() The news that Jiang Ningying came to Pingyang Mansion spread quickly.

Everyone seemed to have taken a reassurance, and the situation in Pingyang Fucheng quickly stabilized.

Regarding the bravery of the Jiangning camp, even some ordinary people know it. The storytellers in the teahouses and restaurants do not know where they got the jokes. The story of defending Fengyang, the central capital, and exterminating more than [-] bandits, the people who listened were fascinated, wishing to join the Jiangning camp and experience the pain of killing the enemy.The storytellers are naturally exaggerated, and no one will pursue them.

It's just that the storyteller described the rogues as too vulnerable, which somehow made everyone feel unsatisfied.

Su Tiancheng did not stay in the official post.

After discussing with the magistrate of Pingyang Prefecture, he immediately left the city. The vanguard of Jiangning Battalion and the scout battalion had already arrived at the official road outside Pingyang Prefecture. According to Su Tiancheng's arrangement, Jiangning Battalion would not enter the Fucheng, but went directly to Yueyang. After arriving in Yueyang, he traveled day and night and rushed to Wuxiang County in Qinzhou, where he waited for the large army of rogues.

There is one more thing that needs to be done, and that is to create a large-scale momentum.The Jiangning camp wants to give an illusion, that is, the Jiangning camp will be stationed in Yueyang, observe from the center, and monitor every move of the rogues at any time.

Su Tiancheng and the prefect of Pingyang Prefecture had already discussed the matter of building momentum. Of course, the prefect of Pingyang Prefecture and the officials could not know the specific arrangements of the Jiangning Camp, and they thought that the Jiangning Camp would be stationed in Yueyang.

The march route and battle plan of the Jiangning Battalion are absolutely confidential, and it is impossible for outsiders to know.

The momentum of the Jiangning Camp shocked the people of Pingyang Mansion.

Several people flocked outside the city to watch the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion passing by the official road.Bright military flags, neat military appearance, including many firearms, these are scenes that ordinary people seldom see.

Su Hua and the Wang family already knew that this time Su Tiancheng was leading the Jiangning Camp.When they came to Shanxi to suppress the bandits, the magistrate paid a special visit to the mansion. He didn't talk about Su Tianran's affairs. It can be seen that Su Tiancheng kept his word and didn't ask Su Tianran to go home. The two finally felt relieved.

The color of Su Tianran's face.It's very bright, the twenty sergeants of the inspection department who followed him to investigate, after returning to the inspection department, nothing happened, and the magistrate also specifically talked about it when he came to the mansion.From now on, there is no need for the government to send people to investigate the movements of the rogues. When Jiang Ningying came to Pingyang Mansion, the scouts would go to investigate the situation.

Going to work in the government office, the colleagues around looked at Su Tianran with affection, implying that.Lord Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning battalion and returned to Pingyang Mansion to suppress the bandits. The Jiangning battalion is so powerful. The bandits must be finished this time. When the court rewards Mr. Su Tiancheng, the Su family will follow suit.

Fortunately, Su Hua reprimanded Su Tianran severely, telling him to go to the government office, absolutely keep a low profile, and don't talk nonsense, so Su Tianran kept his mouth shut.No outrageous words were spoken.

The marching speed of the Jiangning battalion was a little slower. From Linfen to Yueyang, it was only 150 miles, according to the previous marching speed of the Jiangning battalion.It must be arrived within a day, but the army walked for two full days.

The magistrate of Yueyang County has long been waiting for the soldiers of the Jiangning camp.

The county magistrate brought some food and grass to condolences to the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion, Su Tiancheng did not refuse.

When they arrived in Yueyang County, the Jiangning Battalion set up camp more than ten miles away from the county seat, and asked the sergeants of the Inspection Department of Yueyang County to guard the periphery, and ordinary people were not allowed to approach, otherwise they would be killed.

Although the magistrate felt strange, it is said that the Jiangning camp should be stationed not far from the county seat. Because of the large number of people, it may not be very popular in the county seat, but there is still no problem in the suburbs, but this is a confidential matter of the Jiangning camp. It is possible to ask more questions, not to mention that the Jiangning camp is brave and good at fighting, so their arrangements are naturally reasonable.

At night, the Jiangning Battalion was again divided into three parts: the front army, the middle army and the rear army. The front army and the middle army each had 1 people, and the rear army had 5000 people. Setting off in one day, keeping in touch with each other, the army met at a place called Qiyue Mountain under the jurisdiction of Wuxiang County, which was a must-pass for rogues.

This time, Su Tiancheng set off with the rear army. The front army and the middle army were led by Sun Chuanting and Bi Maokang respectively. Xiong Zijian followed the front army. Most of the food and grass in the Jiangning battalion were carried by the front army.

When Zhang Xianzhong led the rogues to break through the siege of the officers and soldiers and entered Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi, he was complacent for a while.

He is very familiar with many prefectures and counties in Pingyang Prefecture. In the past few years, he often conquered in this generation, and has been to many places. When he entered the area under the jurisdiction of Pingyang Prefecture, Zhang Xianzhong thought of his next move.

Chongzhen's victory at the end of the fifth year, now that I think about it, I am very proud. I captured the city, not only got a lot of supplies, but also gave the court a great shock. This time, I was able to easily break through the official army Why can't we re-demonstrate yesterday's glory.

In fact, Zhang Xianzhong thought of the route of the march when he set off, but he didn't tell anyone.

Zhang Xianzhong was impressed by the bravery of the Jiangning Battalion. When he learned that the Jiangning Battalion had entered Shanxi, Zhang Xianzhong was a little depressed. Relying on the [-] soldiers he led, it was obviously difficult to confront the Jiangning Battalion. However, the tactics were arranged properly. , as long as Jiang Ningying can't hit him, everything is easy to talk about.

Zhang Xianzhong was very cautious and sent many scouts to Pingyang Fucheng to inquire about news.

Everything was about the same as he expected, Jiang Ning camp went directly to Yueyang and stationed in Yueyang.

Zhang Xianzhong's judgment on the Jiangning camp was also like this, he was stationed in Yueyang and waited in the middle.

After figuring out the situation, Zhang Xianzhong didn't delay any longer, and asked the army to speed up, quickly march towards Fenxi, and directly enter Qinzhou. His ultimate goal is to enter Liaozhou and attack the state city of Liaozhou. As long as he can maintain the fastest speed When Jiang Ningying heard the news, it was too late for rescue.

Jiang Ningying's actions with great fanfare were also expected by Zhang Xianzhong.

The imperial army likes to do this. He used to work in the frontier army. When the imperial army moved, the momentum was very loud and earth-shattering. After all, the Jiangning battalion is the army of the imperial court, so it must follow the meaning of the above.

In this regard, Zhang Xianzhong felt that he had a great advantage, and he would not care about his face at all. The purpose of fighting was to win, and the rest were not important.

The strategy adopted by Zhang Xianzhong was also day and night. The army marched all the way towards Fenxi, taking as little official road as possible, not disturbing the people, not attacking the city, and advancing at the fastest speed.

For two consecutive days, nothing happened.

Zhang Xianzhong was very happy, his plan was about to succeed, the news brought back by the scouts that he sent out showed that the Jiangning Battalion had arrived in Yueyang and had settled down.

He carefully studied the next move of the Jiangning Camp. When the Jiangning Camp found his trace and chased him to Qinzhou, he had already left Qinzhou and rushed to Liaozhou. If the Jiangning Camp found out his purpose and arrived in Liaozhou, I have already captured the city of Liaozhou.

For this battle, Zhang Xianzhong also thought of other methods. Storming the city of Liaozhou is one aspect. He can also pretend to be a soldier of the Jiangning battalion and enter the city of Liaozhou at night. Anyway, the Jiangning Battalion entered Shanxi to fight, and officials at all levels knew about it.

Although Zhang Xianzhong predicted the route and trajectory of the Jiangning battalion's actions, Zhang Xianzhong was still very careful. The situation is changing rapidly. Go in the direction of Yicheng, avoid the Jiangning camp, and enter Zezhou directly.

Such news spread through certain channels.

Although Zhang Xianzhong is rebellious, he is still skilled in combat. Over the years, precisely because of his outstanding performance, he has become the leader of the rebel army step by step. If not for the rise of Li Zicheng, he should be the most important leader of the rebel army now One of them, Zijinliang and Lao Huihui were killed in battle, apart from Gao Yingxiang, he should be the oldest.

In the rebel army, if you want to establish prestige, you still rely on your record and strength.

Su Tiancheng received the information.

In the tent of the Chinese Army, he looked at the map alone. Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang and Xiong Zijian had already set off for Wuxiang County. He would lead 5000 troops from the rear army and set off in the evening. Then, for the purpose of the drill, they would go straight to Wuxiang County.

The army's camp is still located in Yueyang County, which is a way to confuse the bandits.

It would be a lie to say that there is no worry, the Jiangning Battalion has all moved to Wuxiang County. If there is a mistake in judgment, Zhang Xianzhong suddenly intersects Yicheng, preparing to enter Zezhou, and he will be passive. A frighteningly prepared annihilation battle will become An out-and-out pursuit battle, not to mention the exhaustion of energy, may not necessarily lead to a major victory.

But now, the information collected from various parties has made him feel relieved. Zhang Xianzhong also underestimated his own wisdom. He thought that the Jiangning Battalion was still an army under the direct command of the imperial court, and did things in a rigid manner. Since Zhang Xianzhong revealed it and entered the wing The news from the city indicated that he was definitely going to attack Liaozhou via Qinzhou.

The human mind is indeed fixed.

Liu Tiehan entered the Chinese military account.

"Liu Tiehan, send scouts to inform the former army and the central army. Don't delay or wait along the way. Go directly to Qiyue Mountain in Wuxiang County and lay an ambush in Qiyue Mountain. I think Zhang Xianzhong has already started to act. The soldiers are precious and fast. He won't It's a waste of time, this time, I will let him go back and forth."

When Liu Tiehan turned to leave, Su Tiancheng waved his hand.

"Tiehan, you will contact the magistrate of Yueyang County in a while, and say that the Jiangning Camp has received information. The rogues are about to enter Zezhou from Yicheng. The layout of the Jiangning Camp may be adjusted. Starting today, the Jiangning Camp soldiers will be divided into batches Going out to meet the enemy for the first time, the officials of the county government must not leak the news." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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