() Jiangning battalion soldiers arrived in Anyi.welcome to read

A choice must be made, where the army will go next.

Su Tiancheng, Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Xiong Zijian and thousands of households from each battalion gathered in the central army tent.

As Su Tiancheng's followers, Wang Dazhi and Liu Jingting were also in the Chinese army tent.

Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi Province is Su Tiancheng's hometown. Everyone here has different thoughts. If they can win a big victory in Pingyang Mansion, it will be the best. Su Tiancheng can show his face in his hometown, which is better than returning home. glory.

Su Tiancheng didn't think too much about it. During the march along the way, the Jiangning Camp didn't bother the local government, and didn't mention the supply of food and grass. The food and grass they brought with them were quite sufficient.The reason for increasing the marching speed is also because of time requirements.

Most of the [-] bandits led by Zhang Xianzhong were soldiers, so the marching speed was naturally slower. This was Su Tiancheng's advantage, which he had to grasp.

Everyone was contemplating, all three routes had been proposed, and it must be time to make a decision.

The scouts had been dispatched a long time ago, but the journey was far away, and it was impossible to obtain information in a short time. If we relied entirely on the scouts' information, it would be too late.

In the tent of the Chinese army, the sand table has been prepared long ago, and the locations of the prefectures and counties in Pingyang Prefecture are marked out. The white powder represents the official road, and the white flag represents the direction of the rogues entering Pingyang Prefecture in Shanxi from Shaanxi.

The white flag was inserted at the location of Jizhou.

Starting from Jizhou, there are also three routes to choose from. Go to Yicheng through Taiping and Quwo, enter Zezhou, enter Yueyang through Hongdong, wait and see and choose.Pass Pu County, Fenxi, and enter Qinzhou.

There is no ready-made information, and the Jiangning Camp must make a decision and choose the route forward.

Xiong Zijian stood beside the sand table and first introduced the situation.

He followed Su Tiancheng in action.In name, he is responsible for logistics and transportation, but in fact he is also the chief of staff of the Jiangning Battalion.

In the process of introducing the situation, Xiong Zijian also expressed his predictions and ideas. After several years of tempering, especially during the period of time in the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion, Xiong Zijian has made great progress.

Everyone listened to Xiong Zijian's briefing in detail.

Xiong Zijian thought.Zhang Xianzhong's greatest possibility is to enter Yueyang through Hongdong. This route can lead to Zezhou, Qinzhou and Lu'an Mansion. If the situation is not good, he can also go back.Back to Shaanxi.

His reasoning was that the rogues were accustomed to fighting on the move, so they would definitely choose tactics that were beneficial to them. In addition, the rogues had a huge team and needed food and grass. In this case, most of them would not take risks.

Xiong Zijian's opinion.It is very reasonable. For many years, the rogues have followed the premise of ensuring their own interests. The two unexpected situations occurred, one was to attack Fengyang, the capital of China, and suffered a disastrous defeat, and the other was to encircle Wei and save Zhao, annihilating nearly [-] soldiers , went to victory.The situation of these two times is compared with the nine-year period of the rogue rebellion.negligible.

After Xiong Zijian finished speaking, Sun Chuanting first expressed his opinion.

"Lord Su, Lord Bi, brothers, I think what Lord Xiong said makes sense. The next marching route of the rogue bandits is particularly important for the next battle preparation of the Jiangning Camp. I agree with Lord Xiong's prediction that the Jiangning Camp should go to With Yue Yang assembled, even if the rogues don't choose this route, the Jiangning Battalion can make a decision in the middle."

Everyone began to speak one after another, and almost all agreed with this opinion.

Bi Maokang did not speak, he was not very familiar with the tactical situation.

Su Tiancheng still frowned, he always felt that there was something he hadn't thought of.

After everyone finished speaking, Su Tiancheng looked at Liu Jingting beside him, and suddenly spoke.

"Jing Ting, tell me your opinion, don't have any worries, just speak boldly."

Liu Jingting was very surprised, this is the adults of Jiangning Camp discussing important matters, what can they say when they speak for themselves.

"My lord, my subordinates are not familiar with the matter of marching and fighting, so I really didn't think of anything."

"Don't think so much, just talk about your first feeling. Intuition is the most important thing. It is because you are not very familiar with marching and fighting that you are asked to say it. Your thinking cannot be fixed."

Everyone stopped talking. The meaning of Su Tiancheng's words was actually to deny Xiong Zijian's opinion.

Everyone infers the rogue bandit's next course of action according to the conventional form, that is to say, such a choice, echoing the requirements of the military book, if it is a general in the court to command, it is probably such a choice.

But everyone ignored one thing, whether Zhang Xianzhong would play cards according to the routine.

Everyone looked at Liu Jingting.

Liu Jingting's face slowly turned red.

"My lord, this subordinate speaks according to his own ideas. If the subordinate chooses, no matter how many routes there are, whichever route is most beneficial to him and encounters the least resistance, he will choose the route."

Su Tiancheng's body trembled slightly.

Liu Jingting woke him up. For the past two days, he had been thinking about a node, and finally found the crux.

A smile appeared on Su Tiancheng's face, and he spoke slowly.

"Everyone, what Jingting said is very good. The most favorable route is the route that the rogues will choose. In my opinion, Zhang Xianzhong will choose to pass through Pu County and Fenxi, enter Qinzhou, and then enter Liaozhou."

After Su Tiancheng said these words, everyone was greatly surprised. During the previous discussion, this route was considered by everyone to be the most impossible route. long trek.

Su Tiancheng slowly walked to the sand table.

"Everyone, the main purpose of making this sand table is to make everyone familiar with the location and to be able to observe the battlefield situation at a glance, but the sand table is dead, and people are alive. We can't be influenced by the sand table. The consideration of Master Sun and Master Xiong is indeed true. It makes sense, no matter from which point of view, it should be correct, but we have overlooked two things, one is Zhang Xianzhong's character, and the other is the achievements of the bandits and rebels over the years."

"Zhang Xianzhong has a bad temper and is brave in battle. At first glance, he doesn't seem to have much strategy, but the actual situation is not like this. He used to be a frontier soldier, and he has some understanding of the imperial army's combat thinking. He has been confronted with the imperial army for so many years. With a certain amount of ingenuity, it is impossible to develop and grow.”

"In my opinion, Zhang Xianzhong is rebellious and will not play cards according to the routine. He must have predicted that Jiang Ningying will go straight to Yueyang and observe from the center."

"The reason why I chose the Qinzhou route for the remaining two routes is because of the previous record of the rogues."

"Everyone should remember that in December of the fifth year of Chongzhen, Zijinliang and Zhang Xianzhong attacked Qinzhou and Liaozhou, and captured the city of Liaozhou. Li Chengzhang, the Zhizhou, died in battle."

"In the past two days, I have been thinking about which route Zhang Xianzhong will choose. Just after Jing Ting said the most favorable idea, I suddenly realized that Zhang Xianzhong once captured Liaozhou. In his eyes, Liaozhou is the best place for activities. In Liaozhou, Zhang Xianzhong once achieved brilliant results. When he entered Shanxi again, Zhang Xianzhong would follow the route he was most familiar with. I think he must be dreaming, once again conquering Liaozhou state."

"Okay, this is my opinion, but my opinion is only a small part of the opinion. The prediction of Zhang Xianzhong's marching route is very critical. It involves the results of the Jiangning battalion's campaign. If we can accurately predict, we can maximize the Avoiding casualties to the maximum can also achieve the best record."

Bi Maokang, who had been silent all this time, spoke now.

"Lord Su, I'm not very familiar with marching and fighting. I just heard Lord Sun and Lord Xiong predict the situation, and I also feel that it's too regular. This seems to be the way the imperial army fights. This choice, I just heard Master Su said, I feel very reasonable, if I command the battle, I will definitely choose the familiar route, besides, Zhang Xianzhong once captured Liaozhou, and there were 5 rogues. If we leave Liaozhou, we will be able to get the maximum supply and strengthen our own strength, and it will also deal a heavy blow to the imperial court's arrangement to wipe out the bandits."

After half an hour, everyone unified their thinking.

In fact, this is mainly Su Tiancheng's opinion. As the commander of the Jiangning battalion, Su Tiancheng has the final decision-making power and is directly responsible for the Jiangning battalion's record.

"Everyone, the next step of the Jiangning Battalion's marching route will be slightly changed. After passing through Pingyang Fucheng, we will go straight from Huozhou to Wuxiang in Qinzhou. We will fight in Wuxiang for this battle."

"Don't think that the rogues don't know anything. They will observe and see what is going on in the Jiangning Camp. So, from now on, the marching route of the Jiangning Camp must be kept secret, and no one else can know all the arrangements of the Jiangning Camp. , including the local government, there must be enough food and grass, and you can’t bother the local government. If there is a shortage, go to Pingyang Fucheng to buy.”

"After arriving in Pingyang Fucheng, I will contact the government and ask them to make publicity. The Jiangning Camp will be stationed in Yueyang to observe and dispatch the news, so that the news can spread to the ranks of rogues."

"Jiangning camp's choice this time is a bit like putting it to death and reviving. If we predict wrongly, the bandits will plunder the city of Pingyang, and the Jiangning camp will be tired and busy."

"From today onwards, the front army, the middle army and the rear army of the Jiangning battalion will move forward together."

"We don't have much time. After arriving in Hongdong, the army changed to marching at night, trying to conceal their whereabouts. Within ten days, we must rush to Wuxiang County, Qinzhou, so we can't delay."

After the arrangement was completed, Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Xiong Zijian and others stayed.

"I'm back in Pingyang Mansion. I still want to go home and have a look. Today I set off with a hundred soldiers and rushed to Pingyang Mansion City. Xiong Zijian followed me to Pingyang Mansion City for military operations. Lord Sun is in charge. It is very important, when Xiong Zijian arrives in Pingyang Fucheng, if he lacks anything to buy, I will contact the government in advance and ask them to make publicity, after leaving Pingyang Fucheng, we will not contact the local government anymore.” To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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