Ming politicians

Chapter 416 At a loss

()Wang Dazhi's eyes could not wait to spew fire, Liu Tiehan couldn't help it anymore, Yue Gaofeng's expression was better, and he seemed to be a little accustomed to all this.

This is a good opportunity to observe his subordinates. The things in front of him will definitely arouse people's anger.

Xiong Zijian, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke in a low voice.

"It's outrageous, how can you do this."

Xiong Zijian's voice was a little low, and the people around didn't notice it.

There was no expression on Su Tiancheng's face. His patience was at its limit. The officials of Pingyang Mansion, whose salaries are not high, took advantage of this opportunity to blackmail and get some money. This is understandable, but the public Under the circumstances, thinking of molesting a girl is no small matter.

Another question came to mind, the identities of these people were questionable, no sergeant had such courage, with so many people around watching, he dared to molested the girl, and even did something to the old man.

The development of the situation seemed to be getting out of control.

The old man was beaten to the ground again, and this time he could no longer stand up. Blood froth appeared on the corner of the old man's mouth. He was obviously injured, and the injury was serious, so he couldn't get up. The old man's identity was probably a housekeeper of.

The sergeant's hand had already reached out to the girl's face.

The death-like silence all around made the sergeant a little alert. He turned his head and spoke.

"These people must be the eyeliner of rogues. Hmph, I am so easy to deceive by using old people and women to fool me. Detain them all. I will interrogate them properly."

Several sergeants around had joking smiles on their faces, and someone tied up the old man lying on the ground.As for the girls, they were gathered in a carriage, and there were two sergeants, holding large and small packages with smiles on their faces.

Su Tiancheng was a little shocked, he didn't expect it.This scene will appear in front of my eyes, what kind of behavior is this, needless to say, the ending of several girls is tragic, in this era, women's chastity is greater than the sky.If it fell into the hands of these sergeants and was ravaged, I am afraid they would not be able to survive.

"Jing Ting, go talk to the sergeant, ask them why they did this, and pay attention to their tone."

Liu Jingting was holding his breath.Hearing what Su Tiancheng said, he nodded and squeezed out of the crowd.

Someone stood up, and the sergeant felt a little strange.

In fact, the sergeant was a little guilty. After all, there were so many people, and they did this blatantly. If everyone couldn't control their emotions.The sergeant couldn't handle it.

After Liu Jingting stood up, several sergeants froze for a moment.

Liu Jingting's attire was too ordinary, and his face was still pockmarked. A few sergeants looked at Liu Jingting carefully, and believed that Liu Jingting was just an ordinary citizen, maybe he was a stunned young man from somewhere.

"How can you do this? Bandits invade Pingyang Mansion. Your duty is to protect the people. How can you doubt everyone."

After Liu Jingting opened his mouth, Su Tiancheng shook his head secretly. After all, it was a storyteller, his thinking was too naive, so what effect would it have.If the magistrate can be moved out, it may be more effective.

Su Tiancheng's prediction was correct, several sergeants looked at Liu Jingting and laughed out loud.

A sergeant walked up to Liu Jingting.

"I'm checking here. I've been looking for rogues all this time. Someone finally admitted that he is a rogue. You are so courageous. Kneel down to me immediately, or I will kill you with one knife."

Liu Jingting was caught off guard, looking at the vicious sergeant, he didn't know what to say.

Another sergeant stepped forward, without saying anything, and lifted Liu Jingting's waist.

The severe pain caused Liu Jingting's expression to change, and he bent down.

Several other sergeants also stepped forward, and it seemed that they were ready to attack Liu Jingting.

At this time, Su Tiancheng will not hesitate anymore.

"Liu Tiehan, Wang Dazhi, go protect Liu Jingting."

Liu Tiehan and Wang Dazhi squeezed out of the crowd, of course they would not show mercy, they would do it right away.

How could the sergeant be the opponent of the two, soon, there was a miserable howl, several sergeants fell to the ground, the steel knife in their hand was also taken away, and it was still on the ground, Wang Dazhi helped Liu Jingting up.

Yue Gaofeng also squeezed out of the crowd to take care of Liu Jingting.

The relationship between him and Liu Jingting is not ordinary.

The scene was a bit chaotic. No one expected that someone would dare to do something, and it was against the sergeant.

Seeing that the situation was not good, two sergeants hurried to the back.

Liu Tiehan walked over and helped the old man up.

After a short period of rioting around, calmness was restored. Everyone knows the consequences of doing so. I don't know the identities of these people. They dare to do such a thing. Could it be that the imperial court sent someone here.

It's a pity that such a chance will only appear in the process of storytelling.

There was no expression on Su Tiancheng's face. He was waiting. These sergeants must have leaders. When the boss comes out, he will also come forward. Ask what is going on here. This is the official way, isn't it? In the remote countryside, everyone knows what the consequences of doing this will be. If you do too much, the common people may rebel before the bandits come.

In a few minutes, more than a dozen sergeants, surrounded by one person, came over.

Seeing this crowd of people, Su Tiancheng was at a loss as if he was electrocuted.

The person being surrounded turned out to be Su Tianran.

Su Tiancheng never expected that the one who did such a bold thing was actually his second brother Su Tianran.

Su Tianran had a look of resentment on his face.

Wang Dazhi knew Su Tianran, and when he saw Su Tianran coming, Wang Dazhi was very clever, and hurried to the crowd, probably Wang Dazhi already understood everything.

People around still didn't speak. Wang Dazhi flashed into the crowd. From the eyes of everyone, it was very normal, and no one spoke. The strange thing was that Liu Tiehan, Liu Jingting, Yue Gaofeng and others didn't know Su Tianran.

After Su Tianran saw Liu Tiehan and the others, he didn't ask any questions and started talking.

"Bold, you dare to rebel. Beating the sergeant, I am impatient to live, the official represents the government, here to check, you rogues. Great rebellion, take them down, kill them and pardon them."

After Su Tianran finished speaking, a dozen or so soldiers around him immediately drew out their steel knives and prepared to attack.

crowd around.Back off quickly, everyone is afraid of being implicated.

When the crowd retreated, Su Tiancheng did not retreat.

His complexion has become very angry, he never expected to come back to Pingyang Mansion and encounter such a thing.My second brother did such a thing.

When Liu Tiehan was about to make a move, he saw Su Tiancheng's face and hesitated for a moment.

Dozens of soldiers around Su Tiancheng had already stepped forward, surrounding Su Tianran and the others.

Of course, Su Tianran had never seen such a scene.When he suddenly saw so many people surrounding him, his face turned pale and his body was trembling.

Soon, Su Tiancheng saw Su Tiancheng, he really wanted to talk to Su Tiancheng, but Su Tiancheng's cold expression made him stand where he was. .

The appearance of Su Tiancheng here proves that the Jiangning camp has arrived, and Su Tianran certainly knows the reputation of the Jiangning camp.The Jiangning Camp is responsible for exterminating the rogues in Shanxi.

After not seeing Su Tiancheng for such a long time, Su Tiancheng suddenly appeared in front of him. The identities of these people in front of him were also very clear, so he thought about it for a while.A smile appeared on Su Tianran's face, and he was still ready to step forward.

At this time, Su Tiancheng spoke.

"Brothers, take everyone down, don't hurt their lives."

The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion had extraordinary skills. Now that they had made a move, the sergeants of the Inspection Department of Pingyang Mansion must have been unable to resist. In just over a minute, more than a dozen sergeants were all overturned to the ground.

Su Tianran's treatment is better.

Wang Dazhi was very clever, he didn't wait for everyone to make a move, he directly stood beside Su Tianran, but he didn't make a move.

The soldiers of the Jiangning battalion are not idiots, they understand very well that there is something strange about it.

After controlling everyone, Su Tiancheng turned around and spoke to everyone.

"Everyone, I am Su Tiancheng, the commander of the Jiangning Battalion. I am ordered by the imperial court to go to Shanxi to eliminate the bandits. The government set up checkpoints to prevent the bandits from invading the city. However, what I have done at this checkpoint is not convincing. Here, I would like to apologize to all my fathers and folks, since the Jiangning camp has arrived in Pingyang Fucheng, even if the rogues send spies, there is nothing to be afraid of, this checkpoint will not be set up, and it will delay your time, I will make up for it here."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, the checkpoint was quickly removed, and everyone left in a rush.

The old man and some girls are still waiting.

The old man walked up to Su Tiancheng, about to kneel down, Su Tiancheng helped the old man up.

"Old man, hurry to Fucheng. I saw what happened today. I will go to Fucheng soon. If there is a chance to meet, I will apologize in person."

"My lord, please don't say that, it's all the fault of the grassroots."

Su Tiancheng shook his head lightly.

"Old man, let's go, don't waste time."

The people kneeling beside the official road stood up.Their chatter and chatter gradually aroused Su Tiancheng's anger. Unexpectedly, Su Tiancheng acted so boldly and set up a card here, obviously to extort money.The parcels that were seized by everyone were found out, and after being distributed to everyone, some people slowly left.

It took only half an hour to finish all this.

The sergeants in Pingyang Fucheng had already been tied up, and everything was clear. Facing the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion, the sergeants of the inspection department did not dare to hide the slightest thing and said everything.

Su Tiancheng didn't want to see Su Tianran at all, he didn't expect Su Tianran to become like this, openly looting money, not to mention selfish public benefit, this has already forced the common people to rebel.Su Tiancheng was in a bit of pain. For such a thing, other people did it. He could cut off the other person's head, but facing Su Tianran, he was a little at a loss. He didn't know what to do. Beheading is impossible, regardless of Su Tiancheng. Naturally, no matter what he did, it was impossible for him to kill his brother.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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