be [-] years in a blink of an eye. , I always stay in Luoyang County, it’s too boring. I have such an opportunity to go out and see something. I don’t want to miss it. I am four years older than Master Su, but my own knowledge is completely incomparable. Sometimes, I really want to What good is there to be born in the royal family?"

When Zhu Yousong said such words, Su Tiancheng was greatly surprised.

If these words are spread, Zhu Yousong's life will definitely be difficult. When he meets someone with ulterior motives, if he plays a little bit, he may go to prison.

But Zhu Yousong said these words in front of him, which is true trust.

Su Tiancheng really doesn't understand, this is the second time the two meet, why Zhu Yousong is so happy, maybe there are such people in the world, there are few bosom friends in a bottle.

Su Tiancheng still wouldn't open his mouth easily. In fact, it was useless for him to open his mouth. In Fuwang's mansion, there are countless Jinyiwei and Dongchang internal guards who can allow officials of Henan Mansion to come to the mansion from time to time. The emperor does not blame him, so it is not easy. up.

"The little prince's mood, the lower officials can understand, but this matter involves all aspects, and it's not something that the lower officials can just express. I hope the little prince can understand."

"I know, but I always feel that if Mr. Su wants to do something, I'm afraid there is nothing he can't do. I have been in Luoyang for more than 20 years, and there has never been any change here. Mr. Su came here, but it took only a year. , The change is so great, besides, Zhu Shenxin was able to be relegated from the county lord to the county lord and marry Mr. Su, which in the eyes of everyone is impossible, and Mr. Su did it."

This is the first time for Su Tiancheng to meet such a general, and the bits and pieces before the time travel began to permeate his heart. In such an era of fierce competition, such a general exists all the time.

For some reason, Su Tiancheng had a very strange feeling in his heart. In his opinion, the vassal kings of various places were indeed pitiful, so what could they do? They were fed like pigs and were not allowed to do anything. In such a situation, you think that these people are not dudes, what can they do.From birth, the fate of these people is decided.

Just say that my brother-in-law, Zhu Shenxuan, is still lying in the city of Taiyuan and can't go anywhere. Is it beneficial to confine these vassal kings? Why can't they be allowed to do things?Most of the vassal kings are rich, even if they are asked to contribute a certain amount of wealth as a condition of exchange, and enter the court to do things, the sky will not fall.

As for the rebellion of the vassal kings, it has existed in all dynasties. Looking forward to using such methods to restrict the vassal kings is different from drinking poison to quench thirst. It can only cultivate stupid and stupid royal children.

"My lord, I have told you the truth. I really dare not express my opinion on such a matter. My lord, with golden branches and jade leaves, can never be harmed. It is said that following the Jiangning camp can increase knowledge, but danger still exists. Besides, how will the adults in the court think about such a matter and discuss it, I hope the little prince will think carefully about it."

"If I had known what you said, I would not have made such a request. I have said too much, but those are my true thoughts."

Zhu Yousong's expression was a little decadent, and he probably knew that it was too difficult to do so.

When he left the palace, Su Tiancheng did not express his position, but he secretly made up his mind to write a secret letter to the emperor directly. This situation can indeed be changed. The outstanding children of the royal family should come out to do things, and they can still participate The imperial examination, otherwise, the children of these vassal kings will inevitably become troubles everywhere.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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