() Zhu Youjian approved almost all of Su Tiancheng's previous memorials, and he didn't say much else, but this time, in return for the memorial, he was reprimanded. Youjian got angry and said that Su Tiancheng was acting foolishly. Such a tone is already very rude.

Su Tiancheng could only shake his head and sigh, no wonder the imperial power was so restricted.

The edict from the Ministry of War and the letter from Sun Chengzong also arrived at the same time.

The arrangement this time was somewhat beyond Su Tiancheng's expectations.

The imperial army led by Sun Chengzong was responsible for exterminating the rogues in Shaanxi, and the Jiangning Camp led by Su Tiancheng entered Shanxi and was responsible for exterminating the rogues operating in Shanxi.

The imperial edict of the Ministry of War has exactly the same content.

It's just that the prefectures and counties in Shanxi must give the greatest support in terms of food and grass for the Jiangning camp to go out this time.

Such an arrangement meant that Jiang Ningying had to be alone.

Among the troops in Shaanxi and Shanxi, almost none of the elite troops were dispatched by Sun Chengzong, except that the frontier troops were not dispatched for the time being, and it was necessary to prevent Houjin from taking the opportunity to harass.

The Jiangning battalion entered Shanxi to wipe out the bandits, so they could only rely on themselves.

Even if the Ministry of War had an imperial edict requesting the prefectures and counties in Shanxi to provide food and grass support, Su Tiancheng had no intention of relying on it. The local government didn't have much money and food when they came, but they had surplus, and those officials could still look at it. Think of a way and get it in your pocket. If Jiangning camp asks the local prefecture and county government to replenish food and grass, the people will suffer. <The plowing season is the time when there is a shortage of crops, which increases the burden on the common people.It will lead to a large number of refugees. If such a situation really occurs, the Jiangning Camp does not know whether to wipe out the rogues or help the rogues grow their team.

The second day of February is the time for departure.

This day is the day when the dragon raises its head, choose this day to start.has a more general meaning.

In Henan and other places, I don’t know how many people died of starvation due to the drought in the past few years. The situation was better last year. For this reason, the day when the dragon raised its head.It is very important, and all places attach great importance to it, and many sacrificial activities are carried out, looking forward to good weather, and looking forward to the blue dragon in the sky to bless them.

Jiangning camp chose to set off on the second day of February, also hoping for God's blessing.

Although Su Tiancheng didn't believe this.What is important in war is strength, bravery and wisdom, but many soldiers still need to use some special methods to encourage them. Choosing such a day to start is the greatest comfort to the hearts of many soldiers.

From Zhu Yousong.Su Tiancheng briefly said that they are all smart people, and they will understand each other as long as they have some words.

The only one who followed Su Tiancheng was Liu Jingting who was not a soldier of the Jiangning Battalion.

Regarding the formation of the Art Soldiers, Su Tiancheng had also thought about it. The Art Soldiers played a huge role in boosting morale, and he knew this.But the current conditions are immature. Besides, the Jiangning Battalion only has [-] soldiers, and they are very mobile. If it is said that soldiers should be assigned to protect the art soldiers.It wasn't a good choice. What's more important is that there are still a large number of bachelors in the Jiangning camp, and the art soldiers are mainly women. If something happens here, it will be difficult to deal with.

The news is kept absolutely confidential, except for a few people who know the mission of the Jiangning Camp, the rest are not clear.

After the Jiangning Camp came to Henan Prefecture, they spent a lot of time training. The territory here is much larger than Jiangning County, and the soldiers often go out for training. Therefore, the common people are not very surprised that the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp are ready to go.

The departure route is still the same, from Shanzhou to Pingyang Prefecture, Shanxi.

Early in the morning, the soldiers, ready to go, stood on the grass field of the barracks.

The soldiers are already familiar with the many battles. The day before, all the soldiers wrote their wishes and kept them in the barracks. There is no need to mobilize. The soldiers also know that this time they are going to conquer the bandits.

There was no speech ceremony, Su Tiancheng, Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Xiong Zijian and others rode around the soldiers. Following Su Tiancheng's whip, the team left the barracks and rushed to Shanxi.

Sun Chuanting led 5000 soldiers in the front, and they were all cavalry. Su Tiancheng was in the middle army and led [-] soldiers, and Bi Maokang led [-] soldiers to retreat.

The distance between the front army, the middle army and the rear army should not exceed five miles.

The speed of the march cannot be very high, the main thing is the artillery battalion, it is impossible to have such a speed. This time, the Jiangning battalion carried tiger squatting cannons and Fron machines, and the red cannons and general cannons were too heavy. It is not easy to carry, and besides, there is no siege of cities and villages in the face of rogues. The focus is on mobile combat, and the key lies in close-range strikes.

The morale of the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion was high, as if going out was not to fight, but to travel.

The Jiangning Battalion had many confrontations with the rogues, all of which were complete victories, especially the more than 1 elite sergeants of the rogues.

Not to mention the soldiers, but Sun Chuanting, who has always been cautious, had a smile on his face all the way.

Su Tiancheng was not so optimistic.

This time his opponent was the famous Zhang Xianzhong.

Zhang Xianzhong is rebellious, has a bad temper, and is a well-known assassin. He used to serve as a government servant in Yan'an Mansion. Later, he was expelled for committing crimes and joined the army.After being kicked out of the barracks, Zhang Xianzhong rebelled and claimed to be the Eight Great Kings. Because of his bravery and fighting skills, he stood out and became one of the leaders of the bandits.

It is quite ironic that such a person became the leader of the rogues.

Zhang Xianzhong entered Shanxi because of disagreements with Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng and others.

Because of his unusual talent, Li Zicheng began to stand out. As Gao Yingxiang's lieutenant general, his prestige became higher and higher, and Gao Yingxiang valued him more and more, and gradually overwhelmed Zhang Xianzhong.

Of course Zhang Xianzhong was not convinced. Li Zicheng was just Gao Yingxiang's lieutenant general, and he couldn't be compared with himself. His identity was completely different. To put it bluntly, he was Gao Yingxiang's lieutenant general. Besides, Li Zicheng was a postman before, and he had never been in the army at all. , It's just that he is a little clever, why should he stand out.

The conflict between Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng gradually became clear. Gao Yingxiang saw it, but Gao Yingxiang's attitude was also a little strange. He didn't directly express his support for Zhang Xianzhong, nor did he support Li Zicheng.

This is actually supporting Li Zicheng.

The territory of the rogues in Shaanxi has gradually shrunk. Since the imperial court changed commanders and Sun Chengzong presided over the extermination of the rogues, the scope of activities of the rogues has been greatly restricted. The gains and losses of the pool lie in limiting the scope of activities of the rogues and sticking to key areas.

This kind of tactics caused Gao Yingxiang and others a headache.

The excitement of the last victory over the imperial army has long since disappeared. On the contrary, due to the narrowing of the scope of activities, the contradictions among the leaders have begun to emerge, and conflicts often occur because of the problem of food and grass.

In this case, Gao Yingxiang had to take a risk.

It is impossible to continue to fight a big victory. For the present plan, it is a battlefield that has been opened up. It cannot continue to stick to Shaanxi. As long as it can go deep into Shanxi and break through the key defense line of the imperial army, it will be regarded as another victory. .

This is a relatively difficult task, but Zhang Xianzhong did not expect to take it on his own initiative.

Moreover, the route Zhang Xianzhong chose was to go directly to Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi.

This route is a route that everyone fears. He, Jiangning Camp is too famous, and Pingyang Mansion is next to Henan Mansion. If Jiangning Camp is disturbed and suffered a devastating blow, he may not be able to escape back to Shaanxi.

It has to be said that Zhang Xianzhong’s choice is still correct. The so-called death and rebirth, Taiyuan Mansion and Datong Mansion, because of Sun Chengzong’s strict layout, it is already difficult to break through. Because Pingyang Mansion is close to Henan Mansion, the guards are a lot lax. Sun Chengzong thought of it, Pingyang Mansion is close to Henan Mansion, and Jiangning Camp has such an unusual reputation.

Zhang Xianzhong led [-] soldiers, suddenly set off from Yan'an Mansion, passed through Yanchuan at the fastest speed, and went straight to Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi. Sun Chengzong found that Zhang Xianzhong had entered Yonghe County in Pingyang Mansion.

According to the information that Su Tiancheng got from Jinyiwei's secret line, Zhang Xianzhong's plan is probably to pass through Pingyang Mansion and arrive at Qinzhou or Zezhou. As for the exact route, the secret line does not know, and only Zhang Xianzhong himself knows.

The route and purpose of Zhang Xianzhong's march are very important. If they follow behind to pursue and suppress, the effect will definitely not be good. It is necessary to predict Zhang Xianzhong's exact march route and strike with a purpose, so that the effect can be good.

Su Tiancheng looked at the map, thinking hard.

Such an analysis can only rely on himself.

After more than a day, my head felt like a pain, and Su Tiancheng didn't figure it out. So, Zhang Xianzhong can take any route.

The army has entered Shanxi and arrived at Pinglu County.

There are three road options in front of us. The first route passes through Xia County to Jiang County, and then to Yicheng. The purpose of this route is that Zhang Xianzhong's army is preparing to enter Zezhou. The second route passes through Xia County, Quwo, Pingyang Fucheng, arrived at Yueyang, this route is guarded in the center, observe the direction of Zhang Xianzhong's army, and can be chased and suppressed at any time. The third route, after passing through Pingyang Fucheng, goes directly to Fenxi. This route is to prepare Zhang Xianzhong's army to enter Qinzhou of.

At first glance, the second route is the best choice, but it is not the case. The army is stationed in Yueyang. It seems to be taking care of both sides, but the distance is too far. The investigation learned the intention of Zhang Xianzhong's army. There is no possibility, and they can only chase after Zhang Xianzhong's ass, so the result of the battle will be greatly reduced, or even lost.

Su Tiancheng began to face the most important test. He had to choose between the first route and the third route.This time, the judgment must be accurate. It is impossible to know accurate information. Waiting for Zhang Xianzhong to reveal his intentions, it will be too late.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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