Ming politicians

Chapter 414 Injury

() Zhang Xianzhong suddenly left Shaanxi and entered Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi. Such news cannot be concealed, and officials at all levels in Shanxi became nervous. :Reading novels

In fact, Shanxi has always been a hard-hit area, and it is often harassed by rogues. Since the third year of Chongzhen, there has been basically no safety. If you say that since the rebellion of rogues, Shanxi may have suffered the most.

The leaders of the bandits are all from Shaanxi. When they rebelled on the ground, although they attacked cities and looted everywhere, they still knew that they should not go too far in their hometown. Rabbits do not eat grass by the side of their nests. It was beaten to pieces, and there was really no luster on his face.

But when the rogues entered Shanxi, they didn't care so much. They tried their best to destroy them. All the captured gentry and wealthy households and the captured cities were looted like locusts without exception. Not a single blade of grass grows, and officials who can be caught will be beheaded for public display. This also makes the gentry, wealthy households and bureaucrats in Shanxi hate the bandits extremely.

Pingyang Mansion is the first to bear the brunt. It is close to Yan'an Mansion and Xi'an Mansion in Shaanxi Province, and it is the best choice for rogues.

Concentrating in Pingyang Fucheng is one way, and building a good city is another way. In the past few years, in order to resist the rogues, Fuzhou County has increased the construction of local militias on the one hand, and built a solid city on the other. The prefectures and counties in Pingyang Prefecture, The city walls are generally taller, which is also a last resort.

Because of the harassment of the rogues, the burden on the common people is also very heavy. There are generally more levies and miscellaneous taxes. The government must strengthen the prevention of the rogues, build local militia groups, and raise the city walls. All these need money, and the burden is naturally borne by the common people.

Increase taxes and guard against bandits.It has become a grandiose reason for Pingyang government officials to increase the burden on the people.

Over the years, the people of Pingyang Mansion have become poorer and poorer day by day, and their wealth has been exploited by officials at all levels.The reason is so sufficient that if people dare to talk nonsense, even if you keep your own place, you may be framed as a bandit, not to mention venting your dissatisfaction, killing good people and pretending to be meritorious.It can be found everywhere, and it is always the common people who suffer.

Su Tianran feels very depressed these days.

As a pawn in the military house of Yingtian Mansion, his most important duty is to assist the imperial army to wipe out the rogues, and at the same time follow the inspection department to eliminate sporadic rogues.

Zhang Xianzhong's army entered Pingyang Mansion, which was something that officials at all levels were afraid of.There are tens of thousands of troops. If the local militia meet, how can they resist? Anyway, it is important to save your own life.

Su Tianran was already familiar with such a set of procedures. When the army of rogues really came, the officials would stick to the city.I will never go out to look for things. Once the rogues leave, the officials can go out, go to the villages or towns, or near the city, and check carefully to see if there are any rogues left behind. , and even attack farmers.Kill some people, plunder some wealth, and then play a memorial, saying that after a arduous struggle, how many people were killed by the rogues.Oneself a casualty and so on.

But this time things were a little different.

The person in charge of exterminating the bandits in the imperial court was Sun Chengzong. The order to the prefectures and counties was different. The local militias were not required to assist in the extermination of the bandits, but to provide information on which route the bandits passed and where they went.

This is hard work, if you lie about the military situation, it is the crime of beheading.

Just imagine, the imperial court's tens of thousands or even 10,000+ troops, because of intelligence errors, were unable to encircle and suppress the rogues, or even encountered an ambush by the rogues, causing losses. Who can bear such responsibility.

After receiving the order from Mr. Sun Chengzong, the government office did not dare to be negligent. The magistrate personally summoned many officials to discuss in the morning hall. No one spoke.

The task fell to the military room, and finally fell directly on Su Tianran's head.

Su Tiancheng didn't want to accept such a task, but he couldn't refuse. Over the years, he had been promoted too fast and had been criticized by everyone, and the so-called achievements he had obtained were already a heavy burden. Everyone knows that although they don't point it out, when dangerous missions come, they are all given the reputation of being brave and good at fighting, and they can't complain freely.

After returning home, Su Hua and Wang Shi were very surprised when they learned that Su Tianran was going out of the city to investigate the movements of the bandits. Yes, she urged Su Hua to go to the government office and directly talk to the magistrate.

Su Hua was in a dilemma. Although Su Tiancheng served as the magistrate in the neighboring Henan Prefecture, Su Tiancheng had a bad relationship with the Wang family. Many people in the government office are clear that they are all natives, and they cannot hide it from everyone.Now, Su Tianran has taken on a dangerous task, and he has to go to the government office to find the magistrate, what will he think.

Su Hua bit the bullet and went to the magistrate, and he was warmly received, but when it came to Su Tianran's work, there was no way out. Those who can be promoted to the military secretary.

When he left the government office, Su Hua's head was sweating, and he had a faint feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what the problem was for a while. At this moment, he remembered what Su Tianhao had said.

Over the years, Su Tianhao has also had some opinions on some of his mother Wang's actions. The main reason is that Wang's doting and partiality to Su Tianran. As the eldest brother, he had reprimanded Su Tianran, but who knew that Su Tianran didn't care at all, and the Wang family also supported Su Tianran, thinking that there was nothing wrong with Su Tianran's actions, everyone did the same.

Because of Su Tianran's matter, Su Tianhao had a dispute with the Wang family for the first time, thinking that if Su Tianran continued like this, he might encounter a catastrophe and his family might be implicated.

Wang Shigen didn't believe it. Although Su Tiancheng didn't take care of family affairs, he was an official appointed by the court after all. He became the magistrate of Henan Prefecture at a young age. Besides, Su Tiancheng's original wife was the younger sister of Jin Wang Zhu Shenxuan Well, something really happened at home, Su Tiancheng had to come forward to solve it.

Su Tianhao worked in the Shi Si, the Chief of the Palace, after all, he had a wider knowledge, and the people he came into contact with were different.

Seeing his mother Wang's attitude, Su Tianhao went to find his father Su Hua specifically, and said that Su Tianran must be strictly disciplined, otherwise it would be too late for something big to happen.

Su Tianran accepted the task, and it was necessary to do it, even if it was just for show.

The inspection department dispatched [-] sergeants to follow Su Tianran out of the city. These sergeants were also unwilling. Who would want to do such a dangerous task.

Where did Zhang Xianzhong go, what is the current situation, Su Tianran is not very clear, the information obtained by the government office is ambiguous, and the situation reported by the states and counties is not sure at all, it is understandable, who is willing to risk his life to investigate, Besides, after Zhang Xianzhong entered Pingyang Mansion, he did not directly attack the city, and officials at all levels felt lucky.

As a last resort, Su Tianran took out some silver and distributed it to twenty sergeants. Anyway, his own safety still needed the protection of these people.The few servants who followed certainly did not kill the enemy.

How to investigate the enemy's situation and how to obtain information, Su Tianran was at a loss.

When he entered the government office, he came here just to mess around, and he didn't really learn anything. The ability to kill the enemy on the battlefield simply doesn't exist, and it's impossible to possess it. The Wang family will not allow him to take risks, and neither will the wives and concubines at home. Agree, the so-called military exploits made in the past were all when the imperial army arrived in Pingyang Mansion, and the rogues would never attack the city, they went out to investigate together with the others, beheaded and killed some refugees, and gained military exploits.

This time, twenty sergeants followed him, and he was needed to issue orders and assign tasks.

When he left Fucheng, Su Tianran's mind was blank. He had no idea what he was going to do this time, what he needed to do, and how he needed to arrange it.

On the official road, there were a lot of people coming and going, most of them entered Pingyang Fucheng. The news of the rogues coming to Pingyang Fucheng had already been spread, and the households with slightly better conditions all tried their best to enter the Fucheng.

Looking at these carriages and the large and small packages carried by the passers-by, Su Tianran's eyes revealed a greedy expression. If he could kill these people and call them rogues, the property would be his own.

However, it was too close to Fucheng, and there were many people on the official road, so Su Hua didn't dare to make a move.

Greedy thoughts are born, and it is difficult to control.

The [-] soldiers who followed Su Tianran also discovered "business opportunities".

Someone suggested to Su Tianran that a checkpoint should be set up at a place a little further away from the Fucheng, asking the passers-by who came to the Fucheng what their identity is and what they are going to do in the Fucheng. Take it seriously, these people are likely to be the informants of the rogues, who went to Fucheng to collect information.

Besides, if you can get information from these people and report it to the magistrate, the task of investigation is also completed, and the counties below are also responsible for collecting information. The information that Su Tianran is responsible for collecting may not be decisive. .

Su Tianran's eyes lit up when he heard it.

This is indeed a good idea. It can search for money and complete tasks, killing two birds with one stone.

It's a pity that Su Tianran forgot one thing. This time he went out to investigate the enemy's situation, he was the person in charge directly, and all the responsibilities were borne by him. This is different from before. In the past, he just followed others. to take some responsibility.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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