Ming politicians

Chapter 415 At a loss

() On horseback, Su Tiancheng rushed to Pingyang Fucheng with a hundred soldiers. No matter what, he wanted to go back home to have a look. In this era, filial piety is greater than the sky. Don't think about raising your head in your life, no matter how many reasons you have.most

Those who followed him, apart from Xiong Zijian, Wang Dazhi, Liu Jingting and others.

Because of his flexibility, Yue Gaofeng also joined the pro-military camp. This is a rare situation. Of course, it was what Su Tiancheng said. Yue Gaofeng is indeed very wise. When he was in Nanjing, he was just a member of the Jiaofang Division As a temporary worker, he was appreciated by Su Tiancheng and joined the Jiangning camp, and even entered the most prominent pro-military camp. Yue Gaofeng seemed to be very self-controlled, and kept a low profile all the time, keeping himself very low.

Witnessing the military regulations of the Jiangning Camp, experiencing the cruel training of the Jiangning Camp, and seeing the generous military pay of the Jiangning Camp, Yue Gaofeng experienced a huge change in his heart. He believed that Su Tiancheng was a great hero. Not only the future is bright, but more importantly, the mood is happy.

Along the way, everyone seldom spoke, but kept their heads buried in their journeys.

On the seventh day of February, everyone finally entered the territory under the jurisdiction of Linfen, where the Yamen of Pingyang Prefecture was located.

With the task of exterminating the bandits, Su Tiancheng had a lot of emotions. He remembered that when he just crossed, he was near Xiangling, and saw with his own eyes the incident of killing good men and taking meritorious deeds. That time, he beheaded the man who wanted to kill himself Sergeant, five years have passed, but I will never forget that scene at that time.

The disaster of the rogues, in the final analysis, is still a peasant who has a lot to do with the imperial court and cannot survive.You can only choose to rebel, and you will die anyway, and maybe you can get many benefits from rebellion.

If Su Tiancheng hadn't crossed over, the Ming Dynasty would have been directly overthrown by the rogues, but all the results of the battle would have been obtained by Houjin.Because of their own limitations, it is difficult for the rogues to rule the world in the end.

Throughout the 5000-year history, the peasant uprising failed to succeed.

Su Tiancheng was surrounded by the most elite soldiers, it is not an exaggeration to say that there were a hundred soldiers.Even if you meet thousands of troops, you can still protect Su Tiancheng's safety with all your might.

Walking along the official road, I saw many pedestrians along the way. When these people looked at Su Tiancheng and the others, their eyes were dark.What was revealed was envious eyes. People in Pingyang Mansion have long been used to such a team. The imperial army has been stationed in Pingyang Mansion City several times. Sometimes, the marching team is much bigger than this.

Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to Pingyang Fucheng.Su Tiancheng's inner thoughts also increased. After returning home, the atmosphere will definitely not be very good. Wang's thoughts have not changed in the slightest. His father has been suppressed by Wang for many years. It is almost impossible to get ahead, let alone.Su Tianhao is an official in the Shi Si of the Wangfu, and Su Tianran is a pawn in the Yamen of Pingyang Mansion. Wang must think that her two sons are also very promising.I won't be very cold on myself.

"My lord, there is a checkpoint ahead."

When Liu Tiehan came to report, Su Tiancheng nodded slightly. There was nothing strange about it. The rogues entered Pingyang Mansion, prefectures and counties were all nervous, and it was normal to set up checkpoints in various places.

"Understood, don't reveal your identity."

Soon, Yue Gaofeng came out, ready to go to the front to negotiate.

Su Tiancheng had a good impression of Yue Gaofeng, he was flexible and flexible.

The brigade stopped temporarily, waiting for Yue Gaofeng and others to coordinate.

A few minutes later, Yue Gaofeng came back, with a strange expression on his face, as if he stopped talking.

Yue Gaofeng walked up to Su Tiancheng's side, whispering something, and soon, Su Tiancheng's expression changed.

Soon, Su Tiancheng was about to go to the front to have a look in person. Of course Liu Tiehan and Wang Dazhi followed, and when the rest of the soldiers were about to follow, Su Tiancheng spoke.

"We're all waiting here, I'll go and have a look."

The reason why Su Tiancheng was going to take a look must be for a reason. Yue Gaofeng was responsible for contacting and coordinating along the way. If he hadn't encountered something out of the ordinary, Yue Gaofeng would definitely be able to handle it. But as Yue Gaofeng said just now, the previous checkpoint Some are abnormal, too many people are blocked, and the inspection requirements are a bit excessive.

Because there were so many people, it was difficult for Yue Gaofeng to explain in detail, but Su Tiancheng already felt that the problem must be somewhat serious.

Yue Gaofeng has seen the world, and knows a little about the actions of the local governments. When the rogues entered the Pingyang Mansion, the government set up checkpoints to take advantage of the opportunity. This is not a rare thing. If you think that everyone is It is impossible for those who are clean and honest to be managed like the Henan government. After all, the salaries of officials in various places are only so much. Interfering.

When he walked slowly to the front, Su Tiancheng asked.

"Yue Gaofeng, what did you see?"

"My lord, my subordinates are a little strange. This checkpoint is set up a little strangely. There are not many people inspecting it. The subordinates took a look at it carefully. The people in the government didn't pay attention to their personal seals. The attention is personal property."

"Oh, why do you think so?"

"The subordinates are also making judgments, and some are not sure, so they reported it to the adults."

Su Tiancheng nodded. Yue Gaofeng was very polite when he said that. The situation on the scene must have been worse. Needless to say, the checkpoint ahead was set up by Pingyang Prefecture, and it is already under the jurisdiction of Linfen.

In front of the checkpoint, there are many people standing.

Liu Tiehan and Wang Dazhi pushed through the crowd, and Su Tiancheng was able to enter the crowd to see the situation ahead.

"Damn it, people from the government dare to do this in public. If I go to Fucheng, I must sue."

"Shh, keep your voice down, I'm worried that people will hear you. If the government says you're a rogue, you'll be in trouble."

"Why, I am a scholar, and the road guide issued by the county government is clearly written on it."

"You are really pedantic in reading and reading. I said a long time ago that you should not go to Fucheng. How great do you think you are? After being inspected by the government, people said that your guides are forged. Who do you find to tell?" Ah, if you don’t do it well, cut off your head, and you will go underground to find the King of Hades to appeal for grievances.”

There were a lot of discussions around, but they all kept their voices down.

Su Tiancheng frowned. It seems that the inspection in Pingyang Mansion might be a little too much. However, it is understandable that the rogues entered Pingyang Mansion and the inspection should be stricter.

Su Tiancheng didn't care about the whispered discussions of the crowd, and looked forward.

On the official road, there are two wooden piers, and a piece of wood is erected to block two-thirds of the road. Several sergeants with steel knives slanted across the road stared ferociously at the people who were about to pass by.

An old man was being checked. Behind the old man, there were two carriages. Inside the carriage, they were probably family members.

The old man lowered his head, as if he was nodding repeatedly. The sergeant in charge of the inspection, with his head held high, didn't seem to care much about the old man's explanation, and he didn't have much interest in the guide the old man handed over.

Beside the official road, there are already many people kneeling, and blood can be seen on the ground, probably someone was injured.

Among the kneeling people, many had bloodstains at the corners of their mouths, their faces were expressionless and silent, and some had expressions of grief and indignation.

There were a lot of people blocked behind, and some people couldn't help talking, saying that they wanted to rush to Fucheng.

A sergeant stared, looked at the crowd viciously, and spoke loudly.

"You all be honest and wait patiently. The government is here to check to prevent rogues from entering the city. If you make any noise, the government will treat them as rogues and kill them."

At this time, the old man was still kneeling in front of the sergeant, seeming to be crying.

The distance was a bit far, Su Tiancheng couldn't hear what the old man said.

But in his heart, he already had a very bad feeling.

The scene of crossing flooded into his mind, and the word "killing the good and taking meritorious service" flooded into his mind. The scene in front of him is so similar. If you say that the people kneeling beside the official road are all rogues That's a big joke. The rogues are still in the Jizhou area, so it is impossible to have such a speed. Besides, the rogues will definitely not attack the city of Pingyang Prefecture. At most, they will send sergeants to investigate the surrounding situation. ulterior purpose.

Su Tiancheng was still in deep thought when a scene that horrified him appeared.

The two sergeants walked to the side of the carriage and lifted the cloth curtain of the carriage. Inside the carriage were several women.

All the girls are good looking.

The sergeant's eyes lit up after seeing the women, and they asked the women to come down, saying they wanted to check the carriage.

Seeing this scene, the old man hurried over, regardless of the sergeant in front of him, and spoke loudly.

"Master Jun, they are all young ladies from my family, Lu Yin knows it very well."

A sergeant followed up and kicked the old man in the waist.

The old man fell to the ground in pain.

Soon, the old man stood up reluctantly, and kept bowing to several sergeants, muttering something in his mouth, his voice became quieter.Most of the people watching around fell silent. At this time, no one spoke.

The more this is the case, the less people will speak. If you don't pay attention, the sergeant may think that they are spies of rogues. If such a situation really occurs, who can be found to reason.

There were four girls in the two carriages.Two girls per carriage.

A girl in the lead, probably a young lady, was obviously a little uncomfortable facing so many people suddenly, her face was red, she lowered her head and did not speak, and the person who followed her was probably a maid, her eyes were staring at everyone, it was very uncomfortable. It's vigilance.

The situation of the two girls who came out of the other carriage should be similar.

Two sergeants began to check the carriage, and one sergeant walked up to the four girls with an inexplicable smile on his face. Seeing this scene, Su Tiancheng's heart sank.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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