() Wang Dazhi has always stood by Su Tianran's side. When Liu Tiehan and others attacked, they had already expected that Su Tianran's status was special, so they just tied up the sergeant.

Seeing that the people had dispersed, Wang Dazhi walked to Su Tiancheng's side.

"My lord, the second young master wants to see you."

"Understood, I don't want to see him now, you tell him directly, and ask him to honestly reflect on what he has done."

Su Tianran's expression was very relaxed. Although he said that the twenty soldiers he brought were tied up, the servants of the Su Mansion and himself were all safe and sound. The servants knew Su Tiancheng. At this time, They also gathered together and whispered.

After Wang Dazhi walked over, Su Tianran spoke with an impatient expression on his face.

"Dazhi, why didn't the third brother see me? It's been so long."

"My lord said, please think about what you did just now, my lord will ask about it later."

"Hmph, what are you doing? Check here to prevent rogues from sneaking into Pingyang City."

"Is it really?"

When the cold voice came, Su Tianran shivered.

This is Su Tiancheng's voice.

The relationship between Su Tianran and Su Tiancheng has never been very good. Although they are brothers, they rarely have contact with each other. Because of Wang's relationship, Su Tiancheng rarely asks about family affairs.

"Third Brother, I'm really checking here to prevent rogues from sneaking into Pingyang City."

"Oh, bring me the government office's book."

Seeing Su Tiancheng's cold expression, Su Tiancheng was a little angry, but asked him to take out the book, but there really wasn't one, the book on his body.It was requested to come out to investigate the intelligence, set up checkpoints, which can also be said to be part of the investigation, but in front of Su Tiancheng, he wanted to fool it.It may not be that simple.

Su Tianran took out the government office's book.

Su Tiancheng read the government office's book very much, and a dark cloud appeared on his face.

"Su Tianran, as a pawn in the Pingyang Mansion, you have a heavy responsibility. You should do your job well and detect the movements of the rogues. But here you set up a trap to exploit the people. If the prefect finds out about such behavior, what will be the consequences? Have you considered it?"

"What's the point? Set up a card here. It's also to know the information about the rogues."

Su Tiancheng shook his head slightly.

"Su Tianran, do you think that what you have done is flawless? The soldiers you brought with you have already spoken up, and those people who are exploited by you have a guide from the government. Slandering the people is a bandit, what is your real purpose, others have made it very clear, do you think you can hide it?"

"This, this is all the sergeants below, acting recklessly."

Su Tiancheng clenched his fists angrily.

"Bastard, how did you become such a virtuous person? These sergeants came out with you to investigate the movements of the rogues. When something happened, you blindly shirked responsibility, thinking that everyone was a fool. With your behavior, you actually did it." The pawn in the military room. I don’t have the slightest concern. If something serious happens, I’m afraid I don’t even know how you died.”

"Third, third brother, you won't kill me..."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, but you, a pawn in the military room, don't do it, lest there will be a catastrophe for the Su family in the future, and it will be too late to regret."

Liu Tiehan and the others already knew Su Tianran's identity. They seemed a little embarrassed. They were still full of anger before, but now they don't know where to vent their anger. According to the rules of the Jiangning camp, it is not too much to kill these people directly, but It must be impossible now, no matter what Su Tianran did, it would be impossible to kill him.

"Master Xiong, take these sergeants from the inspection department and go directly to the inspection department of Pingyang Mansion, hand them over to the inspector, and let them handle this matter by themselves."

Going home this time, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

When Su Tiancheng entered the room, both Su Hua and Wang Shi came to the wing.

Seeing Su Tianran following behind dejectedly, Wang felt a little strange.

"Kun Yuan, you are back, what's the matter, you brothers meet, why is it like this?"

After saying these words, Mrs. Wang walked to Su Tianran's side, patted the dust on Su Tianran's shoulder, and spoke again.

"Kun Yuan, although you are the magistrate of Henan Province, you are naturally your second elder brother after all. His affairs are not as good as yours, so you shouldn't have such an attitude..."

Wang's words aroused Su Tiancheng's anger again, and also made Su Tiancheng feel more desolate in his heart.

"Auntie, there are some things. You can ask the second brother yourself to see what he has become. If he hadn't met me today, other soldiers in the Jiangning camp would have chopped off his head."

Wang's face turned pale. His son must be clear to him. Su Tianran took the soldiers out of the city. Wang has always been very worried about investigating the movements of the bandits. Such a thing, Su Tianran must be Can't do well.

Su Hua, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

"Kun Yuan, you haven't been home for a long time, take a good rest, and talk about the rest later."

"Father, when I come back this time, the time is very tight. I can only look at it at home. I will go to the government office soon. I will take this opportunity to talk about the second brother. I will go to the government office later and I will directly report to the magistrate. My lord, tell me, Second Brother should stop working in the government office, stay at home, and if you don’t have the ability, don’t go to eat at the public house.”

Both Su Hua's and Wang's expressions changed.

Everyone hopes that the family can honor their ancestors and be an official. Why did Su Tiancheng say such a thing.

Seeing that Su Hua's and Wang's expressions had changed, Su Tiancheng spoke again.

"Second brother, what happened today, I said it or you said it."

Su Tianran was very flexible at this time, and quickly opened his mouth, avoiding the seriousness and explaining what happened just now.

Just as Su Tianran finished speaking, Wang Shi spoke up.

"What kind of big deal is this? Naturally, I did nothing wrong, Kun Yuan, you're making too much of a fuss."

Su Hua was better, after all he had seen the world, he was clear about Su Tiancheng's disposition, Su Tianran must be lying, besides, he was also clear about how Su Tiancheng served as military officer.

"Kun Yuan, naturally he did something wrong, we can educate him, but this is not going to be done in the yamen, isn't it a bit too heavy?"

Su Tiancheng smiled coldly.

"I did this to protect the family, lest the second brother cause a catastrophe. The family catastrophe is imminent, and we don't know yet."

"Father, aunt, and second brother's character, I think you are clear about it. Not to mention how he behaves on weekdays, judging from what happened today, he has three fatal flaws."

"First, lack of ability, don't know how to do things, accept the task of investigating the movements of bandits, dare to set up checks on the official road, the bull's head is wrong, and take advantage of this opportunity to exploit the people's property and slander others , if I haven't seen it, the next step is to kill the slandered people at will."

"Secondly, I don't have the ability to take responsibility. As a barracks official, I lead [-] sergeants from the inspection department. After something happens, I push all the responsibility to their sergeants, thinking that these sergeants are easy to fool. If someone else After being wronged, don’t you know how to retaliate against you, do you think everyone is a fool, don’t people know what happened.”

"Third, talk nonsense, avoid the important and ignore the important. I have investigated everything today. When I got home, my second brother said it himself, and he dared to lie. If this is in the yamen, what will happen? I don't want to say more gone."

"Based on these three points, the second brother still wants to do things in the yamen."

"I know some things about killing good people and pretending to be meritorious. Although such things are somewhat common, if they are exposed, it is a crime of beheading."

"I don't want to talk too much, father, please make a decision now. If you want to let the second brother continue to work in the government office, what happened today means that I didn't see it, and I don't want to be charged with unfilial piety, but I have something to say first." , if the second brother really caused some terrible disaster and faced the situation of being beheaded, I will not speak."

Wang's face turned reddish and she spoke.

"Kun Yuan, how can you say that, naturally it's your second brother..."

Su Hua raised his hand to stop Wang Shi, and spoke slowly.

"Kun Yuan, you have been away from home for these years, and you rarely come back. You don't know many things at home. Naturally, although you did something wrong, it's not a big mistake. We will pay attention to it. If there is anything at home, You can't stand by and watch."

"Father, aunt, the second brother is not young, you always protect your shortcomings like this, have you thought about it in the future, indeed, I rarely go home, but I don't know about the family affairs, how did the second brother serve as the soldier's secretary?" Officials, you know very well that he is so careless and domineering. Could it be that everyone around him is blind? I suggest letting him stay at home is good for him. If you keep protecting him, I will I have done my duty, if something happens in the future, I am afraid I will not be able to protect him."

Su Tiancheng was holding his breath, but this was at home, and he couldn't say some things.

Both Su Hua and Wang were silent, Su Tianran stood aside, lowered his head and did not speak.

Seeing such a situation, Su Tiancheng sighed.

"Father, auntie, I still have something to do, just go home and have a look. I don't care about the second brother's business."

After Su Tiancheng said this, he turned to look at Su Tianran.

"Second brother, take care of yourself."

When Su Tiancheng left, neither Su Hua nor Wang shi said anything to persuade him to stay. They knew that if they wanted to stay, they couldn't. They never thought that Su Tiancheng would come home and encounter such a thing.

Mrs. Wang still complained about Su Hua, saying that Su Tiancheng's wings were stiff now, and his tone of voice was different when he returned home.

Su Hua finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Stop talking about these bastards, don't you understand your natural disposition, you have caused so many things, and you don't know how to repent, and you will really be beheaded in the future. It depends on how you protect yourself." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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